MINUTES - Special Council - 19850424<-~~
Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick,
E. Stewart, N. Stewart and West.
Councillor Paivio had another commitment.
Also in attendance were Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger, Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan,
Regional PlannerS. Seibert and Chief Building Official R.J. Harrington.
Mayor Illingworth advised those present that this meeting had been called as a
Public Meeting with respect to the introduction of By-Laws amending Zoning By-laws
for Nadin-Yonge Street North, Revlis Securities Limited, Recreation Complex-
Town, Parking Space Stall Size-Town, and Park/Chung-Wellington Street East.
The Deputy Clerk advised that notices of meeting were mailed on March 14 and 20,
1985 by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on
the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the By-Laws would
apply and also advertisements were placed on March 20 and April 3, 1985 in the
local paper. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in
accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983).
Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage
of the By-Laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they
leave the meeting.
Mayor Illingworth requested S. Seibert, to outline Application Z-49-84 -Nadin:
Proposal (Nadin -Application Z-49-84)
Council at its Public Planning Meeting of November 26th, 1984, had before it a
request to rezone the subject property from "RU-Rural" to "C3-1 Service Commercial
(Rural)" to permit a dog kennel on the site.
It was decided by Council that the above noted app 1 i cation be refused on the basis
that a kennel of this scale could be considered obnoxious, therefore not
appropriate in this area. Solicitors on behalf of St. Andrew's College expressed a
strong objection to the app 1 icat ion.
Mr. Nadin, the applicant, subsequently wrote to Council requesting that their
position respecting this be changed and their original stand reconsidered.
Planning Committee met with Mr. Nadin and considered a number of approaches to the
application. Planning Committee recommended the following:
1. that a dog kennel is to be permitted as a temporary use on the subject 1 ands
for a period not to exceed two years,
2. that a maximum of 20 dogs are to be permitted,
3. that the kennel is to be used for the breeding of dogs only with no boarding
of dogs permitted.
The Planning Committee report also noted that legal non-conforming status would not
apply to properties zoned under this section of The Planning Act and Council could
insist that the use be discontinued after the two (2) year period.
Council adopted this recommendation with the further recommendation that a public
meeting be held to discuss the proposal for a temporary by-law.
The approach of using a temporary by-law would allow both Council and St. Andrew's
College, the major objector to the proposal an opportunity to assess its
appropriateness in this location. It would also allow the applicant some use of
the facilities he has constructed for a kennel.
Mrs. Seibert read letters of objections from St. Andrew's College (# 9-13) and
Corbett and Associates (#9-107).
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Proposal (Nadin -Application Z-49-84} (continued)
-change in zoning
-truck noise will add to excitement of days and create considerable disturbance
-co-existence of school and its sports' program with a commercial dog kennel will
present difficulties
-no commercial use should be allowed
-dog kennel associated with noise and smell
-upset quiet enjoyment of area
-protection of surrounding property from obnoxious uses
-loss of sleep due to barking dogs
Mr. Nadin has had no complaints re: barking of dogs to this date from St. Andrew's
Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare a specific by-law
for a temporary (2 year) by-law.
Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-07-85
(Revlis Securities Limited).
Proposal (Revlis Securities Limited-Z-07-85}
The subject property is the most easterly row of proposed residential lots in the
proposed Revlis subdivision which will form a northerly extension of Moorcrest
Drive (see attached plan).
Council at its Public Planning Meeting of February 23, 1984 had before it an
application dealing with the same proposed plan and applicant. After a number of
changes to the park configuration, By-Law 2679-84 was enacted on May 22, 1984.
That By-Law allowed for the development on the property of 214 detached residential
lots having frontages of 10 metres (33 feet) 12 metres (40 feet) and 15 metres (50
feet) park area, industrial areas and a holding block adjacent to the chicken
processing plant. The C.N.R. railway tracks separate the residential and
industrial parts of the proposed plan.
In order to protect future residents from noise or disturbance due to the presence
of the railway track the C.N.R. requires as part of the subdivision approval that
an earthen berm and acoustical fence be located adjacent to the tracks. The fence
must be located on top of the earthen berm. Because the lands on the east side of
the berm will be separated by the acoustical fence from the homes, the area will
not be of use to the home owner nor will they be able to maintain it. The
applicants therefore propose to convey this block of land to C.N.R. A diagram
illustrating this is attached.
The original zoning of the lots adjacent to the railway tracks was R2-10. This
exception zone requires a 30 metre (100 foot) rear yard adjacent to the railway
tracks rather than the normal 7.5 metre yard to provide greater distance separation
from the railway tracks. Because a block of land containing the easterly side
slope of the earthen berm is being conveyed to the railway company, there will no
longer be space on the lot for a 100 foot rear yard although this distance to the
original railway right-of-way will be maintained. The applicants now propose to
change the wording of the original by-law to provide that the minimum 30 metre (100
foot) rear yard be measured from the original C.N.R. right-of-way rather than the
proposed revised rear lot line of the lots adjacent to the railway.
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Proposal (Revlis Securities Limited -Z-07-85) (continued)
The effect of the proposed amendment is mainly administrative. All houses will
still be located not less than 30 metres (100 feet) from the railway right-of-way.
The earthen berm and acoustical fence will be constructed prior to sales of the
lots to ensure purchasers are aware of the situation.
I Agency Comments
South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection.
Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection.
No concerns expressed.
Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary
Mayor Illingworth requested Mrs. Seibert to outline Application Z-08-85 (Recreation
Proposal (Recreation Complex -Application Z-08-85)
The subject lands are located on the east side of Industry Street North immediately
north of the Legion and as shown on the attached map.
The Town of Aurora proposes to rezone this property from "0-Major Open Space" and
"M2-General Industrial" to "Institutional" to permit the development of a leisure
complex on the site.
The Major Open Space and General Industrial categories do not permit an arena, or
leisure complex. All of this land is municipally owned and will be used either for
the leisure complex or as part of the parkland development adjacent to it. The
Institutional zoning will allow flexibility in the siting of the leisure complex.
Agency Comments
Region of York, Planning Department -no objection.
Region of York, Health Unit -no objection.
Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection.
No concerns expressed.
Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary
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Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Z-08-85 (Parking
Stall Size).
Proposal (Parking Stall Size-Application Z-08-85)
In 1982, the Downtown Planning Study was completed for Council by A.J. Diamond and
Associates, Planners. As part of that study, Council required that the Consultant
examine existing parking standards for commercial uses and make recommendations on
them. A number of recommendations concerning changes to actual standards have been
implemented. A further change which recommended alternatives to the actual parking
stall and aisle sizes for parking areas is presently under consideration.
There was some reluctance on the part of Council to enact these smaller stall sizes
until a trial period had elapsed. The Shopper's Drug Mart application by amendment
to By-Law 2213-78 (By-Law 2594-83 enacted on August 15, 1983) permitted the smaller
stall sizes on the understanding that this would form a test case.
Over this past winter, discussions were held with the merchants in that development
to determine if the parking stalls had had any adverse public reaction. All
merchants indicated that no complaints with the stall size had been received.
It is proposed to amend the present parking stall standard, from 3 metres (9.8
feet) by 6 metres (19.7 feet) together with adequate provision for manoeuvering
space or driveway purposes to 2.7 metres (8.8 feet) by 5.3 metres (17.4 feet)
together with adequate provision for manoeuvering space or driveway purposes as
90 degree (right angle) spaces
60 degree (right angle) spaces
45 degree (right angle) spaces
7.4 m (24.3 feet)
5.2 m (17. feet)
4.2 m (13.8 feet)
i Comment
:. .• -...J
Under this formula the main benefit derived for anyone constructing a parking lot
will be in the reduced width of a parking space from 9.8 feet to 8.8 feet. The
basis on which this recommendation was made is the fact that the standards for
parking stall sizes were established in the 1960's. Since that time, virtually all
vehicles have been reduced in overall size. Since parking lot construction and
land acquisition is very expensive it was felt that it is practical at this time to
reduce the standard to reflect the current car size. This reduced standard has
been implemented in many municipalities.
Planner Seibert read a letter from A. Merkur and Sons.
-size of proposed driveway.
Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary
Proposal (Park/Chung -Wellington Street East-Z-09-85)
The subject property is located on the south side of Wellington Street East between
Ross Street and Industry Street South •
The applicants propose to rezone the property from "Ml-A Restricted Industrial
Exception Zone" to "C3-Service Commercial Zone (Urban)" to permit the development
of a gas station and mall on the site. No plans or drawings in support of the
application have been submitted.
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Proposal {Park/Chung -Wellington Street East -Z-09-85} (continued)
Official Plan
The official plan designates the subject lands "Industrial". The Industrial
category permits a variety of manufacturing and warehousing types of uses. By
specific amendment to the zoning by-law, limited public, institutional service
commercial or similar uses such as banks, restaurants, arenas and curling clubs,
deemed compatible with and incidental to an industrial area.
Existing Zoning
The M1-A permits all existing industrial uses plus wholly enclosed manufacturing
and industrial uses.
While very little information is provided concerning the proposed use, on the basis
of the application, it is suggested that it would not conform with the provisions
of the official plan concerning the industrial category. It is suggested if the
applicant wishes to pursue the application an amendment to the official plan will
be required.
Agency Comments
York Region Planning Department -note that the proposed mall use does not appear
to be "compatible and incidental" to an industrial area.
-would not like to see outside allowed storage on property
-increased traffic making dangerous to drive out onto Wellington Street
-entrance to Town --a good appearance necessary
-another gas station is not needed
-want to see proposal for property
-difference in grade to next adjoining property
E. Stewart:
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the application be deferred to July 31, 1985 and
Planning Meeting.
Resolved that the following items be added to the Agenda:
1. Tender -Mary Street Extension
2. Centennial Cup
1. Letter # 9-33 -Area Residents Petition re: Orchard Heights Boulevard Stop
Mr. Fox, spokesman, thanked Council for hearing the delegation this
evening. Mr. Fox outlined the concerns of the residents in the Orchard
Heights area.
increased traffic due to extension of Orchard Heights Boulevard
lack of school signs
increase in traffic due to new subdivisions
width and grade encourages speeders
children must cross Orchard Heights Boulevard in order to go to
school and lack of stop signs a concern
need traffic controls
Resolved that staff be directed to prepare for Council's
consideration the necessary By-Law to implement a four {4) way stop
at Orchard Heights Boulevard and the west end of Hill Drive.
:." .. ~
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NEW BUSINESS (continued)
2. Letter # 9-75 -Wm.G. Walker memo to K.B. Rodger re: Results of Traffic
Study-Orchard Ae1ghts Boulevard
West: Resolved that this letter be received as information.
3. Letter # 9-76 -Reid and Associates re: Tender -Parking Lot Improvements
E. Stewart:
Resolved that this report be received until the next Council in
Committee meeting. Staff be directed to obtain further information
from the Engineer and further that Staff be authorized to approach
the Ministry and request modification of prices.
4. Reid and Associates Letter re: Tender -Mary Street Extension
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the Tender of Rono Construction Limited for the Mary
Street Extension in the amount of $702,945.40 be accepted and the
Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
5. Mayor's Memo re: Centennial Cup
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the Town of Aurora host the western representatives of
the National Championship Centennial Cup May 11, 1985 and the
following items be approved:
(a) May 4, 1985 be declared Aurora Tigers Day, Centennial Cup Day
in the Town of Aurora,
(b) Permission be granted to the Aurora Tigers to hold a parade on
May 4, 1985 in the Town of Aurora,
(c) Permission be granted to the Aurora Tigers to announce games
via a Public Address System,
(d) Permission to erect a Centennial Cup Banner in Town,
(e) 100 Town of Aurora Lapel Pins to be supplied,
(f) The Town of Aurora will host a reception on May 4, 1985 at 3:00
p.m. for the western representatives.
Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
lwn LAJ--
Mayor ~ Clerk