MINUTES - Special Council - 198412191':
Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Evelyn Buck, Tim Jones, Len
Ostick, Earl Stewart and John West.
Regrets From: Councillor Norm Stewart on vacation and Councillor Martin Paivio had
another committment.
Also in attendance were Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan, Regional PlannerS. Seibert, Chief
Building Official R.J. Harrington and Assistant Planner Alina Bridgeman.
Mayor Illingworth advised those present that this meeting had been called as a
Public Meeting with respect to discuss the Goals and Objectives and Summary Report
Number 1 which reviews background information and Application Z-53-84 -Town
(Industrial Parking).
Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan advised that notices of the meeting were placed on November
14 and December 5, 1984 in the local paper in accordance with the rules of
procedure under The Planning Act (1983).
Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage
of the By-Law under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave
the meeting.
Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline the Official Plan Review, Review
of Goals and Objectives Summary Report Number 1.
Planner Seibert first outlined the goals and objectives.
Official Plan Review
Council, at its meeting of October 22, 1984, approved the draft Terms of Reference
for the Official Plan Review. The work program outlined in that report established
a public council meeting to discuss and review the background information which has
been collected in connection with this review and also to discuss the goals and
objectives of the current Official Plan which are intended to set the general inten
and direction of the Official Plan. A notice concerning this discussion has been
placed in the local paper. As well, a number of organizations within the community
--B.I.A. Chamber of Commerce, Real Estate Board, etc., were requested to comment
on the Goals and Objectives.
Attached is a copy of these Goals and Objectives and Summary Report Number 1 which
reviews background information.
-should contain clause to control rate of growth
-should contain clause so country oriented community is maintained
-should contain clause to show traffic pattern not road pattern
-should contain clause to allow for more leisure recreation facilities
-need for more moderate available housing needs.
Resolved that briefs be accepted until January 30, 1985 for
consideration by Council.
PlannerS. Seibert outlined Summary Report Number 1.
-water capacity
-over population
should encourage more service agencies (i.e.-Red Cross, YMCA, family
counselling to locate in Aurora)
West: Resolved that this report be received as information.
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Mayor Illingworth requested Planner Seibert to outline Application Z-53-84-
Parking Required in Industrial Zones.
Proposal ( Z-53-84 -Parking Required in Industrial Zones)
Council, at its meeting of June 18th, 1984, adopted the recommendation of the
Economic Development Committee that a review of the existing parking requirements
for industrial areas be undertaken with a view to easing the parking standards for
single use buildings and increase the parking requirements for the smaller,
multi-use industrial buildings.
In order to carry out this review, site visits to a number of selected industries
were carried out on the afternoon of September lOth and the morning of October
1st. These times were selected to determine if daily variances in parking demand
existed. Prior to visiting the sites, site plan agreements were examined to
determine the number of required parking spaces based on the floor area of the
building. On the site, total parking spaces were counted as well as the number of
occupied spaces.
The industrial buildings visited are generally relatively small plants and on both
site visits most parking lots showed a low occupancy. (see attached)
The standards which have been adopted in Aurora, are very similar to those of
Markham -South Don Mills Industrial Area and Richmond Hill -Beaver Creek
Industrial Area, except in both cases, for buildings over 30,000 square feet, the
portion over 30,000 square feet is calculated at l/2 the rate of the first 30,000
square feet. Discussions were held with planning staff of both of these
municipalities to determine how the requirements are working in these
municipalities. Both have indicated that the standards are generally accepted and
are enforced. Both of the industrial areas were visited and generally, parking
lots in the Markham area were quite full. The Beaver Creek Industrial Area in
Richmond Hill has not had enough development to make a judgement.
Markham staff indicated that when calculating the minimum requirement, no separate
standard is required for the office component of a building. There is also no
separate lower requirement for warehousing. Markham have experienced some
difficulty with heavy office concentrations in the industrial area which is leading
them to consider requiring additional parking for the office component.
The Town of Vaughan, about 2 years ago, adopted a new standard of 1 parking space
for each 750 square feet. In addition, 2 spaces for each 1,000 square feet of
office space is required. In the new Pine Valley Business Park, 2 spaces for each
1,000 square feet are being used. Vaughan staff find that the standard of 2 spaces
for each 1,000 square feet is the most acceptable except in speculative buildings
where they feel a higher standard, 3.5 spaces for each 1,000 square feet, would be
The result of this research appears to be that based on the field examination of
the existing buildings within the Industrial Park, more parking than is needed is
being required. An unknown and worrisome factor relating to this is the extent to
which businesses are operating to full capacity. A number of speculative buildings
appear to have vacancies. As well, at least one of the larger buildings appears to
partially unoccupied.
Markham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill, the most industrially active municipalities
within the Region find that around 2 spaces for each 1,000 square feet.
All these municipalities reduce the parking required for buildings over 30,000
square feet which may offer relief to larger buildings. Since this requirement
appears to be working well in other municipalities, it is suggested that this be
introduced in Aurora by way of an amendment to the zoning by-law. In respect to
the request for a general lowering of parking requirements, while observation
appears to bear out the fact that a greater than required number of parking spaces
are being required, discussion with municipal staff from areas of considerable
industrial activity indicates that the requirements are in line.
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Proposal (Z-53-84-Parking Required in Industrial Zones) (continued)
Richmond Hill, in response to the types of problems which Aurora is experienceing,
has adopted the following clause in the Beaver Creek Industrial Area By-Law:
"Where the builder of a building can demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Corporation that the total parking spaces
required under the provisions of this By-Law need not be provided
for the initial occupancy of the building, lesser numbers of
parking spaces may be constructed provided that the site plan
indicates the ability of the total number of parking spaces to be
accommodated at a future date in conformity with the provisions of
this By-Law."
The type of demonstration that lesser parking is needed which Richmond Hill
requires is a letter from an applicant, acceptable to Council, indicating that
lesser employees will be used initially, etc. The applicant also has to
demonstrate that the parking can be accommodated on the site and agrees in the site
plan agreement, which is registered on title, that the additional parking spaces
will be provided if the Town, at its sole discretion, determines that the parking
spaces are required.
Subject to the advice of the municipal solicitor, it is suggested that this
approach might be taken where circumstances warrant it.
In respect to the speculative buildings, staff of all municipalities contacted have
indicated that problems exist with the administration of parking standards.
Markham staff have indicated that offices are the main difficulty that is faced in
this respect. It is suggested that two remedies might be considered to this
problem; limiting the percentage of office space permissable in industrial
buildings and setting a munimum number of parking spaces per unit for these
buildings or increasing the minimum number of spaces provided on the basis of floor
area in multiple occupancy buildings. Suggested ratios would be 3 spaces for each
unit up to 100 square metres in size. For the portion over 100 square metres, 1
space for each 50 square metres. Alternatively, the requirement could be a
straight 3 spaces for each 100 square metres. A definition of premises should also
be added.
It is recommended that the zoning by-law be amended as follows:
1. To reduce the parking requirement for industrial buildings to 1 space for
each 100 square metres for industrial floor areas over 30,000 for the
portion of the building over 3,000 square metres (30,000 square feet).
2. That the parking requirement for multiple occupancy buildings be increased
and the definition of premises be added.
3. That the present requirement of 1 space for each 50 square metres for the
first 3,000 square metres be maintained but that a clause be added which
allows the municipality to waive the requirement in part, provided that the
applicant agrees in the subdivision agreement to provide all required
parking spaces at the municipality's request.
E. Stewart:
Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare the necessary
by-law for Council's consideration.
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1. C.U.P.E. Local 1359 Agreement
West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the
Jones: Agreement between Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1359 and
the Town of Aurora as negotiated by the Clerk-Administrator, for the
years 1984 and 1985.
2. Resignation of Steve Douglas, Building Inspector
E. Stewart:
Resolved that Council accept with regret the resignation of Building
Inspector Steve Douglas,
And further that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for the
position so vacated.
Resolved that this meeting be adjourned at 9:15 p.m.