MINUTES - Special Council - 19850626/"' ..• , i\ ("'-./ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1985 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart, and West. Also in attendance were Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger, Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan and Regional PlannerS. Seibert. Mayor Illingworth advised those present that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the introduction of By-Laws amending Zoning By-Laws for Lakeview Estates (Yonge Aurora) Phase II, Town -Various, and Amendment OP17-35 Downtown Area -Community Improvement Plan The Deputy Clerk advised that notices of meeting were mailed on May 17, 1985 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the By-Laws would apply and also advertisements were placed on May 22, and June 17, 1985 in the local paper. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave the meeting. Mayor Illingworth requested S. Seibert, to outline Application Z-15-85 Lakeview Estates (Yonge Aurora) Phase II: Proposal -Application Z-15-85 (Lakeview Yonge Aurora): LOCATION The subject site is located in part of Lot 82, Concession 1, W.Y.S. on streets which will form an extension to Aurora Heights Drive and Kemano Road. PROPOSAL / The applicants propose to develop the site for a plan of subdivision having a total of 145 units. The types of units proposed are as follows: ( 26 m) 85 foot lots -4 (15m) 50 foot lots -22 (12 m) 40 foot lots -53 (10.7 m) 35 foot lots -40 (20 m) 66 foot links -26 (33 feet each unit)· In addition, two flood prone blocks adjacent to the stream bank which will form a link in the walkway system are proposed. COMMENT The York Regional Board of Education has recently requested that the proposed plan of subdivision be revised to include an 8 acre school site as has been shown on the attached plan. The applicants have expressed considerable concern with the prospect of providing a school site within the subdivsion. If it is ultimately decided that the school site is required, the road pattern will have to be revised. Technical staff have reviewed the draft plan and found the road pattern to be acceptable. No technical consideration has as yet been given to a revised road ··'· pattern which will provide for the school site. The Conservation Authority has pointed out that Lot 114 extends into the floodplain and that the plan will have to be revised to remove that lot from the floodplain. SPECIAL COUNCIL ..• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1985 - 2 - Proposal -Z-15-85 (Lakeview Yonge-Aurora) (continued) The plan as presently proposed provides for 14 units per hectare (5.7 units per acre). The Official Plan permits up to 16 units per hectare. The plan as proposed therefore conforms with the Official Plan although the densities proposed are somewhat higher than the surrounding neighbourhood. At the time that the first phase of the development was approved, the applicants (previous owners) negotiated with land owners to the south and agreed to provide larger lots. Because some of the larger lots were included in a future phase, the applicants were requested to show the larger lots on the draft plan in the way of a commitment. Those plans indicated that 6-85 foot lots would be provided on the south side of Aurora Heights Drive in this phase. The present plan indicates 4-85 foot lots. It is suggested that this previously agreed to commitment should be kept and the plan revised to reflect this. AGENCY COMMENTS Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection York Region Board of Education -require the plan be revised to include a school site South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection provided plan is revised. CONCERNS -Flooding of Properties -reduction of number of 85 foot lots from 6 to 4 -storm water management problem -water table level in wells declining -road pattern plan is to be redrafted due to school site - a more gradual decrease of density West: Buck: Resolved that this Application be deferred until the meeting with the York Region Board of Education regarding the school site has been held and a new plan submitted. A further public meeting will be held. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested S. Seibert, to outline Application Z-16-85 (Town - Various): Application Z-16-85 (Town-Various): PROPOSAL There are a number of Town instigated proposed By-law amendments intended to update and clarify the existing By-law 2213-78 as well as changing the zoning categories in several instances to reflect the existing use of the property. The proposed amendmments are: 1. Change the zoning on 36 Murray Drive (Lot 66, Plan M64) from "R3-Semi-Detached and Duplex Dwelling Third Density Residential Zone" to "R2 Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Zone" to reflect the existing lot and dwelling type. " 2. Change the zoning on 15 and 17 Huron Court (Lot 37, Plan 475) and 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, and 69, Tecumseh Drive (Lots 330 to 336 inclusive, Plan 475) from "R2 Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Zone" to "R3-Semi-Detached and Duplex Dwelling Third Density Zone" to reflect the existing lots and dwelling types. SPECIAL COUNCIL ••. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1985 - 3 - Proposal -Z-16-85 (Town -Various) 3. Change Section 34.4 regarding penalties for persons convicted of a breach of the provisions of the by-law to bring this section into conformity with existing legislative provisions for penalties. 4. Change Section 26.3 regarding outside storage in the General Industrial Zone to clearly define the requirement for a building in which the main use is located. COMMENT Changes 1 and 2 are self-explanatory; both are to reflect existing lot size and are being undertaken to insure residents are not inconvenienced by virtue of an incorrect zoning. Change 3 is being made to update the penalty section of the By-law. The By-law currently provides for a penalty of $1,000.00 for a breach of the provisions of the By-law. The Municipal Act now provides for a maximum fine of $2,000.00. The new Planning Act provides a maximum fine of not more than $20,000.00 on a first conviction and $10,000.00 on subsequent convictions for each day of contravention after the conviction for individuals and $50,000.00 for a first conviction and $25,000.00 for subsequent convictions for each day of contravention for corporations. It is being suggested that the penalty section be amended or deleted with the legislation being the governing factor so that fines appropriate to the severity of the contravention can be requested. Proposed change 4 is a clarification issue. While the zoning by-law does permit outside storage in an industrial zone land it is our interpretation that such outside storage is accessory to a building. This interpretation has been challenged and it is therefore suggested that the section be amended to very clearly state that a building is required in which the main use would be located. AGENCY COMMENTS Regional Planning Department -no Regional concerns South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection CONCERNS Ni 11 West: Jones: Resolved that the planner be directed to prepare the necessary by-laws. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested S. Seibert, to outline the Community Improvement Plan Downtown Area -OP17-85 Community Improvement Plan Downtown Area-OP17-85 Attached is a copy of the Community Improvement Plan dealing with the Downtown Improvements. This plan was approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, December 24, 1984, That plan established a series of projects to be undertaken as part of the plan and a budget was set for each of the component projects. In summary the budgetary allocations for the plan were as follows: 1. West Side Parking Lot $97,600 2. Yonge Street -Irwin to Wellington (trees & lights) $25,625 SPECIAL COUNCIL ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1985 - 4 - Community Improvement Plan Downtown Area -OP17-85 (continued) 3. Yonge Street -Wellington to Church (lights) $46,000 4. Yonge Street -Church to Reuben (trees & lights) $21,150 5. Wellington Street (trees & lights) $39,110 6. Engineering and Contingency $22,515 7. Administration (including planning for east side off street area) $38,000 As Council is aware the tenders received for the West Side Parking Lot were more than double the amount budgeted. The variations from the budgeted amounts and the low tender are as follows: Asphalt Drainage Sanitary Sewers and water Retaining Landscaping, etc. Lighting TOTAL Budgeted Amount $36,600 $21,500 $ 5,000 $17,500 $17,000 $97,600 Tendered Amount $68,417.00 $11 '786.00 $33,158.40 $53,492.54 $44,681.00 $211,534.94 It is anticipated that a saving of $8,000 would be realized by changing the asphalt requirements slightly. As can be seen a good deal of the increase is related to the provision of sanitary sewers and water supply. This is due to the fact that an existing sanitary sewer under the parking lot must be rebuilt and a new water service supplied. An additional unanticipated increase is in the area of lighting. A good deal of this potential expenditure is related to the moving of a hydro pole. Council's options in dealing with this issue appear to be: 1. Change in Community Improvement Plan to reallocate funds from another component of the overall project. 2. Provide additional funds to carry out the works as originally planned. If option #1 is chosen, an amendment to the community plan will be needed which will require Ministerial approval. CONCERNS -cost of sanitry sewers -should be town responsibility -lighting costs too high -vandalism Buck: Barker: Resolved that option #2 of the Planner's Report dated June 21, 1985 be accepted -"Provide additional funds to carry out the works as originally planned" and this be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee to suggest to Council from which account the additional money could come. CARRIED ·,~-/ SPECIAL COUNCIL .•• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1985 - 5 - Recorded Vote-Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora-Option #2 of Planner's Report re: Community Improvement Plan Downtown Area -OPl?-85 NAY Mayor Illingworth YEA X X X X X X X Councillor Barker Councillor Buck Councillor Jones Councillor Ostick Councillor Paivio Councillor E. Stewart Councillor N. Stewart (absent) Councillor West X TOTAL 8 0 Carried 8 -0 RESOLUTIONS 1. Authorization to sign Subdivision Agreement Lakeview Estates (Yonge Aurora) ase West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Ostick: subdivision agreement dated the 26th day of June 1985 between Lakeview Estates (Yonge Aurora) Ltd. and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora pertaining to draft plan of subdivision 19T-?gQ14, Be It Further Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a supplementary agreement dated the 26th day of June 1985 between Lakeview Estates (Yonge Aurora) Ltd. pertaining to the option to purchase the school site located on draft plan of subdivision 19T-79014, Be It Further Resolved that the Regional Municipality of York be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Aurora does hereby allocate the necessary servicing capacity to the 106 dwelling units included on draft plan of subdivision 19T-79014. CARRIED 2. Authorization to sign Subdivision Agreement Iona Corporation -Tamarac Subdivision Phase I West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Ostick: subdivision agreement dated the 26th day of June 1985 between The IONA Corporation and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora pertaining to the first phase of draft plan of subdivision 19T-83025, Be It Further Resolved that the Regional Municipality of York be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Aurora does hereby allocate the necessary servicing capacity to the 137 dwelling units included on the first phase of draft plan of subdivision 19T-83025, Be It Further Resolved that the Regional Municipality of York be advised that the Town of Aurora does hereby agree to accept responsibility for the cost of providing at a future date channelization, signalization and illumination at the Bathurst Street (Y.R. 38)/Henderson Drive intersection. CARRIED ,,, I \, .~~,,, SPECIAL COUNCIL ••. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1985 - 6 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 3. Report of Reid and Associates -Cost Sharing -Improvements to Kennedy Street West as they pertain to the Heron Homes (Aurora) plan of subdivision J. West: L. Ostick: Resolved that the report of Reid and Associates Ltd. dated June 24th, 1985 be accepted in principle and that the Equity-Heron Subdivision Agreement contain a cost contribution recovery of $106,000.00 for temporary and necessary access to Kennedy Street West, when and if the Town determines the timing of construction essential to the development of the area and other adjoining properties, And Further, it is also understood that Equity-Heron will be required to pay the full share of their cost of services within their subdivision lands estimated to be $243,000.00, And Further, be it resolved that the Technical Committee shall contact the various other land owners concerned to inform them of the cost sharing proposals which will be required in the future, when they contemplate future development, and which will then reimburse development funding by repayment of levies. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth reminded Council of the Special July 2, 1985 Council meeting to receive the Preliminary Designs of the Family Leisure Complex. ADJOURNMENT Buck: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:15 p.m. MAYOR