MINUTES - Special Council - 19880330MINUTES
NO. 19-88
Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices
Wednesday, March 30, 1988
7:33 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in the Chair; Co~ncillors Buck,
Barker, Jones, McKenzie, Pe~ersen, Timpson
(7:34p.m.) and Weller.
Councillor Paivio absent.
Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Director of
Mayor West advised those present that this meeting had been called as a
Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendments: to the Official
Plan for the Aurora Southwest Secondary Study and the Aurora lEast Industrial
Estates Secondary Study.
The Public Meeting procedure and the opportunities available for concerned
residents to ask questions as outlined on the information sh~et provided at
the meeting were explained.
Mayor West ad vi sed that any person who wished further no tid of passage of
the by-laws under consideration should sign the forms avaiTa(lle before they
leave the meeting.
The Clerk advised that notices of public meeting were ci!1c~lated by First
Class mail on February 26, 1988 to the owners as shown on ,t~e last revised
assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the propos:e4 by-laws would
app 1 y. Further that Notices of the Pub 1 i c Meeting were aidyerti sed in the
February 26 and March 16, 1988 issues of the Aurora Banr)e)" and that the
necessary signs were posted on the road frontages adjace,nt to the lands
affected by the proposed amendments in accordance with ! the rules of
procedure under the Planning Act (1983).
There were no disclosures of interest under the Municip'l Conflict of
Interest Act, 1983.
#239 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Counc illl or Pedersen
THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein.
Proposal -Application OP-06-88 -Aurora Southwest Secondary Plan
The Public Meeting began with the Director of Planning reviewing the
complete text of Report PL88-044-097 concerning this subject.
Applicant's Comments:
Mr. Ted Cieciura, a representative of Design Plan Services, !addressed those
present on behalf of all three major 1 an downers whose propo~ed subdivision
plans had resulted in the need to address the aspects of the secondary plan
which were the subject of the meeting. The major chang~s to the plan
related to conformity to the existing secondary plan and the !departures from
existing policies were highlighted. The various types of hqusing proposed,
the phased increase and decrease in density, location of commercial amenity,
community faci 1 ities and recreational space proposed to b~ provided were
expanded upon.
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 19-88
Wednesday, March 30, 1988
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Throughout the course of the ensuing public discussion, MrJ Cieciura, the
Director of Planning and other representatives of the owner~ in attendance
attempted to address the concerns raised and provide :the necessary
explanations for many of the detailed aspects of the plaf1, the planning
process itself, and overall community impact and development. ·
Public Concerns:
proposed commercial, institutional and multi-family bloCks encroaching
into the Open Space designated woodlot !
amount of parkland remaining when site is totally develop~d and occupied
citizens' committee should be formed to review details: of the proposed
will not be suff~cient to house prov1s1on of proposed elementary schools
the proposed population of children
strain on neighbouring schoo 1 s, a 1 ready overcrowded, the !propos a 1 s wou 1 d
lack of suitable high school facilities
need for additional access to Bathurst Street
need or necessity to have commercial block
proposed housing type for the multi-family block, height, density of
site itself, how the figure of 72 proposed units was deri~ed
increase of taxes necessary to provide required servides to the ne~1
community ·
matter of definition of what type of housing is "affordabl~"
status of detailed engineering analysis included hydrological studies,
soils reports, stormwater management, traffic studies; within and on
perimeter of the plans
treatment of environmentally sensitive areas within and outside of the
provision for erosion and sedimentation control
analysis of the recreational needs and provision of nece~sary amenities
to serve the residents
necessary improvements to major road systems outside of the plans to
accommodate the increased traffic
need to maintain all or as much as possible of the woodlot as public
open space as envisaged in the secondary plan study ·
proposed lot sizes on eastern boundary of the plan not i~ conformity or
complimentary to those on east side of railway tracks
status of plan to deve 1 op .the 1 ands within the secondary! plan but south
of those under consideration this evening ·
need to provide traffic lights and controls to regulate speeding traffic
benefit to existing residents of Town to be derived from! permitting the
proposed density increase to occur ·
location and necessity for any proposed elevated water stdrage facility
bus traffic to the proposed school sites ·
location of school sites across the collector from the m~jor population
overall density for the plans too high to allow brea~hing space for
the need to pro vi de temporary construction access and to prevent
construction traffic from using the existing portion o~ McClellan Way
for access
details of the woodlot analysis completed by the proponen~s
the noise and safety factors and measures relative to tpe proximity of
the CNR line to the proposed development
the possible negative effect of the proposed rerouting of dangerous
goods along the CNR line
the abi 1 ity of the town's emergency services to p~ovi de adequate
response time to serve the needs of the residents
McClellan Way would have been designed to not have dwelJi!ngs fronting on
it, due to collector status
the potential broader impacts the proposed development will have on
Yonge Street and commercial activity in Aurora
overall ratio of people to open space area proposed
The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began.
Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 19-88
iiednesday, March 30, 1988
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#240 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT tei'ms of reference be prepared to all ow a committee of
citizens and members of Counci 1 to be struck for ! the purpose of
working with the developer to deal with the Town's ¢oncerns related
to the proposal; and
THAT Mayor West be requested to approach The Region!al Municipality
of York, Engineering Department, for a second access to be allowed
to Bathurst Street from the proposed developments.
Mayor West requested that those residents interested in serving on the
Committee submit a written request indicating same to the Towrl Clerk.
#241 ~1oved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Counci!ll or Pedersen
THAT the hour of adjournment be extended to permit ~he presentation
of the second application.
Mayor West called a 10-minute recess in the meeting at 11:15 p.m.
The Council Meeting was called to order at 11:25 p.m.
Proposal -OP-05-88 -Aurora East Industrial Estates Secondary Plan
The Public Meeting resumed with Mayor West requesting ~1r~ Terry Kelly,
Planning Consultant to present the Aurora East Industrial Secondary Plan.
f1r. Kelly in conjunction with Mr. M. Wardman, the engineer responsible for
certain aspects of the secondary plan reviewed the proposec! Official Plan
Amendment document in some detail. The need to prov!ide additional
industrially designated lands for future absorption, estimations as to
absorption rates and the desirability of the subject lands fpr the proposed
uses, were outlined. The various land use categories proposeq, the types of
uses that would be permitted within them, the unique aspects !of the plan and
the features incorporated to meet Aurora's needs were i denti fi ed. From a
technical perspective, servicing constraints, options and requirements,
access, road pattern, intersection improvements were dealt With by Mr. Kelly
and Mr. Wardman.
The Director of Planning then reviewed for Council the written submissions
in opposition to and requesting clarification of aspects o.f! the plan which
were received during the circulation period and prior to the ~eeting.
Public Concerns:
proposed uses within the open space category not being ~onsistent with
uses permitted within existing Official Plan
extent of Town's interest in expropriating 1 and on Wellington Street
East for the purpose of new Town Hall
the distribution and allocation of the proposed free-stanping office and
large industrial retail space on the lands south of We~lington Street
the proposed designation of any lands south of We 11 i ngton Street East
for industrial purposes
the type of development proposed on the Magna lands
that industrial development east of Bayview north of t-Je]l ington may be
more appropriate than west of Bayview south of Wellington'
the inclusion of open space lands in the service commerc!ial category as
removed from the flood plain by the L.S.R.C.A. ·
minimum separation from proposed Magna deve 1 opment and tihe neighbouring
industries ·
the "leapfrogging" of development to place proposed! Administrative
Centre east of what is considered the normal course of development
Aurora Special Council -Pub lic Planning Minutes No. 19 -88
Wednesday, March 30, 1988
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the selection of site for Administrative Centre, whi n4 1 perhaps being
most appropriate from Town's perspective, having impact l qn the study and
policies proposed for Wellington Street East
more specific policies regarding the large retail indu ~t lr~al uses south
of Wellington Street East to be incorporated to pr<Jlv r~e a "campus"
The Public Mee ting closed and Council's consideration began.
#242 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Coun f ~l l l or Barker
THAT the Aurora East Industrial Estates Secondary ftl uldy be referred
back to the steering committee to address the wntlt'en submissions
made and the concerns raised at the meeting ;
THAT the Committee be authorized to meet further
this regard; and
THAT a report be submitted to Council for its
Mr. Kelly in
#243 Moved by Councillor Weller
THAT the meetin g be adjourned at 1:01 a.m . (March 3 ~Q~).