MINUTES - Special Council - 19840530MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 AT 7:30P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Richard Barker, Evelyn Buck, Tim Jones, Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, Earl Stewart and John West. Absent Were: Councillor Norm Stewart. Also in attendance were Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger, Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan, Regional Planners. Seibert and Chief Building Official R.J. Harrington. Mayor Illingworth advised those present that this meeting has been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the introduction of By-Laws amending the Zoning ,,...... By-Law for Granada Investments (53 Lots), Town (Industrial Park III), J-G Cordone (91 Yonge Street North), J-G Cordone (79 Yonge Street North), Romano, Granada Investments (171 Lots) and Switzer (19 Ross Street) and D.P. Amendments for Densbury Investments, Town (Estate Residential Policy), Dewar (Willow Farm), Town (Industrial Park III) and Romano. -.. < Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan advised that Notices of the Meeting were mailed on April 19th, 1984, by first class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised Assessment Roll of the Town of Aurora, to which the By-Laws would apply and further, the necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of any of the By-Laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave this meeting. Mayor Illingworth requested S. Seibert, to outline Application Number OP-18-84 (Densbury Investments): Proposal (Bonphydarian Investments Limited -OP-18-84) The applicant proposes to redesignate the subject lands which are located east of the proposed extension of Industry Street North from "Rural" to "Industrial". The subject lands are 3.961 hectares (9.78 acres) in area and would be provided with road access by means of a cul-de-sac off of Industry Street North. Comment Since the subject lands are adjacent to lands which are designated for industrial, the proposal in question appears to be a logical extension of existing uses and lan use categories. Since there are several applications for small amounts of industrial land, it is suggested that one (1) Official Plan Amendment be enacted to redesignate such lands for administrative simplification. The floodplain lands should be designated as "Open Space" or "Environmental Protection". Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority-recommends that the valley lands within the ~ock be designated as "Major Open Space" or "Environmental Protection Area". York Region Board of Education -no objection. Region of York Planning-no objection. Ministry of Natural Resources -no objection. Concerns -selecting of only small parcel of land, owned by applicant, for an Amendment, total area should be considered. -piecemeal effect West: Buck: Resolved that O.P. Amendment# 18 be referred to Council in Committee for further discussion. CARRIED SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 - 2 - Mayor Illingworth requested S. Seibert, to outline Application Number Z-20-84 (Granada Investments-53 lots): Proposal (Granada Investments -Z-20-84) The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from "H" -Holding to "Residential" to permit the continued residential development of the Aurora Highlands Golf Course. The phase presently under consideration consists of 53 detached residential lots which have frontages ranging from 16 metres (52 feet) to 26 metres (85 feet) and a minimum lot size of 600 square metres (approximately 6,500 square feet). There is also one block of private open space (golf course) in the subdivision which has already been zoned "Major Open Space". Comment The subject property is also the subject of an application for a plan of subdivision. During that approval process the comments of a large number of local boards, and agencies as well as provincial ministries have been received and approval of the draft plan has be.en given by Regional Council. The proposal under consideration appears to be compatible with previous development phases. Engineering plans have been substantially completed. Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. York Region Board of Education -no objection. Regional Planning-no objection. Concerns No concerns expressed. West: E. Stewart: Resolved that Planner s. Seibert be directed to prepare the necessary By-Law for Council's consideration. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested S. Seibert to outline Application OP-22-84-Town- Estate Residential Policy: Estate Residential Policy In response to concerns which have been expressed over the past year concerning estate type development and the appropriateness of the various locations in these applications have been proposed, an attempt has been made to develop more comprehensive policies and approaches to the lands currently designated "Rural" in Aurora. To that end a number of new land use categories have been established and broad policies for these categories are listed below. The attached map indicates the areas to which the policies are intended to apply. Agricultural Priority Area This category would be applied to most of the lands east of Bayview Avenue which are mainly Class I agricultural lands on existing large holdings used agriculturally. While it is recognized that some of this area which is within the Oak Ridges Moraine has steeper grades and less desirable agricultural land, there is a concern that development of the poorer agricultural land will detract from the continued use of Class I agricultural lands. Also there are a number of areas which while classified as poor agricultural land are currently used for major agricultural operations. ·-~-' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 - 3 - Agricultural Priority Area (continued) The basic policy direction then for this area would be much the same as the existing Rural Policy with it being made clear that Estate Residential applications would not be considered in the Agricultural Priority Area. Limited severances which are farm related would be permitted. Special Policy Area Two special policy areas are established Area I east and west on the Yonge Street corridor and along both sides of St. John's Sideroad is considered extremely important in ensuring that there is an identifiable community of Aurora as distinct and separate from Newmarket. The main emphasis of Special Policy Area I would be to attract uses which have a large permanent open space component. The current large residential lots and Anglican Conference Centre achieve this goal. The suggested uses on this area would then be "Institutional" uses on large grounds, not requiring municipal services, outdoor recreation facilities with large open space conponents, residential uses on private services on very large lots. Consideration might be given to extending this to limited commercial uses, not requiring municipal services on lots of not less than 10 acres which are in keeping with the overall intent of maintaining the open nature of this area, Special Policy Area II is intended largely to reflect the Town's desire to keep its opt1ons open 1n the area identified which is adjacent to the Town's existing industrial area. The policy approach in this area then would be to prohibit residential or non-farm uses and discourage consents. This category would be somewhat temporary in its nature and should be reviewed by the Town from time to time to determine its appropriateness. The Urban Special category has been suggested as an alternative to Estate Residential in an area abutting a fully serviced urban residential area which has a unique natural landscape embodying deep ravines, wood lot, ponds and open fields formerly used for agriculture. The intension would be then to establish a policy which would allow development on full urban services thereby extending the urban servicing boundary in the areas of the property which are suited to development while maintaining as much of the natural features of the site as possible. In the consideration of this type of policy it must be clear that while much smaller lot sizes than Estate Residential would be permitted, much of the site could also be preserved. Because of the wooded boundary of much of the site the development of the interior part of the site would have little impact on areas north and east of it. It is suggested that an overall density for the site be established. Existing Non-Farm and Infill Area This category represents existing nodes of non-agricultural development in the agricultural area and also estate residential commitments which had been made within the agricultural area. Within the existing strip development areas infill between existing houses would be permitted but not extensions of these areas. It should be noted that existing estate residential commitments have been shown as existing non-farm since the intension would be to discourage extension of these areas. Secondary Study Area This area which is rolling treed in parts, scenic and already partially developed for estate residential is to be studied to determine road patterns, approaches to development adjacent to arterial roads and the railway tracks and appropriate land uses which would in all likelihood be low density residential, recognizing the existing development trends. It is intended that this study would be carried out by private consultants and an Official Plan Amendment produced. Open Space Area This area reflects existing large tracts of open space and the flood plain of the Holland River. The South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority has pointed out that other flood plain areas exist. r--. ~-- -- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 - 4 - Comment It is suggested that should Council wish to proceed with these policies appropriate Official Plan Amendment(s) be drafted and presented to a future public meeting. Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority: -point out the existence of flood plain areas throughout the rural area. -note that much of the southern portion of Aurora is located within an Environmentally Significant area known as the Aurora Infiltration area. These areas should be thoroughly analyzed before development takes place on them. Suggest policies be included in the amendments respecting this. -also recommend policies regarding hazards such as steep slopes and soil instability and environmental aspects such as woodlots and wetlands. -would like to review draft amendment. York Region Board of Education: -will comment when policies circulated by Town. Regional Planning: -the proposal to develop new policies in respect to these extensive areas surrounding the urban area of Aurora is welcome especially in light of the extensive amendment being proposed at this time. -would like to receive policies. Town of Newmarket: -would like to receive notice of future meetings concerning this proposed policy. Ministry of Natural Resources: -new policies should be forwarded for review. West: E. Stewart: Resolved that this matter be deferred until after Item Number 10 - Romano on the Agenda is considered. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number OP-21-84 (Dewar -Will ow Farm): Proposal (Dewar-Willow Farm -OP-21-84) The subject lands are located north of St. Andrew's College and the Lakeview lands and south of St. John's Sideroad. The applicant originally proposed Estate Residential development comprising approximately 47 - 2 acres lots on the subject site. The site which is categorized as good agricultural land was the subject of a study to determine its suitability for agricultural purposes. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food conceded that due to topography and because of its closeness to the urban area of Aurora could be considered for residential but indicated that the large lot aspects of the Estate Residential proposal would have to be reduced to comply with the Foodland Guidelines and with the existing pattern of growth in Aurora. In response to this comment consideration was given to other forms of residential development with the recommendation ultimately being made that an "Urban Special" type of category be applied to the site. This was just described in the previous discussion. In response to this recommendation the applicant has prepared a concept plan (to be displayed).. This plan has not yet been reviewed by Council nor its technical aspects reviewed by staff. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 - 5 - Proposal (Dewar-Willow Farm-OP-21-84) (continued) Comment It is suggested that the concept plan be presented to Council at a future meeting. If Council wish to pursue this type of concept, that staff be requested to review the plan with a view to preparing an Official Plan Amendment which should be presented at a future public meeting. Concerned public agencies should be consulted in this process. Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation and Communications: -do not anticipate a conflict with highway system. -will recommend conditions of draft approval at subdivision stage. -request formal notice of Council's approval of this application. Regional Planning: -note that the property is close to the urban area of the Town and consider that its future development should be in an urban form. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority: -express concern with approval because much of the lands subject to flooding. -area also contains small headwater streams and steep slopes therefore disturbance should be minimized. -recommend buffer areas and that as much as possible of treed areas be conserved. request draft of Official Plan Amendment if Council is considering approval. York Region Board of Education: -no objection. Concerns effect on wells in vicinity. -density. -road access. -street lighting shining onto adjoining properties. -condition of St. John's sideroad, Buck: Jones: Resolved that this proposal be referred to the Planning Committee for report and further that no technical work be undertaken until report is re~eived and Council considers same. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested Mrs. Seibert to outline Application Numbers OP-23-84 (Town-Industrial Park III) and Z-24-84 (Town-Industrial Park III): Proposal (Town Industrial Park III -OP-23-84 and Z-24-84) The subject property is the Town's Industrial Park# 3 which is located on the south side of Wellington Street East. The more westerly part of this property was the subject of Official Plan Amendment Number 14 which redesignated the lands from "Rural" to "Industrial". The subject applications would change the Wellington Street frontage of the property from "Rural" to "Commercial" and the remaining property from "Rural" to "Industrial" and a small additional open space area on steep lands which are unsuitable for development purposes. Comment This proposed amendment forms a logicial extension to the existing industrial area. The commercial uses are intended to be service type uses. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 -6 - Proposal (Town Industrial Park III -OP-23-84 and Z-24-84) (continued) It is suggested for administrative simplicity that this amendment be included with other small industrial amendments as one document. Agency Comments York Region Board of Education -no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. York Region Planning Department -note that this amendment would be part of a number of proposals east of the developed area of Aurora and should be considered in light of an overall review of the Official Plan. Servicing needs of the community would be a major part of this review as well as boundary of future development. E. Stewart: West: Resolved that the Planner S. Seibert, be directed to prepare the necessary O.P. Amendment and Zoning By-Law for Council's consideration. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-25-84 (J-G Cordone -91 Yonge Street North) Proposal (J-G Cordone -91 Yonge Street North -Z-25-84) The applicant proposes to rezone the subject site from "R5 -Special Mixed Density Residential" to "Special Mixed Density Residential Exception" to permit the fo 11 owing uses: -an art gallery -a studio a professional office, including the office of a real estate broker or insurance agency -an antique dealer -a craft shop The applicant intends to provide parking to the rear of the existing building. Comment Official Plan Amendment Number 10 made provision for alternate uses of existing residences within the older part of the community located on arterial roads. The amendment provides that uses proposed under this category should be limited commercial uses, such as a professional office, an artist's studio or music studio, an insurance or real estate office or similar uses which are compatible with residential uses. The lands must be appropriately rezoned and it has been Council's policy to limit the uses to one or two which are specifically stated. Similar applications have been approved for uses which are apparently satisfactory to neighbours such as a bridal salon and photographic studio, an art gallery, an antique shop, a doctor's office and a professional office (land surveyor). Many of these retain a residential use on the upper floor. The applicant proposes to supply five the building is 245.8 square metres. 14.7 spaces would be required. (5) parking spaces. The gross floor area of According to current requirements a total of If the commercial uses are limited to the ground floor, seven (7) spaces would be needed. The applicants have offered to provide parking in the front yard. It is suggested that front yard parking in this area is not appropriate. It is also suggested that prior to Council enacting any by-law the parking issue be resolved. In addition, Council may wish to be more specific insofar as the permitted uses are concerned than has been requested by the applicant. '------~ SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 - 7 - Proposal (J-G Cordone -91 Yonge Street North -Z-25-84) (continued) Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. York Region Board of Education -no objection. Regional Planning-note applications do not specify uses as intended by Official Plan Amendment Number 10. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. Concerns -what will be use of building. -parking. West: E. Stewart: Resolved that this matter be referred to staff and Planning Committee for study regarding parking, etc. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested PlannerS. Seibert to outline Application Number Z-26-84 (J-G Cordone -79 Yonge Street North): Proposal (J-G Cordone -79 Yonge Street North -Z-26-84): The applicant proposes to rezone the subject site from "R5 -Special Mixed Density Residential Exception" to permit the following uses: -an art gallery - a studio - a professional office, including the office of a real estate broker or insurance agency an antique dealer - a craft shop The applicant intends to provide parking to the rear of the existing building. Comment Official Plan Number 10 made provision for alternate uses of existing residences within the older part of the community located on arterial roads. The amendment provides that uses proposed under this category should be limited commercial uses such as a professional office, an artist's studio or music studio, an insurance or real estate office or similar uses which are compatible with residential uses. The lands must be appropriately rezoned and it has been Council's policy to limit the uses to one or two which are specially stated. Similar applications have been approved for uses which are apparently satisfactory to neighbours such as a bridal salon and photographic studio, an art gallery, an antique shop, a doctor's office, and a professional office (land surveyor). Many of these retain a residential use on the upper floor. In this case the applicant proposes to supply five (5) parking spaces to the rear of the existing building. The gross floor area of the building is 145.7 square metres. According to current requirements 8.7 spaces would be required. The ground floor area is 90 square metres requiring 5.4 spaces. Additional area is available for parking in the rear yard. Because the uses to the east of the subject property are residential, the parking area should be suitably screened. It appears that the details of the parking and landscaping can be resolved during a site plan agreement which would normally preceed third reading of the zoning by-law. ·---- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 - 8 - Proposal (J-G Cordone -79 Yonge Street North -Z-26-84) (continued) Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. York Region Board of Education -no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. Regional Planning-note that applications do not specify uses as intended by Official Plan Amendment Number 10. Concerns -use -parking West: Buck: Resolved that this matter be referred to the Planning Committee and Mr. Gow and Mr. Chamber be notified when Council is to consider By-Law. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Numbers OP-27-84 (Romano) and Z-28-84 (Romano): Proposal (Romano -OP-27-84 and Z-28-84) The subject property is located in Part of Lot 11, Concession 2 on the north side of Bloomington Road, east of Bayview directly west of Carcone's Auto Wrecking yard. The owners proposed to amend the Official Plan to permit "Estate Residential" development on the site which has 7.815 ha (19.31 acres) in area. The zoning by-law amendment applied for would implement the requested Official Plan Amendment. As well a subdivision application for 8 lots having minimum areas of .8 ha (2 acres) has been filed. The subdivision would be serviced by means of a cul-de-sac off of a proposed street in the Dical subdivision located west and north of the subject property. The applicants have undertaken engineering studies and landscape analysis in support of the application. Comment The subject lands directly abut the Dical subdivision. The Regional Planning Department has made the following comment concerning the Dical subdivision. "As you are aware, the Technical Report (concerning Dical) was considered by the Regional Planning Committee on May 16, 1984. The Planning Committee deferred making a decision on the application to allow a joint meeting between the Mayor of the Town of Aurora, representatives of the Town and the Regional Planning Committee to discuss the impact of the adjacent auto wrecking yard (which also abuts the subject lands) and the nearby Miller Paving aggregate extract in operation and asphalt batching plant." The Regional Engineering Department has also verbally expressed concern about road configurations in the area. This may be a particularly pertinent concern because the owners of the lands directly north of the subject lands and the Dical lands have recently retained a planner to investigate the feasibility of developing their lands for "Estate Residential" purposes. The property adjoins the existing auto wrecking yard the owners of which have indicated that they intend to remain in business for the foreseeable future. Miller Paving has also written a letter of concern specifically requesting that an acoustical study of passenger vehicles and truck traffic on Bloomington be carried out and that appropriate warning clauses be inserted in documentation registered on title to the lots in any subdivision which is approved on the subject lands. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ,,, THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 - 9 - Proposal (Romano -OP-27-84 and Z-28-84) (continued) Comment (continued) In addition, there is a planning concern with the spread of "Estate Residential" along Bloomington Road a major Regional Arterial which interchanges with Highway 404. In a policy paper recently accepted by Council for public discussion, the philosophy of setting this area aside for agricultural purposes while encouraging lot density estate type development in the Yonge Street corridor has been put forward, It is suggested that because of these various concerns that the proposal not be approved at this time and any further consideration not take place at least until after the issues surrounding the Dical subdivision have been resolved, Agency Comments York Region Board of Education -no objection. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objections. York Region Planning (see attached). Other Comments Gardiner Roberts, Barristers and Solicitors (see attached). Concerns -Miller Paving -near Gravel Pit -Regional road widening -reserve 0.3 m. needed Bloomington Road frontage -accessed through Dical Subdivision Buck: . E. Stewart: Resolved that the recommendation of the Planner be accepted and the Application be refused at this time. CARRIED OP-22-84 (Town Rural Area Policies) West: Paivio: Resolved that the Planner and Planning Committee be directed to prepare draft policies covering this matter and another public meeting be held to discuss same. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Number Z-29-84 (Granada Investments-171 Lots): Proposal (Granada Investments -171 Lots -Z-29-84) The subject application involves the final phase of the Aurora Highlands Golf Course Development and is located at the most westerly end of that property. The proposal is for 171 detached residential lots ranging from a minimum frontage of 15 metres (49.2 feet) to 32 metres (105 feet) lot areas range upward from 575 square metres (6,180 square feet), In addition there are a number of blocks which are already developed as golf course. Comment A subdivision application has been made on the subject property which is currently under circulation to a variety of provincial ministries and local boards and authorities. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 -10 - Proposal (Granada Investments -171 Lots -Z-29-84) (continued) Comment (continued) The application for subdivision was considered by Planning Committee at its meeting of May 28th, however, the proposal has not yet been approved by Council. Rezoning of the property should not take place until after Regional Council has granted draft approval to the subdivision. If Aurora Council's and Regional Council's approval relate to the essentially the same plan as is currently before those bodies, it is suggested that enactment of the zoning by-law could take place after the draft plan is approved. If, however, the draft plan changes significantly a further public meeting should be held. Agency Comment York Region Board of Education -no objection. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority-express concern with flood plain areas (this matter currently being discussed by staff, developer and South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority). Regional Planning -note South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority concern suggest draft approval take place before rezoning. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. Concerns -watercourse West: E. Stewart: Resolved that the Planner be directed to prepare necessary By-Law pending further written advise from the S.L.S.C.A. regarding watercourse. CARRIED Mayor Illingworth requested Mrs. Seibert to outline Application Number Z-30-84 (Switzer -19 Ross Street): Proposal (Switzer -19 Ross Street -Z-30-84) The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from M1-1 to an exception which permits outside storage. The applicant owns property and operates a warehouse and workshop on Yonge Street in a zone which does not permit outside storage. He wishes to utilize the subject property for outside storage as well as the uses permited by the M1-1 zone. Comment The subject property was rezoned to M1-1 to permit the existing house to be converted to a restaurant and tavern. A building was partially constructed on the site. Currently the building is uncompleted and the Building Department advise that the applicants will have to satisfy them that no structural damage has taken place before further work can proceed on the building. In addition the By-Law Enforcement Officer has on a number of occasions brought to the property owner's attention the fact that a number of cars are being stored on the site which is contrary to the by-law. The applicants have indicated that these cars will be removed but at this date of writing the cars remained. Insofar as the use of the property for outside storage is concerned in the M2 zone, outside storage must be screened from the street. In this particular case it will be necessary to screen the storage on three sides or possibly four because of the arrangement of the streets in relation to the building. ,..-~"" l...--··· SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1984 -11 - Proposal (Switzer -19 Ross Street -Z-30-84) (continued) Comment (continued) The surrounding area was zoned M1-A in response to objections received from local ratepayers to By-Law 2213-78 when it was circulated in 1980. Council's response after many meetings with local residents was to change the area zoning from "M2" permitting outside storage to "M1-A" a special zone which prohibited outside storage except where it already existed and requiring landscaping strips adjacent to existing residential. The objective of the amendment was to afford existing residents in the area somewhat more protection than they would have had under the previous "M2" zoning. The subject application would reintroduce outside storage to the area. It should be noted that storage in the form of warehousing in a wholly enclosed building is already permitted in this zone. Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. Concerns -outside storage. West: Resolved that this application be denied. E. Stewart: CARRIED ADJOURNMENT West: Resolved that this meeting be adjourned at 10:05 p.m. CARRIED ((,~(J. k~ --- Mayor • · '0 ---