MINUTES - Special Council - 19871026'. •o···' MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING NO. 50-87 Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices Wednesday, October 28, 1987 10:37 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in the Chair; Councillors Buck, Barker, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller. STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy Clerk, Chief Building Official, Fire Chief, Director of Personnel, Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Treasurer and Administrative Assistant. Clerk absent due to illness. #738 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the notice provisions of By-law No. 2885-86 be waived. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS K. Cerswell, Treasurer memo to Mayor and Members of Council re: Offer of Employment-Treasurer of The Regional Municipality of York #739 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Aurora accept with regret the resignation of Kelly Cerswell, C.A., from the position of Treasurer effective December 31, 1987; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Personnel be directed to commence the procedure for the filling of this position. CARRIED Counci 1 in accepting the resignation with regret thanked Mrs. Cerswe 11 for her work and wished her well in her new capacity as Regional Treasurer. REPORTS TR87-044-334 -Final Design Tender Documents -Meeting of October 28, 1987 re: Fire Hall Addition #740 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the Fire Hall addition be approved for tender based on the final design drawings as reviewed by the Ad Hoc Committee. CARRIED Aurora Olympic Torch Relay Committee Report No. 1 #741 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Paivio 1. THAT Council endorse the work of the Aurora Olympic Torch Relay Celebration Committee to date, and authorize it and necessary staff to do all work necessary for the success of the Olympic Torch Relay in Aurora and any related events; and 2. THAT Council authorize the sum of $2,000.00 to underwrite the Committee's expenditures. CARRIED Special Council Minutes #50 Wednesday, October 28, 1987 BY-LAWS #742 #743 #744 - 2 - Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-law for First Reading: 2945-87 Being a by-law to approve the sale of certain lands to Correct Building Corporation (In Trust) for the establishment and carrying on of an industrial operation; AND THAT the same be taken as read a First Time .. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Councillor Weller THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-law for Second Reading: 2945-87 Being a by-law to approve the sale of certain lands to Correct Building Corporation (In Trust) for the establishment and carrying on of an industrial operation; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Second Time. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Paivio THAT leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-law for Third Reading: 2945-87 Being a by-law to approve the sale of certain lands to Correct Building Corporation (In Trust) for the establishment and carrying on of an industrial operation; AND THAT the same be taken as read a Third Time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADJOURNMENT #745 Moved by Councillor Weller THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:42 p.m. CARRIED Mayor ~e'~~