MINUTES - Special Council - 19860129MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARDROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor West and Councillors Barker, Jones, McKenzie, Paivio, Pederson, Timpson and Weller. Absent Was: Councillor Buck. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillor Paivio declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Item 1 on the Agenda -Application OP-45-84 (Kelly -Old Yonge Street) due to personal interest in this project and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Mayor West outlined to the public how the Public Meetings are conducted. Mayor West ad vi sed those present that this meeting had been called as a Pub 1 i c Meeting with respect to app 1 i cations for amendment to the Zoning By-law for Alpen Haus Ltd., Dr. Diamond, Vanderburg and Sifton and Official Plan Amendment for Kelly, Vanderburg and Sifton. The Deputy Clerk advised that the required notices of meeting were mailed on December 23, 1985 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the By-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor West advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave the meeting. Mayor West requested S. Seibert to outline Application Number OP-45-84. Proposal -Application Number OP-45-84 (Kelly) Background In November, 1984, Council had before it an application dealing with the 1 ands which are 1 ocated on the east side of Yonge Street between Yonge Street and the C. N. R. tracks south of St. John's Side road. The app 1 i cants at that time applied for amendment to the Official Plan from Rural to Urban Residential and Environmental Protection. Council recommended that the future land uses in the area be determined in connection with the Official Plan review which at that time had just commenced. Subsequently, the various landowners involved requested that Council deal with the request independently of the Offici a 1 Plan Review. Counci 1 then requested staff to prepare a report dealing with the area and following discussion of that report, instructed that an Official Plan Amendment de~ignating the area for Urban Residential and Urban Separator be prepared. Following first and second reading of that amendment, which basically constitutes approva 1 in principle, Co unci 1 determined that further pub 1 i c input respecting the proposals be obtained by the holding of a public meeting. Proposed Amendment The text of the proposed amendment is attached to this report. The amendment would redesignate the subject 1 ands from "Rura 1" to "Urban residential" and "Urban Separator". Specific policies are added to the Urban Residential land use category respecting the area. These policies are as follows: "The lands designated for Urban Residential Uses in Lot 85, Concession 1, EYS may be used only for low density residential development at minimum 15 metre lot frontages except as otherwise provided herein. It is intended that lot sizes will be larger than 15 metre frontage adjacent to existing large lot residences. As well, as the Urban Residential category reaches its northern limit near St. John's Sideroad larger lot sizes will be required. COUNCIL MEETING ••. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 - 2 - On Lots 5 -10 inclusive registered plan 461 low rise medium density development may be permitted provided that it is set well back from Yonge Street and that appropriate landscaping and design elements are incorporated into the development so as to make it compatible with surrounding residences. The lands fronting Yonge Street and St. John's Sideroad are designated Urban Separator. Lots may be permitted to extend into the Urban Separator category provided that residences are located outside the category." Comment This area has been included within the proposed urban service area since Council adopted the Urban Serviced Boundary in February, 1983. The lands to the south on the east side of Old Yonge Street are currently under development for 203 residential lots by Revlis. That property was designated as Urban Residential by the Ontario Municipal Board in 1979 when the issues referred to it during the approval of the present Official Plan were dealt with. The designation of the Revl is area for Urban Residential left a relatively small area between Yonge Street and St. John's Sideroad designated Rural. The area is presently a combination of estate type homes on large lots concentrated on Old Yonge Street and vacant former farmland between the residential area and the CNR trackage. As a condition of development, Revl is has been required to pro vi de the widening for and reconstruction of Old Yonge Street adjacent to its boundary. That area constitutes approximately 1/2 of the length of Old Yonge Street. The remaining portion to the north, running through the area of proposed Amendment No. 37 remains a substandard, gravel road. Given this set of circumstances, it appears inevitable that redevelopment of some type will occur in this area. The proposed Amendment has attempted to pro vi de for a graduation of densities toward the north and 1 arger lots adjacent to existing lot development. One of the major concerns of staff and some of the landowners in the area has been the reconstruction and servicing of Old Yonge Street. To attempt to resolve the various positions respecting this, staff met with the various developers or their representatives on January 22nd to discuss the servicing problems in the area and the issues which need to be resolved should Council determine that Official Plan Amendment No. 37 should be enacted. Responses have now been received from Macroplan on behalf of 610577 Ontario Limited, Olga Kelly, H. Maier and C. Wardlow and Three Seasons Homes Limited, indicating willingness to participate financially in undertaking a study of the area to evaluate the ownership of and engineering requirements for Old Yonge Street and the development areas defined in Official Plan Amendment No. 37 provided that third reading is given to that document. The applicants have also provided a composite road plan for the area. While the details of the plan have not been evaluated from a technical standpoint, in principle, it is felt that the plan is acceptable recognizing the limitations of the area. Concerns: road pattern reconstruction of Old Yonge Street engineering problems Barker: Timpson: Resolved that this application be referred to the Technical Committee for a report prior to third reading of the by-law. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ••. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 - 3 - Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-41-85 (Alpen Haus Ltd.). Proposal -Application Number Z-41-85 (Alpen Haus Ltd.) Location The subject property is located between Bayview Avenue and Leslie Street south of Wellington Street. The property comprises approximately 585 acres. Proposal The applicant proposes to amend By-1 aw 2213-78 to all ow the property to be developed as a thoroughbred horse operation. In connection with that operation the owners wish to construct 5 additional staff houses approximately 2,000 square feet in area, one multiple unit facility to be used as a dormitory for staff having a maximum of 20 units and a single family residence for the owner in addition to a number of agricultural buildings. Official Plan The subject property is designated "Rural" in the Official Plan. The rural classification permits the following, agriculture, forestry and activities connected with the conservation of soil and wildlife and other necessary and accessory uses, churches, public uses and facilities of public utility agencies. Farm residences and dwellings accessory to a permitted use are also permitted. Current Zoning The subject property is currently zoned "RU-Rural ". category permits the following: The Rural zoning Comment agricultural uses including farming, soil cultivation and livestock rearing breeding raising and training of farm animals and horses churches or places of worship home occupations horseback riding clubs farm greenhouses one single family dwelling including an accessory attached residential dwelling unit occupied by a person employed full time on the farm where the farm is not less than 40 hectares in area buildings and uses accessory to any of the uses permitted. Although the applicant owns 585 acres of land, because it is held in one title, for the purposes of the zoning by-law it is considered as one farm. The by-law specifically permits only one single family dwelling for each farm. Where the farm has a minimum area of 40 hectares an accessory attached dwelling unit is permitted. In this particular instance a considerably larger operation than was envisaged by the by-law is proposed. s COUNCIL MEETING ••. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 - 4 - If the property was held in traditional farm units of 100 acres, then 6 residences would be permitted on the property. The requested change would result if approved, in a total of 8 residences being constructed on the property p 1 us the dormitory for 20 staff. Little information has been provided at this time respecting the dormitory. It is suggested that more information respecting the intent of this portion of the proposal should be obtained prior to any rezoning Council might enact. Apart from the need for additional residences the proposed use would appear to be in conformity with both the official plan and zoning by-law. The additional residences are related to the agricultural use of the property and on that basis would appear to be justified. Concerns: m1n1mum setback gross floor area coverage provisions siting provisions number of dwelling units population density traffic dust associated with farm traffic conformity to Official Plan Timpson: Paivio: Resolved that this application and letter of objection be referred to the Planning Committee for report back to Council. CARRIED Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-42-85 (421183 Ontario Limited (Dr. Diamond)) lication Number Z-42-85 (421183 Ontario Limited) Location The subject property is located on the west side of Yonge Street one lot south of Reuben Street. The lands to the south are used as an antique shop with parking to the rear. The lands to the north and west are residential. Proposal The applicants propose to amend the zoning applying to the subject property from "RS-Special Mixed Density Residential" to "Special Mixed Density Residential Exception" to allow the rear yard of the property to be used for parking for the Medical Clinic located on the north side of Reuben Street. The house on the property would continue to be used residentially. Official Plan The Official Plan designates the area Urban Residential. The urban residential land use category permits the following: low, medium and high density residential uses. Complementary uses or those which serve the basic residential uses and local commercial uses are permitted by zoning amendment. Camp 1 ementary uses inc 1 ude schoo 1 s, parks, churches, nursing homes, day nurseries and public utilities. As well, compatible home occupations are permitted. Official Plan Amendment No. 10 expanded these uses on arterial roads in the Town's older section to include limited commercial uses such as a professional office, an artist's studio, an insurance or real estate office or similar uses which are compatible with residential uses. It is under these provisions which the applicant has applied for rezoning. COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 - 5 - Comment The applicants propose to use the rear yard of the subject property to alleviate the parking problem which presently exists at the medical clinic located at the northwest corner of Yonge Street and Reuben Street. The medical clinic currently has 12 parking spaces located on site. When the building was constructed, By-law 1863 which required three spaces per practitioner was in force. Four doctors occupied the building initially which is how the 12 space requirement was calculated. Some time after that 2 additional practitioners were allowed to occupy the building on the basis of leased parking. These lease arrangements have apparently not been renewed and temporary parking arrangements have been made on the east side of Yonge Street at the old arena site. There are basically three issues which must be addressed in the consideration of this application. 1. the degree to which the proposal will solve the existing problem; 2. the effect of the proposal on the surrounding properties and neighborhood; 3. the conformity of the proposal with the Official Plan. The applicants acquired 114 to 116 Yonge Street South in an attempt to provide a long term solution to the parking problem. They propose to locate 16 parking spaces at the rear of this property. Two spaces would be allocated to the residential use which under the zoning requested would continue. A total of 26 spaces would therefore be available to serve the clinic. Present zoning standards cannot be applied retroactively to the property. However, the present requirements of 6.5 spaces for each 100 square metres of floor area would necessitate the provision of 30 spaces to serve the site. On that basis, assuming present requirements are accurate the applicants proposal should to a large degree resolve the parking problem. In respect to the effect of the proposal on the surround properties there are several aspects to be considered. From the perspective of the overall community this area between Reuben and Ronson has been almost totally developed for commercial type uses re-using ransom residentially used buildings with parking provided in the rear yard. The parking lots which back onto residential have been screened with shrubs and fenced. As well, the parking lot must be hard surface and drained so as to insure that drainage on adjacent properties is not impacted. The applicant has proposed a 5 foot planting strip adjacent to the northerly and southerly properties and a 10 foot planting strip adjacent to the westerly abutting property. The applicant has supplied a sketch plan with the application indicating the location of the parking spaces, the access and the proposed drainage. This is not a formal site plan application and has therefore not been reviewed by the Public Works Department. However, it is noted from the drawing that the access driveway has a maximum possible width of 3.95 metres (12.95 feet). This would not be sufficient width to a 11 ow for two way access to the parking lot. Because the length of stay of most patients is limited, it is expected that a reasonably frequent turn-over would occur within the parking area. Because of this, there is concern that traffic prob 1 ems will occur because of the 1 imited access to the parking area. It may be appropriate for the applicants to investigate joining this parking area with the parking area to the south that an independent entrance and exit can be established. It is suggested that the comments of the Director of Pub 1 i c Works be obtained before any rezoning which Council might approve is enacted. COUNCIL MEETING ..• WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 - 6 - As was stated above, the subject property is designated Urban Residential in the Offici a 1 Plan. Although a doctor's office has been considered on appropriate use for residential areas, the applicant is not proposing to locate a doctor's office on this site, only the parking associated with one. While conformity with the Official Plan is entirely straight forward if Council is satisfied that: 1. the proposal will resolve the existing parking problem and; 2. that the impact on the surrounding property will be minimized; the conformity issue would play a lesser role. Concerns: drainage privacy fences needed lighting screening vanda 1 ism snow removal traffic congestion control of parking area pollution of area noise safety of children partial zoning of lot commercial use of residential lot Jones: Barker: Resolved that this application be referred to Technical Committee and the concerns of residents be addressed with residents input, with a report back to Council. CARRIED. Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application Number OP-43-85 and Z-44-85. Proposal -Application Number OP-43-85 and Z-44-85 (Vanderburg) Location The subject lands are located on the north side of Kennedy Street West, east to the Heron Homes development and south of the Andy Investments Development. Proposal The applicants propose to amend the Official Plan from "Rural" to "Urban Residential" and the Zoning By-law from "H-Holding" to "R2-Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential" and "R2-5-Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Exception". The applicant has also made a formal subdivision for subdivision approval for a plan comprising 46 residential lots and 5 blocks for further (residential) use. The plan shows 8 lots which have a minimum frontage of 13.7 metres (45 feet approximately) and the remainder have 15 metre frontages {50 feet approximately). Existing Official Plan The existing Official Plan designates the area as "Rural". In 1979 the Ontario Municipal Board dealt with the Aurora West Secondary Plan. That plan provided for urban res identi a 1 deve 1 opment on the subject 1 ands and those lands surrounding them. It also provided density levels and population ceilings, park requirements and established the location of major roads. COUNCIL MEETING •.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 - 7 - The plan was approved only insofar as it applied to the areas which were referred to the Ontario Municipal Board which were the lands north of Wellington Street, the Heron Homes property the Corridor property and the Revlis property. It was originally intended that in official plan amendment to bring these lands under the "Residential" designations would be done immediately. However, throughout the processing of other plans in the Aurora West Area certain problems with the original concept became apparent. Of particular concern was the servicing issue. The original plan called for 1 arge 1 ots adjacent to Bathurst Street serviced by muni ci pa 1 water supply and septic tanks and as a result all lots were fully serviced. This has resulted in some areas being amended and the unknowns created by this resulted in this area not be dealt with in one official plan amendment. Existing Zoning The property is currently zoned "Holding" which was basically established to reflect that the 1 and was intended for future deve 1 opment the deta i1 s of which were unclear. Comment This area has since 1979 been established as an area intended for future residential development. We now have applications for much of the area (see attached). In addition, one official plan amendment (Andy Investment) has already been enacted and a second amendment (Graham et al) has had 2 readings of the adopting by-law. The Heron Homes property at Bathurst Street and Kennedy has been approved and the subdivision will be registered in the near future. One of the concerns shared by Council and staff with that proposal was its isolation from the rest of the community. In order to at least in part alleviate this concern, Heron Homes was required to connect their plan with the remainder of Kennedy Street. As part of the consideration of this plan discussions were held concerning the reconstruction of Kennedy Street from Bathurst to McDonald. The funding for this reconstruction which will be needed as the Heron Homes area develops is to come in part from developers contributions. The commitment for development of the area has already been made. To avoid further piecemeal consideration of land holdings in this area, it is suggested that one official plan amendment be carried out to deal with the area and that population levels, etc., proposed in the Aurora West Secondary Plan be re-examined to determine their present validity in connection with this amendment. It is suggested that this be accomplished by expanding Official Plan Amendment No. 38 and that the appropriate notices be given to ensure that the legislative requirements respecting public input are met. Concerns: overall plan of area needed. Timpson: Barker: Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare a new D.P. Amendment to cover all subject properties in the area. CARRIED. Mayor West requested the Planner to outline Application Number OP-45-85 and Z-46-85. Proposal -Application Number OP-45-85 and Z-46-85 (Highland Chevrolet Oldsmobile Limited' COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 - 8 - Location The subject lands are located on Yonge Street North between Yonge Street and Old Yonge Street in Lot 84. They are bounded on the south by St. Andrew's Service Centre and on the north by a large estate type lot which is under consideration through Offici a 1 Plan Amendment No. 37 for medi urn density residential. Lands to the east are currently being developed for a residential subdivision comprising 203 lots having frontages ranging between 35 and 50 feet. The lands to the west are occupied by St. Andrew's College, a private boys school. Proposal The applicants propose to develop the subject property as an Automotive Campus with facilities for four auto dealerships totalling 62,055 square feet office area. The property would be serviced by two accesses to Yonge Street with an internal road system linking the various dealerships. At the northern end of the property a flood retention area is proposed adjacent to Yonge Street. This area would be depressed and would result in a greater amount of the site, the front portion of which is located within the floodplain of Tannery Creek being usable. Approximately 1.2 acres of the 11.2 acre site would be used for flood retention. The applicants propose to locate three care display pedestals in this flood retention area. A single sign pylon would be located on the Yonge Street frontage. Individual identification for the four dealerships would be by means of facia signs. The applicants propose a landscape strip around the north, east and west perimeters of the property and landscaping adjacent to the southerly entrance. The northerly entrance would be by means of a bridge with parking 1 ocated on either side of the driving 1 ane. One access, a down ramp, is provided from Old Yonge Street. A total of 727 car parking spaces are proposed on the site. Existing Official Plan The subject lands were designated "Commercial" by Official Plan Amendment No. 12. That amendment the text of which is attached required that because the property is located at the municipality's northern entrance, only selected commercial uses which can be expected to maintain the high quality appearance of the area will be permitted on the site. Uses such as prestige or professional offices, private or public recreational facilities, funeral homes, restaurants, but not take-out restaurants and mote 1 s with accessory facilities are permitted. On the southern most part of the site, a new car dealership may be permitted adjacent to the existing public garage, provided that a permanent building of a size comparable to other buildings on the amendment area, with the exception of a motel, is erected on the site. The uses on the northern most part of the site adjacent to existing residential uses are to be limited to those which do not generate large amounts of traffic. The policies provide that: i) a 5 metre (15 foot) landscape strip be provided around the site. ii) a master site plan be prepared for the property before any development takes place and that site plan agreement covering lighting, design of parking areas and buildings, etc. be carried out prior to each rezoning. iii) buildings must be compatible both on site and off. iv) lighting to be located so that glare or direct light does not impact on adjoining properties. COUNCIL MEETING ••. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 - 9 - v) individual access for various lots not be provided rather internal road system with limited access to Yonge Street -access to Old Yonge generally not permitted. vi) flood plain policies to apply. vii) traffic report and overall site plan relating to access to Yonge to be approved by Ministry of Transportation and Communications prior to rezoning. Existing Zoning The subject property is currently zoned "C3-Service Commercial" on the southern most part of the site and "H-Holding" on the remainder. Comment The Official Plan policies currently relating to the property would permit an automotive dealership on the southern part of the property and a variety of uses on the north. The current policy has 3 main thrusts relating to: i) site plan control, to ensure that what is built at this important entrance to the community is attractive; and ii) to traffic control and safety through the establishment of an internal road system to service the site. iii) limitation of uses to prestige offices, restaurants, private or public recreational facilities and a motel. The present proposal would conform to the policies of the Official Plan insofar as they relate to the southern most part of the site, and to the landscaping requirements at least on the north end of the site. As well only two access points to Yonge Street and an internal road system are proposed. The major point of non-conformity between the present proposa 1 and the existing Official Plan policies relates to the uses on the northern part of the site and also to the proportional amounts of the site devoted to parking and building area. Under the proposal before Council 727 car parking spaces are provided on the site. Assuming 300 square feet of area for each space inclusive of aisle space approximately 5 acres of the site would be used for parking. Under a regular proposal for 62,055 square feet of commercial floor area from 259 to 346 parking spaces or 1.7 to 2.4 acres of land would be devoted to parking. Since over 40% of the site would be devoted to parking and only 12.7% devoted to buildings, parking will form a major component of the site and much of the visual impact. The applicants propose to reduce this impact by devoting a large area (1.2 acres approximately) adjacent to Yonge Street for open space for flood retention and also by providing tree planting throughout the actual parking area. The flood retention area, however, will be depressed and while it will soften the appearance of the area it will have 1 imited screening effect. It is suggested that to maintain the original concept of providing an impressive entrance to the community further on site landscaping adjacent to the entire Yonge Street frontage is necessary to reduce the impact of the large amount of parking. The Regional Planning Department in commenting on this proposal has indicated that an automobile campus is not a suitable use of the property because of the lack of depth on the property. They further state that unless the display of vehicles is to be confined within buildings and the display of signs and 1 ighting is severely restricted, the proposed use is likely to detract seriously form the character of the area at this important entrance to the Town. COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 -10 - It would appear from this comment that the major regional concern is that sufficient landscaping cannot be introduced on the site to reduce the impact of the large areas devoted to parking. It is suggested that if Council wishes to pursue the proposal, more attention is needed to Yonge Street landscaping, including information respecting the type of planting proposed to screen the parking areas. As well, parking or car storage in very visible areas such as the bridge should be eliminated. A reduction in the overall amount of parking and car display would result from this. Consideration should be given to providing additional parking to the rear of buildings. Strict control of lighting on the site will also be necessary, and an overall design theme relating to building design, exterior cladding, colors should be established to ensure a cohesive overall site design in keeping with the "Campus" concept should be implemented. Agency Comments Conservation Authority -Several concerns (see attached) York Region Board of Education -no objection Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objections, however, will require detailed site plans concerning the design of the entrance, drainage and illumination - a building set-back of 14 metres will be required - permits will be required from Ministry of Transportation and Communications Regional Planning Department -see attached. Concerns: depth of site not suitable use to entrance to Town too many parking spaces tree planting not continued to car lot detrimental to neighbours conflict with residential use in area lighting need transitional commercial area (200 feet) between Applicants property and residential property to north more landscaping needed Timpson: Paivio: Resolved that this application be referred to next planning Committee meeting. Applicant to bring in an updated plan for discussion purposes. CARRIED. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report #23-Commercial Development Advisory Committee ... Various Matters The Committee respectfully submits the following: The Commercial Development Advisory Committee met on January 21st at 7:30 p.m. in the Administration Building. Present were: Councillor Tim Jones, Chairman Councillors George Timpson & Richard Barker L.A.C.A.C. representative, Leslie Oliver Chamber of Commerce representative, Bruce Spragg B.I.A. representative, Mike Evans; and Planner, Susan Seibert COUNCIL MEETING •.• WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 -11 - REPORT OF COMMITTEE Commercia 1 Deve 1 ooment Ad vi sorv Committee • • • Various Regrets from: Citizen representative, David Bagshaw Merchant's representative, Gary McKenzie B.I.A. representative, Jamie Thompson 1. Library Square Study Carl Wash and Bob Barowski of Town Pride were in attendance to report their findings to date regarding the study and through input from the Committee define the objections and approach to the study. The major points are: 1) Buildings back onto Yonge Street -most attractive side of Library faces Victoria. 2) The Browning property creates a sliver of an opening into the square -need to have other ways to draw into the block. 3) Parking is a problem in the area. 4) The study area along Victoria Street lacks cohesiveness and currently has too much asphalt on its frontage. The consultants presented the questionnaire which they plan to distribute to the various users of the public area in the block. The consultant will make a further presentation at the February 18th meeting at 7:30. The Committee recommends that Mrs. McKee of the Library Board be asked to attend that meeting. 2. Main Street Program The Committee discussed this program which is run by Heritage Canada. The program provides training for a main street co-ordinator who is hired by the municipality to work with the merchants promoting the Core Area. Heritage Canada has selected Aurora to participate in this programme if Council wishes to. The Committee fully support the program and would recommend that the Town participate in it. To acquaint Council with the programme it is recommended that Mr. Stephan Auer from Heritage Canada make a presentation to Council on February 17th. 3. B.I.A. Legislation Changes The Committee has discussed the proposed changes to the Municipal Act dealing with the establishment and areas of B.I.A.'s. The province has requested municipal input on these changes prior to January 31st. The Committee recommends that these changes be supported and that the province be advised prior to January 31st. 4. Agenda & Circulation The Committee discussed the necessity of circulating the meeting agendas to the various members of the Committee. It is recommended that the Clerk's Department be responsible for copying. 5. Meeting with B.I.A. Executive The Committee recommends that a meeting be held between the Commercial Development Advisory Committee and the B.I.A. and would suggest that this be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 7:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 -12 - REPORT OF COMMITTEE Commercial Development Advisorv Committee ••• Various 6. Budget The Committee discussed the Budget and recommended that it be submitted to the Administration and Finance Committee. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. The next meeting will be held on February 18th at 7:30 p.m. Items 1 - 6 Jones: Timpson: NEW BUSINESS CARRIED Resolved that Commercial Development Advisory Committee Report #23 dated January 21, 1986 be discussed item by item and accepted. CARRIED. 1. Memo from Mayor John West re: Family Leisure Services Complex -Fund Raising Committee Budget Pederson: Paivio: ADJOURNMENT Pederson: Mayor Resolved that Council authorize the allocation of $15,000.00 for interim Budget for the Family Leisure Services Complex Fund Raising Committee. This amount to be take from Capital Levy Account. CARRIED. Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:12 p.m. CARRIED. Clerl<