MINUTES - Special Council - 19890223~ ' .. · MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL COUNCIL -PUBLIC PLANNING MEETING NO. 11-89 Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices Thursday, February 23, 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST 7:30 p.m. Mayor West in the Chair; Councillors Jones, Mcintyre, McKenzie, Ochalski, Pedersen, Stewart, and Timpson. Councillor Weller absent attending Inaugural Meeting of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority. Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Director of Planning, Town Solicitor. Clerk absent on Vacation. There were no disclosures of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, 1983. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mayor West advised that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendment to the Zoning By-1 aw for Mrs. Ruth Harris, Monreith Development Incorporated, Sanossian Holdings Incorporated, and Coscan Development Corporation. The Public Meeting procedure and the opportunities available for concerned residents to ask questions of the proponents of the various applications scheduled for consideration were explained. The Deputy Clerk advised that the required Notices of Meeting for these applications were mailed on January 20, 1989, by First Class mail to the addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the 1 ast revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora, to which the proposed by-1 aws waul d apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under the Planning Act (1983). Mayor West advised that any person who wished further notice of the passage of the proposed by-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave the meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #121. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein. CARRIED PLANNING REPORTS Proposal -Application Z-07-89-Mrs. Ruth Harris; 32 Mark Street The Public Meeting began with the Director of Public Planning outlining report number PL89-016-061 prepared concerning this subject. Applicant's Comments: Ms. Louise Paul, Chairperson of the Anglican Houses Committee for York Region, advised those present of the need for the type of Group Home proposed by Anglican Houses. The points made by the presentation included: Aurora Special Council/Public Planning Minutes No. 11-89 Thursday, February 23, 1989 - 2 - - the home would be a Home for adult persons with emotional problems severe enough to require some assistance -the Home would house up to seven or eight men and/or women plus support staff -on the concern of neighbours that the residents could be dangerous or violent, Anglican Houses has been providing help to people for 25 years with no incidents of violence to neighbours, staff members or children -there have been few local programs to help people. York Region residents have had to travel to Toronto for help -supportive housing for people with long term mental health problems helps to integrate patients into the community. York Region is now starting to realize the need for a supporting housing program an Advising Committee of six would meet regularly and would continue to advise staff regarding the operation -Ms. Paul pointed out that the Harris' property has had a basement apartment for many years, therefore the total number of persons potentially occupying the dwelling would not change substantially. Ms. Kathleen Tough then spoke on behalf of Anglican Houses. She stated that the neighbourhood -Keystone Court/Odin Crescent, CNR tracks, Yonge Street and Wellington Street area has an existing mixture of housing types and a mixture of residents. Of three houses mentioned in the area as Group Homes, two were Yellow Brick Homes; hostels for women in crisis. The other, "New Directions", is a drop in centre for persons recovering from menta 1 health problems. It was her submission that none of the other three fit the category of a group home. Ms. Tough advised that no exterior changes to the dwelling were proposed which would have a detrimental effect on the surrounding neighbourhood. Public Concerns: -concern for the safety of neighbourhood children -stability of the area jeopardized -the home is near a four-way intersection -safety factor -the measures to be undertaken if a resident becomes violent -the method of screening residents to ensure there will not be residents with criminal records -Official Plan and Zoning By-laws do not have a definition of a Group Home incorporated into them. The Ontario Municipal Board has stated a definition of the exception must be entered in a zoning By-law or Official Plan, therefore the town should not consider the application. -Planning Department report incomplete and not accurate in stating there will be no exterior alterations -Town of Aurora in violation of Section 34(12) of the Planning Act for having inadequate information available on the issue -should be separation criteria for these types of uses -Town should address needs and wishes of existing residents first, not the future potential residents of the home a petition was presented signed by 117 residents, opposing the application. Aurora Special Council/Public Planning Minutes No. 11-89 Thursday, February 23, 1989 - 3 - -overall lack of information on group homes available from all levels of government -Aurora should not receive greater than their fair share of these types of uses -it shouldn't be an Ad Hoc decision, Town should establish a policy framework to be adhered to -location appears to contravene established planning principles -concentration in a single neighbourhood where other neighbourhoods are relatively free of this type of use -percentage of residents on medication -methods for administering medication -if residents there voluntarily or against their will the change from a maximum of six residents to a minimum of nine is a ''change of use" set out in Official Plan -if a Group Home maintain the quality of the existing residential area -the application should be addressed from a Planning perspective, not as a moral or emotional one -what happens when funding is withdrawn -potential to changed use once established -lack of sidewalks on north side of Mark Street -City of Toronto made Group Homes a right with established criteria - a separation distance -issue of changing "character" should be addressed -Official Plan provides for an examination of potential detrimental effect on the value of surrounding properties Public Support -project has need and desirability for location in Aurora -endorsed by Aurora Ministerial Association - a "not in my backyard" approach to dealing with the application not appropriate -the concerns expressed were only fears of what is not known -no guarantee that the potential residents would cause any more harm to area children than other people within the community with whom they would have contact -staff at the home are not in any real danger -people deserve a chance and the opportunity to re-establish themselves in this type of environment -the community as a whole should be more supportive -there should be a better way to have these uses established throughout the community -without the confrontational nature of this type of public meeting -the same arguments in opposition were heard when Yellow Brick House was first established-none of the fears were ever realized ,--<• Aurora Special Council/Public Planning Minutes No. 11-89 Thursday, February 23, 1989 - 4 - -these uses would be automatically incorporated into long range municipal planning Ms. Tough of Anglican Houses responded to the questions asked by residents. Town of Aurora's Director of Planning, Mrs. S. Seibert, answered questions on Planning related matters. Many other persons both for and against the application were heard, many reiterating views and opinions already stated previously. All persons present were given the opportunity to speak, with the chairman asking three times if there were any more comments. The Public meeting closed and Council's consideration began. #122. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT application Z-07-89 be Denied. On a recorded vote, the resolution CARRIED. YEAS 5 NAYS 3 VOTING YEA: Councillors Jones, McKenzie, Pedersen, Timpson, and Mayor West. VOTING NAY: Councillors Mcintyre, Ochalski, and Stewart. Mayor West declared a brief recess at 11:00 p.m. The Meeting resumed at 11:10 p.m. #123. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT the hour of adjournment be extended and the agenda be completed. CARRIED ProTosal -Application Z-05-89 -Monreith Development Incorporated, and App ication Z-06-89, Sanossian Holdings Incorporated #124. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT applications Z-05-89 and Z-06-89 be heard simultaneously since they pertain to adjoining properties. CARRIED As there were no members of the Public in attendance expressing concern, the Director of Planning was requested to outline briefly the relevant portions of reports PL89-017-062 and PL89-018-063 prepared concerning the subject applications. Applicant's Comments: - the facade for the South building not appropriate -that neither application be approved until an Urban Designer look at the two buildings and report back as soon as possible, the issues needing to be resolved. The Owner of the northerly property stated he had no problems with the Planner's report. They need an exception for. parking on the side of the building. Minor issues could be resolved with the Planning Department. It was requested that he be able to start work on the northerly property immediately and work with the Town of Aurora using an Urban designer to resolve aesthetic problems. '·-· Aurora Special Council/Public Planning Minutes No. 11-89 Thursday, February 23, 1989 - 5 - The Public Meeting Closed, and Council's consideration began. #125. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the Director of Planning be authorized to prepare the necessary By-law and third reading of the By-laws be held until the Architect is sufficiently along in the review to ensure overall design process is not compromised. CARRIED Proposal -Application Z-08-89; Coscan Development Corporation The Public meeting resumed with the Director of Planning reviewing report PL89-019-064. It was explained there were some issues regarding the specific Zoning of designations requested which required further elaboration prior to implementation outstanding. Applicant's Comments: Mr. Ted Cieciura stated Coscan would be happy to work with the Town to resolve any outstanding issues. Public Concerns: restaurant special -what is definition of same -have number of units been increased -what is proposed for the northern part of the property -is open area to remain in it's natural state Mr. C. Iacobelli who represents Mr. Cortellucci, the owner of the lands directly to the north of the subject lands, raised concerns regarding the application. He felt concern that the woodlot would be destroyed. His client has retained consultants for tree preservation, etc., and higher density proposed for this application would be detrimental to both the Town and his client in the remova 1 of woodlot features. Their proposa 1 s for woodlot development have been accepted by MNR and Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority. He advised his client had justified how his lands can be utilized and multiple dwellings in the northern portion of Coscan ignores the natural features of the area. The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began. #126. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the Director of Planning be authorized to prepare the necessary by-law with third reading to be held until all issues have been settled. CARRIED -···· .•... -~-----~-···">•.'< -~·-·.r~--A~~~-·----~·•n•-~•"·'-~"'''"~--· • -.-~ ·•-·--~-···....,.--·,--, -··---;.,..,.....-~···•··~"~~,~·-'-'-"''"'·'~'""'""'·''"'"'~"'-'''-'-""'-"·'-""'~'"'"'""'"''·"--·'·"-·'•" ' ' ' '-'~·•··~-------··-··· --···-····· ·--· '---' Aurora Special Council/Public Planning Minutes No. 11-89 Thursday, February 23, 1989 - 6 - ADJOURNMENT #127. Moved by Councillor Jones THAT the meeting be adjourned at 11:58 p.m. CARRIED ~~u ~-· J. West, MaJCot=)