MINUTES - Special Council - 19871126., i MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL COUNCIL -PUBLIC PLANNING MEETING NO. 55-87 Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices Thursday, November 26, 1987 7:32 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in the Chair; Councillors Buck, Barker, Jones, McKenzie, Pedersen and Weller. Councillor Paivio absent. Councillor Timpson absent attending another meeting. STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Director of Planning. Chief Administrative Officer absent on vacation. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mayor West advised those present that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendment to the Official Plan for Park, Park and Chung; and to the Zoning By-law for T.A. Mullen; Stolp Building Corporation; Park, Park and Chung; and the Coscan Development Corporation. Mayor West advised that any person who wished further notice of the passage of the by-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave the meeting. The Clerk advised that the required Notices of Meeting for Applications Z-30-87 and Z-31-87 were mailed on September 28, 1987 and the required Notices of Meeting for Applications Z-32-87, OP-33-87, Z-34-87 and Z-35-87 were mailed on October 23, 1987 by First Class Mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the proposed by-1 aws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under the Planning Act (1983}. The Public Meeting procedure and the opportunities ava i1 able for concerned residents to ask questions of the proponents of the various applications scheduled for consideration were explained. DECLARATION OF CONFLICT Councillor McKenzie declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Planning Report No. PL87-164-353 concerning Application OP-33-87 and Z-34-87 due to ownership of the adjacent lands to the east of the property subject of the application and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #806 #807 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein. AMENDMENT -Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution it was: Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT the matter of the lawyer's letter concerning the discharge of the mortgage on the Cochrane-Dunlop lands be added to New Business on the agenda. CARRIED The resolution CARRIED AS AMENDED. Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Meeting Minutes Thursday, November 26, 1987 - 2 - PLANNING APPLICATIONS Proposal -Application Z-30-87-T.A. Mullen The Public Meeting began with Mrs. Seibert outlining Report No. PL87-616-350 concerning the T.A. Mullen lands on the Industrial Parkway South. Upon completion of the report's review Mr. Mullen indicated that he had no additional comments to make concerning the application. There were no comments from the members of the public in attendance regarding the application. The Public Meeting closed and Council's deliberation began. #808 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT the recommendations contained within the report of the Director of Planning be accepted with approval granted to prepare a by-law to implement the request for a temporary period only, not exceeding three years. CARRIED Proposal -Application Z-31-87 -Stolp Building Corporation The Public Meeting resumed with Mayor West requesting that the Planning Director review Report No. PL87-162-351 concerning this application. Applicant's Comments: Mr. Howard Friedman of HBR Planning Centre, the agent for the applicant addressed those present. It was their request that the recommendations in the Planning Report not be adopted and that authorization be given for the initial readings of the implementing zoning by-law, with final reading held pending final resolution of the road design and widening issues. It was their opinion that these matters were close to final resolution with the third submission, engineering drawings forwarded to the Town for comment and discussions, underway regarding cost sharing of services. Public Concerns: -whether the existing dwelling on the subject lands will be demolished to provide required road widening. The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began. #809 #810 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the advice of the Director of Planning be accepted and no action be taken with respect to the preparation of a by-law until the road matters are resolved. DEFEATED Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT the application be approved with first and second readings to the by-law to be given with third reading held pending the resolution of the road widening issue. CARRIED Proposal -Application Z-32-87 -M. and D. McCartnery The Public Meeting resumed with the review of Planning Report No. PL87-136-352 prepared with respect to this matter. Mrs. Seibert a 1 so read the contents of a letter received from Mr. and Mrs. Leonard who reside at 78 Wells Street. ) Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Meeting Minutes Thursday, November 26, 1987 - 3 - Applicant's Comments: Mr. Robert Downes addressed those present concerning the application. It was his submission that the proposal would meet the parking requirements as set out in the By-1 aw and would blend in with the existing neighbourhood. The building could be shifted slightly away from the adjacent residence given that a 1.5 metre buffer strip evidently was not required on the south side of the property where the lands abut the adjacent institutional lands. Pub 1 i c Concerns: -on-street parking which currently exists; -no provision in proposed plan for visitors' parking; -location of garbage container adjacent to church rectory; -lack of setback from the street resulting in little green space, play area, or landscaping; -large amount of development on a relatively small lot; -effect of a three-storey building on the surrounding lands; -how the development will fit into the overall community; -size of units geared to discourage families; -development proposal should be scaled down; and -number of openings proposed on the north side of the building overlooking the neighbouring residences. The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began. #811 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT the application as it is presently designed be refused. CARRIED Proposal -Application OP-33-87; Z-34-87 -Park, Park and Chung Wellington Street East Councillor McKenzie having earlier declared a potential Conflict of Interest in this matter absented himself from the Council Chambers during the presentation of the report, discussion and vote taken with respect to this application. The Public Meeting resumed with Mayor West requesting the Director of Planning to review Report No. PL87-164-353 prepared regarding the subject application. The pre 1 iminary comments received by the Director of Planning from the Regional Engineering Department related to this application and several other deve 1 opment propos a 1 s/appl i cations a 1 ong We 11 i ngton Street East between the railway tracks and Mary Street were read. Applicant's Comments: Mr. Gary Templeton, the agent for the landowner, briefly indicated that there should be a modification to the permitted uses applied for which could be tailored to fit the site; that the applicants, while not having a market study, were confident there was an existing market in the area sufficient to make the proposal viable and the development as proposed would be an improvement over a site which by itself was not attractive in nature. It was requested that at least the Official Plan Amendment be approved which would allow time to deal with Regional traffic concerns. Public Concerns: -increase in traffic as a result of the development; -present parking problems on Ross Street and Wellington Street East; -visibility for traffic in this area; and -potential erosion problems. \ Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Meeting Minutes Thursday, November 26, 1987 - 4 - The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began. #812 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Buck THAT Applications OP-33-87 and Z-34-87 be rejected as being premature at this time. CARRIED Councillor McKenzie returned to the Council Chambers. Proposal -Application Z-35-87-Coscan Development Corporation The Public Meeting resumed with the review of Report No. PL87-165-354. Applicant's Comments: Mr. Templeton, representing the owners of the subject land, indicated concurrence with the recommendations in the planning report and requested that enactment of the zoning by-law be considered by Council on December 2nd in order to allow the objection period to expire prior to the time lapsing for the severance approved by the Committee of Adjustment on the subject lands in February, 1987. Public Concerns: -parking on Orchard Heights Boulevard; -drainage; -location of the proposed No Parking zoning on the lands subject of the application. The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began. #813 Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the application be approved and the appropriate by-law be prepared. CARRIED STAFF REPORTS TREASURY DEPARTMENT Report No, TR87-046-355 re: Tender Award; and Toronto -Central Ontario Building & Construction Trades Council #814 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT the bid from Model Builders (Aurora) Ltd., in the amount of $399,500.00 be accepted, subject to all of the terms and conditions of the tender documentation being met by the bidder; and THAT funds be allocated from the Capital Levy Reserve Fund and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Report No. TR87-047-357 re: Tender #MC 1987-6; Installation of the St. John's Sideroad Structural Plate Corrugated Steel Pipe Arches #815 Moved by Councillor McKenzie Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the bid from Novacor Construction in the amount of $105,034.50 for the above-subject work be accepted and that funds be allocated from Account #3360-40 and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Meeting Minutes Thursday, November 26, 1987 - 5 - Leisure Services Department Organization #816 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor McKenzie 1. RESOLVED that the Leisure Services Department be partially reorganized -subject to review when a Leisure Services Director is in place -in order to maximize the potential operation of the Leisure Services Complex and the Department as a whole; and 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Job Descriptions and salary ranges approved in earlier Council actions be revised as appropriate to the required reorganization. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS Cochrane-Dunlop -Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to sign Discharge of Mortgage #817 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the required documentation pertaining to the Discharge of the Mortgage for the Cochrane-Dunlop building on Wellington Street East. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT #818 Moved by Councillor Weller THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:56 p.m. CARRIED Mayor ~ti~