MINUTES - Special Council - 19880623MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL COUNCIL -PUBLIC PLANNING MEETING NO. 35-88 Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices Thursday, June 23, 1988 COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE PLANNING APPLICATIONS 7:30 p.m. Mayor West in the Chair; Councillors Weller, Barker, Paivio, McKenzie, Buck (from 9:07p.m.). Councillors Pederson and Jones absent, Councillor Timpson absent due to employment obligations. Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Director of Planning. OR.!&. Mayor l<Jest advised that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendments to the Zoning By-law for 357216 Ontario Limited, John and ~1aria Romano, The Anglican Diocese of Toronto, Russell Barfitt, 750179 Ontario Limited and the Town of Aurora on behalf of Aurora Business Parks and for amendments to the official plan for John and Maria Romano, and the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. The Public Meeting procedure and the opportunities available for concerned residents to ask questions of the proponents of the various applications scheduled for consideration were explained. Mayor West advised that any person who wished further notice of passage of the by-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave the meeting. The Clerk advised that the required Notices of Meeting for these applications were mailed on May 20th, 1988, and May 24, 1988, by First Class mail to the addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the proposed by-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under the Planning Act (1983). DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor Paivio declared a possible conflict of interest in Report No. PL88-083-169, related to applications OP-09-88 and Z-19-88 due to a family contractual arrangement with the owner, which was not complete, and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #503 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT the content of the Consolidated Agenda with additions be approved as outlined herein. CARRIED PLANNING APPLICATIONS Proposal -Application Z-16-88 -357216 Ontario Limited The Public Meeting began with the Director of Planning reviewing the text of Report PL88-082-l68 concerning this subject. Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 35-88 Thursday, June 23, 1988 - 2 - Applicant's Comments: The solicitor in attendance on behalf of the owner, reiterated to Council that the need for the application arose only through the inadvertent merging of the title to the two lots subject to the consent application before the Committee of Adjustment. It was submitted that the proposal to zone a portion of the lands to an Environment Protection category was not appropriate as the application was only to restore what was existing prior to the title error occurring. Public Concerns: the effect on tree cover the granting of the severance application and rezoning would have; The possibility of the owner building additional houses on the property. The Public Meeting closed and Council's deliberation began. # 504 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT the application be approved as submitted and the appropriate By-law in accordance with the report of the Director of Planning be prepared. CARRIED Proposal -Applications OP-09-88 Z-19-88 -John and Maria Romano The Public meeting resumed with Planning highlight the text concerning this application. Mayor West requesting that the Director of of Report Number PL88-083-169 prepared There were no persons in attendance at the meeting who wished to make comment on the application. The applicant's agent did not make any additional submissions in respect to the matter. The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began. # 505 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT the applications be approved with the staff concerns related to storm water management to be addressed, and a site plan agreement to be entered into prior to third reading of the Zoning By-law. CARRIED Councillor Paivio having earlier declared a possible Conflict of Interest in the application did not take part in the vote called regarding this matter. Proposal -Applications OP-10-88 Z-20-88-Anglican Diocese of Toronto The Public meeting resumed with the Director of Public Planning revie1~ing the full text of Report PL88-084-170 prepared concerning this application. Councillor Barker declared a possible Conflict of Interest in this matter, due to property in which he has monetary interest lying within the notice circulation radius prescribed by the Planning Act and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Applicant's Comments: Mr. Ted Tremain representing the Owners of the subject land, reviewed for the benefit of Council and the members of the public in attendance, the concept, model site p 1 an, and the details of the buildings proposed to be constructed on the property. The people who the deve 1 opment is intended to serve, the employment to be generated, concept for capital investments and operation, amenities to be provided and Provincial interest in the proposal were elaborated upon. It was requested that Council give early consideration to the servicing allocation issue which would allow this project to proceed in accordance with their proposed time table. Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 35-88 Thursday, June 23, 1988 - 3 - Public Concerns: the issue as to whether the Anglican Church, was, through development of this project, providing assistance to needy Senior Citizens unable to afford the type of accommodations proposed to be constructed; the interface of this development with the presently designated rural lands in the Town of Newmarket; the presentation of the present propos a 1 without discussion or information provided to the proponents of the proposed commercial deve 1 opment at the North East corner of Yonge Street and St. John's Sideroad; whether favorable consideration of this application would be premature in light of the overall study of this northern area of the Municipality; status and proposed improvements of St. John's Sideroad; future use of the owner's land adjacent to Yonge Street which is not subject of the current application. The Public Meeting closed and Council's deliberation began. # 506 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT approval in principle be given to the applications with the matter referred to the Ad Hoc Committee established to review servicing allocation, and to staff to be dealt with in conjunction with the overall study taking place in this area. On a Recorded Vote, the resolution CARRIED YEAS 3 NAYS 1 VOTING YEll.: Councillors McKenzie, Weller, and Mayor \>lest VOTING NAY: Councillor Paivio Councillor Barker having previously declared a Conflict of Interest in the application did not take part in the vote called regarding this matter. The ~1ayor adjourned the meeting for a five minute recess. Meeting resumed at 8:40 p.m. Proposal -Application Z-21-88-Russell Barfitt The Public The Director of Planning was requested to review the text of Report PL88-085-171 prepared in respect to this matter. The Applicant indicc.ted he wished to make no further comments in support of this application. Public Concerns: that this would be the only property south of Aurora Heights Drive, west of Wellington Heights Court having two dwellings erected on it; the loss of privacy occurring as a result of the additional dwellings; the loss of the trees on the applicant's land; the future owners on the east side of Wellington Heights Court not having knowledge of the additional house proposed; effect on property value the additional dwelling would have. Councillor Buck entered the Council Chambers -9:07 p.m. The Public Meeting closed and Council's deliberation began. # 507 Moved by Councillor Heller Seconded by Councillor Paivio THAT the application be approved subject to the owner providing a current survey of the property prior to the preparation of the necessary By-law amendment. CARRIED Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 35-88 Thursday, June 23, 1988 - 4 - Proposal -Application Z-22-88-750179 Ontario Limited The Public Meeting resumed with the Director of Planning outlining the text of Report Number PL88-086-172. Applicant's Comments: Mr. Brad Beech, the agent for the Owners, ad vi sed they were in concurrence with the report as prepared. Public Concerns: whether a sidewalk would be provided when Kennedy Street is reconstructed; the effect this proposal would have on overall water allocation issues; safety of the floodplain area; potential danger to future residents due to proximity to golf course; need for a buffer to be provided between the golf course; the shift in traffic patterns which will result in the developments a 1 ong Kennedy Street West proceeding with the corresponding increase in noise pollution; whether satisfactory architectural contro 1 would be maintained over the houses to be built; floodplain portion should come into public ownership; Town should review planning approvals already given to ensure adequate water; lack of park facilities in this section of the municipality; tree buffer along southern property line should remain; potential location of a storm water pond on the lands east of the subject property and the safety concerns and occurs to same. The Public Meeting closed and Council's deliberation began. # 508 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT the application be approved and the appropriate By-law be prepared. The subdivision approval to include provision for a warning clause to future residents regarding the golf course south of the property. CARRIED Proposal -Application Z-24-88 -Town of Aurora The Public ~1eeting resumed with the Director of Planning highlighting the text of Report PL88-087-173 related to this matter, and outlining briefly the history of why the matter was before the Council this evening. There were no persons in attendance at the meeting wishing to comment on the application. The Public Meeting closed and Council's deliberation began. # 509 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT the report of the Director of Planning be accepted and Council proceed with the enactment of the necessary By-law. CARRIED STAFF REPORTS PLANNING DEPARH1HIT PL88-088-174 -Committee of fi.djustment A 1 i cation B-11-88 Lot 18, Plan 65M-2380 east side of Windham Trail Avenue Homes Ltd. #510 Moved by Councillor Paivio Seconded by Councillor McKenzie 1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be ad vi sed that Counci 1 has no objection to Application B-11-88. Should the Committee choose to approve Application B-11-88, the following condition of approval should be applied: Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 35-88 Thursday, June 23, 1988 i ) - 5 - Payment of an admi ni strati on fee of $100.00 for B-11-88 to the Town of Aurora; and 2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded to the Committee of Adjustment. CARRIED PL88-089-175 -Committee of Jl.djustment Applications B-12-88(A) B-12-88(8) Lot 20 and 21, Plan M-51 Allaura Boulevard K.P. Holdings Inc. #511 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Barker 1. THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised that Council has no objection to Application B-12-88(A) and B-12-88(8) as proposed, however, if the applicants wish to satisfy the conditions of the site plan agreement for the proposed bu i1 ding on Lot 21 of Plan M-51, the proposed right-of-way should run to the rear of each property. Should the Committee choose to approve Application B-12-88(A) and B-12-88(B) the following conditions of approval should apply: i) Payment of an administration fee of $100.00 to the Town of Aurora; and 2. THAT a copy of the staff report be forwarded to the Committee of Adjustment. CARRIED PL88-090-176 Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Cha:tt:~Y'l_y_ Corporation Z-43-86 # 512 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor McKenzie 1. THAT a By-law be enacted to implement the proposed plan of subdivision on the Chatterly Corporation; and 2. THAT Council determine that no further notice is necessary as result of the proposed reductions in sideyard requirements. On a recorded vote, the resolution was CARRIED. YEAS 5 NAYS 1 VOTING YEA: Counci 11 ors Barker, Buck, McKenzie, \-le 11 er, and Mayor West. VOTING NAY: Councillor Paivio BY-LAWS #513 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for First Reading: 2993-88 Being a by-law to restrict turning movements on Yonge Street within the Town of Aurora; 3000-88 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law number 2213-78 (Correct Building); AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time. #514 CARRIED Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for Second Reading: 2993-88 Restrict turning movements on Yonge Street; Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 35-88 Thursday, June 23, 1988 #515 - 6 - 3000-88 Amend Zoning By-law number 2213-78 (Correct Building); AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-law for Third Reading: 2993-88 Restrict turning movements on Yonge Street; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY NEt< BUSINESS The York Region Board of Education re: Workshop -Aurora High School - June 29, 1988; Hooding of No Parking signs #516 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT the No Parking signs on McDonald Drive be hooded on Wednesday, June 29, 1988, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. as requested in the correspondence from the York Region Board of Education. CARRIED Attridge Lumber re: Jl.pplication for building permit and setback requirement; and R.J. Harrington, Chief Building Official memo re: Attridge Lumber New Proposed Building #517 ~1oved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT the Council not object to an application for minor variance to all ow the construction of the proposed building to proceed on the Attridge Lumber lands. CARRIED W. Walker, Director of Public Works memo re: Confederation Park Parking Lot/Removal of Tree #518 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT the Council concur with the removal of the tree in Confederation Park as outlined in the memorandum of the Director of Public Works. CARRIED QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS Councillor Weller-requested the status of the improvements to be made to the Park on Moorcrest Drive. The Chief Administrative Officer advised he would follow up with staff and the owner to ensure the work would proceed. Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 35-88 Thursday, June 23, 1988 -7 - ADJOURNMENT #519 Moved by Councillor Weller THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:32 p.m. CARRIED Mayor ~a£6<»~