MINUTES - Special Council - 19860528MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARDROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1986 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor West; Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pedersen, Timpson and Weller. Also in attendance were K. B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator; Colleen E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk; and Sue Seibert, Planner. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor Richard Barker declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Application Nos. OP-17-86 and Z-18-86 due to monetary interest and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Mayor West advised those present that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to application for amendment to the Official Plan for 01 d Park Ho 1 dings Ltd. and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora; and for amendment to the zoning by-law, for Old Park Holdings Ltd. The Deputy Clerk advised that the required notices of meetings were mailed on April 22, 1986 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the by-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor West advised that any person who wished further notice of the passage of the By-1 aws under consideration should sign the forms available before leaving the meeting. The Public Meeting to hear Application No. OP-17-86 and Z-18-86 is now open. Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application No. OP-17-86 and Z-18-86. Proposal -Application Nos. OP-17-86 and Z-18-86 (Old Park Holdings) Location The subject lands are located at the southwest corner of Wellington Street and Bayview Avenue in Lot 80, Concession 1 E.Y.S. Proposal The applicant proposes to change the Official Plan from "Rural" to "Industrial" and the zoning by-law from "RU-Rural" to "MI-l-Restricted Industrial Service Exception Zone" to allow the property to be developed for an industrial plan of subdivision. The concept plan submitted proposes a double ended cul-de-sac off of Bayview Avenue. This would allow for the creation of ten 1 ots and one b 1 ock. Lot 1 waul d have direct access to Wellington Street East. The lots would range in size from 0.3 ha (approximately 3/4 acres) to about 0.8 ha (2 acres). The block is proposed for Open Space as it is located within the floodplain. It has an area of about 3.6 acres. A copy of the sketch plan is attached. Official Plan The subject lands are currently designated ''Rural". The "Industrial'' classification does not provide policies for the establishment of new industrial areas. Comment The subject lands are bounded to the west by land designated Major Open Space and further west Commercial and Industrial. The remaining surrounding lands are Rural. The draft Official Plan would designate these lands and the lands surrounding as far east as Bayview Avenue as Industrial. The lands directly to the south are owned by Magna International (Canada) Incorporated. An application to redesignate these 1 ands from "Rura 1" to "Industrial" was considered by Council at its meeting of February 28, 1986. Council's resolution of that issue is as follows: "Resolved that the application be referred to the Official Plan Review so that the proposa 1 can be reviewed in the context of the avera ll servicing and land use issues.'' COUNCIL MEETING •.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1986 - 2 - Proposal -Application Nos. OP-17-86 HolaTngs)cont 'a ... and Z-18-86 (Old Park The Owner of the lands to the east, who is surrounded on both the south and west by the subject lands, has expressed concern with the proposed redesignation. He feels that it is inappropriate to proceed with the designation of the lands surrounding his without consideration being given to potential future uses for his lands (see attached). The future use of this land is very important to the Town in that it fronts Wellington Street, a major entrance to the community which interchanges with Provincial Highway 404, a major limited access connection with Metropolitan Toronto. Decisions made respecting land use in this area, should be made in that context and a 1 so within the context of the 1 ands surrounding and the overall servicing issues which were raised in connection with the Magna application, and have not yet been addressed from a comprehensive po 1 icy perspective. It is suggested that all of these issues should be addressed prior to re-designating these lands. The intention of the Official Plan reviewed was to set the framework for this decision making and it is suggested that these applications should be considered within that context. Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority points out: -that Lots 1, 2, 3 and all of Block ''A'' are subject to flooding during a Regional storm; and -that it cannot submit the application as submitted but would not object to an application which would designate floodplain areas as Environmental Protection or Major Open Space. Regional Planning: -proposal should be considered premature until Official Plan Review is complete. Ministry of Transportation and Communications: -no objections. Concerns: -access to property -flood plain land -should not be looked at in isolation The public meeting on this application is now closed. Council meeting is now open. Buck: Paivio: Resolved that the Planner's Report be approved and this application be considered premature and referred to the Official Plan review now being undertaken. CARRIED The Public meeting is now open to hear Application OP-22-86. Mayor West requested Mrs. Seibert, Planner to outline Application No. OP-22-86. No. OP-22-86 {Official Plan Amendment No. 42 - Location The lands which are the subject of this amendment comprise most of the lands in Lot 79, Concession 1 W.Y.S. which is west of Murray Drive/McDonald Drive. (The western boundary is not quite as far east as the western edge of these streets.) COUNCIL MEETING •.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1986 - 3 - Proposal -Application No. OP-22-86 (Official Plan Amendment No. 42 - Kennedy Street West)cont'd ... Proposal This proposed Official Plan Amendment results from three applications which the Town received involving parts of the overall amendment area. The overall amendment area was part of the Aurora West Secondary Plan Study which took place in 1978. That study examined the physical and servicing constraints of the areas, as they were known at the time and recommended that the area be designated ''Urban Residential'', "Suburban Residential'' and "Major Open Space" and set population limits for the area. It was originally thought that much of the western part of the area would be developed on the basis of 1/2 acre lots which would be serviced by septic systems and municipal piped water supply. Subsequent to that, it was determined that soil types in the area would not support septic systems as originally planned and that full services would be required. Since that represented a change which required further study, the results of the Aurora West Secondary Study were not pursued by way of an Official Plan Amendment in this area, although the property currently owned by Heron Homes at the corner of Wellington Street West and Bathurst Street was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. The policy approach that this area would ultimately be urbanized has remained. However, it was not considered necessary to re-designate these lands until the various land owners were closer to considering development. As was stated above, it was several applications for development which prompted the preparation of this amendment. As a major part of the amendment, we felt it was necessary to re-examine the original population projections and planned ceilings for the area to determine if those ceilings were still appropriate in view of new servicing requirements and the coi nci denta 1 reduction in the number of 1 arge 1 ots proposed. Our findings are that the original population projections still stand, assuming that urban residential lot sizes would be 50 feet minimum frontages throughout much of the area, with 1/2 acre area 100 feet minimum frontages along Bathurst Street; and areas along the streams would be designated Major Open Space as originally planned. Staff has met with the various land owners in the area who are currently pursuing development applications to determine a general road pattern for the area. We are satisfied that an appropriate road design can be achieved within the area and would recommend that the Planning Committee consider this road design in the future so that a general guideline to the various land owners would be available. Discussions have a 1 so been held concerning the reconstruction of Kennedy Street west of McDonald Drive. Drawings for that reconstruction are being prepared by the Town's Consulting Engineer and the details of a proposed cost sharing formula are being reviewed by the Technical Committee. The Techni ca 1 Committee will p 1 ace its proposa 1 before Council for its consideration in the near future. Copies of the text and schedule of the draft Official Plan Amendment are attached. The appendices which deal with population ceilings as they were proposed and as they are presently occurring within all of Aurora West are on file with the Clerk. Concerns: proposed size of lots on Kennedy Street West Public meeting on this application is now closed. Council meeting is now open. Timpson: Pedersen: Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary By-law and the By-law be given three readings when presented for Council's consideration. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1986 - 4 - CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter #12-41 Snal Yermus re: Part Lot 77, Cone. 1 Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R2868, Aurora -Construction of Industrial Building Buck: Jones: RESOLUTIONS Resolved that a letter be requested from the Solicitor advising that: 1) the Town of Aurora will be protected if Mr. Yermus is unable to meet his commitment; 2) Mr. Yermus post a $50,000.00 Bond as well as sign an agreement stating that if he is unable to comply with extension granted, he will surrender the land without a court fight. CARRIED 1. Letter #12-42 Granada Investments -Extension to Draft Approval Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-81087 Timpson: Barker: Resolved that the Planning Department of The Regional Municipality of York be advised that the Town of Aurora does hereby grant a six (6) month extension for the draft approval granted to draft plan of subdivision 19T-81087 (Granada Investments Limited). CARRIED 2. Letter #12-43 Reid and Associates re: Tender Award, Reconstruction of Industrial Parkway North and Scanlon Court Barker: Weller: IN CAMERA Jones: Paivio: ADJOURNMENT Weller: Mayor Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Henry Borgdorff, Town Engineer, Town of Aurora, the Contract for the reconstruction of Industrial Parkway North and Scanlon Court (Project No.967) be awarded to Lou Savini Limited, in the total amount of $525,612.46, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Resolved that the In Camera session be deferred until after the scheduled Council in Committee meeting. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:10 p.m. CARRIED