MINUTES - Special Council - 19861029MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARDROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor West; Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller. Also in attendance were K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator; C.E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk and S. Seibert, Director of Planning. Mayor West advised those present that this meeting had been called as a Pub 1 i c Meeting with respect to app 1 i cati ens for amendments to the Zoning By-law for Frank S. Johnston and Priestly Holding Corporation, and to the Official Plan for Priestly Holding Corporation. The Deputy Clerk advised that the required notices of meeting were mailed on September 23, 1986 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the By-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor West advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave the meeting. The Public Meeting to hear Application Nos. Z-10-86 and Z-39-85 began and Mrs. Seibert was requested to outline her report. Proposal -Applications Z-39-85 and Z-10-86 (Corridor/Avery Boland - Revised Plans' Director of Planning, S. Seibert advised Council that since the notice of meeting had been ma i 1 ed out a revised application from Corridor had been received on October 21, 1986 and a revised plan from Avery Boland was just received this afternoon (October 29, 1986) so that the plan known as the Willis Drive extension was no longer before Council. R. Webb, representing Corridor, addressed Counci 1 and stated his clients' were opposed to any road connections but would accept the ones showing an extension to Willis Drive providing that his clients be allowed to develop lots both north and south of the extension of proposed Willis Drive. Mr. Webb requested that this meeting continue and that this application be heard at this time. The Public Meeting closed. The Council Meeting now open. Buck: Paivio: Resolved that Application Nos. Z-10-86 and Z-39-85 be deferred until the next Special Public Planning/Council meeting scheduled for November 26, 1986. CARRIED The Public Meeting now open to hear Z-36-86. Mayor West requested the Director of Planning to outline Application No. Z-36-86. Proposal -Application Number Z-36-86 (FrankS. Johnston) Location The subject lands are located on the south side of Wellington Street East between Wells and Larmont Streets. The surrounding lands are primarily res i denti a 1 with some commercia 1 excepti ens occurring in the neighbouring blocks on the north side of the street. The lot itself supports a large two-storey brick front with a driveway running along the east side frame garage located at the rear of the building. is presently being used as a greenspace. dwelling located at the to a small one car wood The remainder of the lot COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986 - 2 - Proposal -Application Number Z-36-86 (FrankS. Johnston) cont'd ••. Proposal The applicant requests an exception to the provisions of the "R5 -Special Mixed Density Residential Zone" and the permitted uses to allow the existing building which fronts on Wellington Street, now used as a residence, to be used for professional offices including medical. Official Plan The subject lands are designated "Urban Residential". However, Official Plan Amendment No. 10 states: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Amendment is to add to Urban Residential Policies of the Official Plan contained in Section 4 (4), a policy which will permit limited commercial uses in residentially designated areas on arterial roads in the Town's older section. 2. Policies Limited commercial uses, such as professional office, an artist's or music studio, an insurance or real estate office or similar uses which are compatible with residential uses, may be permitted in an urban residential designation, on an arterial road as defined on Schedule "B" to the Interim Official Plan, subject to the following: (i) The lands being appropriately rezoned. (ii) The applicant enters into a site plan agreement with the muni ci pa 1 ity. (iii)That sufficient parking can be provided on the site and suitably screened so as not to visually intrude into the surrounding residential neighbourhood. (iv) That the exterior appearance of the building be maintained as a residential building. A sign may be displayed in accordance with the provisions of the Town's sign by-law. (v) Where the applicant requires increased floor area, any building additions must maintain the residential appearance of the building and be in harmony with the original architectural style and period of the building. Required yards for such building additions will be based on existing standards in the surrounding neighbourhood. 3. Implementation The policies of this Official Plan Amendment will be implemented through special zoning provisions pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act, and through site p 1 an agreements pursuant to Section 35 (a) of The Planning Act. Agency Comments Building Department (by letter date October 17, 1986) No objection, however, a site plan agreement will be required. Fire Department -no objection Leisure Services -no objection Public Works (by letter dated October 18, 1986} No objection provided the side and rear adjacent properties are adequately fenced and screened. The subject property being used for commercial purposes will require a Neptune T.R.T. or Rockwell S.R. water meter equipped with an outside reader. All other concerns can be resolved at the site plan agreement stage. The applicant should be aware of his requirement to direct all surface drainage to the Wellington Street East storm sewer. COUNCIL MEETING ..• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986 - 3 - Proposal -Application Number Z-36-86 (FrankS. Johnston) cont'd ••• Other Agencies Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority -no objection Ministry of Natural Resources -no objection Ministry of Transportation and Communications-no objection Regional Engineering (verbal statement on October 23, 1986) No objection provided that sufficient offstreet parking is provided. The applicant may require an access permit, however, this will be determined upon submission of a site plan for approval. Regional Planning -no objection Regional Medical Officer of Health -no objection Planning Considerations The proposal would appear to conform with the Official Plan provided the requirements of Official Plan Amendment No. 10 respecting sufficient offstreet parking, screening of the parking, signage etc. listed above can be met. According to the general provisions regarding office space parking, 7 parking spaces would be required if the proposed office space were to include the entire floor area of the existing building, 188 square metres (approximately 2,000 square feet). If the building were to be used solely as a medical clinic the parking requirement would be 12 spaces. The unique depth of the lots in the applicants' block, 64 metres (210 feet) provides a suitable area for off street parking. It is the intention of the applicant to use the existing building and grounds for professional offices including medical. Therefore, the proposed 14 spaces, and the relocation of the existing garage to the southwest corner of the lot as a 15th space, would provide sufficient offstreet parking for the proposed mixed uses. Where a lot is used for a commercial purpose and the interior side or rear lot lot line abuts an existing residential use then an adequate planting strip is required as a buffer. The existing trees on the west property line provide good screening up to within 20 feet of the existing fence at the rear of the building. It is felt that this fence should be extended to the existing trees and that landscaping be added to maintain the privacy of the neighbours along the west lot line. Similarly, the rear and east lot lines will require an adequate planting strip and fence built to by-law specifications. There has been some public concern over the proposed expansion of commercial uses into a block of Wellington Street, which at the present time remains entirely residential in use, with an indication that it might be premature. It should be noted, however, that with the extension of Highway 404 to Wellington Street and the pressures of the central core to expand its commercial area, the role of Wellington Street is gradually being redefined. Increased traffic flows have a 1 ready been directed through the area and there is a constant pressure on the older core to expand some of its commercia 1 area. Evidence of a similar commercia 1 exception on the north side of Wellington, i.e., the Health Clinic at 58 Wellington Street East has not proved detrimental to the quality of the surrounding residential environment. In that case the exterior appearance of the building has been maintained and considerably upgraded to blend in harmoniously with the surrounding residential appearance of the blocks in which it is located. The same effect has been experienced in such conversions on Yonge Street. In accordance with the Official Plan policies the use of the building can be limited to a greater extent than has been applied for. This was the case in the Health Clinic at 58 Wellington Street East where the use has been limited to no more than two doctors at any one time. COUNCIL MEETING ..• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986 - 4 - Proposal -Application Number Z-36-86 (FrankS. Johnston) cont'd .•. In summary, the proposal would appear to conform to the Official Plan provided the policies of Amendment No. 10 and the Local and Regional Agency concerns are dealt with in a formal site plan agreement. It is suggested that should Council determine that an amendment to the by-law is appropriate, third reading of such by-law should await the finalization of the site plan agreement. Mr. A. Strong, Solicitor, representing owners of the property, stated that this plan conforms to all requirements of the Official Plan. The use of the building will be a real estate office, not a medical office. Mr. Strong stated that the interior of the building will not change in any way and that there will be no increase in the floor area. Concerns -traffic flow -egress and access to property -incompatibility -safety for children -undermines L.A.C.A.C. goals -property values will devaluate -pollution of area The Public Meeting closed. The Council Meeting now open. Weller: Resolved that Application No. Z-36-86 be refused. Timpson: CARRIED The Public Meeting now open. Councillor Barker declared a Conflict of Interest in Application Nos. OP-37-86 and Z-38-86 due to being involved with the subject application and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Councillor Barker left the room. Mayor West requested Mrs. Seibert to outline Application Nos. OP-37-86 and Z-38-86. -Aoolication Number OP-37-86 and Z-38-86 (Priestl Location The subject lands are located at the northeast corner of Yonge Street and St. John's Sideroad. Proposal The applicants propose to amend the land use designation applying to the subject lands from "Rural" to "Urban Residential" in the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area and the Zoning Category from "RU -Rural General" and "EP -Environmental Protection Zone" to "RA-2 Second Density Apartment Residential Zone" and "EP Environmental Protection Zone" in the Zoning By-law. The amendments are required to permit the lands to be developed for three four storey apartment buildings with a total of ninety units. Surrounding Land Use Site : North: South: East West : undeveloped rural undeveloped rural large lot detached residential rura 1 res i denti a 1 undeveloped rural '• ., •• ~J COUNCIL MEETING ..• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986 - 5 - Number OP-37-86 and Z-38-86 (Priestl Official Plan The subject lands are currently designated "Rural". The applicants propose to redesignate the lands to "Urban Residential" which would permit the proposed development. Agency Comments Director of Public Works (by letter dated October 14, 1986) 1. Developer would have to review servicing feasibility, however, cost sharing for water distribution and sanitary sewer are anticipated. 2. Cost sharing for the reconstruction of St. John's Sideroad would in all likelihood be required in conjunction with the developer to the south. 3. Location of entrance to St. John's Sideroad must be thoroughly investigated due to required grade changes, visibility limitations etc. 4. M.T.C. would have to approve Yonge Street access. 5. Storm water management details should be considered at this time. 6. All other technical concerns can be addressed at the site plan stage. Fire Department (by letter dated October 10, 1986) Be advised that the Fire Department has no objection to the aforementioned proposal provided subsection 3.2.5. "Provisions for Fire Fighting", of the Building Code are adhered to, and in particular article (1), "An adequate water supply for fire fighting shall be provided for every building, and article (2) Hydrants shall be located within 90 metres horizontally of any portion of a building perimeter which is required to face a street in subsection 3.2.2". Building Department (by letter dated October 17, 1g86) I presume the site will be serviced by full municipal services. In my opinion, I think the site lends itself to apartment buildings in a "rural" surrounding with ample green space available. Other Agencies Ministry of Transportation and Communications (by letter dated October 7 1g86 1 Although this Ministry has no objections to the proposed rezoning we advise that access to the subject lands will be restricted to St. John's Road with no direct access to Highway 11. This Ministry will require that all buildings be setback a minimum distance of 14 m ( 45 feet) above and be 1 ow around from our highway property 1 i ne. Permits will be required from all buildings, signs and illumination prior to any construction being undertaken. Permits may be obtained from our district office located at 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. M2N 6E9 (224-7480). Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (by letter dated October 10, 1986) Our review of the above application indicates that considerable portions of these lands are susceptible to flooding during a Regional storm. We would however have no objection to the requested c 1 ass i fi cations for those 1 ands located above the Regional storm floodline elevation of 251.9 metres C.G.O. Ministry of Natural Resources (by letter dated October 15, 1986) Based on the policies and programs of this ministry, we would have no objection to their approval. Please advise us of your decision. COUNCIL MEETING •.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986 - 6 - Proposal APPlication Number OP-37-86 and Cor[?Oraff on cont'a ... Z-38-86 (Priestl Ministry of Agriculture and Food (by letter dated October 20, 1986) Staff of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food have reviewed the above development proposal. Consideration has been given to the proposal in terms of the goals and objectives of the Ministry and of the criteria and policies outlined in the Food Land Guidelines. Of the 5.8 hectare site there is a small area of approximately 2 hectares that has been farmed. However, in view of the fact the site is very small and is isolated from any other agricultural uses by wet lands, ravines and the highway, the amendment is of little concern to this ministry. Planning Considerations The applicant proposes to amend both the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the construction of three, four storey apartment buildings containing a total of 90 units. Since the surrounding lands are generally undeveloped and rural in character, this proposa 1 if it were to proceed would represent a major change in land use policy for the area. The current Official Plan designates all the lands east of Yonge Street and north of St. John's Sideroad as "Rural". The predominant uses permitted under this designation are agriculture, forestry and activities connected with the conservation of soil and wildlife. Although it is only a staff document at present, the Draft Official Plan would designate the subject lands and others on the north side of St. John's Side road, "Rura 1" as we 11. The 1 ands on the south side of St. John's Sideroad would be designated "Urban Separator". This designation is intended to have the purpose of "retaining the rural character of the lands adjacent to major transportation arterials as well as Aurora's neighbouring municipalities". The permitted uses would be "very large residential lots which are compatible with a rural setting, very 1 imited commercia 1 uses on 1 arge 1 ots, such as country inns, horseback riding estab 1 i shments, hobby farms and such other uses as are considered compatible with the goal of ensuring an urban separator and maintaining the rural appearance of the area". Since it is the intention of both the current and proposed policies to retain the rural character of this area, and provide a buffer or separator between Aurora and Newmarket it would appear that the proposed development would be an aberration of the intended policy and possibly set a precedent leading to a revised land use policy for all lands in this area. The Urban Residential Development Policy in the current Official Plan outlines policies to regulate the form and structure of the Town. Section 8.B.1 (d) states as follows: (d) Urban residential development shall be predominately low density, single family residential. Apartment buildings, row houses, maisonettes and other multiple family accommodation containing ten or more units shall only be permitted: (i) In proximity to the Central Business District, or (ii) In proximity to shopping centres, or (iii)Adjacent to arterial roads, and (iv) Where it is previously established that the schools, parks, roads, sewers and watermains, and other municipal services are adequate,and (v) Where it is previously established that the traffic generated can be safely handled by the road system and can be directed away from adjacent local streets. ·--·' COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986 - 7 - Number OP-37-86 and Z-38-86 (Priestl With regards to the proposed development it would appear that it does not meet the policies of Section 8 B 1 (d) (i) and (ii) since it is located 1.8 km (1.1 miles) from the Central Business District and 1 km (0.6 miles) from the nearest shopping facilities. Since the proposed lands are located north of the current servicing boundary (the south side of St. John's Sideroad) the provisions of Section 8 B 1 (d) (iv) do not appear to be met. The subject lands are located in a highly visible location at the gateway to Aurora from the north. Hence, any development proposal should be given very careful consideration in terms of suitability of the use, visual impact and functionabil ity of the site. Although it would appear that the proposed development would greatly alter the character of the area, and may be considered premature at this time, the desirability of the site for an intensive use cannot be denied. Since this proposal is located in a somewhat undeveloped area and outside the current servicing boundary, and would involve a major change in land use policy for this area, it is suggested that the application be referred to the Official Plan Review Committee for further study of both the subject lands and those surrounding it. Mr. B. Corbett, representing the owner of the property, addressed Counci 1 and stated that this property is registered in the name of Priestly Holdings and that Mr. Priestly intends to develop the property. It will be three four-storey condominium buildings. The area is fourteen acres and only four acres will be covered by the bufldings and a small recreational building to service the residents of the apartments. A ten acre parcel will be deeded to the Town. Expected population will be 225 to 260 persons. Concerns -height of buildings -density -too high -condition of St. John's Sideroad -swampy land -invasion of privacy -compatibility with surrounding areas The Public Meeting now closed. The Council Meeting now open. Buck: Timpson: ADJOURNMENT Timpson: Mayor Resolved that this Application be supported in principle and referred to Planning Committee for further consideration under the Official Plan Review. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:25 p.m. CARRIED Clerk