MINUTES - Special Council - 19880728\ __ ._.'
NO. 39-88
Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices
Thursday July 28, 1988
7:30 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE. Mayor West in the Chair; Councillors
Buck, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen,
Timpson, and Weller.
Councillor Barker absent due to
employment obligation.
Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk,
Deputy Clerk, Director of Planning.
There were no disclosures of interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, 1983.
#596 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein.
Mayor West advised those present that this meeting had been ca 11 ed as a
Public Planning Meeting with respect to applications for amendments to the
Zoning By-law for Emilio Saccucci and Dressers of Aurora; and to the
Official Plan for the Aurora East Industrial Estates Secondary Study
sponsored by the Town of Aurora.
The Public Meeting procedure and the opportunities available for concerned
residents to ask questions of the proponents of the various applications
scheduled for consideration were explained.
Mayor West advised that any person who wished further notice of passage of
the by-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they
leave the meeting.
The Clerk advised that the required Notices of Meeting for the applications
for amendment to the Zoning By-law were circulated by First Class Mail on
June 28th, 1988, to the owners within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on
the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the proposed
by-laws would apply and that the necessary signs were posted on the road
frontages adjacent to the lands affected by the proposed amendments in
accordance with the rules of procedure under the Planning Act (1983). The
notice of the meeting respecting the Industrial Secondary Study was
advertised on June 26th, 1988, and written notice was forwarded to those
individuals previously expressing interest in receiving same.
Proposal -Application Z-23-88-Dressers of Aurora
The Public Meeting began with the Director of Planning reviewing the text
of Report PL88-105-196 concerning this subject.
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Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 39-88
Thursday, July 28, 1988
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Applicants Comments
Mr. Terry Kelly, the appointed agent for the applicant, indicated
concurrence with the text of the Planning Report. It was stated that
approva 1 of the app 1 i cation waul d aid in the preservation of the character
of the house, and that parking would be well screened both from Wellington
Street and the adjoining residences.
As there were no persons in attendance who wished to make comment concerning
the application, the Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began.
#597 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Paivio
THAT the application be approved and the appropriate by-law be
prepared, with third reading to be held pending the preparation of
a site plan agreement.
Proposal -Application Z-25-88-E. Saccucci
The Public Meeting resumed with Mrs. Seibert requesting to review the text
of Report Number PL88-106-197, related to this application.
Applicant's Comments
Mr. E. Saccucci appearing for the proponents of the draft plan of
subdivision indicated as he was a builder/developer it was in his best
interest to preserve as many trees as possible, and that the size of the
houses proposed would be consistent with the Heron Homes subdivision.
Public Concerns
-Tree preservation
-Narrow width of lots fronting onto Kennedy Street
Connection of Kennedy Street to Bathurst
-Use of 1979 traffic study as basis for current planning decisions
-Lack of parks facilities
-Size of houses to be constructed
-Number of exceptions to Zoning By-law required to accommodate the
subdivision configuration
-Location of houses to be constructed on the lots fronting Kennedy Street
The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began.
#598 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the application be approved and the By-law be prepared in
accordance with the Report of the Director of Planning.
Proposal -Application OP-05-88 Aurora East Industrial Estates
Secondary Plan
The Pub 1 ic Meeting resumed with Mr. Terry Kelly, the consultant engaged by
the Town, briefly outlining to those present the alterations to the
Secondary Plan document made s i nee the i ni ti a 1 presentation at the March
30th Pub 1 i c Meeting, the subsequent discussion with the Steering
Committee, and direction received from Council. Among the changes made were
the deletion of the area south of Wellington Street East; the inclusion of
text related to the proposed Municipal Administrative Complex at the corner
of Bayview and Wellington Streets; changes to policies brought about by the
inclusion of the Administrative Complex regarding development standards,
provision for possible direct access to Bayview, parking, and garbage
storage areas; the commercial block on the north side of Wellington Street
was increased in area; policies related to the conversion of an existing
farmhouse for a restaurant, and changes to the text related to the major
open space category.
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 39-88
Thursday, July 28, 1988
- 3 -
Mr. Kelly reviewed the addi tiona 1 comments received from commenting pub 1 i c
agencies, and one landowner. It was indicated these remaining issues were
techni ca 1 housekeeping matters, and a report to the next Committee of the
Whole meeting would be prepared to indicate the effect, if any, in
accommodating these concerns would have on the text of the amendment as
presently revised. It was Mr. Kelly's recommendation that Council proceed
expeditiously with the adoption of the amendment and the submission of same
to the Minister for approval.
Public Concerns/Comments
-Exclusion of the land to the south of Wellington Street East
-Possibility for a discussion with owners of lands deleted to devise a
development plan suitable to the Town, residences to the south and
compatible with the lands North of Wellington Street
-Concern related to potential heavy industrial use of the Magna property
-The size and type of commercial development to occur on the commercially
designated lands on Wellington Street
-The early approval of the amendment for the area North of Wellington
Street to allow draft plans of subdivision to proceed
-Revision to land use plan on the Schmidt property should reflect area
allowed to be filled by the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
The Public Meeting Closed and Council's consideration began.
#599 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Weller
THAT Council authorize staff and Mr. Kelly to work with the
landowners south of Wellington Street East, west of Bayview Avenue
to develop an Offici a 1 Plan Amendment reflective of the needs of
the Community and reflective of the land use decisions made on the
north side of Wellington Street East;
FURTHER that Council authorize staff to proceed with the
implementing By-law to adopt the Official Plan Amendment affecting
the lands on the north side of Wellington Street East, for the next
Council meeting.
#600 Moved by Councillor Jones
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:58 p.m.
Mayor ~d!J~