MINUTES - Special Council - 19851030MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARDROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth, Councillors Buck, Barker, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart, and West. Also in attendance were K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator, C.E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk and S. Seibert, Planner. Councillor Paivio declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Application OP-36-85 (Graham et al) due to family involvement and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Mayor Illingworth read Sections 12 and 13 of The Planning Act for the information of the residents. Mayor Illingworth advised those present that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to applications for amendment to the Zoning By-Law for Hunter/Taylor, Lawson, Valsi/Edward/Vata Court and Granada Investments and Official Plan Amendment for Sinclair, Graham et al and Granada Investments. The Deputy Clerk advised that the required notices of meeting were mailed on September 16, 1985 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the By-Laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-Laws under consideration should sign the forms ava i 1 able before they leave the meeting. Mayor Illingworth requested Mrs. Seibert to outline Application Number Z-27-85 (Hunter/Taylor). Proposal -Application Number Z-27-85 (Hunter/Taylor Property) Location The subject property is located on the east side of Old Yonge Street directly north of the Revlis subdivision which will soon be registered. Proposal The applicant proposes to develop the approximately 10 acre property for 57 detached residential lots. The proposed lots have frontages as follows: 14 plus/minus m 15 plus/minus m 16 plus/minus m Flankage Official Plan (46 foot approximately) (50 foot approximately) {52 foot approximately) 2 lots 40 lots 9 lots 6 lots The Official Plan currently designates the area as "Rural". Council at its meeting of August 19, 1985 gave first and second readings to a By-law which would adopt Official Plan Amendment Number 37. Official Plan Amendment Number 37 would designate the area in question "Urban Residential" although lot sizes would be regulated so that lots would be not less than 50 feet in frontage and that the lots adjacent to existing lots would be somewhat compatible in size. Comment Council agreed at its meeting of September 3, 1985 to hold a public meeting regarding Official Plan Amendment Number 37 prior to its adoption. It is suggested that further consideration of this application should await that public meeting. COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 - 2 - Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. Director of Environmental Health -no objection. Three letters from adjoining property owners copies of which are attached. Concerns: traffic -Old Yonge Street haphazard planning size of lots incompatible devaluation of property access onto Old Yonge Street which is a narrow road and in poor condition. West: Jones: Resolved that this proposal be rejected. When an overall plan for the area is developed it could again be presented for Council's consideration. CARRIED West: Resolved that the Agenda be amended and Application Numbers E. Stewart: OP-37-85 and Z-38-85 (Granada Investments Limited) be heard at this time. CARRIED Planner S. Seibert presented the following report. Proposal -Application Numbers OP-37-85 and Z-38-85 (Granada Investments Limited' Location The subject property is located at the northerly corner of Golf Links Drive and Yonge,Street with part of the frontage directly abutting Yonge Street. Proposal The applicants propose to develop the subject site for ··216 apartment units in three buildings. The three buildings would be provided with a total of 327 parking spaces in a combination of above ground and underground locations. The building adjacent to Yonge Street would have 6 storeys as would the building to the rear of it. The building adjacent to Golf Links Drive would be seven storeys in height. Four vehicular entrances are proposed to the property, two from Go 1 f Links Drive and two from Yonge Street. As well a drop off bay from Golf Links Drive is proposed. The mix of unit types proposed are as follows: 1 bedroom -28 units 2 bedroom -168 units 3 bedroom -20 units The typi ca 1 two bedroom suite would be approximately 1,300 square feet in area. The area is presently occupied by an overflow parking lot containing 103 parking spaces, real estate offices on Yonge and landscaping. COUNCIL MEETING •.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 - 3 - Zoning By-Law The property is currently zoned "C3-Service Commercial Urban" and "0-Major Open Space". Official Plan The site is mainly designated as "Commercial". The area around the pond was developed as part of the golf course and is designated as "Major Open Space". The applicants propose to redesignate the property to "Urban Resi denti a 1" a land use category which permits apartment development subject to certain locational criteria being met. The criteria which have been established in the Official Plan are as follows: "Urban resi denti a 1 deve 1 opment shall be predominately low density, single family residential. Apartment buildings, row houses, maisonettes and other multiple family accommodation containing ten or more units shall only be permitted: ( i) ( i i) (iii) (iv) (v) In proximity to the Central Business District, or In proximity to shopping centres, or Adjacent to arterial roads, and Where it is previously established that the schoo 1 s, parks, roads, sewers, and watermains, and other municipal services are adequate, and Where it is previously established that the traffic generated can be safely handled by the road system and can be directed away from adjacent local streets. A further Official Plan Policy which has relevancy to this situation is in respect to apartment building height. Section B.1.6. states as follows: "Apartments of more than three storeys shall be separated from adjacent dwellings by a distance sufficient to maintain privacy, amenity and value of · the surrounding property." There is no guidance within the Official Plan as to what separations should be used, however in considering this application, protection for the surrounding detached residential area must also be considered. Comment This is the second public hearing established to discuss an apartment propos a 1 on the subject 1 ands. The previous proposa 1 was for four ( 4) buildings having heights of 6 storeys at Yonge Street, 9 storeys immediately west of the Yonge Street building, 8 storeys on the westerly extremity of the property and 7 storeys on Go 1 f Links Drive. That proposa 1 was for 208 units. The present proposal reduces the number of buildings to three and reduces the heights of the buildings to two - 6 storey buildings and one - 7 storey building. The present proposa 1 a 1 so e 1 imi nates the commercia 1 deve 1 opment which was to have taken up the ground floor of the buildings. The present proposal is for 216 units. COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 - 4 - The westerly building currently proposed appears to be closer to the west property 1 i ne than the previous proposa 1 as does the northerly building to the northerly lot line. Entrances to Golf Links Drive appear to be located in similar locations to those previously proposed. No traffic studies have been submitted in support of the application. As well, no indication has been given as to where the parking lot currently occupying the lands will be relocated. It is suggested that there are a number of issues which need to be explored in connection with the establishment of apartment uses on this site. Because of the low density development to the north and west of the site, the relationship of apartment buildings with those areas must be examined and appropriate solutions arrived at. As well the Yonge Street frontage of the property must be treated in a manner which will complement the scale and style of development along Yonge Street. The third important component to this investigation must be traffic patterns and the ways of developing in a manner which will provide the least impact on local traffic. It is suggested that to have the least impact on the surrounding area, it may be necessary to reduce the number of units proposed. Agency Comments York Region Planning Department -"It is our understanding from speaking to Mrs. Sue Seibert that 216 apartment units are proposed for the subject property. The applications do not specify how many buildings are proposed or the maximum number of storeys expected. It is noted that the site abuts detached residential development to the north and west. It is suggested that the proposed building be of a height, and be located a sufficient distance from the existing houses, so as not to overshadow them. In addition, fencing and landscaping should be used to minimize the impact on the adjacent dwellings. - "Approval of the zoning application would be subject to payment of a Regional Development Charge of $115,560.00 (216 units at $535.00 per unit). This amount of money would be due prior to the by-law coming into effect, and would be required to be paid to the Regional Treasurer by certified cheque or cash." Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objections. A number of letters have been filed from neighbouring residents copies of which are attached. Concerns: traffic parking onto streets quality of 1 ife height of buildings not acceptable value of homes would depreciate density style, size not enough distance between residences and apartments 1 ocati on traffic study needed out of character with rest of area open space needed -no parks Support of Application: apartments needed in Aurora Yonge Street -Main artery -Place for apartments COUNCIL MEETING ••. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 - 5 - West: Resolved that this application be adjourned and referred to E. Stewart: the new Planning Committee. A meeting be arranged with Owners, Town staff, agencies and a small group of concerned residents to discuss this problem and try and alleviate residents concerns. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested Planner S. Seibert to present Application Z-28-85. Proposal -Application Number Z-28-85 (Jean Lawson) Location The subject property is located south of Orchard Heights Drive on the north side of Moffat Crescent on Lot 50, Registered Plan 65M-2228. Proposal The applicant proposes to amend the Zoning By-Law provisions relating to the subject lands from R2-3 to a "Residential Exception" to permit a pre-school stimulation for more than 5 children. Official Plan The subject lands are designated "Urban Residential" in the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. The "Urban Residential" category permits low, medium and high density residential uses. In addition uses that are complementary to or serve the basic residential uses, and local commercial uses are permitted by specific zoning by-law amendments. Such complementary uses include schoo 1 s, parks, churches, nursing homes, day nurseries, and public utilities. Certain compatible home occupations which are accessory and subsidiary to the residential uses, such as a physician's or dentist's office in their principal residence are also permitted. Current Zoning By-Law The "R2-3 -Detached Dwelling Second Density Exception Zone" permits one detached dwelling per 1 ot, accessory buildings, a home occupation. Private home day care for 5 children or less is considered to be a home occupation. Where more than 5 children are involved provincial licencing of the facility is required and the use is considered to be institutional. The "I - Institutional Zone" permits day care centres. Comment The Official Plan does not provide specific criteria on which to judge where it is appropriate to permit day care centres in an urban residential zone. Because day care facilities are accessory to a residential area there is justification for the use provided appropriate locations are determined. Day care centres tend to generate a lot of car traffic at specific times of the day. In this instance since the operation would be a preschool, the hours would coincide with school hours. The applicant in this instance proposes to gear the facility toward 14 children at a time; that is 14 morning students and 14 afternoon students. While the actual building and facilities provided may well meet with the licensing authority's criteria (Ministry of Community and Social Services), the location on a crescent provides concern. Because the lot and home are intended to be used only for residential purposes, or at best for a home COUNCIL MEETING .•• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 - 6 - occupation, parking for drop off and pick up is limited. Because preschool children are involved, parents would have to park and assist children getting into the car, and into car seats or seat belts, etc., so that the time parked would increase. In addition, because the property is intended for residential purposes, the area available for outdoor play area is limited. As well, outdoor activities associated with the preschool may interfere with the use of neighbouring properties for strictly residential purposes. Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. Director of Environmental Health -no objection provided regulations of Day Nurseries Act are met. An objection has been received from a neighbouring 1 an downer - a copy of which is attached. Concerns: increased traffic noise property not fenced set precedent sign not properly placed West: Resolved that this application be denied. E. Stewart: CARRIED PlannerS. Seibert presented Application Number OP-31-85 (Sinclair). Proposal -Application Number OP-31-85 (Sinclair) Location The subject lands are located on the south side of Vandorf Sideroad between Yonge Street and Bayview Avenue. Proposal The applicant proposes to amend the Official Plan pertaining to the 21 acres of property fronting on Vandorf Side road from "Rura 1" to a "Speci a 1 Open Space" designation which would permit the establishment of a tennis club. The tennis club facilities would include the following; clubhouse, dining lounge, squash courts and indoor tennis courts, outdoor tennis courts both lit and non-lit. Two residences are also proposed as part of the site planning for the property. Official Plan The approved Official Plan currently designates the lands as "Rural". Offici a 1 Plan Amendment Number 35 adopted by Council on May 6, 1985 would designate the lands as "Special Open Space". That Official Plan Amendment was for an overall development scheme of approximately 300 acres involving a golf course and residential development as well as the tennis club. Zoning By-Law The subject property is currently zoned "Rural" by By-Law Number 2213-78. COUNCIL MEETING .•• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 - 7 - Comment As was noted above, Official Plan Amendment Number 35 was adopted by Council on May 6, 1985. Because of the servicing issues that Official Plan Amendment has not yet been approved. It is understood from Regional staff that Regional consideration of the amendment is deferred at the Department Heads Committee for further investigation and examination. The matter of the form of water supply and concern regarding the plume of effluent from the nearby landfill site have not been resolved to the satisfaction of the Region at the present time. It is because of the anticipated delay associated with resolving these issues that the applicants have requested that the tennis club and its associated facilities be separated from the golf course residential proposal on the lands to the south. However, in responding to our request for comments relating to the tennis faci 1 ity only the Region a 1 Director of En vi ronmenta 1 Health has indicated that he is not prepared to approve the application as the matter of water supply has not been settled. Council has established the Vandorf Sideroad as the southerly limit to supplying water from the municipal system with the exception of those lands with contaminated wells which are currently being serviced. From a planning prospective since the plan in its present form does provide access to the lands to the south and therefore can be integrated into that deve 1 opment when it does occur, provided that the concept is ultimately approved, the proposal appears acceptable. It is however suggested that the issue of servicing be resolved and discussed with the Medica 1 Officer of Hea 1 th prior to the enactment of an Official Plan Amendment. Otherwise the approval of the amendment could be delayed for precisely the same reasons as Amendment Number 35 with no actual gain in time being realized. Should the Region be reluctant to approve this parcel of 1 and apart from the rest of the development proposal there may well be no point in proceeding. Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. York Review Medical Officer of Health -"As requested, we have reviewed the above proposal, and at this time we are not prepared to approve of this application from a public health point of view. "As of this date, the matter of water supply has not been settled, and we hesitate to approve such an application". York Region Planning Department -"It is noted that the subject lands consist of the northern portion of the "Beacon Hall" property (Official Plan Amendment Number 35). It is understood from ta 1 king to Mrs. S. Seibert, that the app 1 i cant wishes to proceed with the tennis club on the subject site apart from the remainder of the "Beacon Hall" development, since there are servicing issues with the latter proposal which may take some time to resolve. "I do not anticipate any problems with the establishment of a tennis club as such. However, the application makes no mention whether any related facilities are proposed, such as a restaurant or related uses. Neither does it indicate whether any housing development is proposed as was illustrated on the "Beacon Hall" layout plan. If such facilities are proposed then the question of how they are to be serviced may become an issue which should be considered by the Medical Officer of Health and the Regional Engineering Commissioner. COUNCIL MEETING .•. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 -8 - Concerns: lighting of tennis courts available water supply incompatible with residents now in area water -town or wells West: Jones: Resolved that the necessary by-law be prepared and given first reading at the Council meeting of November 18, 1985. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to present the application pertaining to Z-33-85 and Z-35-85 (Valsi/Edward/Vata Court). Proposal -Application Number Z-33-85 and Z-35-85 (Valsi/Edward/Vata Court) Location The subject properties are located on Vata Court which runs in a south-easterly fashion off of Edward Street. There are two app 1 i cations, one for the property at the corner of Edward Street and Vata Court and one for the property next to it along Vata Court. Proposal The applicants propose to amend the zoning category applying to the subject property from "M2-General Industrial" to "M1-1 Restricted Industrial Service Exception Zone". Official Plan The Official Plan states that ''The industrial classification of land means that the predominant use of land in the designated areas shall be for manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, processing, warehousing and storage of goods and materials and extractive industries. The category may also include limited public, insitututional, service commercial or other similar uses, such as banks, restaurants, arenas and curling clubs deemed to be compatible with and incidental to an industrial area, subject to an amendment to the zoning by-law". Comment There are currently no criteria in the official plan for evaluating the appropriateness of rezoning properties from "General" to "M1-1" either in terms of location or need. It should be pointed out that traffic patterns and needs are different in these service commercial areas than in the true industrial areas which is at least one of the reasons why a rezoning prior to the establishment of the use is required. These semi-commercial uses are now scattered throughout the industrial area. It is suggested that it would be appropriate to estab 1 ish nodes of such uses at major intersections. While it is questionable that Engelhard Road and Edward Street would be considered a major intersection, a node of like development--i.e. the roller rink and banquet hall has already established in this area, thus forming a node of semi-commercial development. It is suggested that the new Official Plan should develop policies relating to locational criteria for controlling the establishment of semi-commercial or commercial service uses in the industrially designated area. COUNCIL MEETING ••. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 - 9 - Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. Concerns: spot zoning Buck: Resolved that this application be refused. Barker: CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to present the next application. Proposal -Application Number OP-36-85 (Graham et al) Background This proposal was before Council at its special meeting of October 2nd as a zoning by-law application. When the notices of the hearing were originally sent out, we did not indicate that an Official Plan Amendment was being considered as well as the zoning by-1 aw amendment, we therefore had to schedule the Official Plan Amendment hearing separately which is why it has come before Council at this time. Location The subject property is located on the north side of Kennedy Street West approximately 900 feet west of McDonald Drive. Proposal The applicants propose to amend the Official Plan from "Rural" to "Urban Residential" and the zoning by-law from "H-Holding" to "R2-Detached Dwelling Second Density" to permit the development of a 31 lot plan of subdivision on the subject site. The proposed lots have minimum frontages of approximately 15 metres (50 feet) and a minimum area of 460 square metres (5,000 square feet). A road system which would connect Kennedy Street through to the Andy Investments plan and provide access to the property to the east is proposed (see attached plan). Official Plan The Official Plan currently designates the area as Rural. The lands were studied as part of the Aurora West Secondary Plan. The Aurora West Secondary Plan envisaged that the area waul d be designated Urban Residential, and provided for a population of 2,500 persons in the area. So far two parcels owned by Heron Homes and Andy Investments have been redesignated to Urban Residential to implement the Secondary Plan recommendations. The area fronting Kennedy Street is the 1 ast remaining area of Aurora West to be considered for development. Kennedy Street must be extended through to Bathurst Street in order to provide a second access to the Heron Homes subdivision. Ultimately the street will be reconstructed from McDonald to Bathurst. The subject property would be connected to the Andy Investments plan of subdivision to the north. That p 1 an, which was recently draft approved, provided road access between We 11 ington Street and Heron Homes Deve 1 opment. Deve 1 opment of the subject lands would continue to expand the residential road connections in the area. COUNCIL MEETING ••. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 -10 - Since the Andy Investments and Heron Homes properties have now been designated as Urban Residential, as was provided for in the Aurora West Secondary Plan, and draft plans have been approved on both properties, approval of a development proposal on this property would be consistent with both the Aurora West Secondary Plan and Council's general policy of encouraging development of "infill'' properties. This phasing plan was aimed primarily at avoiding premature development of the south West Secondary Plan Area. Agency Comments Ministry of Natural Resources -no objections. Director of Environmental Health -no objections. Minstry of Transportation and Communications -no objections. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objections. Region a 1 Planning Department -"Development of the subject 1 ands for urban res i denti a 1 use waul d appear to be appropriate si nee the property abuts a draft approved urban residential plan of subdivision (File 19T-84071) to the north. I note that there are existing houses on large lots to the east and west of the site. Development on the subject lands should be compatible with that existing development." Buck: Ostick: Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary By-Law. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT West: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:35 p.m. CARRIED ~4~. ~~--Mayor---···· ~ Clerk