MINUTES - Special Council - 19860730MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Absent Were: Mayor West and Councillors Buck, Jones, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller Councillor McKenzie due to a business commitment and Councillor Barker, due to illness Also in attendance were Colleen E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk, Susan Seibert, Director of Planning and Lawrence Allison., Administrative Clerk. Mayor West advised those present that this meeting had been ca 11 ed as a Public Meeting with respect to an application for amendment to the Official Plan for Michael Riggs and for amendments to the Zoning By-Law for Kenneth Murray, Michael Riggs, Beacon Hall and G. Rotundo. Mrs. Seibert summarized the processing procedure and related policies as practiced by the Townof Aurora for the benefit of the residents present. The Deputy Clerk advised that the required notices of meeting were mailed on June 19, 1986 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the By-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983}. Mayor West advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-Laws under consideration should sign the forms avai 1 able before they leave the meeting. The public meeting to hear application Z-25-86 began and Mrs. Seibert was requested to outline her report. Proposal -Application Number Z-25-86 (Kenneth Murray) LOCATION The subject lands are located on the north side of Wellington Street East, just west of Walton Drive. The property is a 'through lot' with frontage on both Wellington and Centre Street. PROPOSAL The applicant requests an exception to the provisions of t~e "R5 -Special Mixed Density Residential Zone" and the permitted uses to allow the building which fronts on Wellington Street, now used as a residence to be used as a commercial law office. OFFICIAL PLAN The subject lands are designated "Urban Residential". However, Official Plan Amendment No. 10 states: 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to add to Urban Residential Policies of the Official Plan contained in Section 4 (4}, a policy which will permit limited commercial uses in residentially designated areas on arterial roads in the Town's older section. COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 - 2 - 2. POLICIES Limited commercial uses, such as a professional office, an artist's or music studio, an insurance or real estate office or similar uses which are compatible with residential uses, may be permitted in an urban residential designation, on an arterial road as defined on Schedule "B" to the Interim Official Plan, subject to the following. ( i) ( i i) (iii) (iv) ( v) The lands being appropriately rezoned. The applicant enters into a site plan agreement with the municipality That sufficient parking can be provided on the site and suitably screened so as not to visually intrude into the surrounding residential neighbourhood. That the exterior appearance of the building be maintained as a residential building. A sign may be displayed in accordance with the provisions of the Town's sign by-law. Where the applicant requires increased floor area, any building additions must maintain the residential appearance of the building and be in harmony with the original architectural style and period of the bui 1 ding. Required yards for such building additions will be based on existing standards in the surrounding neighbourhood. 3. Implementation The policies of this Official Plan Amendment will be implemented through special zoning provisions pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act, and through site plan agreements pursuant to Section 35 (a) of The Planning Act. AGENCY CONCERNS Local Agencies Fire Department (By letter dated July 10, 1986) We have no objection to this rezoning application but, we would suggest that the present driveway be one way only (entrance off Wellington Street East) because of the close proximity to Wellington Street East, Larmont Street and Walton Drive. Building Department (By letter dated July 9, 1986) No objection, however, a site plan agreement will be required. Leisure Services -no objection REGIONAL CONCERNS Regional Medical Officer of Health -no objection Regional Planning -no objection Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection Ministry of Agriculture and Food -no objection COMMENT The subject property is currently used as a single family dwelling. The property is surrounded by detached residential to the north, east and south, while the adjacent property to the west is a pizza parlour. COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 - 3 - COMMENT cont'd ... The applicant intends to use the property as a law office. To the rear of the property, nine parking spaces are proposed whereas the by-1 aw requires only eight. Access to the site is proposed from both Wellington Street and Centre Street. Some concern has been raised over the access to Centre Street such that is may generate increased traffic in the area. A 1 1/2 storey garage is located on the northeast corner of the property, and is to be retained. The existing front porch will be demolished and the original facade of the building is to be restored. The proposed use would appear to conform with the Official Plan although the requirements of the Official Plan respecting screening of the parking area, signage etc. listed above must be adhered to. Prior to third reading being given to an amending by-law a site plan agreement should be entered into. Public Concerns: access to Centre Street increased traffic The public meeting on the application closed and Council's consideration began. Timpson: Pedersen: Resolved that the necessary By-law be prepared. ,Be It Further Resolved that the proposed site plan be amended by the deletion of the proposed access from Centre Street. Third reading of the By-law to be held pending finalization of the Site Plan Agreement. CARRIED The public hearing to consider application Z-26-86 then commenced. Mayor West requested that Mrs. Seibert present the details of this application. Proposal -Application Number Z-26-86 (G. Rotondo) LOCATION The subject 1 ands are 1 ocated on the north side of Wellington Street West just east of Bathurst Street. The surrounding lands are primarily urban residential with some large suburban lot development bordering the property to the west. The property itself is a 5.04 ha (12.84 acre) parcel of land which is presently occupied by a farm dwelling, barn and accessory building. As a result of a past severance, the property has been left with two small parcels of land fronting on Wellington Street West. A residential lot now separates these two parcels and hence is bordered on three sides by the subject property. A driveway 1 ocated on the western parcel extends north from Wellington Street to the farmhouse. This roadway is also used as a right-of-way to the property bordering the lands to the west and fronting on Wellington Street. At present, the right-of-way is the only access ava i1 able to the neighbouring property owner. The topography of the lands is characterized by a relatively flat open field located at the north end of the property and a gentle slope which extends downward to Wellington Street where a man made drainage course occupies the front portions of the property. . --·--- COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 - 4 - PROPOSAL The applicant proposes to amend the zoning by-law from "H-Holding" to "R2- Detached Owe 11 ing Second Density Res i denti a 1 ", "R2-4 -Detached Owe 11 i ng Second Density Resi denti a 1 Exception Zone" and "0 -Major Open Space" to allow the area to be developed for a plan of subdivision having 55 lots and 2 open space blocks. Twenty eight lots having a maximum lot area of 472.5 square metres (5,085.9 square feet) and a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres (49.2 feet) meet the requirements of the R2 Zone. Exception will be needed to the provisions of the zoning by-law for the remaining 27 lots having a minimum lot area of 425.25 square metres (4,577 .4 square feet) a minimum lot frontage of 13.5 metres (44.3 feet). The two parcels of land fronting on Wellington Street will be conveyed to the Town to be used as part of a storm water management network. OFF! CIAL PLAN The subject property was designated Urban Residential and Major Open Space through the Aurora West Secondary Plan. The objective of the Urban Residential area is to provide for the logical extension of urban development in the Town of Aurora, in a manner which will compliment its existing low density residential character. Single family dwellings are permitted at a maximum density of 16.0 units per hectare (6.5 units per acre). The plan of subdivision as proposed would conform to this designation. Lands designated for Major Open Space are intended primarily for the preservation and conservation of the natural landscape and/or environment. COMMENT The subject lands are currently zoned "H -Holding". This category is applied to the lands which are intended for future development, the plans for which are uncertain. It is the intention of the applicant to follow through the draft approval process for the proposed plan of subdivision containing 55 lots and 2 open space b 1 ocks. The proposed plan as presently submitted identifies the need for an appropriate R2 rezoning of the subject lands to compliment the Urban Residential land use designation set out in the Official Plan. The present R2 -Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential lot specifications would require a minimum lot area of 460 square metres (4951.6 square feet) and a lot frontage of 15 metres (49.2 feet). In order to achieve the lot configuration set out in the proposed plan exception would be required to these specifications for 27 lots. Since the plan has not received draft approval at this point in time it is important to pay particular attention to the technical aspects of the plan as they apply to the specific rezoning requested. We have some concerns with regard to the lot configuration of the proposed plan, in particular, those lots requiring exception, Lot Nos. 38-55. The present 1 ayout of Street No. 2 creates an undesirable situation where we have a number of lots backing onto the side yard of one particular lot. Lots 38-43 and Lots 50-55 flank Lot 44 and 49 respectively. This number of lots abutting one property is sure to raise questions over the privacy of the one landowner. There is also some concern in creating an irregularity in the overall density pattern of the area. Lots bordering the proposal to the east meet the 15 m frontage requirement as do the 1 ots bordering the suburban residential development to the west. Therefore, we have a situation where instead of a gradual decline in density we have a slight increase where the exception is proposed. An alternative road scheme might alleviate this problem. COUNCIL MEETING .•. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 - 5 - COMMENT cont'd ••• Public Works would prefer that the cul-de-sac located at the westerly limits of Street No. 1 be rounded off at its southwest corner, effectively creating two irregularly shaped blocks which could hopefully be given to abutting landowners who hopefully will maintain same. Some additional widening of the road allowance should take place along the frontage of Lots 32 to 34, inclusive, as well as Block 57 and 58, similar to what has been done in the vicinity of Lots 16 to 20, inclusive, and Lots 6 to 10, inclusive. The Fire Department has noted that the reduction in side yard lots from 6 metres to 4.5 metres may cause concerns with roof overhang (i.e. spread of fire) and the installation of fences may cause limited use or hinder the use of ladders. They would recommend brick construction on the sides of the houses to limit the spread of fire. As mentioned earlier, a legal right-of-way currently exists over the property running north from Wellington Street through proposed Block 59 and Lot 31 to access Lot 1 of Registered Plan 379-A. Consideration should be given at this point in time as to how access will be provided to the neighbouring property owner. Another access onto Wellington Street, may be undesirable, therefore, the applicant should look into providing access from Street No. 1 which borders the property to the north with a 0.3 m reserve. With reference to Blocks 59 and 60, the Major Open Space components of the plan, the irregular arrangement of these blocks, separated by a residential property, makes them undesirable for use in any Parkland/Open Space Network. Therefore, these blocks are not to be included later on as parkland dedication for the proposed subdivision. A separate cash-in-lieu agreement will have to be resolved during the draft approval process. Post development flows of storm water runoff must not exceed predevelopment flows. This being the case, the method of storm water retention, and land requirements to accommodate same, should land be needed, should be identified at this point in time. It has been suggested that Block 60 be tied into the present storm water management network. Public Works notes that a watermain easement is required over Lot 31 and Block 59 in order to accommodate an interconnecting watermain to Wellington Street. A 1 so, the servicing of residents fronting onto Wellington Street West and backing onto the proposed development, (i.e., residents who are presently unserviced being that they are not on sewers or watermain), may desire to be hooked to the applicant's proposed servicing scheme. In summary, the proposed plan of subdivision appears to conform with the Official Plan. The plan itself has not received draft approval so all concerns regarding the road and lot configuration, access and servicing requirements, etc., will have to be dealt with prior to rezoning at the draft plan stage. Local and provincial agencies have been consulted and their recommendations toward the submitted plan should be taken into consideration. It is suggested that the preparation of the by-law should await resolution of the various concerns respecting density and road design and finalization of draft approval of the plan of subdivision. Public Concerns: lot configuration road connection to Bathurst Street storm drainage resolution of the right of way in favour of adjacent property owner provision of water service to adjacent residents on Wellington Street West width of proposed lots The public meeting portion of consideration of the application closed and Council's review began. Pedersen: Jones: Resolved that this application be referred to the Technical Committee to meet with the Owners to address the concerns expressed by the public and those contained in the Planning Department's Report. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 - 6 - The public meeting then resumed with consideration of applications OP-27-86 and Z-28-86. Mrs. Seibert outlined the report prepared respecting these applications. Proposal -Application Number OP-27-86/Z~28-86 (Michael Riggs) LOCATION The subject lands are located on the north side of Wellington Street East just east of the C.N.R. tracks. The surrounding lands are primarily service industrial with some residential development fronting on Wellington Street. A small industrial plaza which houses the applicants present service outlet, York Taxi, borders the subject lot to the west. The lot itself supports a large two-storey block dwelling located on the western half with the driveway running along side the property line. A small parking area and a one car garage are located at the rear of the building. The remainder of the lot is presently being used as a greenspace. PROPOSAL The applicant proposes to amend the 1 and use designation applying to the subject lands from "Industrial" to "Commercial" in the Official Plan and the zoning category from "MA-l Restricted Industrial Exception" to "C2 - Commercial" in the Zoning By-law. The amendments are required to allow the existing building, now used as a residence, to be used as a business office dispatch, and fleet yard for a taxi cab company. The office would support the administrative staff of the business as well as house the dispatch for the taxi fleet. Parking would be provided for both the business office and taxi fleet. A new access to the proposed parking would be provided off Wellington Street just east of the existing building. OFFICIAL PLAN The subject lands are currently designated "Industrial". Limited service commercial or similar uses deemed compatible with the incidental to an industrial area are permitted subject to amendment to the Zoning By-Law. The taxi fleet yard would be considered as industrial use with the business office incidental to the fleet. The proposal would conform to this designation. COMMENT The subject lands are currently zoned "MA-l Restricted Industrial Exception". It is the intention of the applicant to use the existing bui 1 ding and grounds as an administrative office, central dispatch and fleet yard for his cab company which operates under the name of York Taxi in Aurora, B-Line in Newmarket and East Gwill imbury in northern York Region. At present, there is no central office or dispatch for the three. York Taxi operates out of a small office next door to the subject property which has a service facility for the cars at the rear. This office would remain in use primarily as a service outlet for the fleet. The applicant has applied for an Offici a 1 Plan Amendment on the basis that he would require a "Commercial" designation to permit the taxi business office, dispatch and fleet yard. We found the information provided on the application misleading as the primary use has since been confirmed as the fleet yard for the taxi cab company, an industrial use. Therefore, we feel the proposed use would conform to the present "Industrial" designation provided an amendment to the Zoning By-Law is made. The property would have to be rezoned to "M-1 -Restricted Industria 1 Service Exception" with an exception to permit the taxi cab use. COUNCIL MEETING •.• WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 - 7 - COMMENT cont'd ••• According to the general provisions regarding office space parking, 6 spaces would be required for the proposed office space of 157.93 square metres (1700 square feet). The applicant is proposing a large parking area to the rear and side of the building with parking for approximately 30 cars. The lot would serve dual purpose of providing the 6 required office spaces and a parking area for the taxi fleet and the employees' cars. It should be noted that the entire fleet, 25 cars, would not be using the parking facility at any given time as the company operates on a 24 hour/7 days a week schedule. The main objective of the lot is to handle the employees who bring their cars to work and the overlap of shifts. The lot itself would require a considerable amount of fill at the northeast corner of the property. Whenever the surface of the parking area is more than ten centimetres higher than any adjoining land, a suitable retaining wall shall be installed a 1 ong the edge of the parking 1 ot or a 1 ong the 1 ot line. Region a 1 Engineering would require that the driveway fronting on Wellington Street be located at the extreme east end of the property to keep the sight distance to the railway tracks at an optimum. It should be noted that detailed entrance plans showing adequate drainage etc. will be required by the Region during the site approval process. Where a lot is used for a commercial purpose and the interior side or rear lot 1 ine abuts an existing residential use then an adequate planting strip is required as a buffer. The existing cedar trees along the rear lot line provide good screening. Some additional planting might occur along the east lot line, infilling amongst existing trees, to screen the parking area from the neighbouring residential property. In summary, the proposal would appear to conform to the Official Plan and therefore, would only require a zoning by-1 aw amendment to permit the taxi cab use. Details on the design and construction of the parking area and entrance way and a landscaping scheme will be required. It is suggested that should Council determine that an amendment to the by-law is appropriate, third reading of such by-law should await the finalization of these details through site plan agreement. Public Concerns: proposed shift of driveway eastward would create a traffic hazard due to steep slope and also have a negative effect on adjacent residential property grading and retaining devices required to ensure containment of stormwater The public meeting closed and Council began deliberation on the applications. Pedersen: Timpson: Resolved that the necessary zoning by-law be prepared for 1st and 2nd reading with 3rd reading to be held pending finalization of the site plan agreement. The Regional Engineering concern regarding access to be addressed. CARRIED The public meeting then reopened with the consideration of application Z-29- 86. Mrs. Seibert was requested to outline her report on this subject. Proposal -Application Number Z-29-86 -Beacon Hall Golf Club LOCATION The subject lands are located in Concession 1 E.Y.S. and have a frontage of 160 m on Yonge Street, 402 m on Bayview Avenue and 65 m on Vandorf Road. The total area of the lands to be rezoned is approximately 102 ha (253 acres). COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 - 8 - PROPOSAL The applicants propose to amend the zoning by-law applying to the subject lands from "RU -Rural" to Special Major Open Space, Special Rural Residential and Institutional to permit the lands to be developed for an 18 hole "championship" golf course with a clubhouse facility including dining and recreation uses and an outdoor swimming pool. The residential component of the proposal includes 20 apartment units located on the hillside near the boundary between lots 73 and 74, 48 woodlot terrace housing units (townhouses) 1 ocated in the centre of the property in clusters and 14 townhouses which would be located in lot 75 at the northern boundary of the property. A block of approximately 10-12 acres in size adjacent to Yonge Street has been set aside to allow for the expansion of the cemetery. OFFICIAL PLAN Official Plan Amendment No. 35 proposed to redesignate the subject lands to specifically permit the proposed development. The Amendment was adopted by Council on May 6, 1985 and was sent to the Minister for approval on May 27, 1986. The lands to be designated 'Special Rural Residential' would permit the development of the proposed townhouses and apartment units. The area to be designated 'Special Major Open Space' allows for the development of the golf course, clubhouse and accessory buildings. AGENCY COMMENTS Local Agencies Fire -We would recommend that piped water to strategically located fire hydrants be installed to provide adequate water supply for fire protection. Building -no objection. Leisure Services -Concerned about the treatment of tributaries in this area. Need more detailed plan. Regional Agencies Medical Officer of Health (by letter dated July 16, 1985) There is no objection to this proposal from a Public Health point of view and the proposed subdivision or development will be dealt with on its merits when it is presented in respect to the water supply and private sewage disposal systems. Regional Engineering Commissioner (by letter dated July 21, 1986) We have reviewed the above application and note that is is for a zoning amendment to permit the golf course and residential development proposed by Official Plan Amendment No. 35. This letter is to request that the zoning by-law include the requirements set out in the recommendations of Technical Report No. 582 OP, adopted by Regional Council on March 27, 1986. These requirements are that the development will be served by a municipal water supply, a communal private sewage system and that irrigation of the golf course shall be provided only by means of surface water, all in manner acceptable to the Regional Engineering Commissioner, the Regional Medical Officer of Health and the Ministry of the Environment. COMMENT The subject proposa 1 represents a major recreation and res i denti a 1 development within the Town of Aurora. Considerable scrutiny must be given to a proposal of this magnitude in order to ensure maximum functionabil ity of the development and compatibility with the surrounding area. The proposed development is bordered to the south and west by estate residential subdivisions. To the north is a proposed tennis club and across Vandorf Road is industrial. To the east across Bayview Avenue are a couple of detached residences on large lots. COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 - 9 - COMMENT cont'd ••. In general the proposed development is compatible and complimentary to the surrounding land uses. However, in order to minimize any effects of the proposal on the surrounding area, special attention must be given to the uses and setbacks which are proposed for the fringes of the development. Official Plan Amendment No. 35 outlines in general what areas can be used for residential development and what areas may be used for the golf course. With regards to this the Amendment states as follows: "The design of the golf course will be such as to ensure privacy for surrounding residents and to protect them from activities associated with the golf course. Such landscaping or fencing required to ensure this will be provided by the owner. From the property boundary to the proposed residential buildings will be a minimum distance of .60 metres." However, a number of area residents have expressed concern with the proximity of some of the greens, tees, and fairways to the rear lot lines of the neighbouring subdivisions. Perhaps, a 'buffer zoning' along the fringes of the golf course could be instituted whereby (tees, greens and fairways) could not be located. This would alleviate any residents concerns regarding future alterations to the golf course that may infringe on their privacy. There is also some concern with regards to the proximity of the residential component to the boundary of the property. 0. P .A. 35 permits residential buildings to be no closer than 60 metres, however, as an added assurance, it may be suggested that the zoning for the residences be site specific to the location of the actual residential buildings. It is recommended that third reading of the By-Law not be given until a site plan control agreement has been finalized •. The site plan agreement will detail the precise location of all buildings and structures as well as the extent of the golf course itself. The 'buffer zoning' along the golf course, and site specific residential zoning (mentioned above) would provide an even greater degree of insurance that there be appropriate setbacks from the boundaries of the property. Public Concerns: assurance that wells will not be utilized to supply domestic or irrigational water requirements access to the development from Yonge Street assurance that residential component will have the minimum 60 m. setback contained in the Official Plan Amendment berming and landscaping required to reduce impact on adjacent neighbours in certain areas golf course aspect to be guaranteed for certain period of time to preclude future residential development the proposed density exceeding that permitted by the Official Plan Amendment when the existing and proposed dwellings are combined with the Tennis Club's proposal, both subject to the same Official Plan Amendment affect on irrigation ponds on the existing water course downstream exclusion of any buildings or structures, golf cart paths with the proposed buffer areas around the extremity of the proposal The public meeting respecting this application was closed. meeting to review this matter opened. The council Timpson: Jones: Resolved that this matter be referred to the Technical Committee for finalization of the details concerning the Site Plan Agreement and the related zoning by-law amendment. CARRIED ----.. ---····"~~· ,. ">' .,~.C:.c:~.-:~~·---~~-----~----•--• __ ....;..,.,..,,..,.·-·~="•"'•'w·="""-""'"==~0>~ .-.-_,.y-~'¢'=·'" ·~--~---• -~-~---- COUNCIL MEETING ••. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 -10 - RESOLUTIONS 1. Appointment to Permanent Staff-Mr. Chadwick Foreshew Timpson: Weller: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of R. J. Harrington Chief Building Official, and upon satisfactory completion of his six (6) month probationary period, Mr. Chadwick Foreshew be appointed to permanent staff effective July 27, 1986. CARRIED 2. Appointment to Permanent Staff -Mrs. Carol Lackey Pedersen: Weller: Resolved that upon the recommendation of Colleen E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk and upon the satisfactory completion of her six (6) month probationary period, Mrs. Carol Lackey be appointed to the permanent staff of the Town of Aurora effective August 1, 1986. CARRIED 3. Authorization to Sign Subdivision Agreement -Granada Investments Timpson: Buck:: Resolved that, subject to the Owner providing the necessary financial securities, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a subdivision agreement dated the 30th day of July, 1986, between the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Granada Investments Ltd. pertaining to draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-81087 Be It Further Reso 1 ved that upon exec uti on of the agreement, the Town of Aurora does hereby allocate the necessary servicing capacity to the six (6) lots in the said draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-81087 CARRIED 4. Authorization to purchase Tractor -Parks Department Pedersen: Jones: Resolved that a Case International Tractor for the Parks Department be purchased from Chas. Richards & Sons at a cost of $16,199.65, the funds for this expenditure are to come from the Vehicle Rep 1 a cement Reserve Account and the Sea 1 of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 5. Authorization to purchase Mower -Parks Department Pedersen: Paivio: Resolved that a Green Mower be purchased from Brouwer Turf Equipment Ltd. at a cost of $3,925.00, the funds for this expenditure to come from the Vehicle Replacement Reserve Account and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 6. Final Payment to Canadian Pipeline Cleaning for Swabbing of Various Watermains Buck: Weller: Resolved that upon the recommendation of Wm. Walker, Director of Public Works, the Statement for final payment to Canadian Pipeline Cleaning for the Foam Swabbing of Various Watermains in the amount of $17,247.40 be paid (the payment to be charged to Account No. 9120-40) and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986 -11 - BY-LAWS Timpson: Buck: Timpson: Buck: Timpson: Buck: ADJOURNMENT Pedersen: Mayor Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2859-86 - Bill Number 2860-86 - Being a By-law to Prohibit or Regulate the Erection of Signs or other Advertising Devices, and the Posting of Notices on Buildings or Vacant Lots within the Municipality of the the Town of Aurora; Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2345-80, as amended a By-1 aw for 1 icensing regulating and governing taxi cab brokers, owners and drivers of taxi cabs and the fares to be charged by the owners of drivers of cabs for the conveyance of passengers within the Town of Aurora ... be read a First Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2859-86 - Bill Number 2860-86 - Being a By-law to Prohibit or Regulate the Erection of Signs or other Advertising Devices, and the Posting of Notices on Buildings or Vacant Lots within the Municipality of the the Town of Aurora; Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2345-80, as amended a By-1 aw for licensing regulating and governing taxi cab brokers, owners and drivers of taxi cabs and the fares to be charged by the owners of drivers of cabs for the conveyance of passengers within the Town of Aurora ... be read a Second Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law Number 2554-83 be suspended and Bill Number 2859-86, now before the Counci 1 , be read a Third Time and enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:47 p.m. CARRIED