MINUTES - Special Council - 19831124,,~< \.. __ _,~ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1983 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Richard Barker, Evelyn Buck, Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, Earl Stewart, and John West. Also in attendance were Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger and Regional Planner S. Seibert. Mayor Illingworth advised that this meeting has been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the introduction of By-Laws for Tetra Pak Inc., Brafam Investments, Kovacs and Archerhill Investments Ltd. properties and other matters as listed on the Agenda. Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger advised that Notices of the Meetings were mailed on October 13, 1983, by first class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised Assessment Roll of the Town of Aurora, to which the proposed By-Laws would apply and further, the necessary signs were posted on the various properties according to the rules of procedure under The Planning Act. Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of the By-Law should sign the forms available before they leave this meeting. Mayor Illingworth requested PlannerS. Seibert to outline the Tetra Pak re-zoning request: Proposal (Tetra Pak) The applicant is president of Tetra Pak Inc., a multi-national industry which manufactures specialized packaging products. The company wishes to construct a production facility comprising approximately 7,000 m2 (75,000 sq. ft.) and a storage facility of approximately the same size. As well, an office area of 1,200 m2 {13,000 sq. ft.) and a utility area of 3,800 m2 (30,000 sq. ft.) will be part of the production facility. The total complex will be approximately 20,000 m2 or 200,000 sq. ft. The subject site is approximately 7 hectares (17.5 acres in area). Loading facilities for the complex are proposed at the north and west sides of the building. Parking will be provided along the Vandorf Sideroad frontage. The warehouse facility will be approximately 15 metres in height. Current Zoning The subject site is currently zoned M2 which permits a variety of industrial uses. The maximum height permitted is 10 metres (32.81 feet). Parking required for the subject proposal would be approximately 200 spaces. The applicants have proposed to provide 80 parking spaces. Comment The applicants have requested changes to the zoning by-law in two areas; the maximum height requirement on the property is 10 metres. The applicants request 15 metres. The parking requirement is approximately 200 spaces, the applicant requests 80. In respect to the height issue, the property is directly adjacent to the Coutts Hallmark property. The maximum height requirement for that property was amended from 10 metres to 15 metres. The Coutts Hallmark building is compatible with the neighbouring buildings and the setting of large industrial lots. In respect to the requested parking reduction, the applicants have provided staff with information to support the reduction, based on their experience in some 20 - 25 other plants located throughout the world. The applicants have indicated that the warehouse facility will be manned primarily with robots and the total staff within the facility will be 9 persons. In total it is expected that there will be a maximum employment of 200 persons in three shifts. The requested reduction appears to be justifiable on that basis. In addition, considerable area for the expansion of parking is available should it be required. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1983 - 2 - Agency Comments Received Ministry of Transportation and Communications South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority York Region Board of Education .No Objection No Objection No Objection West: E. Stewart: Resolved that PlannerS. Seibert be directed to prepare the necessary By-Law for Council's consideration. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested PlannerS. Seibert to outline the Granny Tarts Application (Brafam Investments): Proposal (Brafam Investments) The applicant owns Granny Tarts which is located on 24 Industry Street South. In order to construct an addition to the rear of the existing building the applicant has requested that the minimum exterior sideyard be amended from 9 metres (30 feet) to 2.4 m (8 feet) and also that the setback for a loading space in the exterior sideyard be reduced from 60 metres {200 feet) to 24 metres (80 feet). Current Zoning The property is currently zoned M2, which permits a variety of industrial uses. Comment The applicants sold the northerly part of their holdings to the Town of Aurora to accommodate the completion of the Industrial Parkway on the understanding that a reduced exterior sideyard requirement would apply to any building additions they wished to make to the existing building. Because of the configuration of the existing building and the present production design, the applicants request a reduction from 9 metres (30 feet) to 2.4 metres (8 feet). In order to comply with the loading requirements, the applicant must add additional loading space along with the proposed addition which would be located within the exterior sideyard. By-Law 2213-78 requires 60 metres setback from the road allowance a requirement which is partially functional, i.e. to ensure no back ups of trucks onto road allowances and allow maneouvering space and partially for aesthetic reasons, i.e. so that a more attractive view is presented to the road allowance. The maximum length of a transport truck is in the order of 24 metres (80 feet). Therefore a truck can be accommodated off the road allowance within that area. Agency.Comments Ministry of Transportation and Communications No Objection No Objection York Region Board of Education West: N. Stewart: Resolved that PlannerS. Seibert be directed to prepare the necessary By-Law for Council's consideration. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested PlannerS. Seibert to outline the Kovacs re-zoning request: SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1983 - 3 - Propos a 1 (Kovacs) The applicant proposes to change the Official Plan category applying to the subject lands from "Rural" to "Industrial" in order that the lands can be developed for industrial purposes. Current Official Plan Ru ra 1 • Comment The subject lands are close to lands designated "Industrial" however they do not directly abut industrial lands. Should Council determine that the subject lands are appropriate for industrial purposes, the lands abutting to the west should also be designated "Industrial" to provide continuity. The subject lands are part of Registered Plan 231 which was registered in 1858. This plan contained a total of 28 lots ranging in size from a minimum of approximately 1/4 acre on Wellington Street to 3 acres to the north. A number of streets were laid out to serve the development although these streets were never dedicated as public road allowance. The lots fronting on Wellington Street were sold off and have been for the most part developed for residential purposes. The lots to the rear of these are held in two titles those owned by the applicant and which comprise some 16.5 acres and the remainder about 2 1/2 acres held in separate title. The subject application is bounded by residential development to the south, a rural land to the north and east and to the west a landscape. The north-east part of the site is within the floodplain of the Tannery Creek. The subject site has only 45 feet of frontage on the public road (Wellington Street). This is not sufficient frontage to provide for an internal road system. Development of the land should probably take place off of the Industrial Parkway North in conjunction with the development of those properties fronting on the Parkway. Buck: West: Resolved that this application be referred to the Planning Committee for further study. CARRIED Mayor Ilingworth requested PlannerS. Seibert to outline the Archerhill re-zoning request: Proposal (Archerhill) The applicants originally proposed 46 -1/2 acre lots serviced with municipal water and private sewage treatment facilities on the subject lands which comprise 12.5 ha (30 acres). This was subsequently amended to 22 - 1 acre lots serviced by private sewage treatment facilities and water supply and an Official Plan Amendment to permit the site to be developed was prepared and a public meeting held. Considerable public opposition to the 22 lot proposal was received and the applicants revised the plan to provide 14 two acre lots which comply with the Estate Residential policies. The present application is to redesignate the subject lands from "Rural" to Estate Resident i a 1 ". Comment As Council is aware, the York Region Medical Officer of Health and the Ministry of the Environment have recently met with land owners in the area to the south of the subject lands regarding contaminants found in some of the well water. In addit.ion, the Ministry of the Environment has recently commented on the 14 lot subdivision. The following comments have been made by the Ministry concerning the proposal. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1983 - 4 - Comment (continued) " ••• we have determined that the subdivision area is located in the direction of groundwater flow from the area of York Sanitation Site Number 1. There is an existing contamination plume migrating from the waste disposal site in the direction of this subdivision and this plume is presently being more accurately delineated. Indications are that the leading edge of the plume has already reached the southern part of the proposed subdivision and a long term risk exists that groundwater contamination may occur for the entire area of this subdivision. We are therefore opposed to the use of individual wells in this development area and recommend that arrangements be made to service this proposal with water from the Town of Aurora municipal system; the supply for which is from a deeper acquifer, sufficiently distant and separate from upper acquifers which are susceptible to contamination. In summary therefore, we object to the approval of the present plan but advise that we would have no objections to approval of a plan predicated on municipal water servicing. Any redesign of the plan however would also have to consider the agricultural impact for this property as defined by the Agricultural Code of Practice." Should Council determine that the proposal should proceed with 2 acre lots and municipal water supply a special land use category should be applied to the subject lands to reflect the method of servicing and distinguish it from normal Estate Residential Development on private services. West: Buck: NEW BUSINESS Resolved that the necessary by-law be prepared for an Official Plan Amendment, showing that the property may be serviced with a municipal piped water supply, if required, the Subdivision to contain 14 Estate type lots. CARRIED 1. Arthritis Society West: Resolved that the 72 Hour Notice be waived and a request from the Buck: Arthritis Society be considered. West: Buck: ADJOURNMENT Buck: CARRIED Resolved that the Arthritis Society be granted permission to place a Banner across Yonge Street. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:25 p.m. CARRIED R~A. ~JL-- Mayor \j c=-CTerk