MINUTES - Special Council - 19860827MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1986 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Absent Were: Mayor West and Councillors Buck, Barker, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, and Weller Councillor Pedersen and Councillor Timpson Also in attendance were K. B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator, Susan Seibert, Director of Planning and Lawrence Allison, Administrative Clerk. Mayor West ad vi sed those present that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to an application for amendment to the Zoning By-law for the Tennis Complex proposed by Kenneth Sinclair. The Clerk Administrator advised that the required notices of meeting were mailed on July 18, 1986 by First Class Mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the by-law would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of the procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor West advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-law under consideration should sign the form available before they leave the meeting. The public meeting to hear application Z-30-86 began and Mrs. Seibert outlined her report. Proposal -Application Number Z-30-86 (Kenneth Sinclair) LOCATION The subject lands are located on the south side of Vandorf Sideroad just east of Jarvis Avenue. The parcel proposed for rezoning is irregular in shape having approximately 300 metres (984 feet) frontage on Vandorf Sideroad and approximately 8.5 hectares (21 acres) of area. The area rises gently from Vandorf Sideroad to the rear of the property. The site is currently occupied by a farm house and several out buildings. Some of the actual farm buildings have been removed from the property. PROPOSAL The applicants propose to amend the zoning by-1 aw applying to the subject lands from "RU -Rural" to "Special Major Open Space", and "Special Rural Residential" to permit the subject lands, to be developed for a tennis complex comprising the following: a tennis club building, dining lounge, 2 indoor squash courts, 6 indoor tennis courts, parking, 13 outdoor lit tennis courts, 4 outdoor non-lit tennis courts, swimming pool, 2 residences and landscaped areas, as shown on the attached plan. OFFICIAL PLAN The subject lands were designated as Special Major Open Space and Special Rural Residential by Official Plan Amendment #35. The Special Major Open Space category states that the Vandorf Side road frontage of the property will be used for a tennis complex comprising a clubhouse, building for indoor tennis courts, outdoor tennis courts, other related athletic endeavours and parking to serve the complex. The amendment provides that the location of the tennis courts, and lighting will be such that adjoining residential properties will not be affected by glare, or loss of privacy. The amendment also provides that such landscaping as may be required to ensure the protection of the residential lands shall be provided. The "Implementation" section of the plan requires that the owners will enter into a site plan agreement which will detail the locations of all buildings and their conceptual design, location and details of all parking areas, location and detail of facilities for the lighting including flood lighting, of the land or of any building structures thereon, the landscaping proposed as it relates to adjoining properties and all servicing details ...• COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1986 - 2 - Proposal -Application Number Z-30-86 (Kenneth Sinclair) cont'd ••. OFFICIAL PLAN A request for a modification to the Official Plan Amendment which would clarify the separate status of the tennis complex which would not be part of the condominium and which specifically allocates 2 residential units to the tennis complex and provides for municipal water supply has been sent to the ,, i Ministry of Municipal Affairs. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS The subject proposa 1 is part of the overall recreation a 1 and resi denti a 1 complex which has been provided for in the Official Plan under Official Plan Amendment #35. As was discussed at the Official Plan Amendment stage, the proposed complex forms a transition between the industrial uses on the north side of Vandorf Sideroad and the residential uses to the south and west. It was also determined at that time that the use was appropriate and desirable. In connection with the rezoning, the details of the building and outside facility locations need to be established as well as the servicing of the site by roads, sewer and water. The issue of water supply for the site has been raised by the Regional Medical Officer of Health, Reid & Associates Limited, and the Fire Department. The Offici a 1 Plan requires that the area be serviced with Municipal water supply. The applicant has submitted a hydrology report which indicates that the property can be serviced with ground water. It is suggested that the details of this should be addressed by the Technical Committee in connection with this application and the site plan agreement. Mr. D. A. Ennis of Hazelburn has written to the Town (see attached) expressing his concern with the 1 ocati on of some of the tennis courts proposed. We understand that a revised site plan was to have been prepared to reso 1 ve Mr. Ennis' concern, however we have not yet received a copy of that revision • If the plan is to be revised a copy of that revision should be submitted so that it can be reviewed. The need to ensure privacy to adjoining residents and protection from glare from lit courts has been specifically provided for and must be addressed through the site plan agreement. Reid & Associates Limited have raised a number of concerns about traffic flow in the area. In particular they have pointed out that an analysis of the traffic patterns at Vandorf Sideroad should be considered. They also point out that access depends upon a road which is 1 ocated in what we understand to be the Beacon Hall project. There is a need to ensure that these two projects are carefully coordinated both in terms of their functioning and design. Since the two applications are running almost concurrently this should be achievable through the site plan processing. The Official Plan Amendment is very specific in its requirements for site plan control. In order to ensure that the objectives of the Official Plan can be met with respect to the implementation of this project, and that the various technical concerns relating to traffic patterns and servicing are resolved it is suggested that a site plan agreement be entered into prior to the enactment of the Zoning By-law. COUNCIL MEETING .•• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1986 -3' - Proposal -Application Number Z-30-86 (Kenneth Sinclair) cont'd ••• MUNICIPAL COMMENTS Fire Department We have no objection in principal to the proposal as shown. We are concerned with the availability of water for this project. The complex is to be built to Ontario Fire Code standards, complete with sprinklers, standpipes and alarm systems as required. Building Department No objection. Director of Public Works All concerns can be resolved at the site plan stage. It is assumed that water allocation will be part of the 25 gal/min. commitment made to Beacon Hall. Reid & Associates Limited Our engineering comments relating to the above noted application are: (a) There is no indication with respect to servicing of the site with sanitary and water. Vandorf Sideroad is the southerly boundary of the Town serviced area. This matter should be addressed. (b) The westerly access to the site is rather close to the Jarvis/Vandorf intersection. Should there be, perhaps, an analysis undertaken of the traffic patterns that may develop? There is an easterly access shown to the site, but it depends on a roadway not now existing, and located outside the application boundary. This feature appears to require to be resolved. OTHER AGENCY COMMENTS Regional Medical Officer of Health In discussion with your Building Department and your Engineering Department, we have been advised that Municipal water is available to this area provided the owners pay for the same. Therefore, if the owners are not prepared to pay for this hook up to obtain Municipal water, they must submit to this office a hydrology report stating the availability of water, the aquifer will be obtained in and whether there is sufficient quality and quantity to support this proposal. The installation of private sewage disposal systems to serve this development will be dealt with on its merits if and when presented but I wish to advise you at this time that the development could be limited because of the area needed for the private sewage disposal systems. I trust the above information will be of some assistance to you in assessing this proposal. Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authority -no objection. COUNCIL MEETING .•. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1986 -~- Proposal ~Application Number Z-30-86 (Kenneth Sinclair) cont'd .•. Public Concerns: buffering illumination of tennis courts Mr. Ennis who had corresponded indicating concerns with the proposed site plan indicated he was withdrawing objection based on the revised site plan recently submitted by the applicant to the Town. The public meeting on the application closed and Council's consideration began. Jones: Weller: CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that the necessary by-law be prepared for 1st and 2nd Reading. Third reading to be held until such time as the site plan agreement has been entered into. CARRIED 1. Letter #16-29 Mayor's Memo re: Street Dance, Fielding Drive Weller: Jones: RESOLUTIONS Resolved that permission be given to Mrs. Jane Hinder to hold a street dance on Fielding Drive on Saturday August 30, 1986. The residents to notify the appropriate authorities. CARRIED 1. Fire Department Tender Award -Superior Emergency Equipment Weller: Jones: Resolved that upon the recommendation of Stuart G. Wilson, Fire Chief, the Fire Department Tender No. F-86 for the supply of one {1) 1050 G.P.M. Class "A'' Dual Stage Centrifugal Triple Combination Fire Pumper and Equipment with Hale Pump be awarded to Superior Emergency Equipment in the total amount of $239,200.00 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 2. Sixth Annual Terry Fox Run Jones: McKenzie: Resolved that permission be granted to hold the Sixth Annual Terry Fox Run in Aurora on September 14, 1986. Be It Further Resolved that permission be granted to close the curb lane on the west side of Yonge Street between Henderson Drive and Wellington Street on September 14, 1986 to facilitate the holding of the Terry Fox Run. The Run organizers to be advised to contact the concerned public authorities. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ..• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1986 BY-LAWS Jones: McKenzie: ADJOURNMENT Jones: MAYOR -'s- Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2863-86 -Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2170-79, the Water Rate By-law ..• be read a Third Time. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:02 p.m. CARRIED CLERK