BYLAW - Appoint Highschool Trustee - 19220109 - 53322B Y —L AIV" N,0".5 s 3 To appoint a High School Trustee for the Town of Aurora For 1922, 1923, 1924.. W H E R E A S it is necessary for Municipal Councils where High Schools are situated to pass by—laws annually to appoint a Trustee for such Schools:— B E I T T RLE R E F 0 R E E N A C T E D by the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora as follows:- 1 That be and he is appointed High School Trustee for the Town of Aurora for the, years 1922, 1923, 1924. PASSED THIS- 9 DAY OF 6 2,r 1922. Clerk. Mayor.