MINUTES - Special Council - 19880526'
NO. 31-88
Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices
Thursday, May 26, 1988
7:33 p.m.
Mayor West in the
Barker, Jones,
p.m.), Pedersen,
Chair; C uncillors Buck,
McKenzie Paivio (7:43
Timpson (7:35 p.m.) and
Deputy Clerk, Administrative Assistant,
and Director of Planning.
Clerk absent attending a conference.
Mayor West advised those present that this meeting had been called as a
Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendments to the Zoning
By-law for Macont Development Inc., A. Merkur & Sons Ltd., and Dwyer, Dwyer
& Downes and to the Official Plan for Macont Development Inc,
The Deputy Clerk ad vi sed that the required Notices of M~eti ng for these
applications were mailed on April 25, 1988 by First Cl~ss mail to the
addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised
assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the propo~ed by-laws would
apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in
accordance with the rules of procedure under the Planning Act (1983).
The Public Meeting procedure and the opportunities available for concerned
residents to ask questions of the proponents of the various applications
scheduled for consideration were explained.
Mayor West advised that any person who wished further noti~e of passage of
the by-1 aws under consideration should sign the forms available before they
leave the meeting.
There were no disclosures of interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, 1983.
#415 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by CounCillor Jones
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein.
Proposal -Applications OP-08-88 and Z-15-88-Macont Development Inc.
The Public Meeting began with the Director of Planning reviewing the text of
Report PL88-066-141 concerning this subject.
Applicant's Comments:
Mr. Robert Johnston from Alcorn & Associates, the agents for the owners,
spoke on their behalf. The purpose of the application is. to allow for an
auto campus which would consist of two dealerships with 265 parking spaces.
It was their submission that, with the location of the property at the south
entrance to the Town, an auto campus would be a desirable and appropriate
use from both a planning and marketing perspective with little impact on the
surrounding areas. Previous commercial-related applications which had been
denied have demonstrated that an industrial designation is not suitable.
Mr. clohnston stated that he thought the site was well suited for the
proposed use and requested that the application be approved.
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 31-88
Thursday, May 26, 1988
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Public Concerns:
There were no comments from the members of the public in attendance
regarding this application.
The Public Meeting closed and Council's deliberation began.
#416 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT approval in principle be given to the proposed application
subject to the Traffic Study being submitted and approved by the
Town. Following that, the appropriate Official Plan Amendment
modelled after Official Plan Amendment No. 41 and the Zoning By-law
be prepared to allow the proposal to proceed.
On a Recorded Vote, the resolution CARRIED.
VOTING YEA: Councillors Barker, Jones, Pedersen, Timpson and
VOTING NAY: Councillors Buck, McKenzie, Paivio (abstained) and
Mayor West.
Proposal -Application Z-17-88-A. Merkur & Sons Ltd.
The Public Meeting resumed with the Director of Planning outlining Report
No. PL88-067-142 concerning this subject.
Applicant's Comments:
Mr. David Merkur, the Owner of the subject lands, indicated that many
changes are proposed to the shopping centre to make it a more vibrant area.
t'lany merchants are expanding their businesses, requiring more space, with
new tenants coming to the area. The rezoning is necessary to expand the
area to the north and east of the property.
Mr. Michael Ogis, the architect in charge of the design of the renovations,
showed the designs and changes for the shopping plaza. His job was to
provide a new approach to the property to make it a brighter area. By
providing more colour, a boulevard down the centre of the parking area,
access for pedestrians, new light standards, canopies and increased parking
to accommodate 646 cars, he hopes to accomplish this.
Mr. Merkur stated that Council approval was needed for a front yard setback
reduction to 0 and reduction in the northerly sideyard.
Public Concerns:
There were no comments from the members of the public in attendance
regarding this matter.
The Public Meeting closed and Council's deliberation began.
#417 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by CounCillor McKenzie
THAT the exceptions required be permitted, discussions proceed with
a view to permit the proposed canopy and the appropriate zoning
by-law amendment be prepared.
Proposal -Application Z-18-88-Dwyer, Dwyer & Downes
The Public Meeting resumed with consideration of Report No. PL88-068-143.
Applicant's Comments:
~1r. Dwyer commented that they wi 11 meet the requirements of the by-1 aw
regarding the planting strip on the west by shifting the building slightly
to the east. Mr. Dwyer spoke to the Engineering Department and felt the
access on George Street could be worked out at the site plan' stage.
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 31-88
Thursday, May 26, 1988
-3 -
Public Concerns:
access to Wellington Street from George Street;
George Street traffic heavy -used as bypass;
visibility on the hill on George Street;
visitor parking; and
area too noisy for residential development.
The Public Meeting closed and Council's deliberation began.
#418 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT Council approve the application and staff prepare the
appropriate by-law.
PL88-069-144 -Minutes of the Industrial Secondary Study Ste'ering Committee
#419 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
1. THAT the land area to which the Secondary Plan applies be
altered to remove the area south of Wellington Street;
2. THAT the Major Open Space Specific category be expanded to
permit private open space uses such as a golf course;
3. THAT the land use category applying to the! lands in Lot 81
Concession I E.Y.S. which the Town is attem'pting to acquire
for municipal office purposes and possibly as 'a site for other
government buildings be appropriately altered so as to permit
government administration buildings;
4. THAT specific policies which would !establish uses
complimentary to the intended use of the property at the north
west corner of Wellington Street and Bayvjew Avenue as a
government administration centre be prepared !for inclusion in
the plan. These policies should establish the need for high
performance zoning and strict site plan control in the area so
as to ensure a suitable surrounding for tl)e new municipal
offices and other potential similar uses;
5. THAT the Commercial category applying to Plan 231 be expanded
so as to accommodate a commercial development in a form other
than a strip development subject to appropriate arrangements
being agreed to by owners;
6. THAT the request of Connie Realty Limited/Sflvanna DiPede to
revise the land use designation on their pro~erty in the area
on an existing farm house from General Industrial to Service
Commercial to permit the farm house to be restored as a
restaurant be agreed to;
7. THAT the issues respecting the ultimate la~d uses south of
liJellington Street be discussed at a future Committee of the
Whole meeting;
8. THAT a public meeting be scheduled to discuss the changes that
are being proposed for this area; and
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 31-88
Thursday, May 26, 1988
- 4 -
9. THAT Terry Kelly be instructed to make the ch~nges itemized in
recommendations 1-6 inclusive above.
#420 Moved by Councillor Timpson
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Mayor I'
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