MINUTES - Special Council - 19930331TOWN OF AURORA
NO. 09-93
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Wednesday, March 31, 1993
Mayor West in the Chair; and
Councillors Constable, Griffith,
Healy, Jones, Timpson, Weller,
and Pedersen.
Councillor McKenzie was absent.
Municipal Clerk, Director of
Planning, Senior Planner, Planner,
and Recording Secretary.
Mayor West welcomed those present to the second public meeting regarding the
Wellington Street East Corridor Study. After introducing the citizen appointees to the
Steering Committee, he advised that the purpose< of the meeting was to receive public
input and comments on the evaluation work completed by the consultants and Committee
.which had been made available in the form of the information package. The Mayor
indicated that a recommendation would not form part of this meeting and that neither the
Committee nor the Town has made any recommendation either confirming the need of
or best location for a regional shopping centre. Mayor West advised that the Steering
Committee would also consider all written submissions received up until April 14th.
People wishing additional notification of the matter under consideration were requested
to sign the available forms.
The Municipal Clerk advised that the required Notice ofMeeting,for this study was duly
advertised in the February 26, 1993, issue of the Era/Banner in compliance with the
Planning Act, and, to supplement the advice, a Notice of Public Meeting was served by
First Class Mail on February 26, 1993, to the addresses within one full concession lot
north and south of the corridor study area from the CNR tracks to Highway 404, as
shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora, as well as the Clerk and
Secretary, Planning Committee, of each bordering municipality.
There were no disclosures of interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
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Aurora Public Planning Minutes No. 09-93
Wednesday, March 31, 1993
#187. Moved by Councillor Pedersen
Page 2
Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein, with the
addition of the correspondence received from Mr. David Spencer.
Wellington Street East Corridor Study: D09-09-92
The Director of Planning briefly outlined the background of the study and provided an
overview of the format for the meeting. Mrs. Seibert indicated the focus of the study
was to respond to three proposals involving major commercial shopping centres along the
Wellington Street East corridor between Bayview Avenue and Highway 404. The terms
of reference were structured such that the study would evaluate the impact of these
proposals; help Council decide if a regional shopping centre is still desired; decide upon
the best site; outline and ultimately provide a detailed study of any selected site and
surrounding area. At the Public Meeting held in December 1992, the criteria which
would be used to evaluate the three proposals was discussed. This meeting would discuss
the actual evaluation work completed to date. The Director of Planning advised each
proponent would make a brief presentation, followed by a summary provided by the
Town's consultants of the results of the evaluation process. Following these presentations
the floor would open for questions and comments.
BayView-Wellington Developments Ltd.
Mr. Roger Beaman, solicitor for the proponent, expressed the opinion that, with its 222
acres situated adjacent to the Town Hall, the lands were ideally located, easily accessible,
already serviced, consistent with the consultant's assessment of market share, and would
reinforce Aurora's identity with its mixed uses; thereby positioning this development
clearly as the preferred model. Valley lands would be conveyed thereby providing access
and linkage to open spaces. He also stressed that agricultural issues and concerns do not
affect these lands as they are already within the urban envelope of the municipality. Mr.
Beaman noted that his client has been extremely cooperative with the Town during this
lengthy process. He suggested concerns initially raised regarding south linkages are
currently being addressed through the improvements to be undertaken on Bayview
Avenue in 1994. The market area for the facility would also be supplemented by the
ongoing consideration of an official plan amendment which will incorporate a community
of 20,000 residents at the north end of Richmond Hill. Mr. Peter Walker also spoke
demonstrating graphically the space allocation decisions facing the Committee and
Markborough Properties Ltd.
Mr. Ron Webb, solicitor for the proponent, briefly stated that his client was a well
known and respected developer. He stressed that the Town's consultant initially proposed
a community scale centre. It was his submission the Markborough 41 acre site was
ideally positioned in terms of the analysis undertaken by the Town's consultants and could
easily accommodate a phased development of the nature envisaged. Markborough was
willing and able to produce a centre of this type; with the anchor tenant already
committed, construction could commence as early as 1994.
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Aurora Public Planning Minutes No. 09-93
Wednesday, March 31, 1993
Whitwell Developments Ltd.
Page 3
Mr. Murray Chusid, solicitor for Whitwell Developments Ltd., indicated that his client's
proposal was truly a regional scale facility. Phase I development of 350,000 to 450,000
sq.ft. could proceed in five to seven years. Subsequent phases including additional retail
space, theatres, community facilities, and an additional hotel/convention centre complex
would proceed when the market permits, eventually totalling 970,000 sq.ft. Excerpts
from the Town's market analysis which suggested the 131 acre site would provide the
best location for a future regional scale operation with its highway proximity for the
channelling of traffic throughout the Region were read. Concerns with the target market
and hierarchial designation of the Bayview-Wellington site were expressed, as was the
need to assess the impact of the Sterling Drug Site vis-a-vis the viability of the
Markborough community scale proposal.
The Director of Planning then introduced the Town's consultants from JL T Urban Design
Consultants, Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited and John Winter and Associates, who
highlighted the public information package prepared for consideration.
Mr. Alan Tregebov, ofJLT Urban Design Consultants, provided a pictorial analysis with
respect to the urban design component of the study. Photographs and computerized
renderings addressed the fundamental concerns previously expressed. The impact of each
proposal on the existing Town, with respect to streetscape, location, and other criteria
were visually illustrated.
Mr. John Winter, of John Winter and Associates, reported on marketing strategies. He
indicated that a community scale development relies heavily on the frequent needs oflocal
residents to survive, which he felt could be supported virtually immediately within
Aurora. Regional scale developments accommodate the less frequent fashion needs of
customers and in order to be viable must draw support from a much broader base area.
Concern was expressed that the clientele required to support such an undertaking in
Aurora may not be available because of development proposals under review elsewhere
in the Region. Referencing transportation as a key to a regional scale facility, Mr.
Winter stated a successful site requires a major thoroughfare in order to funnel traffic
from a broader area. He summarized by indicating the ultimately preferred site depended
on the objectives of Council.
Ms. Mary Rose, of Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, provided an overview of the
remaining evaluation criteria applied to each proposal within the study. Areas addressed
included: planning; natural environment, transportation; municipal servicing; economics;
and the potential to accommodate social/cultural activities. She described the evaluation
criteria and findings in broad terms. Ms. Rose advised that the questions raised in
December regarding the impact of development on neighbourhoods and traffic were
included in the evaluation.
Aurora Public Planning Minutes No. 09-93
Wednesday, March 31, 1993
Public's Comments
Page 4
Concern was expressed that development of any of the proposals could apply undue
pressure for continued development. Objection was raised to a decision being made
based on marketing instead of planning strategies. It was suggested that development
south of Wellington Street will impact on the Oak Ridges Moraine; and a decision should
be reserved until such time as the Province has dealt with this issue. It was pointed out
that any economic benefits received from the development would not reduce taxes but at
best maintain them. The impact and feasibility of development occurring simultaneously
at the former Sterling site was raised. It was felt that any development should protect the
integrity of Aurora's character, be sensibly implemented and comply with the existing
Official Plan. Some residents indicated suprise and reluctance with the anticipated
population growth. Resentment with experts was expressed implying more is better. The
alternative of expending funds and effort to reutilize the historic core of the municipality
instead of steering development to the east was suggested. It was felt that efficiency and
good taste should be utilized regardless of the site selected by Council. With the
projected increase in population, it was felt that the varying characteristics of the residents
should be considered. A final decision should be based on the interests of the Town not
the dollar values. A concern continued related to the impact on transportation via
increased traffic volumes and the existing infrastructure's ability to handle the growth.
Concern remained with respect to the economic impact on existing retailers and the
Town's ability to support an influx of speciality merchants. The question was raised as
to whether a large scale mall would be viable or in a long term given changing shopping
habits of people. Local unemployment and bankruptcy comparisons in relation to the
provinical average were questioned. It was suggested that while competition and
capitalism is healthy it can also produce diminished returns. It was also suggested that
an abundance of commercial properties are available for lease. The potentially
detrimental impact that a mall could have on the youth was raised. The necessity that the
Town endeavour to provide a broader range of uses within the facility to serve the
community was put forward. The opinion was expressed that if more emphasis was put
on planning and the environment most resident's concerns could be satisfied. It was also
felt that the Town has a unique opportunity and that careful consideration would result
in facilities we can be proud of.
Members of the public were invited to discuss the various proposals directly with the
proponents and view plans for the projects which were on display. The Chairman closed
by thanking the public for their attendance and input.
The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began:
#188. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the information be received and referred to the Wellington Street
East Corridor Study Steering Committee.
#189. Moved by Councillor Timpson
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:08 p.m.