MINUTES - Special Council - 19840627•'-•"> MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 at 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth (7:50p.m.} and Councillors Richard Barker, Evelyn Buck, Tim Jones, Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, Earl Stewart and John West. Regrets From: Councillor Norm Stewart on vacation. Also in attendance were Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger, Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan and Regional Planner s. Seibert. Deputy Mayor West advised those present that this meeting has been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the introduction of By-Laws amending the Zoning By-Law for Gateway Plaza Investments, Archerhill Investments, Excel Metalcraft Ltd. and O.P. Amendments for EMC Group -Connie Realty, Beacon Hall, Community Improvement Policy and Central Business District Improvement Statement. Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan advised that Notices of the Meeting were mailed on May 15th, 1984, by first class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised Assessment Roll of the Town of Aurora, or advertisments were placed on May 23rd and June 13th, 1984 in the local paper, to which the By-Laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983}. Deputy Mayor West advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of any of the By-Laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave this meeting. Deputy Mayor West requested s. Seibert, to outline Application Number OP-19-84 (EMC Group-Connie Realty}: Proposal (EMC Group-Connie Realty}: The applicants propose to redesignate the subject lands which have frontage on Bayview Avenue and north of Wellington Street and south of St. John's Sideroad from "Rural" to "Industrial". The proposed Official Plan Amendment would encompass 80.26 ha (198.33 acres}. Current Official Plan The subject lands are presently designated "Rural" in the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. Comment The subject lands were the subject of a planning report which was adopted by Council at its meeting of July 18th, 1983. This report examines the subject lands in more detail and is attached. As background to that report the comments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food were obtained. Staff of that Ministry pointed out that the subject lands are good agricultural land and hence are subject to the terms set out in the "Foodland Guidelines". As pointed out in the attached report the Foodland Guidelines require documentation of need for the land use (which} must cover each of four (4} basic issues: (i} the necessity for the land use; (ii} the amount of land needed; (iii} the reason for the choice of location; and (iv} the consideration given to alternate locations on lower capability agricultural land. In addition to this issue, the Region has allocated 504 acres of industrial land to , ___ , the Town of Aurora. This proposal would exceed that capacity. ""-''" SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 - 2 - Proposal (EMC Group-Connie Realty): (continued) Comment (continued) From a land use point of view there are two major considerations. Presently the Holland River forms the boundary between the existing built up area and the rural area to the east. This natural boundary is also the Town's existing servicing boundary. Jumping that boundary will set a precedent. On the other hand, it is logical that any extension of industrial development should take place in an area which is contiguous with existing development. Since there is very limited option for the expansion of the Town's industrial area, the possibility of using these lands for industrial purposes in the future should be protected. Lands both north and south of the subject lands should also be examined to determine their possible suitability for industrial development. The Region of York Planning Department has made the following comment: "The fact that this is both a large parcel of land (28% of the area of existing industrially designated lands) and the first industrial or urban area proposed east of the Holland River, would suggest that it be considered as part of an overall review of the Official Plan." ' It is suggested that this is the most appropriate way to consider this large tract of land which has important implications for the municipality. Any review of the Official Plan encompassing this area should take into account the concerns filed by Mr. F. Robert Hewett and Jean and Jim Sjoung all of whom have filed objections to the proposal. Agency Comments Regional Planning: -express concern with the proposal and suggest that consideration of it be part of an overall review of the Official Plan. Ministry of Natural Resources: -note that the east branch of the Holland River is identified as a cold water fishery and development adjacent to it should be regulated through the zoning by-law. Ontario Hydro: -no objection, their right-of-way would be part of the amendment. York Region Board of Education: -no objections. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority: -no objection provided that the floodplain areas are designated Environmental Protection. Regiona 1 Engineering: -note that proposals currently under consideration for 250 acres -ony 38 acres is available to be allocated. Two (2) letters of objection have been received from neighbouring residents. Concerns: -the fear that taxes would be increased on neighbouring land. -type of industry to be allowed to use land. -effect on residential values. -premature at this time. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 -3 - Proposal (EMC Group-Connie Realty): (continued) Concerns: (continued) -enjoyed green area-like to keep it that way. should be used for jogging track or bicycle trail. -water concern. -distance from Fire Hall. Buck: Paivio: E. Stewart: Barker: Jones: Illingworth: Resolved that this proposal be declined at this time. DEFEATED Resolved that land be designated as Industrial Land. DEFEATED Resolved that this proposal be deferred until an overall review of the Official Plan is to be made. Be It Further Resolved that a date for the overall review of the Official Plan be set at the Council in Committee meeting scheduled for July 11, 1984. CARR I ED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-31-84 (Gateway Plaza Investments): Proposal (Z-31-84 -Gateway Plaza Investments): The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property which is currently zoned "C4 Shopping Centre Commercial" to "C2 Central Business Commercial" to allow the establishment of a Commercial Karate Club. The Central Business District permits "commercial clubs" whereas the Shopping Centre Commercial Zone does not. Comment The proposed use appears to be an acceptable use for the subject property, however, it is suggested that rather than changing the zoning category applying to the property, an exception to permit commercial clubs in the subject property would be more appropriate. Agency Comments Received South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objections. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objections. York Region Board of Education -no objections. Letter of support from neighbour. Concerns: -parking. -increase in traffic. -hazard re: children from Day Care and Dancing School. -noise. -extension of C2 designation. Buck: West: Resolved that the necessary By-Law be prepared to allow an exception to the By-Law to permit commercial clubs in the subject property. CARRIED SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 -4 - Mayor Illingworth requested Mrs. Seibert, Planner to outline Application Number Z-32-84 (Archerhill Investments): Proposal (Archerhill Investments) The applicant proposes to amend By-Law 2213-78 to change the zoning category applying to the subject lands from "Ru-Rural" to "E.R. -Estate Residential" to permit the development of 14 detached residential homes on lots having a minimum area of .2 ha (2 acres). Road access is to be provided by means of a cul-de-sac off of Vandorf Road. The plan would be serviced by a municipal water supply systems and industrial septic tanks and tile fields. Comments The subject property was the subject of Official Plan Amendment Number 26 approved by Aurora Council but not yet approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. As well an application for subdivision has been recommended by the Aurora Council for draft approval subject to a number of conditions being met prior to final approval and registration. The Region of York which is responsible for the approval of subdivision plans has not yet dealt with the subdivision application. In considering these applications, a number of public meetings have been held and the concept of the plan altered to accommodate both Council's and the public concerns respecting the proposal. It is not Council's policy to zone lands for development purposes prior to the draft approval of a plan of subdivision however, it is suggested that subject to the draft approval being issued for the plan now recommended by Aurora Council, that an appropriate implementing by-law could be prepared. Should the plan be substantially altered, a further public meeting should be held. Agency Comments Received South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. York Region Board of Education -no objection. Concerns: -road conditions in area (Bayview Avenue South and Vandorf Road). Buck: West: Resolved that subject to the draft approval being issued for the plan now recommended by Aurora Council that an appropriate implementing by-law be prepared. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number OP-33-84 (Beacon Hall): Proposal (Beacon Hall): The applicant proposed to develop the subject lands which run from Bayview Avenue on the east and Yonge Street on the west in Lot 73, comprising 81 ha (193 acres) for a private 18 hole golf course and club facilities and 50 residential condominium units in the form of two (2) clusters. A restaurant, with seating for 180 persons, is proposed for the Yonge Street frontage south of the suggested entrance. The golf club facilities include a driving range, outdoor swimming pool and tennis courts, a visitors' building with 6 guest suites, staff apartment and offices. The residences proposed are two stories, two bedroom units having approximately 242 m2 (2600 square feet) of floor area. \...,_.,, C.........-·· SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 -5 - Proposal (Beacon Hall): (continued) It is proposed that water supply for the golf club house and residences be supplied from communal wells and water system located central to these homes and club facilities. A separate well water supply system will be provided for the restaurant located at the Yonge Street frontage of the site. Irrigation requirements for the golf course would be supplied by a separate well system which would feed lined retention ponds serving as water hazards on the golf course. This system would also supply the firefighting requirements of the development. A common septic tank for groups of townhouse residences, with a tile field situated on the golf course fairways is proposed to accommodate the sewage treatment needs of the proposed development. The site would be serviced with an internal road system running from Yonge Street to Bayview Avenue with no connection either north or south. This road system would be private with gate houses controlling access at both locations. Comments The site of the proposed development is extremely attractive with rolling fields located at the Yonge Street frontage of the property and forested areas both natural and planted in central and eastern parts of the property. The site is important to Aurora in that its Yonge Street frontage forms an entrance to the urban portion of the municipality. From that perspective the proposal offers an opportunity to maintain the open rural atmosphere presently existing. There are, however, a number of key technical issues relating to the proposal which have not been resolved at this time. Of particular concern is water supply, since the site is directly adjacent to the Waste Management Incorporated Landfill site which is located on the east side of Bayview Avenue. A number of wells to the north-east of the site have been found to contain contaminants and there is reason for concern that ground water in parts of the subject site could also contain contaminants, particularly since relatively large quantities of water will be required for the irrigation of the golf course. Since municipal water supply is not available to service the site, this is a fundamental issue in the consideration of the proposal and should be fully investigated before any commitments are made regarding the proposal. Further issues yet to be resolved include the future expansion of the Aurora cemetary and the relationship of this proposal to the lands to the north-east which are currently farm lands and large rural residential lots. The site is within an aquifer recharge area as identified by South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority and will, in accordance with that agency's policy, in all likelihood require an impact study. It is suggested that prior to any commitments being made respecting the proposal these issues be addressed. It is understood that a report by Morrison Beatty addressing the question of availability and suitability of groundwater on the site is soon to be submitted which may assist in these deliberations. Discussions with approving agencies, such as the Regional Health Unit, should also be initiated. Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation and Communications: -no comments or objection, will review at draft plan stage. York Region Board of Education: -no objection. ---~·~·-···-·· ··~--·-----· SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 - 6 - Propos a 1 (Beacon Ha 11 ) : (continued) Agency Comments (continued) Regional Planning Department: -express concerns with the ownership of the golf course, access, proposed commercial uses on Yonge Street and the proposed method of servicing. Region of York Engineering Department (has verbally expressed a number of concerns): -Bayview Avenue is a Regional Road widening for future road reconstruction including cuts and fills will be required at the draft plan stage as well as channelization and intersection illuminations. -they will require further information about the servicing proposals and express concerns about the amount of water which will be required for the golf course irrigation. -point out that under the Ontario Water Resources Act the Ministry of the Environment must approve communal water systems. -the Municipality must be responsible for such systems which in this instance is the Region of York. The Region has therefore strongly discouraged communal water systems such as is proposed. Other Comments Three (3) letters (attached) have been received from neighbouring residents. Concerns: -water. -further development that might take place on Golf Course property. -restaurant on Yonge Street. -traffic lights needed. -buffer zones needed. -increase in taxes. Buck: West: Resolved that this proposal be referred to the Planning Committee for discussion when all reports from the various agencies are received and then report back to Council. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number OP-34-84 (Community Improvement Policy): Proposal (Community Improvement Policy) O.P. Amendment Number 28 Concerns: -implications if ratified. -notice should have been mailed to all concerned and not advertised. Buck: Jones: Resolved that the necessary By-Law be presented at the Council meeting scheduled for July 16th, 1984 for Council's consideration. CARRIED SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 - 7 - Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-35-84 (Excel Metal craft): Proposal (Excel Metal craft): The applicant proposes to expand the existing factory on the subject lands by adding approximately 23,662 square feet on the south-east corner. The expansion proposed is a paint shop and the location is apparently crucial to the operation of the production line. In order to provide for this addition, the following amendments are required to the provisions of By-Law 2213-78. 1. Reduction of the rear yard abutting Dunning Drive from 9 metres to 0. 2. Reduce the parking requirements so that no additional parking is required for the building addition. 3. To allow the building coverage to slightly exceed the 60% requirement. 4. To allow a loading area parallel to Dunning at the property line. Comment The applicants have indicated that the addition of the paint facilities will not increase the number of employees and therefore will not require additional parking. Dunning Avenue "dead ends" at the CNR tracks and is therefore not a heavily used street. The building coverage proposed will only slightly exceed 60%. Agency Comments Received South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. York Region Board of Education -no objection. One letter of objection has been received from a neighbouring resident is attached. Concerns: -traffic. -setting a precedent. -further expansion on property. Buck: West: Resolved that the necessary by-law be prepared for Council's consideration. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested Mrs. Seibert to outline Application Number OP-36-84 (C.B.D. Pol icy): Proposal (Central Business District of Aurora): C.B.D. Policy dated June 28th, 1984 as attached hereto. Concerns: -better use of parking lots. -property values. Buck: West: Resolved that the necessary O.P. By-Law be prepared to reflect policy that is to be adopted by Council, Be It Further Resolved that a copy of this proposed O.P. By-Law be referred to the Chamber of Commerce, B.I.A. and L.A.C.A.C. for comments. CARRIED '-----' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 - 8 - REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Report# 61-Commercial Development Advisory Committee ••• Selection of Persons to Carry out waterworks study The Committee respectfully submits the following: A meeting of the Commercial Development Advisory Committee was held on June 19th, 1984 at 7:30p.m. in the Administration Centre to select a team to carry out the "Waterworks Area Study" as previously agreed to by Council. Present Were: Councillor E. Buck, Chairman, Councillors R. Barker, L. Ostick and M. Paivio, Heritage Committee representative Dr. L. Oliver, B.I.A. Representative Jamie Thompson, Citizen representative Richard Bagshaw. Regrets From: B. Spragg, Chamber of Commerce representative who is on Vacation. 1. Waterworks Study Buck: Barker: The Committee interviewed two (2) teams of local professional people and would recommend that Terry Kelly of 80 Victoria Street and Eldon Rostum of 32 Connaught be requested to carry out the study at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00. Resolved that Commercial Development Advisory Committee Report # 61 dated June 19th, 1984 be discussed and accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto and such funds be taken from the Parks Reserve Account. CARRIED Councillor Buck excused from the meeting at 10:50 p.m. RESOLUTIONS 1. West: Paivio: Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to Sign Subdivision Agreement (Casey/Prlestly) Be It Hereby Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Subdivision Agreement dated the 27th day of June, 1984, between the Town of Aurora and David Priestly and Denis Casey, Be It Further Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora does hereby grant the necessary servicing allocation to the units included within this development. CARRIED 2. Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to Sign Subdivision Agreement (Granada Investments -53 Lots) West: Be It Hereby Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign Paivio: a Subdivision Agreement dated the 27th day of June, 1984, between the Town of Aurora and Granada Investments Limited, Be It Further Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora does hereby grant the necessary servicing allocation to the 53 dwellings included within this plan. CARRIED t . ,, ___ _, SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 -9 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 3. Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to Sign Subdivision Agreement (Corridor Enterprises Incorporated) West: Be It Hereby Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign Paivio: a Subdivision Agreement dated the 18th day of June, 1984, between the Town of Aurora and Corridor Enterprises Incorporated, subject to the staff and solicitor approval, Ostic k: West: Be It Further Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora does hereby grant the necessary servicing allocation to 68 of the 106 dwelling units on the Plan, with the building permits for the remaining 38 units being withheld until such time as the Regional Municipality of York and the Town of Aurora grant the necessary allocation. CARRIED Resolved that the Hour be extended and the business on the Agenda completed. CARRIED 4. Town of Newmarket -Proposed Plan of Subdivision 19T-83048 Revised -Magna International West: Ostick: Resolved that the Region of York Planning Department be advised that the Town of Aurora have no objection to the approval of the draft plan 19T-83048 (revised) provided that the following condition of draft approval is applied. "That prior to final approval the Town of Newmarket shall enact a zoning by-law applying to Blocks 249-250 which shall have come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act which shall provide for such landscaping, berming or setbacks as may be agreed to by the Council of the Town of Aurora." CARRIED 5. Aurora Steel Stewart: Barker: Resolved that Aurora Steel be granted an extension to December 31, 1984 to substantially complete their industrial building. CARRIED 6. Report of the Flood Plain Review Commission West: Resolved that the fo11 owing recommendations be accepted: Paivio: Recommendation # 1 The Committee recommends that the Regulatory Flood used to designate Flood Plains in Ontario be the 100-Year Flood and will be defined by the water elevation having a return period of 100 years. Recommendation # 2 The Committee recommends that consideration be given to permitting the maintenance of a higher criteria, where already adopted, subject to a full public review and referral of this criteria to an appropriate hearing tribunal. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 -10 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 6. Report of the Flood Plain Review Commission (continued) Recommendation # 4 Structures below the high water elevation will be designed to be structurally stable and to provide a safe refuge from water flows at the control elevation. Recommendation # 5 The Committee recommends that the analyses of the flood plain include the definition of the floodway required for the passage of flood waters associated with the 100 year flood. Recommendation # 6 The Committee recommends that a freeboard be established in the definition of the Regulatory Flood level subject to further research being carried out. Recommendation # 7 Two-Zone Concept The Committee recommends that the Two-Zone concept be abandoned in favour of an approach whereby all areas within the flood plain as defined by the Regulatory Flood would be considered as a conditional development area. Recommendation # 8 Special Policy Areas The Committee recommends that further use of Special Policy Area designation be deferred until the implications of the new Regulatory Flood and the recommendations on conditional development can be assessed. Recommendation # 9 Responsibility for Implementation The Committee recommends that the primary responsibility for the implementation of flood plain management policies will be through the local municipalities under the new Planning Act. Recommendation # 10 Modificat1on to the Conservation Authorities Act The Committee recommends that the necessary modifications be made to the Conservation Authorities Act and other relevant legislation to effect the transfer of responsibility for the implementation of flood plain management policies from the Conservation Authorities to the local government. Recommendation # 11 The Committee recommends that consideration be given to amending the Conservation Authorities Act, to alter the powers of Conservation Authorities so that these bodies become advisors to participating local municipalities in the administration of the watershed. !"'-"•V" \..--·-' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 -11 - RESOLUTIONS (continued) 6. Report of the Flood Plain Review Commission (continued) West: Paivio: Recommendation # 12 and # 13 ~~riicip~i Oftlcial ·Plans The Committee recommends that municipal Official Plans include policies in accordance with the appropriate section of the new Planning Act to the effect that site plan control provisions will be extended to embrace those areas defined by the elevational line of the Regulatory Flood. Amendment may also have to be made to the existing legislation. The Committee recommends that policies be incorporated in the Municipal Official Plan which extend site plan control to include lands currently designated by fill and construction regulations. Recommendation # 14 The responsibility of enforcing the regulations remain with the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority. CARRIED Resolved that Recommendation # 3 not be accepted. CARRIED Recommendation # 3 The Committee recommends that all development within the flood plain be permitted anywhere within the floodplain subject to the development being controlled both from structural integrity during a flood as well for the potential to decrease channel capacity or channel storage. The flood plain shall include all land below the water elevations of the regulatory flood. 7. Matters Referred to Council in Committee West: E. Stewart: Resolved that the following matters be referred to the Council in Committee meeting scheduled for July 11th, 1984: 1. Graystones 2. Energy Study CARRIED 8. Payment Certificate Number 1 -Kalabria General Contractors Limited Ostick: Jones: Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Reid and Associates Limited, Payment Certificate Number 1 for Propect Number 1039 - Reconstruction of Mosley, Larmont and Metcalfe Streets in the amount of $22,527.09 be paid to Kalabria General Contractors Limited and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED L . .:..,~ SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 -12 - RESOLUTIONS (continued} 9. Payment of Accounts -Reid and Associates Limited Ostick: Resolved that the following accounts of Reid and Associates: Jones: BY-LAWS West: Jones: West: Jones: Invoice Project Number Amount Account Advisory Services (Retainer-May) 9608 $ 1,925.21 3100-38 Lakeview Est. Subdivision 9611 2,378.41 Engineering Res. Salpam Subdivision 9613 129.90 Engineering Res. Corridor Development Subdivision 9616 1,161. 90 Engineering Res. Greater Real Corporation Traffic Signals (Yonge 9622 103.92 Engineering Res. St. & Orchard Heights) 9625 335.44 3405-40 Wells St. Reconstruction (Wellington-Metcalfe) 9627 231.39 3360-40 Mosley, Metcalfe & Larmont Reconstruction 9628 2,210.38 3360-40 Aurora Highlands Phase V 9633 155.88 Engineering Res. Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Subdivision 9634 103.92 Engineering Res. Romano Subdivision 9636 231.34 Engineering Res. Town Industrial Park (Old Park Holdings) 9643 4,894.75 Indust. Park Acct. Intersection Improvements (Yonge and Industrial Parkway South) 9647 339.26 3100-34 Ra 1 ph Commercia 1 Pro posa 1 9655 134.21 3100-38 Industrial Park Servicing 9659 1,265.32 Indust. Park Acct. Aurora Highlands Phase VII 9664 168.24 Engineering Res. Yonge St. Spot Improvements 9666 940.68 3405-40 Vandorf Sdrd. Resurfacing 9669 -315.46 3360-40 Total $17,025.61 ••• in the total amount of $17,025.61 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED Bill Number 2693-84-Being a By-Law to authorized the execution of a proposal and estimate of cost (Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act) ••• be read a First Time. CARRIED Bill Number 2693-84-Being a By-Law to authorized the execution of a proposal and estimate of cost (Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act) ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED l ~- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1984 ~ 13 ~ BY~LAWS West: Jones: West: Jones: ADJOURNMENT West: e. Mayor Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By~Law Number 2554~83 be suspended and Bill Number 2693~84, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and Enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2688~84 ~ Being a By~Law to Amend By~Law 2213~78 a Zoning By~Law (Granada Investments ~ 53 lots) Bill Number 2689~84 ~ Being a By~Law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment Number 29 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area (Industrial Park III) ••• be read a Third Time. CARRIED Resolved that this meeting be adjourned at 11:26 p.m. CARRIED Clerk