MINUTES - Special Council - 19860326j!!
Present Were: Mayor West and Councillors Barker, McKenzie, Jones,
Paivio (7:38 p.m.),Pedersen, Timpson & Weller (7:38 p.m.).
Absent Was: Councillor Buck.
Also in attendance were S. Seibert, Planner; K.B. Rodger, Clerk
Administrator; and C.E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk.
Mayor West outlined to the public how the Public Meetings are conducted.
Mayor West advised those present that this meeting had been called as a
Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendment to the Official
Plan for Granada Investments Limited, El der-Pady, and St. Andrews Village
-Phase II; and for amendment to the Zoning By-law for Granada Investments
Limited, Avery-Boland, St. Andrews Village -Phase I and Phase II, and
Priestly. ·
The Deputy Clerk advised that the required notices of meeting were mailed on
February 21, 1986 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the
areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to
which the By-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the
various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The
Planning Act (1983).
Mayor West advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage
of the By-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before
they leave the meeting.
S. Seibert, Planner outlined to the audience the process which takes place
when an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning Amendment are received.
Mayor West requested Mrs. Seibert to outline Application Number OP-38-85 .and
-Aoolication Number OP-38-85 and Z-37-85
Investments Limited
The subject property is located at the north corner of Golf Links Drive and
Yonge Street, with part of the frontage directly abutting Yonge Street.
The applicants propose to amend the Official Plan from Commercial to
Residential and the Zoning By-law from "C3 Service Commercial Urban" to
"RA3 Third Density Apartment Residential" to permit the subject site to be
developed for 150 apartment units in two buildings. The apartment buildings
would be provided with 225 parking spaces. In addition, the existing 106
parking spaces would remain as overflow parking for the existing golf club.
The building adjacent to Yonge Street would be 6 storeys in height and have
66 - 2 bedroom suites. The building adjacent to Golf Links Drive would be 7
storeys in height and have 84 - 2 bedroom units.
Four vehicular entrances are proposed for the subject property, two from
Golf Links Drive and two from Yonge Street. As well, a drop off bay from
Golf Links Drive is proposed.
The area is presently occupied by an overflow parking lot containing 103
parking spaces, two residences and real estate offices on Yonge Street and
The property is presently zoned "C3 -Service Commercial Urban" and "0 -
Major Open Space".
- 2 -
Official Plan
The site is mainly designated "Commercial". The area around the pond was
developed as part of the golf course and is designated "Major Open Space".
The applicants proposed to re-designate the property to "Urban
Residential" which would permit apartment development subject to
certain locational criteria being met. The criteria which have been
established in the Official Plan are as follows:
"Urban residential development shall be predominately low density,
single family residential. Apartment buildings, row houses,
maisonettes and other multiple family accommodation containing
ten or more units shall only be permitted:
i) in proximity to the Central Business District, or
ii) in proximity to shopping centers, or
iii) adjacent to arterial roads, and
iv) where it is previously established that the schools, parks,
roads, sewers and watermains, and other municipal services are
adequate, and
v) where it is previously established that the traffic generated
can be safely handled by the road system and can be directed
away from adjacent local streets.
A further Official Plan Policy which has relevancy to this
situation is in respect to apartment building height. Section
B.1.c. states as follows:
"Apartments of more than three storeys shall be separated
from adjacent dwellings by a distance sufficient to
maintain privacy, amenity and value of the surrounding
Although the Official Plan provides no guidance as to what separations
should be used, consideration should be given to protecting the surrounding
detached residential uses.
This is the third public hearing to consider an apartment proposal on the
subject lands. This proposal is a substantial change from the last two
which proposed:
1. 4 buildings having 6, 9, 8 and 7 storeys and containing 208 units;
2. 3 buildings having 6, 6 and 7 storeys and containing 216 units.
The applicants have now considerably reduced the number of residential units
proposed and have also designed buildings which are lower. The buildings
are stepped back from Yonge Street/Golf Links Drive thus reducing the impact
of the buildings on these streets. The number of buildings have been
reduced to two.
The above ground parking which presently exists as an overflow parking area
for the golf club will remain under the present proposal thus separating the
buildings from the residential uses on the northern edge of the property.
The applicants propose a landscaped strip of approximately 10 feet in width
adjacent to the northerly lot line. It is suggested that this strip should
be heavily landscaped with trees of sufficient height to provide screening
adjacent to the low density residential uses. In addition, the applicants
should consider a low berm in the landscaped area to provide as much
enclosure for the property along its northern boundary as possible.
- 3 -
Insofar as the zoning and official plan amendments requested are concerned,
it is suggested that if Council finds the proposals as now presented
acceptable that the Urban Residential Category be applied only to those
parts of the property on which the apartment buildings are being proposed.
The part of the property being proposed as overflow parking for the go 1 f
course club house should be designated "Major Open Space" in the same way as
the adjoining golf course is. Similarly, it is suggested that the
residential zoning categories apply only to the blocks on which the
buildings are actually proposed and that the zoning be specific so as to
allow the proposal to proceed only as it is presently proposed.
It is suggested that the normal practice of requiring that the details of
the site plan agreement be completed prior to third reading of the zoning
by-law be followed.
The applicants stated that the concerns expressed by residents from past
meetings had been taken into consideration when the present proposa 1 had
been drawn up: two buildings -condominiums -separate ownership.
Concerns (expressed by residents):
parking area bordering on pond;
privacy -from apartments overlooking Ransom Street;
reduced property value;
increased traffic;
service entrance.
good idea -site specific zoning;
reasonable -compromise
Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary
O.P. and Zoning Amendments to implement this proposal.
Be It Further Resolved that residents who signed, be advised
when the site plan is available for inspection.
Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-10-86.
Proposal -Application Number Z-10-86
(P. & J. Avery & A.W. & J. Boland)
The subject property is located on the east side of Bathurst Street, north
of the proposed Corridor subdivision and south of Aurora Highlands Go 1 f
The applicants propose to amend the Zoning By-law from "H -Holding" to "R1
Detached Dwelling First Density Residential Zone", "R-2 -Detached
Dwelling Second Density Residential Zone" and "0 -Major Open Space". A
draft plan of subdivision relating to the property has been submitted
proposing 27 units comprised of 13 -59 foot lots and 14 -1/2 acre lots.
Official Plan
The majority of the property is currently designated "Suburban
Residential". A small strip along the northern boundary of the property is
designated "Major Open Space" and an even smaller area on the southern part
of the property is designated "Urban Residential".
- 4 -
Offici a 1 Plan Amendment No. 27 re-designated this property from Rura 1 to
Suburban Residential, Urban Residential and Major Open Space. A copy of
Schedule "A" to Amendment No. 27 is attached. That amendment shows most of
the subject property to be Suburban Residential requiring 1/2 minimum lot
sites. When the Official Plan Amendment was carried out, a landscape
analysis comprised of vegetation soils and topography was prepared.
The site according to the analysis is mainly sugar maple, beech and hemlock
with a band of "transition" forest which is hemlock, yellow birch, white
pine, beech, sugar maple followed by a band at the northerly edge of the
property of wetland forest which is hemlock, white cedar, yellow birch,
willow, viburnum and dogwood.
The topographic analysis reveals a very diverse landscape with a good
portion of the area having slopes in excess of 20%. The proposed road
access appears to follow the best route considering the topography, it does,
however, propose to cross some very steep grades which will result in some
fairly severe cuts to achieve acceptable road grades. In the southeast part
of the plan, directly east of the proposed roadway, there is a fairly large
area with slopes which exceed 20%. Lots 8 to 13 inclusive, are affected by
this area of extreme slopes. These lots have frontages of 18 metres (59
feet) and 20 metres (65 feet) and depths from 46 metres (150 feet) to 60
metres (196 feet). While the greatest difference in elevation on these lots
is from front and back, it is suggested that at least one lot be removed and
the frontage redistributed among Lots 8 to 13 inclusive. That would result
in lots being created having 23 metres (75 feet) of frontage with areas of
approximately 12,000 square feet. While that is considerably smaller than
the 1/2 acre minimum lot size planned for much of this area, the fact that
sewers can be supplied to these lots will potentially result in greater tree
preservation. By increasing the frontages of these 1 ots, there may be an
opportunity to preserve some of the trees adjacent to the side lot lines.
There is also a concern with Lots 4 and 5. These are relatively shallow
lots having 35 metres (about 115 feet) of depth. They are located adjacent
to the present Boland residence with there being only 8 metres (26 feet) of
separation between the most easterly corner of the Boland house and the rear
lot lines. To alleviate this it is suggested that Lot 4 be eliminated and a
new lot further north be created. The access to the Boland property which
would form a 1 ane between Lots 3 and 4 could a 1 so be wide ned in this way.
The widening of this lane would provide greater separation between the
actual houses on Lots 3 and 4 and traffic to the Boland house.
As well, as has been discussed in connection with the Corridor property to
the east, the cul-de-sac on this property should be joined with the
cul-de-sac on the Corridor property which would be the extension of Petch
At the time that the subdivision itself is considered in detail by Council,
it is suggested that there be a requirement for a tree preservation plan for
the subdivision and also that individual site plans be prepared for all lots
on the subdivision due to the complexity of the topography and the heavy
tree cover on the site.
Summary of Concerns
Should Council approve this proposal, the following revisions are suggested:
1. Lot 4 should be eliminated and Lot 5 widened;
2. the lane access to the Boland house should be widened;
3. one lot should be eliminated between Lots 8 to 13 inclusive and the
frontage distributed among Lots 13 to 8 inclusive; and
4. the road pattern should be revised to carry the cul-de-sac through
to the adjoining property to the east.
- 5 -
increased traffic -Petch Crescent;
joining of the cul-de-sacs;
cost of maintenance.
Resolved that the Application be forwarded to the next
Planning Committee meeting for a report. Mr. Derkowski to
be invited to attend.
Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application Number OP-05-86.
Proposal -Application Number OP-05-86
(James Elder and W. Pady)
The subject property is located on the west side of Yonge Street south of
Ridge Road, with frontage on Ridge Road as well as Yonge Street.
The applicants propose to amend the Official Plan from "Rural" to "Estate
Residential" to permit the development of a plan of subdivision. A plan
submitted in support to the Official Plan shows a total of fifteen 2 acre
Existing Official Plan
The subject lands are presently designated "Rural" in the Official Plan.
Official Plan Amendment No. 36, which is the Aurora Southwest Secondary
Plan, shows these lands as being in an Estate Residential Study Area for the
most part with the Yonge Street frontage in "Rural Corridor".
The Aurora Southwest Secondary Study determined that the 1 ands within the
Estate Residential Study Area have potential for estate residential but that
further investigations are required. The applicants have now carried out
engineering studies to support the application.
As was noted above, these lands are part of the Aurora Southwest Secondary
Study. That study found that the lands have suitability for Estate
Residential Development after investigations regarding soil types,
topography and agricultural capability but concluded that more detailed
investigation is required to ensure the appropriateness of Estate
Deve 1 opment. · The applicants have carried out engineering studies which
support the application. The subject lands are surrounded on three sides by
land that is designated and/or developed for Estate Residential uses.
The applicants approached Council last summer prior to the third reading of
the Aurora Southwest Secondary Plan with the request that their 1 ands be
designated Estate Residential in the same way as the lands surrounding are.
Council at that time indicated that it was willing to withhold third reading
of the Secondary Plan to allow the owners to prepare a plan for the property
and carry out the necessary engineering studies. Counci 1 a 1 so felt that
since public meetings on the Secondary Plan had been held, a further public
meeting dealing specifically with this property should be held.
Should Council now find that this proposal is acceptable, it is suggested
that the Schedule "A" to the Aurora Southwest Secondary Plan be amended to
show the subject lands as Estate Residential and that the Aurora Southwest
Secondary Plan be considered in third reading.
- 6 -
Since there are four members who have been elected to Council since the
first and second reading of the Southwest Secondary Plan, it may be
appropriate to present an explanation of the plan to either the entire
Council of the new members prior to the plan coming before Council for third
Agency Comments
Ministry of Transportation and Communications:
indicates that it will require a one foot reserve across
frontage except where existing entrances are located require a
setback of 7.6 metres from highway.
pace of development;
impact on wells in area;
elevation changes;
tree preservation;
privacy invasion;
intersection, as shown, in low area -drainage problems;
design of proposed houses;
access onto Yonge Street.
Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary
Amendment to Schedule "A" to the Aurora Southwest Secondary
Plan to show the subject lands as Estate Residential and that
the Aurora Southwest Secondary Plan be considered in third
Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-06-86.
The subject property is located on the north side of Orchard Heights
Boulevard at Yonge Street.
The applicants propose to amend the Zoning By-law to permit the six (6)
residential units numbered 19A through 23A inclusive, and 29A, to be zoned
for dual purposes in order that they may be leased either for residential or
commercial uses.
Official Plan
The property was designated for Mixed Commercial and Residential uses by
Official Plan Amendment No. 17. That amendment set out a number of
requirements which are listed below:
i) that the residential component is not greater in floor area than
the commercial component;
ii) that both the residential and commercial parking requirements are
accommodated on the site;
iii) that the subject lands will
with special provisions
commercial use; and
be placed in a special zoning category
respecting the combined residential
iv) that a site plan agreement be entered into between the applicant
and the Municipality respecting such provisions of Section 35a of
The Planning Act as may be deemed necessary.
- 7 -
Current Zoning
The property was zoned for Mixed Commercial and Residential uses by By-law
26-1-83. That by-law permitted approximately 40,000 square feet of
commercial floor area on the ground floor plus a number of commercial units
on the upper floor. That was subsequently amended to allow commercial uses
over the part of the site used as the Unicorn Pub.
The applicants have now requested that six (6) upper units be allowed to be
used for either resi denti a 1 or commercia 1 uses. These units are above the
Golden Griddle Restaurant or Village Deli. The applicants, who are the
current managers of the mall, are concerned that residential uses in the
area will be disturbed by noise or odors from the restaurant uses.
The commercial use of these units would require approximately 27 parking
spaces for retail and 20 spaces for offices. The residential use would
require nine ( 9) spaces. In the overall concept submitted in support of
applications OP-07-86 and Z-08-86 which deal with the westerly part of the
property, a total of 492 parking spaces are provided. That parking
provision is in excess of the requirements even when these u~its are
included as Office Commercial in the calculation. There would, therefore,
appear to be adequate parking to allow the conversion.
The present parking requirements as set out in the Zoning By-law are
currently exceeded so that adequate parking exists even if the western
application for extension of the shopping center is not approved.
The Official Plan provides that
than the commercial component.
residential units to commercial.
the residential component cannot be larger
It does not preclude the conversion of
Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary
By-law for Council's consideration.
Mr. West requested the Planner to outline Application Numbers OP-07-86 and
Proposal -Application Numbers OP-07-86 & Z-08-86
(Geoffrey L. Moore Realty Inc. -St. Andrews Village Phase II)
The subject property is located on the north side of Orchard Heights
Boulevard between St. Andrews Court and the St. Andrews Square Shopping
The applicant proposes to amend the Offici a 1 Plan from "Commercia 1" to
"Res i denti a 1" on the western portion of the property. The zoning by-1 aw is
proposed to be amended from "H -Holding" to "C4 -Shopping Centre
Commercial Zone" and "R6 -Row Dwelling Residential Zone". This will permit
an extension of St. Andrews Village and the development of the site for some
rowhouse density housing, similar to that existing on St. Andrews Court.
The plans submitted in support of the proposal are for an approximately
35,000 square foot extension to the existing mall which would act as a
continuation of the existing mall in terms of building design. The present
plans are for a large building at the north end of the site with a number of
connected units forming the western edge. The i nterna 1 pedestrian traffic
would continue through this area in much the same manner as it presently
does. The site would continue to be serviced by two access points to
Orchard Heights Boulevard. A total of 492 parking spaces are proposed which
exceeds the requirement.
- 8 -
The residential component of the proposal is for 23 townhouses located on a
public cul-de-sac having access to Orchard Heights Boulevard. Six of the
townhouses would have direct access to Orchard Heights Boulevard. The
frontages of the townhouses would be approximately 25 feet. The overa 11
density of this would be 11.5 units per acre under the current proposal.
Existing Official Plan
The subject property is all currently designated commercial. It was
ori gina lly intended to serve as the site of a Community Shopping Centre
which was proposed for the site in 1974.
Existing Zoning
The property is currently zoned "H-Holding".
As was noted above, this property was originally intended to serve as the
site for a Community Shopping Center having an overall property area of 15
acres and a floor area of about 200,000 square feet.
In 1981 the Zoning By-law and Official Plan were amended to allow the St.
Andrews Square to deve 1 op. The proponents felt that a Community Shopping
Centre could not be attracted to the site because of the competition from
larger shopping centers in neighboring communities. The decision was made
to allow the site to be partially developed on this basis. Since the entire
site was originally planned for a shopping center, it is suggested that this
use which would allow rezoning for an addition to the existing center, is in
keeping with the original concept for the property.
It is desirable to concentrate commercial development in locations already
designated rather than to allow for new scattered commercial development.
This addition may add greater viability to the existing site. In addition,
there is now a larger new residential population in either recently
constructed housing or in various development stages which should result in
approximately 4,500 people all of which will have internal access to Orchard
Heights Boulevard, the residential collector street on which this proposed
expansion would be located.
Insofar as the residential component is concerned, at the time the St.
Andrews Square development was approved, it was indicated that a change from
the commercial designation to a residential designation was contemplated.
The present proposal has two features, it provides a transition between the
existing residential development and the commercial area and it also
provides the opportunity to provide more affordable freehold housing.
The proposed residential development would appear to meet the Official Plan
criteria for higher density development in that it is near to a shopping
center, and an arterial road, schools, parks, roads, sewers and watermains
and other municipal services are adequate. The site fronts on a major
residential collector street and is near to the street's signalized
intersection with Yonge Street.
buffer required;
grade differential;
elimination of lots (-3);
construction to date;
traffic -heavy trucks.
Resolved that this Application be referred to the Planning
Committee for further study and staff input.
- 9 -
Resolved that the Planning Committee report on this
Application and the Planner be directed to prepare the
necessary By-law Amendments.
Be It Further Resolved that the residents who signed the sheet
be ad vi sed, prior to third reading of the By-1 aw, that the
Site Plan is available for inspection.
Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application Number OP-09-86.
Proposal -Application Number OP-09-86
(Victor Priestly Contracting Limited)
The subject property is located on the north side of Bloomington Road, east
of the Ontario Hydro right-of-way and west of Leslie Street.
The applicant proposes to amend the Offici a 1 Plan from "Rura 1" to
"Industrial". The lands are currently used for storage of earth fill and
topsoi 1. It is proposed that some of the materia 1 s on site be removed to
lower the grade and possibly that a berm be built to provide visual amenity
along Bloomington. The site is about 1.18 ha (approximately 3 acres) in
A copy of the site plan submitted in support of the application is
attached. This plan shows an office area of 165 square metres
{approximately 1,775 square feet) having a height of 4 metres (approximately
13 feet) and an industrial building having 645 square metres (approximately
7,000 square feet) having a height of 6.5 metres {approximately 21 feet).
The easterly half of the front of the property would be paved while the
entire rear half of the property is to be gravelled. This area would be
used for the storage of trucks. The rna in use of the property waul d be a
trucking firm with fueling, storage and repair areas provided on the site.
Existing Official Plan
The subject lands are currently designated ''Rural''.
The subject lands are located on Bloomington Road, a major east-west
arterial street which interchanges with Highway 404. Property abutting this
street is highly visible to the passing public. Regional Engineering has
pointed out in connection with Offici a 1 Plan Amendment No. 38 which is
located east of this property that one additional access will be permitted
between the Hydro right-of-way and Leslie Street. It has suggested and
Council has agreed that a service road should be required to provide access
to individual properties on this area.
It has also suggested that an overall development plan be prepared for the
area between Bayview Avenue and Leslie Street on the north side of
Bloomington Road. The Regional Planning Department has suggested that this
plan should address 1 and uses, servicing, accesses to Region a 1 roads, the
impact of existing industrial uses and truck traffic on possible
development, as well as other matters including the potential for aggregate
extraction in the development plan area.
The staff position on Official Plan Amendment No. 38 was that these studies
needed to be done before any development in the area is approved. It is now
suggested that these studies should be carried out prior to the approval of
any additional development in the area.
-10 -
The issue of land use, in particular, needs to be addressed in view of the
mixture of estate residential and industrial uses or land use designations
(see attached) which are either approved or proposed, and also the very
highly visible nature of the area and the impression it will create as
Aurora's southerly boundary. In addition, as was suggested by Regional
Planning, the issue of servicing and also fire protection needs to be
increased traffic;
dust caused by increased traffic;
setting precedent -zoning small parcel of land.
Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare a report on
the overall development of this area and address the following:
land use;
servicing access to Regional roads;
impact of existing industrial uses and truck traffic
on possible development;
potential for aggregate extraction in the
development plan area.
1. Letter 8-26 -City of Peterborough re: site value assessment
Timpson: Resolved that this letter be received.
2. Letter 8-27 -Persechini Run/Walkathon re: Closing of St. Johns
Side road
Resolved that permission be granted to the Persechini
Run/Walkathon organization to close off St. Johns Sideroad
from Leslie Street to Bayview Avenue from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00
a.m. on May 25, 1986 for its annual run.
3. Letter 8-28 -Persechini Run/Walkathon re: "Run or Wa 1 k for the
Physically Disabled Children Week"
Resolved that the week of May 19, 1986 be proclaimed "Run or
Walk for the Physically Disabled Children Week" in the Town
of Aurora.
-11 -
1. Family Leisure Complex
Whereas the Town of Aurora submission to the Ontario Municipal
Board proposed that $600,000.00 would be raised for the Aurora
Family Leisure Complex, and whereas those funds are not now in
Therefore let it be resolved, that the Council of the Town of
Aurora would advise the Ontario Municipal Board that it does
hereby guarantee and commit the security of such funds in the
amount of $600,000.00 pending actual receipt, such funds to be
committed from the Services Reserve Fund until recovered.
1. Meeting with Canada Post
Mayor West advised Council members that a meeting had been arranged with
Mr. Charles Hunter of Canada Post for Thursday, April 3, 1986 at 7:30
p.m. to discuss the future mail system in Aurora.
1. Meeting of Council in Committee
Resolved that a meeting of Council in Committee be held on
Monday, April 7, 1986 at 7:00p.m.
Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:55 p.m.