MINUTES - Special Council - 19840725"'' '-·· -'"' MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th, 1984 at 7:30P.M. ,·>,-, Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Evelyn Buck, Tim Jones, Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, Earl Stewart, Norm Stewart and John West. Regrets From: Councillor Richard Barker was ill. Also in attendance were Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan and Regional Planner S. Seibert. Mayor Illingworth advised those present that this meeting has been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the introduction of By-Laws amending the Zoning By-Law for Maier (Old Yonge Street), General Conveyor (Engelhard Drive) and Equity Developments (Heron Homes) and O.P. Amendments for the Town (Commercial Area Plan) and Equity Developments (Heron Homes). Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan advised that Notices of the Meeting were mailed on June 19th, 1984, by first class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised Assessment Roll of the Town of Aurora, and advertisments were placed on June 20th and July 11th, 1984 in the local paper, to which the By-Laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of any of the By-Laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave this meeting. Mayor Illingworth requested s. Seibert, to outline Application Number Z-37-84 (Maier -Old Yonge Street): Proposal (Maier -Old Yonge Street) The applicant proposes to rezone the subject lands which are located at the southeast corner of St. John Sideroad and Old Yonge Street so that existing parcel comprising 1.766 acres can be severed into three parcels each having in excess of 1/2 acres. The properties would be serviced with municipal water supply and private sewage disposal systems. Comments The subject lands are included within the urban services boundary as services will be provided to the area however the lands are still designated "rural" in the official plan. If services are to be provided to the area, it is logical that the lands be designated for some form of urban development, however it is suggested that appropriate densities, etc., need to be established by a review of the surrounding area. Lands to the south of the subject property (Kelly) were considered by Council at its public hearing of April 26th. The application was referred to Planning Committee. Planning Committee recommended and Council agreed that the Kelly application to redesignate from "rural" to "residential" should be refused in that it is represented a single property surrounded by rural properties. It is understood that an application to redesignate the Kelly property plus those properties surrounding it has not been made. It is suggested that any rezoning of the subject lands should await the overall consideration. Agency Comments The South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority has expressed concern with this application since part of the property is within the floodplain. This aspect should also be resolved prior to any rezoning. The Region of York Planning Department have indicated that the proposal should be considered as part of the overall review of the official plan. York Region Board of Education -no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th, 1984 - 2 - Proposal (Maier -Old Yonge Street) (continued) Agency Comments (continued) One letter of objection has been received tonight from a neighbouring resident. Concerns: """'" -Deflate value of homes now in existence. -Smaller lots than in area. -Frontages allowable under this proposed amendment would be much less then at present. Buck: E. Stewart: Resolved that the Planner's report be adopted and the application be considered premature at this time and be rejected pending the overall review of the Town's Official Plan. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number OP-38-84 (Town -Commercial Area Plan): Proposal (Town -Commercial Area Plan) O.P. Amendment Number 38 West: Buck: Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary By-Law to designate the Commercial Area Plan. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-39-84 (General Conveyor): Proposal (General Conveyor -Englehard Drive) The applicant proposes to amend the provisions of By-Law 2213-78 relating to industria~ parking provisions for the subject lands from one (1) parking space for each 50 m (1 space for each 538 square feet) to one (1) parking space for each 727 square feet. The subject lands are located on the west side of Engelhard Drive. Comments The applicant indicates in support of his proposal that standards similar to those being requested exist in a number of municipalities including Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill zoning staff have advised me that two (2) standards exist in that community. In the old part of the town a by-law done in 1971 requires one (1) parking space for each 1,000 square feet. The newer standard in the Beaver Creek Industrial area requires one (1) parking space for each 43 square metres (462 square feet) for buildings up to 2,800 square metres (30,139 square feet). Buildings over that are calculated on the basis of one (1) space for each 462 square feet for the first 30,139 square feet of building area and 1 space for each 93 square metres (1,000 square feet) beyond that. There have been a number of exceptions made for industrial parking requirements over the past couple of years. Usually those exceptions have been based on some unusual feature of,the industry. While it is suggested that it is appropriate to examine the current parking standards, it is suggested that no further exceptions be made until a thorough analysis of the current standards and those of municipalities with similar circumstances has been undertaken. The current application should not be held up as a result of this since site plan approval has been given to the proposal on the assumption that the applicant will comply with the current requirements. I ~" SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th, 1984 - 3 - Proposal (General Conveyor -Englehard Drive) (continued) Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. York Region Board of Education -no objection. York Region Planning Department -no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objections. Concerns: -Parking problems. -Drainage easement. Mayor Illingworth left the meeting. Jones: Buck: E. Stewart: Ostick: Resolved that Councillor John West take the Chair. CARRIED Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary By-Law for this proposal to allow one (1) parking space for each 727 square feet for the subject lands. CARRIED Deputy Mayor West requested Planner, Mrs. S. Seibert, to outline Application Numbers OP-40-84 and Z-41-84 (Equity Developments -Heron Homes): Proposal (Equity Developments -Heron Homes) The subject site is located west of the western extension of Kennedy Street and has frontage on both Bathurst Street and Wellington Street West. The applicants propose to amend the Official Plan designation applying to the subject lands from "Suburban Residentiar" to "Urban Residential" to permit a fully serviced urban residential subdivision on the subject site. The draft plan presently under consideration by the Council consists of 106 detached residential lots and a 3.12 acre open space block. The lot design currently proposed would result in the following: 36 -60 foot lots 61 -70 foot lots 9 -1/2 acres lots The current offici a 1 plan category applying to most of the site is "Suburban Residential" which would permit minimum 1/2 acre lots on the site. Comments Technical staff have undertaken a very preliminary review of the proposed draft plan. A number of issues respecting the design, servicing and access to Bathurst Street have been raised but have not yet been discussed with the applicants. As well, the Aurora West Secondary Study identifies the need for a neighbourhood park in the vicinity of this plan. The detailed location for the park has not yet been identified. In addition it is understood that the owners of the 1 ands directly abutting part of the subject property will be approaching the municipality both for Official Plan Amendment and subdivision processing in the near future. This being the case, it is possible that quite a different lot design might be appropriate. '·--··· . SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th, 1984 - 4 - Proposal (Equity Developments -Heron Homes) Comments (continued) For these reasons technical staff are not in a position to make any final recommendations regarding the subdivision design and hence the zoning application. In respect to the Official Plan application, there has been no major technical concern with the principle of slightly increasing the density permitted on the site. In keeping with Council's normal policy which originated in part from King Township's request, 1/2 lots and therefore the suburban residential category would continue to apply to the lots along Bathurst Street. The subject lands were designated for suburban residential purposes by the Ontario Municipal Board following the Aurora West Secondary Study. The proposed method of servicing for the site was municipal water and septic tanks and tile fields. Soil studies carried out since that time indicate that the soils are unsuitable for septic systems thereby making it necessary that the site be fully serviced. On this basis the request to change the land use category from "Suburban" to "Urban" appears justifiable, however, in view of the large lot character of Kennedy Street provision should be made to ensure that normal urban densities are not permissible on the site. Since the applicant proposes a much less dense development than would be permitted under the "Urban Resi denti a 1" category, this should be easily achieved. Agency Comments Ministry of Natural Resources -no objection. York Region Board of Education -no objection. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -provided open space area not altered. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. York Region Planning Department -no objection. Note that access is a matter of approval of the York Region Engineering. Letter received from Montague Pound and Associates representing owners of adjoining land who will be submitting applications for an O.P. Amendment. Concerns: -Cul-de-sac. -Servicing. -Access to Bathurst Street. -Proposed roadway through adj oi ni ng property. Ostick: Paivio: BY-LAWS Ostick: Jones: Resolved that Planner, Mrs. S. Seibert, be directed to prepare the necessary By-Law for an O.P. Amendment only. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2695-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2213-78 (Excel Metal craft) Bill Number 2700-84 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law 2213-78 (Gateway Plaza) ••• be read a Third Time. CARRIED SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th, 1984 - 5 - RESOLUTIONS 1. Ostick: Jones: 2. Ostick: Jones: 3. Ostick: Jones: Sidewalk Plans -Larmont Street Resolved that the Council of the Town of Aurora reconfirm their decision regarding the lay-out of the sidewalk on Larmont Street and that the sidewalk remain in the location as shown on the plans for the reconstruction of Larmont Street dated October 12, 1982. CARRIED Payment Certificate Number 2 -Kalabria General Contractors Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates, Payment Certificate Number 2 for reconstruction of Mosley, Metcalfe and Larmont Streets, be paid to Kalabria General Contractors in the amount of $126,912.80 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Tender -3/4 Ton Pick-Up Truck Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, the Tender of Shannahan Ford Mercury Sales, for a 3/4 Ton Pick-Up, in the amount of $12,375.62 be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. The cost of this truck to be taken from the Capital Levy Reserve Fund. CARRIED 4. Tender - Five (5) Ton Truck Cab and Chassis Ostick: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Jones: Public Works, the Tender of Woodbine Truck Centre for the Five (5) Ton Truck Cab and Chassis, in the amount of $39,349.87 be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. The cost of this truck to be taken from the Capital Levy Reserve Fund. CARRIED 5. Payment of Invoices -Reid and Associates Ostick: Jones: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Wm.G. Walker, Director of Public Works, the accounts of J.D. Reid and Associates, attached hereto, in the amount of $22,113.26 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED 6. Non-Union Employees -Salaries E. Stewart: Ostick: Resolved that all full time and office employees be granted an increase of maximum 5% with no merit increases being granted during the calendar year 1984 and further that those employees who were entitled to a 1984 merit increase would be granted same effective January 1st, 1985. And further, that the 1984 freeze on merit increases would not stop the time interval of merit classification changes, but no increase when due in 1985 or subsequent years would be retroactive to the calendar year 1984. CARRIED -~--~--------·---- ,., .. ~""· SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th, 1984 - 6 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 7. Councillor Paivio-Authorization to Attend Canadian Parks Association Conference Jones: Resolved that Councillor Martin Paivio be granted approval to attend Ostick: the Canadian Parks Association Conference in Kitchener -August 12th to 15th, 1984 and the necessary expenses be allowed in accordance with Council's policy. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT Jones: Resolved that this meeting be adjourned at 9:40 p.m. CARRIED R~~~~.Ju Mayor . .?'\J Clerk