MINUTES - Special Council - 19841031'·------~ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1984 at 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Evelyn Buck, Tim Jones, Len Ost i ck, Earl Stewart, Norm Stewart and John West.' Regrets From: Councillor Richard Barker was working and Councillor Paivio had other commitments. Also in attendance were Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger, Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan, Regional PlannerS. Seibert and Chief Building Official R.J. Harrington. Mayor Illingworth advised those present that this meeting has been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the introduction of By-Laws amending the Zoning By-Law for Southold Investments, Mr. Ken Sinclair and Town-Setbacks for Wimpey Aurora Orchards. The Deputy Clerk advised that notices of the meeting were mailed on September 20th, 1984, by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the By-Laws would apply and also advertisements were placed on September 16th and October 17th, 1984 in the local paper. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-Laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave this meeting. Mayor Illingworth requested S. Seibert, to outline Application Number Z-42-84 - Southold Investments: Proposal (Southold Investments Limited) The applicant proposes to develop the subject property for the second phase of a plan of subdivision. The first phase is currently under construction. The phase under consideration presently will comprise the following: -a one (1) acre commercial site on Aurora Heights Drive extension, -23 -1/2 acres lots adjacent to Bathurst Street, -17 -60 foot lots, -86 -50 foot lots, and -65-40 foot lots for a total of 191 lots. A park area will be located in the flood plain along the tributary to Tannery Creek which runs through the property. Comment The proposal is the subject of a plan of subdivision which has been recommended for approval by Counci 1. The proposal complies with the Secondary Plan for the area and takes into account future development of ,some existing smaller parcels of land adjacent to it. A letter of concern/objection has been received to the proposal by a neighbouring resident. The objector appears to have several concerns in respect to the development of the Wimpey site. He also notes that the lots adjacent to Bathurst Street are too small although they do comply with the official plan. He also expresses concern that insufficient information has been made available. A copy of this le.tter is attached. Agency Comments York Region Planning Department -no objection. York Region Health Unit -no objection. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. York Region Board of Education -no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1984 - 2 - Proposal (Southold Investments Limited) (continued) Concerns: -pond water being vacuumed off property -size of lots -trees and shrubs should be planted after completion of work in place of trees removed. West: Buck: Resolved that Planner Seibert be directed to prepare the necessary By-Law for Council's consideration. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested Sue Seibert to outline Application Number Z-46-84 - Sinclair (Rodgers Estate). Proposal (Mr. Ken Sinclair) The applicant proposes to amend the zoning by-law from "Environmental Protection and Rural" to "Institutional" to permit the development of a private tennis club. The development will comprise 16 outdoor tennis courts (revised from 18) and 6 indoor courts with locker and lounge facilities and squash courts. In addition, there will be a club house located in the existing house which will be expanded in phase II. The three other existing buildings on the site will be used as follows, one (1) for a pro shop and court booking area, one (1) as a grounds keeper's equipment area and one (1) for a residence for security and maintenance personnel. The project will be phased with six (6) outdoor courts and six (6) indoor courts being constructed in phase I. The remaining outdoor courts and expansion of the clubhouse will be constructed in phase II. The clubhouse will have food preparation and serving facilities but these will cater only to club members. Students attending training session at the club will be housed at St. Andrew's College. The proposed indoor tennis court building will contain locker rooms, viewing area, storage, and squash courts. It will be approximately 36,000 square feet in area. The peak of the roof will be approximately 30 feet in height to accommodate tennis playing. The applicant propose to sink this building into the ground so that the bottom storey -the courts themselves -will be below ground. The building is to be masonry with an architectural style which will compliment the existing main house on the site. Comment The official plan in the Goals and Objectives Section states the following as Goal 3: "To maintain an identifiable and distinct community". The objectives are as follows: 1. Adequate land use controls to prevent the uncontrolled sprawl of the Town from merging with adjacent communities. 2. !dent i fyi ng and strengthening existing community structures. 3. Urban boundaries be defined to prevent urban sprawl into the countryside and along Highway 11. An area of no urban scale development be established between the urban area of Aurora and the northern and southern boundary of the Town. In response to this Council established an Urban Servicing Boundary and has agreed in principle to a policy which would set aside the area of Yonge Street North in Lots 85 and 86 and the area along St. John's Sideroad in a special category which would maintain the rural appearance of the area. An Official Plan amendment to this effect has been drafted. [ __ , __ SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1984 - 3 - Proposal (Mr. Ken Sinclair) (continued) Comment (continued) The proposed use appears to be compatible with this policy. However, particularly the corner of Yonge Street and St. John's Sideroad is considered to be very important in creating an entrance to the municipality. Any development occurring on this part of the site must be sensitive to this fact and also to the attractive older home on the site. It is suggested that prior to a by-law being prepared, a site plan be prepared which will provide the details of the building, landscaping, parking areas and the location of the outdoor tennis areas. The method of providing sanitary sewage disposal and water supply to the site should also be established during this process. Discussions with the applicant's representatives indicate that they would favour this type of procedure as well. Agency Comments Received Region of York Planning -see attached. Town of Newmarket -no objection. Regional Health Unit -no objection but careful siting and planning for the private sewage disposal system will be necessary because of the location of the creek --detailed interior plans of any food counter, restaurant, etc., must be approved by Health Unit prior to commencing construction/renovations. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -"While this area falls within our permit control, we do not anticipate any conflict with our highway system. No commercial access will be considered from Highway Number 11. (Access to be via St. John's Road}. Building must be set back a minimum of 13.7 m from our highway right-of-way limits. After Council's approval, but prior to the owner finalizing his plans for the proposed use, the owner should contact our District Signs and Permits Inspector (address on file). South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -"The applicant has been granted approval in principle by the Authority to place fill and construct various structures on the above lands. Before a permit can be issued by this office, plans satisfactory to the Authority's Executive Committee must be submitted detailing the means by which the new structures will be flood proofed to the Regional Storm flood elevation of 252.6 metres C.G.D. Subject to final approval of the requested plans, we have no objection to this application. York Region Board of Education -no objection. Concerns: -lighting glare -coverage of lot too great -St. John's Sideroad entrance. Jones: N. Stewart: Resolved that this application be referred to Technical Committee and Site Plan Agreement be prepared. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested Mrs. Seibert, Planner to outline Application Number Z-47-84 (Town -Setbacks for Wimpey Aurora Orchards). SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1984 - 4 - Proposal (Town -Setbacks for Wimpey Aurora Orchards) It has recently come to Council's attention that the existing exterior sideyards in the above noted plan (Aurora Orchards subdivision) do not comply with the existing zoning by-law nor did they with the previous By-law. Apparently permits for the buildings constructed were issued around the time of the approval of the previous zoning by-law and the fact that they did not comply was apparently an oversight. In order to correct the problem, the Town proposes to carry out an amendment to the zoning bylaw applying to this area. All existing homes would comply if the requirement was amended from 6 m (approximately 20 feet) to 4.5 m {approximately 15 feet). Comment This proposed amendment is being sponsored by the municipality to correct an existing problem. Since most existing homes on corner lots are located at or near the 4.5 m {approximately 15 feet) setback proposed new additions could not be constructed as a result of this change. Agency Comments Received South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. Region of York Planning Department -no objection. Region of York Health Unit -no objection. West: Resolved that the necessary By-Law be prepared for Council's consideration. Buck: CARRIED RESOLUTIONS 1. Tennis Courts (Granada) E. Stewart: Ostick: Whereas, the Town of Aurora has enacted and passed By-Law Number 2687-84 on the 13th day of August 1984; And Whereas a portion of the lands to which the provisions of said By-Law apply have been previously used by the Owner for an air supported structure covering tennis courts in accordance with the provisions of Town of Aurora By-Law Number 2538-82, as amended by By-Law Number 2572-83 approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on August 11th, 1983; And Whereas the purpose and effect of By-Law Number 2687-84 is to expand the previously approved permitted use; And Whereas at the public meeting held by Council on February 23rd, 1984, residents had expressed to Council the concern that a permanent structure may detract from the overall appearance of the neighbourhood; And Whereas said residents expressed their preference for an air supported structure similar to the existing use; Be It Therefore resolved that the Ontario Municipal Board be informed that the Council of the Town of Aurora is of the opinion that as the proposed location of the air supported structure is to the side and rear of the parking lot of the adjacent plaza operation, and is of the opinion that if the By-Law were to be approved, it would cause no detrimental effect to the existing commercial use or cause any detrimental effect to the merchants in the plaza. ~--'·-----""~-""'-""'"'"""~·~ .. <---¥-------------------~----··-----------··- L..____; SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1984 - 5 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 1. Tennis Courts (Granada) (continued) And Be It Further Resolved that Council feels that the air supported structure contemplated by By-Law 2687-84 would not be detrimental to the area and following reaction of public opinion expressed at the public meeting of February 23, 1984 no one spoke in favour of a permanent tennis structure and, in fact, many spoke in favour of the tennis bubble or semi-permanent structure, And Be It Further Resolved that the Counci 1 further wishes to express that as the property has for years had a tennis court and air supported structure for two (2) courts and whereas the purpose of this by-law is to allow the expansion of the tennis facility to have four ( 4) courts on 1 and owned by the Aurora High 1 ands, that the Council fee 1 s that it is an extremely important and appropriate use of the land and Council finds that it cannot support the objection by Naches Holdings Inc. through their solicitor, Ammon Altschuler dated September 14th, 1984, And Be It Further Resolved that Council would request, as soon as possible, an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing on this matter, at which time the Town, through its Solicitor, Planner and other staff will support By-Law 2687-84 passed by Counci 1. CARRIED 2. Confederation Park Tender -Vic Priestly Contracting Limited E. Stewart: Ostick: ADJOURNMENT West: Mayor Resolved that the tender quotation of Vic Priestly Contracting Limited for grading work in Confederation Park, be accepted in the amount up to $20,000.00. This amount was included in the 1984 Parks budget, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:40 p.m. CARRIED .~~