MINUTES - Special Council - 19880428MINUTES
NO. 25-88
Boardroom, Town of Aurora 1\.dministrative Offi
Thursday, April 28, 1988
7:30 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in the Chair; Chyricillors
Barker, Buck, Jones, McKe~~~. Paivio, and
Timpson. '
Councillor We 11 er absent
Councillor Pedersen ab
previous commitment.
Qn vacation and
ent due to a
STAFF ~1EMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Clerk, Administrative
Director of Planning.
Ass ~ nt and
#324 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Coun~illor McKenzie
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as
AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption
it was:
ed herein.
#325 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Coun~illor Buck
THAT the resolution pertaining to the Holland
and the memorandum from the Director of
Avery/Boland Corridor be added to the Agenda.
The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED.
RiM.' er, Park Contract
Pl~nn ng regarding
Councillor Barker declared a Conflict of Interest in :t~llanning Report
PL88-058-120 related to the Official Plan Amendment and Zon·,•. ng· .. ~ .. Amendment due
to his involvement in a development being within 400 fee qf the subject
property and did not take part in or vote on any question 1n: ~his regard or
attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question,
The Public ~1eeting procedure and the opportunities availa~.lr. for concerned
residents to ask questions of the proponents of the vadou applications
scheduled for consideration were explained.
Mayor West advised those present that this meeting had • ee~ called as a
Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendments t'? the Official
Plan for Cope I Realty Investment and to the Zoning By-law q~ Cope I Realty
Investment, Sanossian Holdings Inc., and 754101 Ontario . i1pjted. It was
explained that the Pine Ridge Feasibility Study on the A enda was not an
issue under the Planning Act, but once the presentatio . was made that
opportunities would be available for concerned residents to ~~ questions.
Mayor West advised that any person who wished further noticei of passage of
the by-laws under consideration should sign the forms avai ab~e before they
leave the meeting.
The Clerk advised that the required Notices of Me for these
applications were circulated by First Class mail on March 28, 1988 to the
owners within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on , h~! last revised
assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the propo e~! by-laws would
apply and that the necessary signs were posted on th; ~oad frontages
adjacent to the lands affected by the proposed amendments lh ~ccordance with
the rules of procedure under the Planning Act (1983).
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 25-88
Thursday, April 28, 1988
-2 -
The Clerk also advised that although the Pine Ridge Feas
not a meeting under the Planning Act, notices had been
owners within 120 metres of the subject property and tho
southwest quadrant of the Town of Aurora.
Phase 1 Presentation to Town of Aurora
Study; Former-P1ne Ridge Hospital Lands
ity Study was
i led to those
owners in the
l Feasibility
The Public Meeting began with the consultants, commission
Aurora to undertake a study as to the feasibility of af+-'l.~,-~
the Pine Ridge property, presenting the findings of the
Study. The presentation included a summary and overview
the Town of
e housing on
phase of the
work to date, an analysis of the existing and future
market within Aurora industry population demographics,
ranges, absorption and demand. The site was reviewed
context and from an engineering perspective. The concl us
the first phase, which indicated that residential develop
Ridge lands is feasible, were outlined.
Public Concerns:
low density in areas to the north and south -wish
density in the area;
development would detract from the area;
is there sufficient sewage and water;
topography -maintenance of buffer zones;
no study done as to how areas adjoining would
rural nature of the area to be affected;
transportation -reluctance of Province to
north of Toronto;
amenities not within close proximity -need for 2-c
affordable housing;
neighbours not consulted;
schools -crossing of railway to get to schools;
costs of roads and sidewalks;
will an environmental impact study be done;
no conceptual plan for area;
consultants should look at alternatives;
has the Official Plan been considered;
how would Phase 2 be conducted.
The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began,
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coun
THAT the Town of Aurora not proceed with Phase 2 o
Feasibility Study of Pine Ridge Lands.
On a recorded vote, the resolution was DEFEATED.
VOTING YEA: Councillors Jones, McKenzie and Timpso
VOTING NAY: Councillors Barker, Buck, Paivio and M
Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Coun
THA.T the study be referred back to Committee olf
further discussion and analysis.
n the housing
, house price
its planning
derived from
of the Pine
preserve 1 ow
road systems
families; not
lor Barker
Vihole for
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 25-88
Thursday, April 28, 1988
- 3 -
lication OP-07-88; Z-12-88 -Cope I Realt tment
The Public Meeting resumed with the Director of Planning reviewing the
complete text of Report PL88-058-120 concerning this subjed.
Applicant's Comments:
Mr. Richard Harrison, Planning Consultant for Cope I Re ljty Investments,
advised those present that this plan would fulfill a ne dj i in demand for
affordable housing. Mr. Harrison stated that the owners \'!ere willing to
reduce the number of units from 53 to 51 so that the paY' ijnig would comply
with the Zoning By-law. They were also willing to shorten.t~¢ building by 4
feet to comply with the By-law. The owner had employed M ~~hall, Macklin,
~1onaghan to design parking in the flood plain. They hav ~h agreement in
principle with the Conservation Authority regarding cut j a~9 fill of the
parking area. Mr. Harrison indicated that there woul1i be increased
landscaping in the buffer strip between the parking at h~! front of the
building and Old Yonge Street. Mr. Harrison stated that he tryought the site
was well suited for the proposed use and requested the a p~ ication not be
deferred to a study.
Public Concerns:
structure and parking area use all available land;
parking not sufficient;
incompatible with area;
buffering not sufficient to hide cars;
density too high;
increased traffic;
too close to EP lands;
condos could become rental units;
not affordable housing;
amenities not close.
The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began
#328 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Cou Hl or Jones
THAT Council accept the report from staff recom~j e~ding
application be deferred until a comprehensive revi~~ of
in the vicinity of St. John's Sideroad is completed.
that this
the 1 ands
Councillor Barker having earlier declared a Conflict of j.~ 1.~.erest in this
matter did not take part in the vote called regarding aqceptance of this
#329 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Coun~~~lor Timpson
THAT the hour of the meeting be extended anq the agenda be
Proposal -Application Z-13-88-Sanossian Holdings Inc.
The Public Meeting resumed with the Director of Planning lo~~lining Report
No. PL88-059-121 prepared concerning this subject.
Applicant's Comments:
Mr. Harry Mardi ross ian, the architect representing Sanossi·j·!n.~ .•• ~· •. Holdings Inc., stated that the two-storey building proposed was compatible with the Diamond
Study. Of the four exceptions to the by-1 aw requested, three were of a
minor nature. They were willing to pay some cash in lieu of parking.
parking shortage resulting in congestion.
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 25-88
Thursday, April 28, 1988
- 4 -
The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began
#330 ~loved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Couricillor Timpson
THAT this application be referred to Committee ·.' .• f f the Whole for
further study as to the parking situation in the arle
Proposal -Application Z-14-88 -Barnumtown Construction apd !754101 Ontario
Limited · · '
The Public Meeting resumed with the consideration of Report ~61 PL88-060-122.
Applicant's Comments:
Mr. Gary Templeton spoke on behalf of the owners of the pr~· •. · ••. p~ ..•... f····ty. He stated that the developers group were meeting on a regular basis ·n !regards to the
design for reconstruction of Kennedy Street. He stated th t !a park was not
required originally, but they are cooperating and have com it!ted a share of
75% of the park to get their project underway.
Public Concerns:
Kennedy Street as a major collector road -amount of tralf~lC;
speed on Kennedy Street -road too straight;
construction inconvenience;
no discussion with residents;
park not visible from road;
maintenance of tree and fence line adjacent to Aurora Hi~hlands;
further study needed for extension of Kennedy Street;
safety factor for children.
The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began.
#331 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Coun~illor Buck
THAT Council approve the application providinb all technical
concerns are met.
TRSS-022-123 -Taxes to be Cancelled by Section 496A of t~e! Assessment Act
for 1987
#332 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Counti]lor Barker
THAT the 496A taxes according to the list at~ac~ed to Report
TR88-022 be approved for write-off in the amount.lof! $4,425.50 and
the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
S. Seibert, Director of Plannin memo to Ma or and Member 6f Council re:
Avery Boland/Corridor
#333 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Coun~~l!l or Timpson
THAT the report be accepted in principle.
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 25-88
Thursday, April 28, 1988
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Holland River Park Committee memo to MPmhPrs of Council r
Parl<Contract Holland River
#334 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by CouHcillor McKenzie
RESOLVED that the Contract to oversee the Ho
development be awarded to Proctor & Redfern as
memorandum of the Ad Hoc Committee dated April 26,
#335 ~1oved by Councillor Barker
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 1:00 a.m.
River Park
the attached