MINUTES - Special Council - 19850227'~-·-·-·
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Present Were: Councillors Barker, Buck, Jones, Ostick, Paivio, E. Stewart and
Mayor Illingworth on vacation and Councillor N. Stewart absent.
Also in attendance were Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger, Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan,
Regional PlannerS. Seibert and Chief Building Official R.J. Harrington.
Deputy Mayor John West advised those present that this meeting had been called as a
Public Meeting with respect to the introduction of a By-Law amending the Zoning
By-law for Barron/Jenkins.
The Deputy Clerk advised that notices of meeting were mailed on January 25, 1985 by
First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last
revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the By-Laws would apply.
The necessary sign was posted on the property in accordance with the rules of
procedure under The Planning Act (1983).
Deputy Mayor West advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage
of the By-Law under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave
the meeting.
Deputy Mayor West requested S. Seibert, to outline Application Z-06-85 -
Barron/Jenkins -Yonge Street South:
Proposal (Barrons/Jenkins -Application Z-06-85)
The applicants propose to amend By-Law 2213-78 as it relates to the subject
property from "R5 -Special Mixed Density Residential Zone" to "Special Mixed
Density Residential Exception" to permit the existing building on the site and a
proposed 2-storey addition comprising a total of 4,700 square feet to be used for
professional offices.
Official Plan
The subject property is designated "Urban Residential" in the Official Plan of the
Aurora Planning Area. That category permits a variety of residential uses and
densities depending upon locational criteria, etc. which are specified.
As well, through Official Plan Amendment Number 10, certain commercial uses are
permitted on arterial roads in urban residential areas.
Official Plan Amendment Number 10 states as follows:
"Limited commercial uses, such as a professional office, an
artist's or music studio, an insurance or rea 1 estate office or
similar uses which are compatible with residential uses, may be
permitted in an urban residential designation, on an arterial road
as defined on Schedule "B" to the Interim Official Plan, subject
to the following:
II (i) The lands being appropriately rezoned.
" (ii) The applicant enters into a site plan agreement with the
"(iii) That sufficient parking can be provided on the site and
suitably screened so as not to visually intrude into the
surrounding residential neighbourhood.
" (iv) That the exterior appearance of the building be maintained
as a residential building. A sign may be displayed in
accordance with the provisions of the Town's sign by-law.
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Proposal (Barrens/Jenkins -Application Z-06-85) (continued)
Official Plan (continued)
II (v) Where the applicant requires increased floor area, any
building additions must maintain the residential
appearance of the building and be in harmony with the
original architectural style and period of the building.
Required yards for such building additions will be based
on existing standards in the surrounding neighbourhood."
The applicants have submitted application for a rezoning. It is understood that an
application for site plan approval will be made in the near future.
The rezoning application includes a preliminary site plan (attached) which
indicates a six foot wooden screen fence and landscaped strip around the periphery
of the parking lot. An elevation of the proposed addition has also been submitted
which is considered to be compatible with the existing building and the surrounding
residential uses to the north and west of the subject property.
The subject property has frontage on Yonge Street which is an arterial road in
accordance with Schedule "B" of the Official Plan. The type of use requested -
professional office -also conforms with the types of uses which are permissable in
Official Plan Amendment Number 10. Official Plan Amendment Number 10 does not
specify the size of building which will be considered acceptable for this type of
zoning exception. The total floor area of the building including the proposed
addition will be 4,700 square feet (approximately 2,350 per floor) making the
building considerably larger than others in the vicinity although drawings
submitted indicate that the residential appearance of the building will be
maintained. As well, the proposed addition is in harmony with the original
architectural style of the building.
Parking required for this building would be 16 spaces which will have the effect of
using most of the rear year not occupied with the addition to be used for parking.
Agency Comments
The Ministry of Transportation and Communication -no objection.
The South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authoritv -no objection.
The Regional Health Unit -no objection.
Planner Seibert explained the fundamentals of Official Plan Amendment Number 10
mentioned in the report.
-premature as an O.P. review is now underway
-invasion of privacy
-property value would decrease
-overwhelm the area
-safety of children
-noise due to cars in and out of parking lot
-residents would be overshadowed by commercial buildings being so large
-quality of life
-not needed as there are other vacant commercial sites available
-drainage problems
Resolved that this application be referred back to the owners with a
suggestion that modifications to his application in the size of the
extension and the extent of the black topping.
Be It Further Resolved that the residents here this evening be
notified of the date when Council's future discussions on this
application will take place.
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Councillor Jones in the Chair.
1. Capital Expenditure Approval -Family Sports and Leisure Complex
Whereas the Town of Aurora has by its acceptance in principle
approved the concept of a Family Sports and Leisure Complex and
whereas the Town now wishes to commence the design and approvals of
such a project,
Now Therefore Be It Resolved:
1. That the Region of York be requested to set up and approve as an
interim measure the Capital Expenditure Approval and 1985 quota
of $5,400,000.00 from which it is anticipated that $642,000.00
will be available as a provincial grant, that $400,000.00 shall
be raised as a pub 1 i c donation and the Town from the Lei sure
Services Reserve Account shall contribute $2,883,000.00 leaving
the estimated amount of $1,500,000.00 to be raised by possible
debenture issue and to be repayable in not more than 20 years,
2. And further, be it resolved that, the Clerk-Administrator be
directed and authorized to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board
for approval of the aforesaid amounts when and if approved by
the Region of York,
3. And be it further resolved that the Clerk-Administrator be
directed and is hereby authorized to sign all necessary
application forms and other papers necessary to carry out
Council's wishes on this project.
2. Family Leisure Complex -Moffat, Kinoshita Associates Incorporated
West: Whereas, the Town has approved the feasibility and the concept of a
Buck: Family Leisure Complex at a total estimated cost of $5,400,000.00,
And Whereas a Committee, made up of the members of the Leisure
Services Advisory Committee and others, have selected and would
recommend one of the 24 firms as Architect --for the purposes of
the above noted project,
And Whereas, the Council in its endeavour to seek proper and full
financial approvals for the project and having sufficient funds on
hand in the Leisure Services Capital Levy Account can make a
financial committment to engage an Architect for the design and to
prepare all drawings and specifications necessary for eventual
tender call.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved:
(1) Council approve of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee
recommendation of engaging the firm of Moffat, Kinoshita
Associates Incorporated, Architects and Planners under their
proposal dated January 11th, 1985, to prepare the design,
specifications, plans and tender documents and all related
matters and estimated costs as detailed at a total upset fee of
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RESOLUTIONS (continued)
2. Family Leisure Complex -Moffat, Kinoshita Associates Incorporated
(2) That such plans for the Complex as proposed shall contain the
following features or components, a single ice pad (seating @
150) a leisure pool, 4 racquet courts, a fitness area, a
community hall and related service areas, office and concession
space. The arena would be designed for year round use. Access
for the disabled would be provided throughout the facility to
allow both participation and spectating.
Associated with the Leisure Complex is the Holland River Valley
Parkland Development which would include:
1 unlit intermediate softball diamond
1 multi-purpose play field
1 multi-purpose soccer pitch
1 open air amphitheatre
1 children's playground
20 picnic tables
2 footbridges
(3) That, the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a
contractual agreement with the firm of Moffat, Kinoshita
Associates Inc. detailing all the services and fees and the
payments of fees, etc. following which approvals of Council are
hereby granted in accordance with the attached schedule, other
than specific approvals which will be brought to Council for
approval, and be it further resolved that, the funds for such
fees to design and tender stage pending OMB approval shall be
authorized from funds under the control of the Town Treasurer in
the Capital Levy Reserve Account and the Seal of the Corporation
be attached hereto.
Recorded Vote -Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora -Family Leisure Complex
dated February 27, 1985
Mayor Illingworth (absent)
Councillor Barker
Councillor Buck
Councillor Jones
Councillor Ostick
Councillor Paivio
Councillor E. Stewart
Councillor N. Stewart (absent)
Councillor West
Buck: Resolved that this meeting be adjourned at 9:40 p.m.