MINUTES - Special Council - 19841128""'''" MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1984 at 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Richard Barker, Len Ostick, Earl Stewart, Norm Stewart and John West. Regrets From: Councillors Evelyn Buck and Tim Jones on vacation and Councillor Martin Paivio representing the Council at Aurora Heights Public School meeting. Also in attendance were Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan, Regional Planners. Seibert, Chief Building Official R.J. Harrington and Assistant Planner Alina Bridgeman. Councillor Norm Stewart declared a possible conflict of interest in Item (iii) - Nadin-Yonge Street North on the Agenda due to employment obligations and did not take part in or vote on any question in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such question. Mayor Illingworth introduced and welcomed Councillor B. Walford, Chairman of the Planning Committee from the Town of Newmarket. Mayor Illingworth, on behalf of the Aurora Council, thanked the many people involved in the disastrous fire that took place on the weekend. West: E. Stewart: Resolved that a letter of sincere appreciation be sent to the following for their help in fighting the fire: Aurora Vo 1 unteers, Town of Aurora Fire Department, Town of Richmond Hill Fire Department, Bradford Ambulance Service, York Regional Police Force, Aurora Hydro, Mr. and Mrs. F. Browning, Norm Stewart of St. Andrew's College. CARRIED Planner Sue Seibert introduced the new Assistant Planner Alina Bridgeman. Mrs. Bridgeman was welcomed by Mayor Illingworth. Mayor Illingworth advised those present that this meeting has been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the introduction of By-Laws amending the Zoning By-Law for Aurora Country Estates, Nadin-Yonge Street North and 593624 Ontario (Lakeview) and D.P. Amendments for Kelly -Old Yonge Street (revised) and Aurora South West Secondary Study. Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan advised that notices of the meeting were mailed on October 2nd, 1984, by First Class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora and advertisements were placed on October 24th, 1984 and November 21st, 1984 in the local paper. The necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-Laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave this meeting. Mayor Illingworth requested S. Seibert, to outline Application Number OP-45-84 (Kelly-Old Yonge Street (revised)). Proposal (OP-45-84 -Kelly) The applicant proposes to amend the Official Plan category applying to the subject lands comprising 23.83 ha (58.89 acres) from "Rural" to "Urban Residential and Environmental Protection", as shown on the attached plan. Current Zoning RU -Rural Official Plan Rura 1 L...~--~· COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1984 - 2 - Proposal (OP-45-84 -Kelly) (continued) Comment The applicants propose to amend the Official Plan category applying to the subject lands from "Rural" to "Urban Residential and Environmental Protection". An application involving only the Kelly property, shown on the attached plan, which is located central to the present proposed amendment area on the east side of Old Yonge Street was heard by Council at its public meeting of April 26, 1984. That application requested an Official Plan amendment from "Rural" to "Urban Residential" on only the Kelly property. The application was denied by Council basically because it was considered to be piecemeal planning. The subject application involving the surrounding lands appears to have resulted from that decision. Part of the subject lands are within an area shown within the urban servicing boundary as adopted by Council. The rational for that decision was based on the fact that services are available although Council did not discuss amending the Official Plan to permit urban densities. The Yonge Street frontage and the area along St. John's Sideroad has been recommended for a Special Policy Area which would attempt to maintain the openness and rural appearance of the area while encouraging certain compatible uses such as institutional or large lot residential uses. Since services are available for at least part of the area some urban style redevelopment may be appropriate within the area. However, since the property is near the municipality's northern boundary, it is suggested that normal urban scale densities are not appropriate in this area nor compatible with the presently existing residential uses which are developed on large lots. Water and sewer capacities for the area are unknown and should be determined in connection with proposed densities, etc. It is suggested that it would be appropriate to resolve these issues in connection with the Official Plan Review currently in progress. To this end it is suggested that staff be instructed to meet with the property owners and/or their Planning Consultant to discuss possible densities of development, open space areas, etc. and report back to Planning Committee and Council as part of the ongoing Official Plan Review. Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. York Regional Health Unit-no objection. Concerns: No objections. West: E. Stewart: Resolved that OP-45-84 (Kelly) be referred to the Official Plan Review meetings currently in progress. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-48-84 (Aurora Country Estates). Proposal (Z-48-84 -Aurora Country Estates) The applicant proposes to amend the Zoning By-Law from "RU-Rural" to "R2 -Detached Residential Second Density", "Major Open Space" and "Commercial" to permit the development of plan of subdivision having approximately 379 residential lots, 3 open space blocks, and a possible commercial block. ·---~-· '·'·'·"'·'\ COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1984 - 3 - Proposal (Z-48-84 -Aurora Country Estates) (continued) Current Zoning RU -Rural Official Plan Urban Residential, Official Plan Amendment Number 25, approved June 4, 1984. Comment The subject rezoning application would implement a plan of subdivision which has been recommended for approval by Council. Since the plan was dealt with through Council, a draft Secondary Plan has been presented to Council which recommends "Urban Residential" development on the lands south of the subject lands. The Secondary Plan proposes an "Urban Residential" neighbourhood consisting of 3,500 persons in the area south and west of the subject lands. This plan would propose that "Street C" and "K Place" as shown on the draft plan, be extended through to Bathurst Street as the collector road for the neighbourhood. As well, a commercial area for the neighbourhood has been suggested at the intersection of Henderson Drive and the collector road. These requirements will necessitate amendment to the draft plan if Council adopts the Secondary Plan. The applicants have indicated that they are willing to widen "Street C" and "K Place" to form a collector road. They have also indicated that they are willing to provide a commercial site of approximately 1/3 to 1/4 acre to allow the establishment of a free standing commercial facility (i.e. a Beckers, Mac's. Milk, etc.). The do not, however, propose the one (1) acre site as suggested in the Secondary Plan. Since the application was filed the applicants have requested a number of exceptions to the general "R2" provisions: 1. Increase in building coverage from 35% to 40% to allow for large bungalow units; and 2. Reduction in the front setback from 6 metres (approximately 20 feet) to 4.5 metres (approximately 15 feet) on Street "A" which is adjacent to the railway track to allow flexibility in house siting because of the CN Rail requirement that there be a 30 metre (approximately 100 foot) rear yard requirement. Technical staff have no major problems with these requests although the additional coverage, should Council agree to grant it, should be limited to bungalows only. The 4.5 metre front yard is the same exception as has been granted to Revl is where lots also abut the CN Rail trackage. In respect to the general subdivision plan, it has been reviewed by local technical staff, provincial ministries and boards and commissioners, and no problems which cannot be resolved as conditions of draft approval, have been raised. Concerns: -water pressure -tree/bushes to be retained -size of development -privacy would be eliminated -wooded area to stay as is -traffic flow Henderson Drive improvements -traffic lights needed -Bathurst/Henderson -commercial store West: Barker: Resolved that proposal OP-48-84 (Lakeview) be referred back to the Planning Committee for review of objections received and report back to Council. CARRIED ~''• o7-'< COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1984 - 4 - Mayor Illingworth requested Mrs. Seibert to outline Application Number Z-49-84 (Nadin-Yonge Street North). Proposal (Z-49-84 -Nadin) The applicant proposes to amend By-Law 2213-78 from "RU -Rural" to "C3-1" to permit a dog kennel on the subject lands. The applicant has indicated that the maximum number of dogs which would be kept on the property would be 20. Current Zoning RU -Rural Official Plan The subject lands are currently designated "Rural" by the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. The Rural land use category indicates that the predominant use of land shall be for agriculture, forestry, and activities connected with the conservation of soil and wildlife. Other permitted uses are those considered necessary in a rural area and accessory or subordinate to the previously mentioned major uses. Additional permitted uses are greenhouses, nurseries, publicly owned parks and recreational uses, churches, public uses and facilities of various public utility agencies. Small-scale commercial uses such as farm implement or supply uses related to and serving the surrounding agricultural area and limited commercial uses serving the travelling public may also be permitted. As well, farm residences and limited non-farm residential uses are permitted. The pol icy section requires that provision be made for adequate setback from property lines, landscaping and buffering, parking and loading facilities, prohibition of nuisance or obnoxious uses and control over outside storage. Comment The subject site is located between St. Andrew's College, a private boys school and the Willow Farm, the easterly portion of which is proposed for a private tennis club. Solicitors, on behalf of St. Andrews College, have raised a strong objection to the proposed use of the site for a dog kennel. A copy of their letter is attached. It is suggested that based on the Official Plan policy which requires prohibition of nuisance or obnoxious uses that a dog kennel of this scale could be considered obnoxious and therefore not permitted within this area where a nuisance could result. Agency Comments York Region Planning Department -no Regional concern suggest a special provision permitting only the requested use would be more appropriate. Concerns: -odour from kennels -noise quality of 1 ife West: Resolved that this Proposal (Nadin) be rejected. E. Stewart: CARRIED t"'""''' COUNCIL MEETING ••• WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1984 - 5 - Mayor Illingworth requested Mrs. Seibert to outline Application Number Z-50-84 (Lakeview). Proposal (Z-50-84-Lakeview) The applicants of the above noted property are appearing before Planning Committee on November 26, 1984 to discuss possible further red-1 ine changes to the above plan resulting from the tour of Vaughan 30 foot lots. If Planning Committee support these further changes, they may wish to alter the plan which would be discussed at the November 28, 1984 Public Meeting scheduled as Z-50-84. Otherwise, I am given the original zoning. on the application at presentation. Concerns: -30 foot 1 ots -quality of life -traffic flow -parking problems to understand they wish to Because of this situation, this time but will prepare devaluation of homes in the area -density -drainage -buffer needed - 1 ot changes from draft plan -degradation of lot sizes drop the application and maintain I am unable to complete a report one after the Planning Committee West: Barker: Resolved that this proposal (Z-50-84 -Lakeview) be referred to Council in Committee for further discussion. CARRIED N. Stewart: Resolved that the Hour be extended and the Agenda completed. Barker: CARRIED Proposal (OP-51-84 -Aurora South West Secondary Study) Mr. Kelly, Land Use Planner, outlined to those present a draft of the Aurora South West Secondary Study. West: E. Stewart: Resolved that the Aurora South West Secondary Study be referred to a 1985 Council in Committee meeting for further discussion. CARRIED Official Plan Review West: Ostick: Resolved that an advertisement be placed in the Aurora Banner, December 5, 1984 advising this matter will be discussed at the Public meeting scheduled for December 19, 1984-7:30p.m. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT West: Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:50 p.m. CARRIED Q~"~·~ Mayor ·~"· ~ .._//