MINUTES - Special Council - 19850731MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARDROOM AT THE YORK REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1985 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth, Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones (7:38 p.m.), Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart and West. Also in attendance were Administrative Clerk, S. Building Official. K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator, L. Allison, Seibert, Planner and R.J. Harrington, Chief Mayor Illingworth advised those present that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the applications for amendment to the Zoning By-Law for Andy Investments Ltd., Park/Chung, 420643 Ontario Ltd. and the Rogers Estate. The Clerk-Administrator advised that the required notices of meeting were mailed on June 21, 1985 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the 1 ast revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the By-Laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983}. Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-Laws under consideration should sign the forms ava i1 able before they leave the meeting. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mrs. Seibert was requested to outline the application by Andy Investments Limited (Z-03-85}: Proposal -Andy Investments Limited (Z-03-85}: Location The subject site has frontage on Wellington Street West. The "L" shaped parcel extends southerly and westerly and abuts the Heron Homes property. Background A meeting was held on January 30, 1985 to discuss an Official Plan Amendment from "Rural" to "Urban" on the property and the subject application. The Official Plan Amendment was subsequently enacted and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on July 12, 1985. The draft plan of subdivision was recommended for approval by the Aurora Council on May 21, 1985 and is scheduled to go before Regional Council on August 8, 1985. Proposal The applicant proposed to amend By-Law 2213-78 from "Holding" to "Residential" to allow the development of a plan of subdivision having 164 detached residential lots and 2 blocks, one along the river valley which will be passive open space and one adjacent to the schoo 1 running track which will be active open space. The property has an area of 10.929 hectares (approximately 51 acres). The density of the development is 11.7 units per hectare (about 4.7 units/acre). The proposed plan of subdivision will have access to Wellington Street and will connect with the Heron Homes Development to the west. Comment The proposed plan of subdivision has been publicly discussed previously and no major concerns were expressed. It has been reviewed by a variety of government agencies and local boards. The South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority had expressed concern with the land in that lots extended into the floodplain of the tributary to Tannery Creek which reins through the property. The plan has now been slightly revised, removing the lots from the floodplain as requested by the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority. COUNCIL MEETING •.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1985 - 2 - The development appears compatible with other developments existing and proposed in the area and provides access for lands to the south so that a convenient road pattern can be developed. Agency Comments York Region Medical Officer of Health -no objection. York Region Board of Education -no objection. Concerns: Availability of sanitary sewer services for those residents on the south side of Wellington Street West traffic flows onto Wellington Street West and the requirement for the Owner to ensure the provision of alternative points of access to the development the request by the Owners agent for reductions in the normal requirements for exterior and interior sideyards. Buck: Jones: Resolved that the report of the Planner pertaining to this application and the request for the reduction in sideyards be referred to the Planning Committee for further discussion. CARRIED Mrs. Seibert then outlined the application submitted by Park/Chung (Z-09-85) which was deferred from the April 24, 1985 public meeting. Proposal -Park/Chung (Application Z-09-85): Location The subject property is located on the south side of Wellington Street East between Ross Street and Industry Street South. Proposal The applicant proposes to rezone the property from "M1-A Restricted Industrial Exception Zone" to "C3-Service Commercial Zone (Urban)" to permit the development of a gas station and mall on the site. The applicants have submitted a site plan in support of the application which is attached. Official Plan The Official Plan designates the subject lands "Industrial". The Industrial category permits a variety of manufacturing and warehousing types of uses. By specific amendment of the zoning by-law, limited public, institutional, service commercia 1 or similar uses such as banks, restaurants, arenas and curling clubs,. deemed compatible with and incidental to an industrial area are permitted. Existing Zoning The Ml-A zone permits all existing industria 1 uses p 1 us wholly enclosed manufacturing and industrial uses. Comment The applicant proposes to locate a standard commercial plaza in an area designed Industrial in the Official Plan. The proposed plaza is located within an area which is mainly industrial in its composition. Normally a convenience commercial type of use such as is proposed would be located in close proximity to residential uses. If the applicant wishes to proceed with a development of this nature, it is suggested that· an Official Plan Amendment would be required. COUNCIL MEETING •.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1985 - 3 - Because it is anticipated that Wellington Street will come under increasing pressure for development particularly strip commercial, careful consideration to the location and types of commercial uses within the area will be required. Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. Region of York Planning Department -point out that a commercial mall would not appear to be compatible and incidental to an industrial area. York Region Board of Education -no objection. York Region Medical Officer of Health -no objection. Concerns: necessity for commercial development on Wellington Street East elevations of adjacent properties number and location of proposed entrances and exits posing a traffic and safety hazard lack of market studies to justify proposal Buck: Barker: Jones: Ostick: Resolved that this application be refused. DEFEATED Resolved that application Z-09-85 be referred to the Planning Committee and the Economic Development Committee for further review. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested that the Planner detail the application by 420643 Ontario Ltd. (Z-18-85}: Proposal -420643 Ontario Limited (Z-18-85}: Location The subject property is located west of McDonald Drive on the north side of We 11 i ngton Street East. It is bounded by detached res i denti a 1 deve 1 opment to the east in an area zoned R2-minimum 1/2 acre lot size (existing deve 1 opment considerably 1 arger 1 ots) and to the north by an area as yet undeveloped zoned R2-5000 square feet lot size. Proposal The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from "Holding" to R2 minimum 5,000 square feet lots, R6 minimum lot size approximately 2,500 - 3,000 square feet and 0-Major Open Space. The proposal as originally submitted 35 detached residential lots having a minimum area of 5,000 square feet and a block of townhouses containing 36 units. The site plan submitted in support of this application proposed 28 units at a density of 11.6 units per acre. Official Plan The lands are currently designated Urban Residential in the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area -Aurora West. The Urban Residential category permits the fo 11 owing "single family, semi -detached on-street townhouse units, and other similar low density housing types at a maximum density of 16 units per hectare (6.5 units per net acre). The policy goes on to state " •.. the maximum density in the Urban Residential areas may be exceeded on any particular site, or in any plan of subdivision, provided that the approximate population for the sub-area as set out in Clause C(iii) below is COUNCIL MEETING .•• WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1985 - 4 - not exceeded. Clause C( iii) refers to a tab 1 e which sets out a tota 1 Urban Residential population of 5,700 in the area in which the subject lands are located. All plans presently approved or under consideration by Council including the plan presently under consideration total 4,311 persons. The overall Official Plan also provides policies for the location of medium density residential development which provides that all medium density development in a neighbourhood should not exceed 35 units per hectare gross residential land (approximately 14 units per acre) Section 8B -Urban Residential Development Pol icy has several policies which are pertinent to the situation as follows: Comment "In areas of new development the municipality will strive to realize a harmonious mixture of varying dwelling types and to prevent conflicts between those of differing density. Higher density developments will be so arranged to comp 1 ement those of a 1 ower density and prevent conflict between them. Urban residential development shall be predominately low density, single family residential. Apartment bui 1 dings, row houses, maisonettes and other multiple family accommodation containing ten or more units shall only be permitted: (i) In proximity to the Central Business District, or (ii) In proximity to shopping centres, or (iii) Adjacent to arterial roads, and (iv) Where it is previously established that the schoo 1 s, parks, roads, sewers, and watermains, and other municipal services are adequate, and (v) Where it is previously established that the traffic generated can be safely handled by the road system and can be directed away from adjacent local streets." The propos a 1 is for a combination of detached res i denti a 1 1 ots having 50 foot frontages and townhousing at 11.6 units per acre. The subject is located between two existing plans of subdivision. Registered Plan 517 to the east of the plan has lots having approximately 50 foot frontages. Block N on the south side of Bell Drive at McDonald Drive has a small 3 storey 11 unit apartment building located on it. To the west Registered Plan 500 is located. This plan was originally part of King Township and comprises privately serviced estate type lots ranging in size along the eastern side from 1.6 acres to 1.2 acres. The applicant in attempting to form a transition between these two very different forms of development, has provided deep lots adjacent to the large 1 ot deve 1 opment to the west. The depth of most 1 ots is in excess of 50 metres (approximately 165 feet). As well lots have been widened at the rear. It may also be appropriate to consider requiring that the lots be widened in a manner similar to the frontages required in the "Three Seasons-Lakeview" property to the north. There, frontages were increased to a minimum of 26m (85 feet) - 8 lots and 21m (69 feet) - 1 lot adjacent to the houses on Hillside Drive. COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1985 - 5 - The townhouse block proposed to front on Wellington Street presents a different set of problems. While most of the property is within the floodplain of the Tannery Creek, the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority advises that it appears possible to carry out a balanced cut and fill removing the property from the floodplain. They request that the draft by-law not be finalized until the drat plan details are finalized. The area is adjacent to a major arterial street, well located in terms of proximity to schools, parks, sewers and water. No comment has been received from the Regional Engineering Department as to the acceptability of al]owing access to Wellington Street in this location. On the concept plan submitted in support of this application, the owners propose a wooden privacy fence and landscaping along the western property boundary, as well as a 12.2 metre (40 foot) rear yard adjacent to the large lots on Hilldale Road. The proposed units would be 20 feet X 50 feet on each of 2 floors. The proposed access cul-de-sac is 25 feet wide. Since the road would not be constructed to municipal width standards, it is assumed that the project would be condominium. Taken on its own the proposal would meet the official plan criteria for the location of medium density development. However higher density developments are to be arranged so as to complement those of a lower density and prevent conflict between them. While the applicant has attempted to provide buffering, because of the very great difference in the densities of the existing development with the proposed development the potential for conflict still exists. Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -letter attached. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objections. York Region Board of Education -rezoning premature until draft plan approved. Concerns: access to Wellington Street for Townhouse Block buffering and separation of Townhouse Block from adjacent residences need for wider lots on western side of the proposed plan building on floodplain lands possible negative results in water levels on adjacent lands arising as a result of proposed cut and fill three access points to lands to the east but no westerly access provided lack of hydrogeological support studies conflicting land uses in relation to adjacent areas Jones: West: Resolved that the Townhouse portion of the application be rejected and that the remainder be referred to the Planning Committee. It is further recommended that the Terms of Reference for the Traffic Study include traffic patterns in the Hillside/Hammond areas. CARRIED Mrs. Seibert explained the application submitted by Rogers Estate (Z-20-85): Proposal -Rogers Estate (Z-20-85): Location The subject property is located at the south-west corner of the St. John's Sideroad and Yonge Street. COUNCIL MEETING .•. WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1985 - 6 - Proposal The applicants have received approval to convey the westerly part of the property and retain the subject lands from the Committee of Adjustment for the Town of Aurora subject to certain conditions being met. Since the subject 1 ands, which will remain after the conveyance have somewhat 1 ess area than is required for a 1 ot in the Rura 1 zoning category one of the conditions of the consent is that the property be appropriately rezoned. The subject property has an area of 7.488 ha. By-Law 2213-78 requires that the minimum lot size be 10 ha. The applicants wish to retain the existing buildings and uses on the site. Official Plan Official Plan Amendment Number 31 which is currently before the Minster of Muni ci pa 1 Affairs under consideration for approva 1 designates the subject residential lots, institutional uses on large lots which are compatible with a rural setting, very limited commercial uses on large lots such as country inns, horse riding establishments, and such other uses as are considered compatible with the goal of ensuring an urban separator and maintaining the rural appearance of the area. Zoning By-Law The subject lands are currently zoned "Rural" and "Environmental Protection". Comment As was noted above, the subject lands have somewhat less land area than is required by the "Rural" zoning category. The appropriateness of creating this lot was considered by Council at the time of the consent by the Committee of Adjustment. Because a subdivision is proposed for the remainder of the property to the west, both Council and the Committee felt the lot size was acceptable. Most of the Yonge Street frontage of the property is within the floodplain of Tannery Creek. The building areas are apparently out of the floodplain. The requested amendment to the zoning by-law will permit the property only to be used as it currently exists. Should another use be proposed a further amendment to the by-law will be required. Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. York Region Planning Department -no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -note that all buildings must be set back 7.3m from highway limits-request notice of passage of By-Law. Buck: Resolved that the necessary By-Law be prepared. West: CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter # 14-76 -Cumming Cockburn and Associates Limited re: Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-84071 Buck: Resolved that the Planning Department of the Regional West: Municipality of York be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby concurs with the addition of one (1) lot on the Revlis Securities (Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-82013) plan for Registration. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING ..• WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1985 - 7 - RESOLUTIONS 1. Civic Holiday "• 2. Mayor and Clerk Authorization to sign Site Plan Agreement -Inducon Construction E. Stewart: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Barker: Site Plan Agreement between Inducon Construction (Northern) Inc. and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 3. Expropriation Authorization -Vanderburg Property Buck: Resolved that the Town of Aurora hereby authorizes the E. Stewart: commencement of the expropriation proceedings pertaining to the required road allowance width from the present terminus of Kennedy Street West to the Heron Homes (Aurora) Ltd. 1 ands through the Vanderburgh property. The costs incurred to be charged to Heron Homes (Aurora) Ltd. CARRIED 4. Accommodation Road Closing -Registered Plan 102 Buck Be It Resolved that the Council of the Town of Aurora does E. Stewart: hereby consent to and authorize the closing of the accommodation road located on Part of Registered Plan 102 indicated as Part 3 on the draft Reference Plan of Survey attached hereto. Strathy, Archibald and Seagram are to proceed with the required works and the costs incurred are to be charged back to Andy Investments Ltd. CARRIED 5. L. T. D. Coverage Buck: Resolved that Long Term Disability Insurance Coverage be put E. Stewart: into effect as soon as possible for the thirty-two non-union employees of the Town of Aurora. This coverage insures an eligible employee for 66.7% of normal earnings after 17 weeks disability up to a maximum monthly payout of $3,000.00. CARRIED 6. B.I.A. Budget West: Ostick: Resolved that the amended Business Improvement Area Budget be accepted and that the schedule of distribution of funds to the B.I.A. be modified to the following: (a) (b) (c) Fifty percent of the net levy, or $17,500.00 be payable on August 30, 1985. Twenty-five percent of the net levy or $8,750.00 be payable on September 30, 1985. The balance of the net levy, or $8,750.00 be payable on October 31, 1985. CARRIED COUNCIL MEETING •.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1985 - 8 - West: Resolved that the late resolutions presented be considered. Paivio: CARRIED 7. Pedestrian Walkway Tender Award-Forest Hill Nurseries West: Ostick: Resolved that the Tender for the Pedestrian Walkway System be awarded to Forest Hill Nurseries in the amount of $17,269.00. This amount is subject to change dependent upon the style of park bench accepted. Be It Therefore Resolved that the total price is not to exceed $18,500.00. CARRIED 8. Watermain Tender-Bayview/Vandorf-Advice Pipelines Limited Barker: Buck: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates Limited, the Tender for Alternative Water Supply -Vandorf Road and Bayview Avenue be awarded to Advice Pipelines Limited in the total amant of $268,480.00 subject to the availability of funds. CARRIED 9. Mayor and Clerk Authorization to Sign a Site Plan Agreement -604704 Ontario Inc. E. Stewart: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Barker: Site Plan Agreement between 604704 Ontario Inc. (c/o Eshagh Ebrahimzadeh) and the Town of Aurora subject to the provision of the required securities. CARRIED 10. Offer to Purchase -Taeman Deyong E. Stewart: Resolved that the Offer to Purchase of Taeman Deyong dated West: July 29, 1985 for the lands described as Part 2, Reference Plan 65R-4236, in the amount of $70,000.00 be accepted. BY-LAWS West: Ostick: CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2776-85 - Bill Number 2777-85 - •.. be read a First Time. Being a By-Law to Approve the Sale of Certain Lands to Edmund Foo for the Establishment and carrying on of an Industrial Operation Being a By-Law to Regulate the Supply and use of Water within the Serviced Area of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora CARRIED ------- COUNCIL MEETING ... WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1985 - 9 - West: Ostick: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2776-85 - Bill Number 2777-85 - Being a By-Law to Approve the Sale of Certain Lands to Edmund Foo for the Establishment and carrying on of an Industrial Operation Being a By-Law to Regulate the Supply and use of Water within the Serviced Area of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora .•• be read a Second Time. West: Ostick: ADJOURNMENT CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law Number 2554-85 be suspended and Bill Number 2776-85 and 2777-85, now before the Counci 1, be read a Third Time and enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED West: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:14 p.m. CARRIED Q.~1.JM~~ Mayor v~ Clerk