MINUTES - Special Council - 19860917MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARDROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 AT 7:30P.M. Present were: Absent were: Mayor West; Councillors Buck, Jones, McKenzie, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller. Councillor Barker due to a previous commitment, and Councillor Paivio. Also in attendance were K.B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator; C.E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk; and S. Seibert, Director of Planning. Mayor West advised those present that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to an application for amendment to the Official Plan for Donald Schmidt, and for amendments to the Zoning By-law for Steven Mills, Eric Taylor and J. Morning Estate. The Deputy Clerk advised that the required notices of meeting were mailed on August 11, 1986 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the By-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor West advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave the meeting. The public meeting to hear application Z-34-86 began and Mrs. Seibert was requested to outline her report. Proposal -Application No. Z-34-86 (Stephen Mills) Location The subject lands are located at the northeast corner of Yonge and Maple Streets. Proposal The applicants request an exception to the provisions of the "R-5 -Special Mixed Density Residential Zone" to allow the existing building which fronts on Yonge Street, now used as a residence to be used as a project hostel for the Yellow Brick House. We are advised that this "project hostel" will be used by up to 10 women and children as a residence while the women are searching for permanent housing, preparing for future independence by such means as job retraining, counselling and employment search. The Yellow Brick House itself limits the stay of its occupants to six weeks . This facility would provide for a longer stay. The Yellow Brick House organization would lease the building and the residents would pay rent to the Yellow Brick House. If needed, five additional parking spaces could be provided at the rear of the building. Surrounding Land Use To the North: East: West: South: Official Plan detached residential detached residential Hillary House (museum) Our Lady of Grace Church The subject lands are designated "Urban Residential''. The permitted uses are as follows: ''The Urban Residential classification of land means that the predominant use of the land in the areas so designated shall be for low, medium and high density residential uses. In addition, uses that are complementary to, or serve the basic residential uses, and local commercial uses shall also be permitted by specific zoning churches, nursing homes, day nurseries, and public utilities.'' The proposed use would be quite similar and compatible to a standard residential use, hence, it would appear that it conforms to the Official Plan. 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The purpose of the shelter is to provide guidance, job counselling and a stable environment to physically and emotionally abused women. The proposed use is very similar to that of any other residential rooming house, save and except the presence of a social worker to provide assistance and guidance. Hence it is felt that the proposal would essentially have no different effect on the surrounding neighbourhood than the existing single family residence. The Yonge Street location of the property with its noise and high traffic volume limits the desirability of the property for detached residential uses as well. This proposal therefore provides for an alternative use which is compatible with the surrounding residences. The applicant has indicated that up to five parking spaces could be provided to the rear of the building, however, we are advised that it is unlikely that many of the mothers would own cars therefore it may be more appropriate to leave the back yard or some part of it in it's natural state as a play area for children. The applicants have specifically chosen a location on the bus route since many of the residents would use public transportation. They have also made arrangements with the church to use the church parking 1 at if the need arises. It is suggested that the overall limit of ten occupants be included as a provision in the By-law and that the possibility of providing a 1 imitation on the number of adults occupying the house at one time be discussed with Yellow Brick House Staff. By imposing such limits, the demand for parking and the overall effect on the neighbourhood can be minimized. Agency Concerns Public Works The only concern I have concerning this application relates to off street parking. Experience in the Yellow Brick House situation was that residents owned automobiles and to a great extent parked illegally in the municipal parking lot at 27 Yonge Street South. Building Department We have had no camp 1 a i nts re the Yell ow Brick House at the corner of Wellington Street at Victoria, therefore I see no reason to object to the requested rezoning. Municipal Engineer No objection. Fire Department No objection. Leisure Services No objection. COUNCIL MEETING ... SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 - 3 - Public Concerns: 1. parking; 2. spot zoning; 3. buffer between property; 4. play area for children; 5. long range zoning; 6. expansion of buildings on property; and 7. number of occupants allowed. The public meeting on the application closed at 8:05 p.m. and Council opened at 8:06 p.m. Buck: Timpson: Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary by-law incorporating the following: 1. temporary zoning for three years; 2. maximum number of occupants allowed (10); 3. useage only Yellow Brick House; 4. no additional parking; and 5. back yard to be maintained as play area. CARRIED The public meeting reopened at 8:07 p.m. Mayor West requested the Director of Planning to outline Z-31-86. Proposal -Application No. Z-31-86 (Eric Taylor) Location The subject property is located on the north side of Ridge Road just before it becomes a private laneway. The surrounding lands are primarily rural residential with a large rural lot bordering the property to the north. The lot itself is wedge shaped as it extends back from the road. A dwelling is located at the northeast corner of the lot and is accessed by a driveway which runs diagonally across the property. Lands to the south and east of the driveway are wooded and have a general slope from west to east while lands to the north are relatively flat and open. Proposal The app 1 i cant proposes to amend the zoning by-1 aw from "RU -Rura 1 Genera 1" to "R -Rural Residential" to allow the property to be severed into two separate land parcels fronting on Ridge Road west. Official Plan The subject property is designated as "Rural". The consent policy for Rural areas recognizes that there are many properties with agricultural limitations that are attractive for residential purposes. The subject property is not good agricultural land and therefore rural nonfarm residential and estate residential uses may be permitted but only on a limited scale and at a low density. Comment The applicant has received approval from the Committee of Adjustment to sever the subject property into two separate land parcels subject to satisfying a number of conditions which include having the lands rezoned. The lands are currently zoned "RU -Rural General" which would not permit the severance on the basis that the zone requirements for the new land parcels could not be met. The lands would have to be rezoned "R -Rural Residential" which would require a minimum lot area of .8 ha (1.9 acres) and a minimum lot frontage of 45 metres (147.6 feet). This minimum lot requirement would ensure a low density form of development. COUNCIL MEETING •.. SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 - 4 - None of the consulted departments had concerns with the application since the Committee of Adjustment had dealt with a 11 development concerns in the conditions of approval. In summary, the applicants proposal would conform to the "Consent Policies for Rural Areas" in the Official Plan subject to the lands being rezoned to R -Rural Residential to ensure a low density form of rural nonfarm residential development. Public Concerns: None. The public meeting closed at 8:16 p.m. and Council opened at 8:17 p.m. Buck: Jones: Resolved that the Director of Planning be directed to prepare the necessary by-law for first and second reading. Third reading of the by-law to be held until the matter of the cemetery location is resolved. CARRIED The public meeting reopened. Mayor West requested the Director of Planning to outline OP-32-86. Proposal -Application Number OP-32-86 (Donald Schmidt) Location The subject lands are located at the northwest corner of Wellington Street and Bayview Avenue. Surrounding Land Use To the North: East: West: South: Proposal Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Detached Residence and Agricultural The applicant proposes to amend the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area from "Rural" to "Industrial and Commercial". The amendment is required to allow the property to be developed as an industrial plan of subdivision with a commercial block fronting on Wellington Street. Planning Considerations The applicant proposes to develop the subject lands as an industrial subdivision with a commercial block which would be located at the northwest corner of We 11 i ngton Street and Bayview Avenue. The proposal ca 11 s for 4 industrial lots ranging from 1.03 ha (2.56 acres) to 1.82 ha (4.5 acres) with a total area of 10.1 ha (25.2 acres) and a commercial block of 4.6 ha (11.33 acres). The draft Official Plan would designate these lands and others in the east portion of town as industrial. Any such redesignation should be done in a careful and comprehensive manner to ensure the ultimate use and benefit of these lands. The subject lands are located some distance from any existing development and are currently surrounded by agricultural activities. This is not to say that this application is entirely premature, however, it would be most inappropriate to redesignate this property without having regard for the surrounding lands. The present proposal calls for a 4.6 ha (11.33 acres) commercial block in addition to the proposed industrial. In considering the amount of recent commercial plaza development and a possible further erosion of the downtown marketing area Council should weigh carefully the implications of this type of development in this location at this point in time. COUNCIL MEETING ••• SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 - 5 - In order to provide municipal services to the proposed development a number of requirements exist. The subject lands are located outside the current servicing boundary, hence, municipal watermains along Wellington Street would have to be upsized and extended eastward. The sanitary gravity trunk sewer proposed from the Wellington/Mary Street intersection to St. John's Sideroad would have to be completed. Both of these extensions would require a servicing study to investigate their technical feasibility. On an earlier application, (Connie Realty/Dipede) which is located immediately north of the subject lands, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food indicated that the lands in the area are of high agricultural capability. Documentation of the need for the industria 1 1 and use waul d have to be provided to the Ministry. This would include: -the necessity of the land use -the amount of land needed -the reasons for the choice of location; and the consideration given to alternate locations on lower capability agricultural land. This application represents the fourth such industrial application in this area in the past two years. After careful examination, Council had decided to refer each of the three applications (Old Park Holdings, Magna International and Connie Realty/Dipede) to the Official Plan Review. In consideration that the present application as well as those mentioned above, should be dealt with in a comprehensive manner, and in relation to other surrounding lands, it is suggested that this application also be referred to the Official Plan Review. The completion of a such a review will determine such important factors as specific land use, density, location, design and staging of the development of these lands. Agency Comments Public Works (by letter dated August 21, 1986) servicing limits must be extended (policy change} servicing study required to investigate technical feasibility Industrial Parkway trunk sanitary sewer must be in service, upsizing of water main on Wellington Street East Regional approval required for entrance onto Wellington Street Municipal Engineer (by letter dated September 2, 1986) Our comments regarding the above noted applications are: (a) We believe the subject property to be outside the current serviced boundary; (b) Municipal Watermains would need to be extended to service the subject property; (c) Sanitary drainage for the subject property is dependent of the proposed gravity trunk sewer from the intersection northerly to St. John's Sideroad; upon completion Wellington/Mary (d) Development of the property needs to be governed by the application of storm water management. Leisure Services (by letter dated August 25, 1986) 1) Concerned about visual impact on Holland River area. 2) Would like to walk site, especially where river crosses Wellington Street. As our goal is to provide a greenbelt from St. John's to Sheppard's Bush we would like to assess the east side of river. Building Department (by letter dated September 8, 1986) I can see no reason for the Building Department to object to this Official Plan Amendment. The rezonings will of course be subject to Site Plan Agreement. , .. ,-,, -, ___ " ... COUNCIL MEETING ... SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 - 6 - Fire Department (by letter dated August 20, 1986) No concerns at this time. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (by verbal comment of September 15, 1986) More information is required from the applicant to adequately assess the proposal. Region of York Planning Department (by verbal comment of September 15, 1986) This application should be considered premature until an Official Plan review is completed. Mr. Hope, Planner, representing the owner of the property, addressed Council and advised that the Holland Stream shown on the Official Plan Land Use Schedule as on the Schmidt property was in error. This stream was not on their property. Mr. Hope stated that they had been talking with representatives of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority for permits. Industrial land to the north and high quality commercial land to the south is their plan for this property. Mr. Hope requested Council's support of this amendment. The public meeting closed at 8:34 p.m. Council opened at 8:35 p.m. Jones: Timpson: Resolved that this application be referred to the Official Plan Review. CARRIED The public meeting reopened at 8:36 p.m. Mayor West requested the Director of Planning to outline Application No. Z-33-86. Proposal -Application No. Z-33-86 (J. Morning Estate) Location The subject lands are located on the east side of Bathurst Street just north of the proposed Aurora Heights Drive extension. The surrounding lands are primarily residential with rural lands bordering Bathurst to the west in King Township. The property itself is a 1.78 hectare (4.3 acre) parcel of land which is bounded by Bathurst Street to the west, Aurora Heights Drive to the south, an Ontario Hydro substation to the north and the residential reserve blocks of a neighbouring subdivision, fronting on Whispering Pine Trail, to the east. A single family dwelling, accessory building and driveway fronting on Bathurst Street occupy the property at the northwest corner. The topography of the lands is characterized by a relatively flat open field which has a gentle slope downward from west to east at the southwest corner. Proposal The applicant proposes to amend the zoning by-law applying to the subject lands from "H -Holding" to "Rl -Detached Dwelling First Density Residential" to allow the area to be developed for a plan of subdivision containing 6 residential lots approximately .2 hectares ( .5 ac-res) in size and 3 blocks for future residential development. Two of the residential lots would front directly on Bathurst Street at the north end of the property while the remaining four lots would front on Aurora Heights Drive. It is the intention of the applicant to develop the remaining 3 blocks of land 7, 8, 9 at a later point in time in conjunction with the neighbouring residential reserve blocks 27 and 28 of Plan 65M-2395. The plan would be fully serviced with municipal sewers and water supply. '· ~~ COUNCIL MEETING ••• SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 - 7 - Official Plan The subject property was designated Suburban Residential through the Aurora West Secondary Plan. The objective of the Suburban Residential Area is to protect the present character of the existing housing and adjacent rural lands along Bathurst Street. Single family dwellings are permitted only with a minimum lot area of .2 hectares (.5 acres). Where development proposals are located within areas designated for Suburban Residential land use the applicants will be required to produce detailed . reports and mapping showing existing grades, vegetation cover, soil characteristics and ground water 1 eve 1 s. The report should a 1 so pro vi de detailed proposa 1 s concerning the following: (a) methods of erosion control and slope stabilization (b) the locations of and methods of ensuring proper functioning of septic tank systems and the fields (c) approximate building and driveway locations (d) proposed alterations to grades and vegetation cover. Where the existing topography and vegetation provide inadequate screening adjacent to Regional roads, tree planting and landscaping shall be provided in order to screen dwellings from vehicular traffic and to provide as much privacy as possible. In general, residential uses adjacent to arterial roads shall be developed with reverse frontage and with adequate lot depths to provide for the appropriate landscaping and buffering. The plan of subdivision as proposed would conform to the Official Plan provided these policies can be met. Comment The subject lands are currently zoned "H -Holding". This category is applied to lands which are intended for future development the plans of which are uncertain. It is the intention of the applicant to follow through the draft approval process for the proposed plan of subdivision containing 6 lots and 3 residential reserve blocks. The proposed plan as presently submitted identifies the need for an appropriate R1 rezoning of the subject 1 ands to complement the Suburban Residential land use designation set out in the Official Plan. The present R1 -Detached Dwelling First Density Residential lot specifications would require a minimum lot area of 2,000 square metres (21,528 square feet) and a lot frontage of 30 metres (98.43 feet). Staff feel the plan could meet the requirements would conform to the Official Plan provided 1 andscapi ng are included in accordance with the Residential Area. of the zoning by-1 aw and adequate screening and po 1 i ci es of the Suburban The proposal would infill an area of land between existing and proposed suburban residential development in a complimentary manner. Some effort has been made to locate the majority of the lots off the internal road network, however, lot 5 would require an additional access of Bathurst Street (Region of York Road No. 38). The Region of York Engineering Department has expressed some concern over this matter. In a verbal comment from the Traffic Department it was noted that all access to the proposed plan of subdivision should be via an internal road system and in order to prevent further access to Bathurst Street a . 3 metre reserve should be p 1 aced a 1 ong the property 1 i ne on the west side. None of the other agencies and departments consulted had any objection to this application. COUNCIL MEETING ... SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 - 8 - In summary, the proposed plan of subdivision appears to conform with the Official Plan. The plan itself has not received draft approval so all concerns regarding road and lot configuration, access and servicing requirements, etc. will have to be dealt with prior to rezoning at the draft plan stage. It is suggested that the preparation of the by-law should await resolution of the Region's concerns respecting access requirements and finalization of draft approval of the plan of subdivision. Public Concerns: None. The public meeting closed at 8:45p.m. and Council opened at 8:46p.m. Buck: Weller: CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that the Director of Planning be directed to prepare the necessary by-law for first and second reading. The third reading of the by-law to be held until all concerns are resolved. CARRIED 1. Letter 18-45 -Mayor West memo to All Members of Council re: Town of Aurora's Objection to Newmarket Official Plan Amendment No. 34 -Weston Produce Inc. Buck: Jones: Resolved that the Town's Solicitor and K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator be authorized to attend the Hearing to represent the Town of Aurora in its objection to Official Plan Amendment No. 34 (Weston Produce Inc.). CARRIED 2. Letter 18-46 -Mayor West memo to All Members of Council re: Inter-Municipal Committee to facilitate the Residence Location System for Emergency Services Buck: Jones: ADJOURNMENT Pedersen: Mayor Resolved that Mrs. S. Seibert, Director of Planning be appointed to sit on the Inter-Municipal Committee being formed to facilitate the Residence Location System for Emergency Services. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:56 p.m. Clerk