MINUTES - Special Council - 19880929··-·~ c ',, _/ MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL COUNCIL -PUBLIC PLANNING MEETING NO. 47-88 Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices Thursday, September 29, 1988 COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE PLANNING APPLICATIONS 7:33 p.m. Mayor West in the Chair; Councillors Buck (7:44p.m.), Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen, and Weller Councillor Timpson absent due to illness, Councillor Barker absent due to an employment obligation Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk, Deputy Clerk, and Director of Planning Mayor West advised that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendments to Official Plan Amendment for A.B. Deluca, 754326 Ontario Limited, and for Amendment to Zoning By-law for A.B. Deluca, 754326 Ontario Limited, Palbac Homes Limited, and Elspeth Adams. The Public Meeting procedure and the opportunities available for concerned residents to ask questions of the proponents of the various applications scheduled for consideration were explained. The Clerk advised that the required Notices of Meeting for these applications were mailed on August 26th, 1988, by First Class mail to the addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the 1 ast revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora, to which the proposed by-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under the Planning Act (1983). APPROVAL OF AGENDA #698. Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein. CARRIED PLANNING APPLICATIONS Proposal -Application OP-14-88, Z-28-88-A.B. Deluca The Public Meeting began with the Director of Planning highlighting the salient points of Report Number PL88-132-262, prepared respecting this application. Applicant's Comments: Mr. Terry Kelly, a Land Use Planner, appeared before Council representing the owners of the subject lands. It was his submission that the proposal should be considered as infilling given the Official Plan amendment adopted by Council on the lands surrounding the subject property. He was of the opinion that the concerns of the staff set out in the report could be addressed including those relating to parking, landscaping, building orientation, and achieving a common access point with the adjoining lands. It was requested that the application be approved in principle subject to a site plan being worked out with staff. Councillor Buck entered the Council Chambers. '-~,,/ Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 47-88 Thursday, September 29, 1988 -2 - Resident's Concerns: affect of development on the wildlife habitat located on the lands further along St. John's Sideroad concern for the potential 1 ocation of a restaurant in the proposed development effect of the proposal on the adjoining landowner's efforts to maintain a rural appearance at the north end of the municipality the development would not be in keeping with the proposed apartment complex to the north proposal would over utilize the property insufficient parking proposed given the intended uses market study to justify the redesignation should be undertaken traffic study to indicate increase in volumes of traffic on St. John's Sideroad should be undertaken The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began. #699. Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the applications be denied. CARRIED Proposal -Application Z-31-88 -Elspeth Adams The Public Meeting resumed with Mrs. Seibert highlighting the text of report PL88-133-263 prepared in response to this application. Applicant's Comments: Mr. Terry Kelly spoke briefly on behalf of the landowners to indicate concurrence with the text of the report and to advise the exterior of the building will remain in its current restored condition. As there were no persons in attendance who wished to speak in respect to the application, the Public Meeting closed, and Council's consideration began. #7DO. Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the application be approved as submitted with the third reading of the Zoning By-law to be held pending the approval of a site plan agreement. CARRIED Proposal -Application OP-15-88, Z-30-88, 754326 Ontario Limited Mayor West advised that Counci 11 or McKenzie had a Conflict of Interest in this matter due to his having ownership of a property within 400 feet of the subject application. Councillor McKenzie left the Council Chambers (8:37 p.m.). The Public Meeting continued with the Director of Planning outlining the provisions of Report Number PL88-134-264 prepared concerning the subject application. Applicant's Comments: Mr. J. Kirby appeared as the owner's representative. It was requested that CotAncil consider .granting approval in principle to the subject application subject to there being a satisfactory traffic analysis undertaken, a satisfactory landscaping scheme derived, and satisfactory conclusion of the market study which was already underway. Those present were advised the owner was wi 11 ing to remove the automotive type uses from those permitted within the zoning designation applied for. Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 47-88 Thursday, September 29, 1988 - 3 - Resident's Concerns: potential for automotive uses to occur if the rezoning was granted as requested impact of development on the adjoining residence to the west of the subject lands The Public Meeting closed, and Council's consideration began. #701. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Buck THAT the application be deferred until the overall studies of the area are completed as outlined in the report of the Director of Planning, thereby allowing coordinated development of the area. Councillor Buck indicated she wished to withdraw the seconding of the above motion. #702. #703. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the application be deferred until the overall studies of the area are completed as outlined in the report of the Director of Planning, thereby allowing coordinated development of the area. DEFEATED Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Paivio THAT the applications be denied. CARRIED Councillor McKenzie re-entered the Council Chambers (8:55p.m.). Proposal -Z-29-88 -Palbac Homes limited The Public Meeting resumed with the Director of .Planning reviewing the text of Report Pl88-135-265 prepared respecting the subject application. Applicant's Comments: Mr. Celeste Iacobelli, a solicitor addressed those in attendance on behalf of the landowner. Those in attendance were advised that the owners intend to construct the building for rental purposes only. The need for the provision of this type of housing was stressed given the onus on the municipality to provide a variety of housing stock and the current lack of same within Aurora. Mr. Iacobelli advised that the north portion of the subject lands designated as environmental protection was intended to remain as designated. The provisions of the Official Plan, which supported the proposal, were relayed to Council. It was suggested that if Council found merit in the concept that the owner be permitted to pursue revisions to the site plan to address the concerns enunciated in the report and to undertake the required engineering analysis to determine the availability of capacity in the sanitary sewer. He further indicated the applicant would be willing to undertake analysis of the current stock of housing, vacancy rates, and other potential sites to fulfill the need to further demonstrate the desirability to develop the subject lands in the manner set out in the app 1i cation. Resident's Comments: size of suites would defeat the purpose of providing "affordable housing" impact of proposal on municipal services any excess sewage capacity should be directed towards commercial and industrial forms of development to reduce municipal taxes contravention of the proposal to defined aspects and policies of the Official Plan related to impact on adjoining residences, compatibility, preservation of existing residential areas of the municipality, and the maintenance of privacy amenity and value of surrounding properties Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 47-88 Thursday; September 29, 1988 - 4 - owner should proceed with the plan already approved for the subject lands narrow configuration of the subject land not lending itself to this particular development impact of the traffic generated in the neighbourhood overall height too high topography of the land not suitable lack of buffer for adjoining residences potential for an assisted form of housing to be provided building should be stepped back from Orchard Heights Boulevard The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began. #705. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Paivio THAT the application be denied. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT #706. Moved by Councillor Weller THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:05 p.m. CARRIED J. West, Mayor