MINUTES - Special Council - 19880511Boardroom,
NO. 28-88
Town of Aurora Administrative
Wednesday, May 11, 1988
10:29 p.m.
Of files
COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE I Mayor West in the Chair; ~o~ncillors
Barker, Buck, Jones, MtK~nzie, Paivio,
Pedersen and We 11 er. !
Counci 11 or Timpson abs~nl: due to a
previous business commitment.
STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Trea~urer, Chief
Building Official, Fire [Chief, Director
of Planning, Director qf Public Works,
and Director of Personnel~
There were no disclosures
Interest Act, 1983.
of interest under the Municilpal
Conflict of
#369 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Couri cfllor Weller
THAT the content of the Agenda circulated by the C erk's Department
be approved as outlined herein.
Agreement between the Town of Aurora, Corridor EnterJrises Inc. and
#370 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Cou~cillor Buck
\1HEREAS as a result of the preliminary decision] of the Ontario
~·1unicipal Board issued on the 21st day of January 1988, concerning
zoning the appeals launched by Corridor Enterprfrses Inc., Peter
Avery, Jean Avery, A.W. Boland; the referral y • The Regional
Municipality of York on a request by Corridor Ent rprises Inc. for
consideration of a plan of subdivision file No! 19T-85048; the
referral by The Regional Municipality of York on a request by Peter
Avery, Jean Avery, A.W. Boland and Jean Boland for. consideration of
a plan of subdivision file No. 19T-85110; the referral by the
Minister of Municipal Affairs on a request by Cor idpr Enterprises
Inc. Peter Avery, Jean Avery, A.W. Boland and Jean Boland for
consideration of a proposed amendment to the Offic~ial Plan for the
Town of Aurora, Ministry File No. 19-0P-0025-A02 t e parties to the
said hearing have held discussions concerning t,e submission of
revised Plans of Subdivision to the O.M.B.;
AND WHEREAS the parties have agreed to request [thpt the O.M.B.
approve the revisions and incorporate such revision~ in its Order;
AND WHEREAS the parties have further agreed to cettain obligations
and financial conditions as more particularly set out in letters of
understanding dated the 6th day of May 1988;
AND WHEREAS the parties have entered into an Agr~bem,ent dated the
6th day of May 1988 setting out the intent and · greement of the
parties concerning the resumption of the O.M.B. ~earing scheduled
for May 9th to 12th 1988, the submission of tevised plans of
subdivision and the financial and other obligatidns as enumerated
within the aforesaid letters of understanding; [
Aurora Special Council Minutes No. 28-88
Wednesday, May 11, 1988
- 2 -
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the execution by thelM.~ .•.. yor and Deputy
Clerk of an Agreement between The Corporation of the Town of
Aurora; Corridor Enterprises Inc; Peter Avery, J an Avery, 594332
Ontario Inc. and 737830 Ontario Limited dated th 6th day of May
1988, and appended hereto be ratified and c nfirmed by the
Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the execution by thelMayor and Deputy
Clerk of appended Letters of Understanding betweej .. r·· .. he Corporation
of the Town of Aurora and Corridor Enterprises I c.• dated May 6th
1988 and between The Corporation of The Town of Aurora and Peter
Avery, Jean Avery, 594332 Ontario Inc. and 73783.
Ortario Limited
dated May 6th 1988 be ratified and confirmed JJ>y the Municipal
Council of the Town of Aurora. [ • ·
Draft Approval Recommendation of Revised Draft Plan 1 o;f Subdivision
19T-85110; Avery/Boland
#371 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Cou\ldll or He 11 er
WHEREAS as a result of the preliminary decision! of the Ontario
r~unicipal Board issued on the 21st day of Januar~r 19·· •.. 88, revisions
to proposed draft plan of subdivision 19T-85110 h ve been made by
the Owners;
AND WHEREAS the Town of Aurora is prepared to recommend approva 1 of
the said revised draft p 1 an subject to certain condr ti.ons;
AND WHEREAS the Owners have agreed to these conditibns;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the Ontario tfl.un[i ci pal Board be
advised that the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora
supports the draft approval of revised draft pla'f; of subdivision
19T-85110 provided that any Order issued by the Ba~rd requires the
Owners to meet Condition Numbers 1 through 22 incl[usj .. ve as set out
in Schedule "E'' appended hereto prior to final appr?val.
Draft Approval Recommendation of Revised Draft Plan [ of Subdivision
l9T-85048; Corridor
#372 Moved by Counci 11 or Pedersen Seconded by Cou~ctll or Jones
WHEREAS as a result of the preliminary decisionJ of the Ontario
Municipal Board issued on the 21st day of Janualy •.1988 Corridor
Enterprises Inc. has submitted a revised propos~d draft p 1 an of
subdivision 19T-85048;
AND WHEREAS the Town of Aurora is prepared to reco1mend approval of
the said revised draft plan subject to certain conditions;
AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreed to these condition ;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the Ontario Municipi~l. ' ..• Board advised
that the Council of The Corporation of The Town o Aurora supports
the draft approval of the revised draft plan of subdivision
19T -85048 provided that any Order issued by the B ard requires the
Owners to meet Condition Numbers 1 through 23 inc1usl· .•. ve as set out
on Schedule "D" appended hereto prior to final apprra,l.
Aurora Special Council Minutes No. 28-88
\.Jednesday, May 11, 1988
-3 -
Award of Proposal for new Parks/Works Building
#373 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by CoL111 oc "'''"'''
BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be autholri4.ed to sign the
Contract between Model Builders (Aurora) Ltd. and the Town of
Aurora for the construction of the new Parks/~orr· .. s building as
accepted by Counci 1 at its meeting held on April 1f, 1988.
#374 Moved by Councillor Jones
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:31 p.m.
,(;\.X, l)' ,...._ /
Mayor \ i