MINUTES - Special Council - 19870528( ( ( MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL COUNCIL -PUBLIC PLANNING MEETING NO. 27-87 Boardroom, Town of Aurora Administrative Offices Thursday, May 28, 1987 7:33 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in the Chair; Councillors Buck; Barker, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller. STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA #376 Moved by Councillor Jones Director of Planning, Treasurer (7:50 p.m.) Clerk and Deputy Clerk. Chief Administrative Officer absent due to previous commitment. Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein. CARRIED PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mayor West ad vi sed those present that this meeting had been ca 11 ed as a Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendment to the Official Plan for 109 Yonge Street North Ltd., and IEM Management Ltd.; and to the Zoning By-law for 109 Yonge Street North Ltd., Hugh Cousins, and IEM Management Ltd. Mayor West advised that any person who wished further notice of the passage of the By-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave the meeting. The Public Meeting procedure and the opportunities available for concerned residents to ask questions of the proponents of the various app 1 i cations scheduled for consideration were explained. The Clerk advised that the required Notices of Meeting were mailed on April 21, 1987 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the proposed By-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983}. Proposal -Applications OP-11-87 and Z-12-87 -109 Yonge Street North Ltd. The Public Meeting began with Mrs. Seibert outlining Planning Report No. PL87-071-170 concerning this subject. Applicants' Comments: Mr. Brian Corbett, the solicitor acting as agent for the applicants addressed those present respecting the proposals. Mr. Morley and Mr. Sanderson, partners in a local chartered accounting firm, were introduced. It was indicated that the building proposed to be constructed on the property would be for their use. It was stated that the proponents were agreeable to restricting the uses to those proposed in the Planning Report. A commitment was given to maximizing tree preservation on the site, and to working with the abutting property owner to the rear who is most affected by the application to deal with their concerns about parking, buffering and lighting. Mr. Terry Kelly, Planner and Mr. Stephen McCasey, Architect, were introduced. Co 1 oured e 1 evations of the proposed building and a revised parking layout were provided. The architect indicated all mechanical systems to serve the building were proposed to be inside the structure. Special Council -Public Planning Meeting No. 27 Thursday, May 28, 1987 - 2 - Public Concerns: tree loss on the site; reduction in privacy for neighbours; height of building proposed should be restricted; there should be compromised zoning placed on property allowing proposal but not full range of C2 permitted uses; why applications were necessary if existing building was used as a professional office; Town should require arbourist to assist in tree preservation and require protective fencing around trees; the R-5 special mixed density zoning more compatible with surrounding existing uses; and future use of presently excess office space proposed. The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began. #377 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT the necessary Offici a 1 Plan Amendment be prepared for Council's consideration and the necessary Zoning By-law amendment also be prepared. The third reading of the Zoning By-law not to occur unti 1 the site plan agreement affecting the development of the property is entered into. The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law to limit the uses to those specified by the Director of Planning. CARRIED Proposal -Application Z-13-87 -Hugh Cousins The Public Meeting resumed with consideration of Application Z-13-87 and Planning Report PL87-072-171 regarding this subject. There being no concerns expressed by those present, the Public Meeting closed and the Council meeting opened. #378 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Barker THAT the necessary by-law be prepared. CARRIED Proposal -Applications OP-14-87 and Z-15-87 -IEM Management Ltd. The Public Meeting resumed and Mrs. Seibert was requested to outline Report No. PL87-073-172 concerning this subject. The report was presented and the recent Conservation Authority comments concerning the proposed development were read. Applicant's Comments: Mr. Brent Binions appeared on behalf of the applicant, IEM Management Limited. He stated that the proposal was not for a nursing home but for a retirement facility to serve the "well" elderly. The building would consist of one penthouse of approximately 3,000 square feet, four apartment units with kitchen facilities, some suites with a separate bedroom and a majority of luxury private rooms. In addition, dining facilities, a chapel, laundry facilities, and a beauty salon would be incorporated. The service and visitor access would be from Yonge Street. The Gurnett Street access to underground parking waul d serve staff and any residents owning automobi 1 es. The need for this type of accommodation for seniors in this area was stressed as was the necessity to place this type of building in an area accessible to the downtown amenities. The steps taken to date to gain approval of the project by the Conservation Authority were reviewed. The projected additional costs to be incurred by the proponent to prepare the site for construction were identified. ·~, .... Special Council -Public Planning Meeting No. 27 Thursday, May 28, 1987 - 3 - Residents' Concerns: loss of recreational amenity to Aurora which has served three generations of citizens; the reference made to preservation of open space lands in studies commissioned by the Town and undertaken in 1979, 1982 and 1985; much more parking than indicated would be necessary based on square footage of proposed building and total occupants and staff; the loss of public open space is real issue; the Town's acceptance of conditional offer for municipal property while undergoing search for new municipal offices; perceived 1 oss of potentia 1 revenue based on current market va 1 ue for properties; concern that offer accepted without an appra i sa 1 having been completed prior to sale; effect of deve 1 opment and creek a 1 terati ons on water 1 eve 1 s up and downstream during heavy rains; the necessity to undertake improvements to local streets as a result of the traffic to be generated from the proposed development; where the 5 percent public land conveyance is on the proposal; the contravention of the proposa 1 with respect to the terms of the Town's Official Plan policies dealing with: scale of institutional uses to be integrated into surrounding uses; no softening effect to reduce impact of height of proposal; the imposing view of the structure from Gurnett Street; the identified deficiencies in the provision of Open Space in existing older neighbourhoods; and po 1 i cies respecting use and deve 1 opment of 1 ands adjacent to Open Space and environmental protection lands; Council underestimated the "value" of the property to the community; the state of the property left by the proponent while undertaking preliminary soil tests; the downtown revitalization concerns not being addressed by Council; long term future development of Aurora and benefit of this land in that regard not taken into consideration; additional on-street parking which may be generated by visitors to the facility; good site to provide affordable housing; property presently used by Wells Street School and Trinity Nursery School for recreational purposes; not democratic or morally correct to sell public "parkland"; the criteria established by Council for receipt of development proposals was not publicly circulated prior to tendering process; historic aspects of the property not taken into consideration; if sa 1 e of this property will be precedent setting for development of other municipally-owned open space lands; propriety of Counci 1 "predi spas i ng" the result of the meeting through its acceptance of an offer to purchase the land subject to the change in zoning being effected; and responsibility for designation of access to the development and how this would be controlled. The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began. #379 #380 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Jones THAT the hour of adjournment be extended and the agenda completed. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Paivio THAT Application Nos. OP-14-87 and Z-15-87 be denied. On a recorded vote, the resolution was CARRIED. YEAS 7 NAYS 2 VOTING YEA: VOTING NAY: Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Paivio Pedersen, Timpson and Mayor West. Councillors McKenzie and Weller. Special Council -Public Planning Meeting No. 27 Thursday, May 28, 1987 - 4 - RESOLUTIONS Aurora Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic Operations Study #381 Moved by Councillor Weller Seconded by Councillor Barker BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement dated the 18th day of May, 1987 between the Town of Aurora and DeLCan (De Leuw Cather Canada) appended hereto regarding the Aurora Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic Operations Study to be undertaken at a cost not to exceed $25,500.00; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications be requested to financially assist in cost sharing this study in accordance with the M.T.C. Traffic Operations Study Program. CARRIED Consultant Study For Review of Leisure Services, Public Works, and Engineering Departments #382 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen RESOLVED that the In Camera discussion of May 20, 1987 be confirmed and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to engage the services of E.H.E. International under the terms and conditions as set out in its proposal dated April 20, 1987, and as set out in our proposal call returnable by May 12, 1987, at the maximum cost of $16,875.00. Such costs to be charged to Account No. 1400-38 with the understanding that such expenditure can be covered by an underexpenditure in Account No. 1100-01 -Clerk's Salaries. CARRIED Award of Tender for Reconstruction of Wells, Harrison and Connaught Avenues #383 Moved by Councillor Barker Seconded by Councillor Weller RESOLVED that, upon the recommendation of Henry Borgdorff, Town Engineer, the Contract for the reconstruction of Wells Street, Harrison and Connaught Avenues, Project No. 1040, be awarded to Lamco Construction Ltd. in the tendered amount of $773,243.35 or such other amount as may be determined by fi na 1 measurements of approved additions and approved deletions as set out in the contract documents. CARRIED Jim Spring, Aurora, Ont. re: Claim for Killed Live Stock #384 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones RESOLVED that payment in the amount of $110.00, as valued by the Live Stock Valuer, be made to Mr. Jim Spring for the loss of a lamb which was killed by wolves; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the necessary forms be submitted to the Province for reimbursement of this claim. CARRIED Report No. LS87-020-152 -Easement -35 Glass Drive #385 Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Jones RESOLVED that the costs associated with the reconstruction of the east and west sides of the easement located at 35 Glass Drive, as detailed in the report of the Director of Leisure Services dated May 13, 1987, No. LS87-020-152, be charged to Account No. 6040-56. CARRIED Special Council -Public Planning Meeting No. 27 Thursday, May 28, 1987 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS Councillor Paivio - ADJOURNMENT - 5 - public meeting procedures regarding a Councillor's ability to ask questions of the proponents of an application. #386 Moved by Councillor Weller THAT the meeting be adjourned at 11:27 p.m. CARRIED Mayor ~a~~