Present Were: Mayor West; Councillors Buck, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio,
Pedersen, Timpson and Weller.
Councillor Barker was in hospital.
Also in attendance were S. Seibert, Planner; K.B. Rodger, Clerk-
Administrator; and C.E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk.
S. Seibert, Planner outlined to the audience the process which takes place
when an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning Amendment are received.
Mayor West ad vi sed those present that this meeting had been ca 11 ed as a
Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendment to the Official
Plan for Lucy Construction (Elderberry Trail); and for amendment to the
Zoning By-1 aw for the United Church of Canada, Dr. S. Armata, Mui rl and
Holdings, Lucy Construction, and W. Grover.
The Deputy Clerk advised that the required notices of meetings were mailed
on March 19, 1986 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the
areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to
which the By-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the
various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The
Planning Act (1983).
Mayor West advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage
of the By-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before
they leave the meeting.
The Public Meeting to hear Application No. Z-12-86 is now open.
Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application No. Z-12-86.
Application No. Z-12-86 -United Church of Canada -Proposed Commercial
Block Murray Drive at Seaton Drive
The subject property is located on the south side of the intersection of
Murray Drive and Seaton Drive.
The applicants propose to rezone the subject property from "!-Institutional"
to "R2-Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Zone" and "C1-Local
Commercial Zone" to permit the site to be developed for four re:>zidential
lots and a local commercial facility having approximately 375 m (4,000
square feet) of floor area. Twenty-seven car parking spaces are proposed
for the site as well as a loading area.
Official Plan
The subject site is designed Urban Residential in the Official Plan. The
Urban Residential category provides as follows:
"The Urban Residential classification of land means that the
predominant use of the land in areas so designated shall be for
low, medium and high density residential uses. In addition,
uses that are complementary to, or serve the basic residential
uses and local commercial uses shall also be permitted by
specific zoning by-law amendments. Such complementary uses may
include schools, parks, churches, nursing homes, day nurseries,
and public utilities. Certain compatible home occupations shall
also be permitted provided the home occupation is accessory and
subsidiary to the residential use; such uses may include
physicians' and dentists' offices in their principle residence."
The four residential lots proposed on the site have frontages and dimensions
which would be compatible with the surrounding area in general terms. No
consent or subdivision applications have been received to create these lots
at this time.
- 2 -
Application No. Z-12-86 cont'd .••
In respect to the commercial part of the proposal, as was noted above, local
commercial uses are permitted in the residential land use category. There
are, however, criteria under which these local commercial uses would be
considered appropriate. These criteria are listed below.
Local Commercial Uses Within Urban Residential Areas
( i) Loca 1 commercia 1 uses permitted shall be 1 imited to retail or
service stores of a convenience type only which provides for the
daily shopping needs of the immediate residential area.
( i i)
( i i i )
The location of local commercial uses shall be restricted, where
possible, to arterial or collector roads and not local roads with
the indiscriminate scattering of these uses being discouraged.
Local commercial uses shall be encouraged to locate in groups and
preferably where access to a major road is assured.
Local commercial uses shall be so situated so as to minimize their
effect on adjacent residential uses. Provisions shall be made to
preserve 1 and for buffer p 1 anti ng or screening between commercia 1
uses and adjacent residential areas. Adequate off-street parking
and off-street loading facilities shall be provided.
Local commercial uses may be located on the same lot as a
residential use. The buildings containing the local commercial
uses shall be designed and 1 ighting and signs arranged so as to
blend in with the character of the .adjacent residential uses.
The floor area of any local commercial use shall not exceed 185
square metres. Preferably, two or three local commercial uses
should be grouped with a maximum of 550 square metres of
commercial floor space permitted in any one group.
Local commercial uses shall be included in a separate zoning
category in the implementing zoning by-law.
Criteria ( i) would be contra ll ed through the zoning by-1 aw which 1 imi ts
the uses in the C1 category to "convenience retail store personal service
shops, one apartment dwelling unit''.
Criteria (ii) restricts the uses where possible to arterial or collector
roads. Murray Drive is a collector road built to a collector standard.
Indiscriminate scattering of these uses is to be discouraged. Both
Residential Secondary Plan Studies which have been prepared by the Town have
provided for a local commercial facility to service the neighbourhood. The
provision of such a site is considered to be in accordance with good
planning principles so hat the neighbourhood is provided with a full range
of conveniences within walking distance of most of its residences. In
considering plans of subdivision, it is standard practice to examine the
location of commercial facilities in relation to the plan. In order to
ensure that commercia 1 faci 1 i ties could be accommodated in the Secondary
Plan Areas, the plans specifically provided for these uses.
The present proposal differs somewhat from the Secondary Plans areas in that
it involves an existing neighbourhood parts of which are thirty years old.
The commercial use was not contemplated throughout any of the subdivision
planning for the area since the area was not formally Secondary planned and
on these bases conformity with this section of the plan must be questioned.
- 3 -
Application No. Z-12-86 cont'd •••
Criteria (iii) requires that local commercial uses must be situated so as
to minimize their effect on adjacent residential uses. As well, buffer
planting, screening, parking and loading facilities must be provided. This
section does not address compatibility with adjacent uses other than
residential, however, it is suggested that compatibility with other uses
permitted in the residential category is implied. In the subject instance,
surrounding uses are as follows: to the south, Regency Acres Public School;
to the north, proposed res i denti a 1 ; to the west, 1 andl ocked vacant
institutional land; to the east, existing residential. The York Region
Board of Education is particularly concerned with the potential impact of
the commercial facility of the Regency Acres Public School.
This school, which had a September enrollment of 745 students, is the
largest school within the municipality. It was built in 1959 and had
additions added in 1965 and 1971. The site is 2.89 acres. The present
standard for a minimum school site as set by the Board is 6 acres. Schoo 1
Board staff have advised that a formal letter of objection to the proposal
will be forthcoming following the School Board meeting to be held on April
28th. It is understood that its main concern is with pupil safety which it
feels will be endangered by increased traffic in the area resulting from the
commercial site being developed.
The area is congested at school arrival and dismissal times and several
measures have been taken to alleviate the safety concerns including the
establishment of multi-way stops and an off-street loading and parking
area on the boulevard.
Criteria (iv) allows for residential uses on the same site as the
commercial facility but requires that buildings be designed and lighting and
signs arranged so as to blend in with the character of the adjacent
residential area. If the proposal is approved careful consideration must be
given in the site plan agreement to these issues as well as to screening,
landscaping and location of the building.
Criteria ( v) 1 imi ts the floor area of any one commercia 1 use to 185 m2
(approximately 2,000 square feet) and suggests that two or three stores or
service uses should be grouped with a maximum floor area of 550 square
metres (approximatezly 6,000 square feet). The subject proposal having a
floor area of 375 m (approximately 4,000 square feet) meets this criteria.
Criteria (vi) has been provided for in the overall by-law.
The res identi a 1 component of the subject proposa 1 would appear to conform
with the Official Plan.
The commercial component of the proposal meets a number of the criteria as
set out in the Official Plan for the location and establishment of local
commercial uses. Of particular concern, however, is the degree to which
successful minimization of the proposal commercial use can be achieved
especially in relation to the very lar~e adjoining elementary school. A
further concern relates to Criteria (ii) of the Official Plan which
indicates that indiscriminate scattering of local commercial uses should be
discouraged. To avoid this problem it has been normal practice to allow
local commercial in areas where through a secondary plan study, the need for
the use and an appropriate location for the use have been determined.
Thirty-four (34) citizen objections had been received at the date of writing
of this report.
Two (2) citizen petitions received.
Mr. McPherson, Solicitor representing the owner of the proposal site, stated
that this was to be a convenience store for the neighbouring residents and
that screening had been included in the design.
- 4 -
Application No. Z-12-86 cQnt'd •••
strip plaza
danger for children
hours the store would be open
hangout, loitering problem
only park in area for children to play
not compatible to surrounding area
devaluation of property
increased traffic
wood lot would be destroyed
safety of children
video machines, porn magazines available for children
Mr. McPherson requested that this Application be withdrawn at this time.
The Public Meeting to hear Application No. Z-11-86 is now open.
Mayor West requested Planner to outline Application No. Z-11-86.
Application Z-11-86 -Dr. S. Armata (Proposed Condominium, George Street)
Sue Seibert advised those present that Council at its Public Planning
meeting of October 2, 1985 had as an agenda item Z-30-85. That application
was withdrawn at the meeting. The present application Z-11-86 is very
similar. One residential unit has been added. No additional parking has
been supplied so that the parking ratio is reduced somewhat from two cars
per unit. These changes do not significantly affect the proposal, although
the previously proposed parking ratio of two spaces per unit is desirable in
a condominium project. Therefore, the report respecting Z-30-85 is outlined
below since conditions other than those listed above remain the same.
Application Z-30-85
The subject site is located on George Street directly north and abutting the
George Street School and west of Collis Leather.
The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from "R2-Detached
Dwelling Second Density Residential" to "RA2-Second Density Apartment
Residential Special" to permit an eleven unit apartment building on the
subject site.
The proposal is for units having 1,170 square feet, each with two bedrooms
and a sunroom. The applicant proposes to supply two parking spaces for each
unit. The proposed building is two stories in height. It is to be located
to the rear of an "L" shaped lot which is under consideration for approval
by the Committee of Adjustment. The parking for the project would be
located at the front of the property adjacent to George Street. The
building would be located on a part of the lot which slopes to the east
toward toward the Collis Leather property. Its height at George Street
would, therefore, not be higher than the existing buildings on that street.
- 5 -
Application No. Z-11-86 cont'd •••
Official Plan
The subject property is designated urban residential in the Official Plan.
The Official Plan sets several conditions under which apartment buildings,
row houses, maisonettes and other multiple family accommodation containing
ten or more units shall only be permitted. The conditions are as follows:
II ( i)
( i i)
(iii )
( i v)
in proximity to the Central Business District; or
in proximity to shopping centres; or
adjacent to arterial roads; and
where it is previously established that the schools,
parks, roads, sewers and watermains, and other
municipal services are adequate; and
where it is previously established that the traffic
generated can be safely handled by the road system and
can be directed away from adjacent local streets."
The subject site is located approximately 240 metres from the Central
Business District. It is not in proximity to a shopping centre or
adjacent to arterial roads. The property is directly abutting a school, and
park area. George Street has recently been reconstructed and is fully
serviced. It is unlikely that traffic problems would be encountered due to
an eleven-unit building.
The subject property is bounded on two sides by nonresi denti a 1 uses; the
school and municipal park/swimming pool, and Collis Leather. To the north
is a detached residential dwelling. Similar residences are located to the
west across George Street.
The location of the property is, therefore, somewhat unique in that it abuts
institutional and industrial uses as well as residential.
The building proposed has been designed to blend with the low-rise
neighbourhood on George Street. A similar low-rise apartment building is
located just north of Tyler Street on George Street. Staff is not aware of
any traffic or other problems associated with that building.
The lands on which the proposed building would be located slope toward the
rear of the property where the building would be located, thus reducing the
impact of the building on the surrounding neighbourhood. Existing
vegetation on the site a 1 ong both the north and south boundaries waul d be
maintained under the design submitted.
The proposal would provide an alternative form of tenure, i.e., condominium
for prospective purchases while maintaining a low-rise setting.
The applicant has indicated that the building would be limited to adults.
The zoning by-law is not able to address that type of issue, although the
owner may be able to through sales agreements.
Agency Comments
South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority
Ministry of Transportation and Communications
Medical Officer of Health
no objections.
-no objections.
no objections.
Mr. Bowman, representing Dr. Armata, showed an architectural diagram as to
how the apartment building would be located.
- 6 -
Application No. Z-11-86 cont'd •••
single family home area
increased traffic
safety of children
does not meet criteria
precedent setting
area changing at too fast a pace
devaluation of property
spot zoning
plans as shown misleading
noise level -school -pool
need place for older people to live
can walk to center of town from this area
blends in with surroundings
D.P. review made no mention of changes in this area
The Public Meeting on this Application is now closed.
The Council Meeting is now open.
Timpson: Resolved that this Application be denied.
The Public Meeting is now open to hear Application Z-15-86.
Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application Z-15-86.
Application No. Z-15-86 -Muirland Holdings -Lutheran Church Site
The subject lands are located on the north side of Wellington Street West
directly east of McLeod Drive.
The applicant proposes to amend the zoning by-law from "!-Institutional" and
"H-Holding" to "!-Institutional" "R2-Detached Dwelling Second Density
Zone" and "0-Major Open Space" to permit the lands to be developed for a
ten-lot residential subdivision in addition to the church which is
presently located on the property.
The lands at the northerly end of the property are mainly floodplain and
will be conveyed to the Town to be used for Parkland/Open Space forming part
of the open space system being developed on the lands to the north and west
of the subject lands.
The residential lots proposed range in area from 646.2 square metres
(approximately 7,000 square feet) to 2,146 square metres (approximately
23,090 square feet). The church block is 11,010 square metres
(approximately 2.7 acres) in area. The Parkland/Open Space block is 15,307
square metres (approximately 3.8 acres) in area.
Access to the Church would be by way of McLeod Drive as a one-foot reserve
will be conveyed a 1 ong the frontage of the property. The 1 ots on the east
side of the plan all have 26.02 metres (approximately 85 feet) of width at
the rear lot line which was agreed upon during the consideration of the plan
of subdivision. Lot 6 on which the Church manse is presently located has
a side 1 ot 1 i ne adjacent to the easterly property 1 i ne has 29.02 metres
(approximately 95 feet) of width at this property boundary.
- 7 -
Application No. Z-15-86 cont'd •••
Official Plan
The subject property was designed urban residential through the Aurora West
Secondary Plan. Churches and parks are permitted uses in the Urban
Residential land use category.
A draft plan of subdivision of the property received approval by Regional
Council on October 10, 1985. During that draft approva 1 process, 1 oca 1
Boards and agencies as well as Provincial and Regional Ministries and
departments, commented on the proposal and found it technically acceptable.
Council in its consideration of the proposal had discussions about local
concerns which resulted in the rear lot widths adjacent to the easterly
property boundary being set at approximately 85 feet minimum. Since the
plan has been draft approved it would seem appropriate that zoning by-law be
proceeded with.
Addendum to Report re: Z-15-86
Mr. A.C. Farrell of 2 Kenlea Court has requested that a number of issues
relating to this application be considered. A copy of his letter is
attached. Council has discussed a number of these issues in connection with
the draft approval. Copies of excerpts of these meetings are also attached.
Renzo Bell uz, representing the Deve 1 oper and the Lutheran Church, ad vi sed
Council that this was an infill development.
need bungalow type homes on lots
fences should be provided
traffic -Wellington Street West
speed limits should be reduced
use of open space
like to see houses set well forward on lots -provide large buffer
easement for water service
The Public Meeting on this Application is now closed.
The Council Meeting is now open.
Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary
by-law; and
Be It Further Resolved that the Subdivision Agreement show a
service easement between Lots 8 and 9.
The Public Meeting to hear Application Nos. OP-13-86 and Z-14-86 is now open.
Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application No. OP-13-86.
- 8 -
Aoolication Nos. OP-13-86, Z-14-86 Luc
Subdivision -Elderberry Trai
Construction (Prooosed
The subject lands are located near the westerly end of Elderberry Trail on
the north side between Elderberry Trail and the Canadian National Railway
The applicants propose to amend the Official Plan and Zoning categories
applyin\1 to the area from Major Open Space ("0") to Estate Residential
("E.R."J to allow the subject lands which are 2.71 ha in area (6.72 acres)
to be developed for four estate residential lots on a cul-de-sac running
northerly from Elderberry Trail. Lot sizes range from .44 ha (1.08 acres)
to 91 ha (2.25 acres).
Existing Official Plan and Zoning
The subject lands are currently designated as Major Open Space. This
designation was ori gina lly app 1 i ed to the 1 ands because of the 1 ow lying
depression areas, lack of tree cover, severe slopes and the fact that the
area is immediately adjacent to a railway track. It was originally
recommended that the Open Space area be much larger, around 28 acres, to
pro vi de greater buffer area from the tracks. The site in the ori gina 1
concept was to be used in connection with the overall horseback riding theme
of the subdivision. The site was also to be used for storm water
retention. The areas shown in shading on the attached reduced p 1 an are
storm water easements. Several of these easements are to direct storm water
into the large area under easement on Lots 3 and 5. While it is unlikely
that all these areas will retain water over an extended time period because
of the soils, the area should remain open and free from buildings or other
The proposed lots with the exception of Lot 4 are considerably smaller than
the two-acre requirements in estate residential areas. Lots 1 and 2 are
1.2 acres and Lot 3 is 1.08 acres. All lots are somewhat constrained by the
drainage easements although Lot 4 is very constrained since there is a large
stormwater detention pond which is largely within the confines of that lot.
The stormwater detention pond is under easement to the Town which prevents
the use of these areas for buildings or structures. At least part of this
area is currently under water and it would appear that it remains in that
state for a good part of the year.
The Official Plan requires that any Estate Residential lot should be large
enough to accommodate the resi denti a 1 and accessory buildings and a 1 so a
tile filed for the septic system and a reserve tile field.
The road a 11 owance proposed for Street "A" is 18.288 metres ( 60 feet). The
Town's normal minimum width requirement for all road allowances is 20 metres
(approximately 66 feet). The turning circle radius is similarly undersized
being 18.288 metres (60 feet) whereas the Town requires 23 metres on a rural
cul-de-sac. An increase in cul-de-sac radius wi 11 reduce the a 1 ready very
limited lot sizes.
The Estate Residential category sets out a number of locational criteria for
determining suitable areas for estate residential development. Areas which
are considered unsuitable include, areas in such a relationship to major
highways, airports, railways, Hydro transmission lines and other surface
utilities as would be likely to seriously prejudice the character of the
area and its quiet enjoyment by future residents.
- 9 -
Application Nos. OP-13-86, Z-14-86
The subject lands are directly abutting a railway line which would be
considered an unsuitable area for Estate Residential in accordance with the
Official Plan.
In addition, the Official Plan requires that any proposed amendment to the
Official Plan be supported by a detailed landscape analysis, site plans and
engineering studies. This supporting documentation has not be submitted.
Attached 1 etter form Brown & Storey Architects on beha 1 f of Mr. & Mrs.
David & Sharon Smith.
Regional Planning questioning conformity with the Official Plan because of
the railway line. Points out that the area was to be for the benefit of all
residents of the subdivision and should remain that way.
open space
fires from railroad
premium price paid for lots backing onto open space
change in lot sizes
The Public Meeting on this Application is now closed.
The Council Meeting is now open.
Buck: Resolved that this Application be denied.
The Public Meeting to hear Application No. Z-16-86 is now open.
Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application No. Z-16-86.
Application No. Z-16-86 -W. Grover (Proposed Subdivision, Bathurst Street)
The subject lands are located adjacent to Bathurst Street between the
southerly and northerly extensions of Whispering Pine Trail.
The northerly 1 ands were deve 1 oped by Wimpey and the southerly 1 ands are
under development by Southold Developments Limited.
The applicants propose to rezone the subject lands to allow for the
deve 1 opment of e 1 even detached res i denti a 1 1 ots on 2. 32 ha ( 5. 73 acres).
The lots proposed average 1,827 square metres (approximately 19,650 square
feet) in area. The normal suburban residential R1 Detached Dwelling First
Density Residential Zone required 2,000 square metres of area. The
applicant has, therefore, requested that the zoning be R1 and R1-1 Detached
Dwelling First Density Residential Exception to allow for the smaller lot
Official Plan
The property is currently designated Suburban Residential in the Official
Plan. The following policies apply to Suburban Residential areas.
(b) Suburban Residential Policies
i) That Suburban Residential shall include single family units
only with a minimum lot area of 0.3 hectares (one-half acre);
-10 -
Application No. Z-16-86 cont'd •••
ii) That all Suburban Residential lots shall be of sufficient
size, type and adequate phys i ca 1 characteristics to meet the
requirements of the Regional Medical Officer of Health in
regard to the proper functioning of a Class IV type individual
sewage disposal system.
iii) That the municipality will exercise discretion in the review
of proposed development in ''Suburban Residential" areas so as
to ensure that lot sizes or densities relate satisfactorily to
the physical characteristics, such as topography and soils, of
the particular site.
iv) That in order to assist Council in determining suitable lot
design, applicants for development proposals in areas
designated for Suburban Residential land use will be required
to produce detailed reports and mapping at a minimum scale of
1:1,200 (1" -100') showing existing grades, vegetation cover,
soil characteristics and groundwater levels. The report
should also provide detailed proposals concerning the
. following:
a) methods of erosion control and slope stabilization;
b) the locations of and methods of ensuring proper
functioning of the septic tank systems and tile fields;
c) proposed alterations to grades and vegetation cover.
The Ministry of Natural
Conservation Authority and
be consulted to assist
Resources, the South Lake Simcoe
the Medical Officer of Health will
Council in eva 1 uati ng proposed
v) Where the existing topography and vegetation provides
inadequate screening adjacent to Regional roads, tree planting
and landscaping shall be provided in order to screen dwellings
from vehicular traffic and to provide as much privacy and
enclosure as possible.
vi) No dwelling shall be erected where there is danger of
flooding, subsidence or erosion.
Clause (ii) does not apply in this case as full municipal services are
required on the site.
The other provisions apply to the subject lands and the required studies
should be carried out prior to draft approva 1 and rezoning of the subject
lands so that the size and configuration of lots approved are compatible
with the actual land form.
The subject lands are designated for Suburban Residential development in the
Official Plan and generally meet with the criteria for that type of
development. On that basis, the application would appear in principle to be
acceptable. However, as is stated in the Suburban Residential Policies, in
order to determine suitable lot design, particularly in this area, part of
which is quite low lying, it is felt that the reports and mapping dealing
with vegetation cover, soil, groundwater levels, etc., should be carried out
prior to agreeing to the specific lot design.
It is, therefore, suggested that prior to agreeing to the requested
rezoning, the detailed studies should be carried out.
Mr. R. Flood, representing the owners of the property, advised that this is
an infill subdivision of 5.7 acres. Larger lots back onto Bathurst Street.
-11 -
Application No. Z-16-86 cont'd •••
The Public Meeting on this Application is now closed.
The Council Meeting is now open.
Resolved that the Planner's Report be accepted and when all
necessary reports are received, the Planner be authorized to
prepare the necessary by-law.
1. Letter 10-106 -Site Plan Agreement Authorization -Dr. R.P. Center -
58 Wellington Street East
Resolved that the Mayor and the Clerk-Administrator be
authorized to sign a Site Plan Agreement between The
Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Doctor Richard Paul
Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:00 p.m.