MINUTES - Special Council - 19840322>''-·-·", MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM AT THE YORK REGION BOARD OF EDUCATION, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1984 AT 7:30 P.M. Present Were: Mayor Illingworth and Councillors Evelyn Buck (7:40 p.m.), Tim Jones, Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, Earl Stewart and John West. Absent Were: Councillors Richard Barker and Norm Stewart. Also in attendance were Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger, Deputy Clerk C.E. Gowan and Regional Planner S. Seibert. Mayor Illingworth advised those present that this meeting has been called as a Public Meeting with respect to the introduction of By-Laws amending the Zoning By-Law for Henry Piebrock, Baggett, Salpam Investments and Coopers Lybrand -Free House Ventures Limited. Clerk-Administrator K.B. Rodger advised that Notices of the Meeting were mailed on February 15th, 1984, by first class mail, to addresses within 120 metres of the areas, as shown on the last revised Assessment Roll of the Town of Aurora, to which the By-Laws would apply and further, the necessary signs were posted on the various properties in accordance with the rules of procedure under The Planning Act (1983). Mayor Illingworth advised that any persons who wished further notice of the passage of any of the By-Laws under consideration should sign the forms available before they leave this meeting. Mayor Illingworth requested Planners. Seibert to outline Application Number Z-11-84 (Piebrock). Proposal (Piebrock) The subject site having approximately 22.86 hectares (58 acres) fronting on Leslie Street on the north side of Bloomington Road coincides with the area Official Plan Amendment Number 21 which was approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing in October of 1983. A draft plan of subdivision which would create 17 estate type lots having minimum areas of two acres and a Block of low lying land which is set aside for environmental protection purposes is proposed on the site and the subject application is to amend the zoning provisions from "RU.-Rural" to "ER-Estate Residential" to permit the development of the site. Current Zoning The property is currently zoned "RU -Rural" by By-Law 2213-78. That zoning requires minimum lot areas of 10 hectares (approximately 25 acres) and minimum frontages of 180 metres (590 feet). The property is designated "Estate Residential" in the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area which requires a minimum lot area of 2 acres. Comment A draft plan of subdivision has been submitted to the Town of Aurora respecting this proposal. Generally the technical difficulties with it have been resolved. Although the Region has recently requested a noise attenuation report which is approved by the Town prior to draft approval, this report has been prepared by the applicant but has not yet been approved. It is intended that a report on the subdivision proposal would be put before the Planning Committee when the acoustical report has been approved. The By-Law approval should not precede the draft approval of the subdivision, however, it is possible that Council could defer decision on the By-Law application and instruct that the matter be considered at the Planning Committee meeting when the draft plan is considered with a recommendation to be made to Council on both issues at that time. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1984 -2 - Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. York Region Board of Education -no objection. Region of York-P1anning-Note that the 1ow 1ying area shou1d be zoned in an "EP -Environmenta1 Protection" Zone. Ministry of Natura1 Resources -no objection. Letter of Concern -A 1etter on beha1f of Mi11er Paving has been received which raises issues conerning noise, dust, etc., from the mi11er site and the effects of this on the subject 1and. The 1etter has requested conditions respecting waiving c1auses which are to be inc1uded in the subdivision. Supporting App1ication-Mr. Cernavskis -owner of property to the north. West: E. Stewart: Reso1ved that the App1ication be referred to the P1anning Committee for study and report back to CounciL CARRIED Mayor I11ingworth requested s. Seibert to out1ine App1ication Number Z-12-84 (Baggett). Proposa1 (Baggett) The app1icants propose to sever the subject site 1ocated on the east side of Les1ie and north of We11ington which is 3.153 ha (7,8 acres) in area into two parce1s having approximate1y 2.3 acres and 5.4 acres in area each. There is an existing house on the southern part of the property. The more norther1y part is somewhat 1ow 1ying. Current Zoning The property is current1y zoned "RU -Rura1" by By-Law 2213-78. That zone requires a minimum area of 10 hectares (approximate1y 25 acres) and a minimum frontage of 180 metres (approximate1y 590 feet). Section 29.2.1 makes provision that 1ots existing on the date of passing of the By-Law having a minimum frontage of 30 metres (98 feet) and a minimum area of 1,800 square metres (19,368 square feet) main1y be used for a sing1e fami1y residentia1 dwe11ing and accessory uses. The existing 1ot therefore comp1ies with the requirements of By-Law 2213-78. In order to create a second 1ot, an amendment is required however. Comment The property is 1ocated in a c1uster of rura1 residentia1 type housing which has deve1oped at the cross roads of We11ington Street and Les1ie. Whi1e the proposed severance is not strict1y speaking infi11ing, it does provide a more compact deve1opment form in an area which is a1ready non-farm in its character. Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority -no objection. Region of York -P1anning -no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications -no objection. :.._,, York Region Board of Education -no objection. West: E. Stewart: Reso1ved that the necessary By-Law be prepared for Counci1's consideration. CARRIED L __ SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ,,, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1984 ~ 3 ~ Mayor Illingworth requested s. Seibert to outline Application Number Z~13~84 (Salpam Investments Limited). Proposal (Salpam Investments) The subject property is located on the north~east corner of Wellington Street and Bathurst Street. The applicant proposes to amend By~Law 2213~78 from "H ~ Holding" to appropriate residential zones to permit the development of the first phase of a plan of subdivision which has received draft approval. The entire subdivision contains 321 lots. The phase currently under consideration for rezoning contains 153 detached residential lots having 40 and 50 foot frontages and three blocks which have duo recreational storm water management functions. A subsequent phase will also contain a park/storm water management area. Comment The subject subdivision has been draft approved both through the Councils of the Town of Aurora and the Region of York. It has therefore been examined and recommended for approval by a number of government agencies and local boards subject to a number of conditions being fulfilled prior to registration. In order to accommodate the types of houses proposed and to allow for a varied streetscape, the applicant has requested that the sideyard requirement for all dwellings be two (2) feet on one side and four (4) feet on the other. This would allow them to vary distances between houses ~ four (4) feet~ six (6) feet or eight (8) feet. This proposal has been discussed by the Technical Committee and with the Fire Chief, all of whom find it acceptable. Agency Comments South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority ~ no objection. Region of York ~ Planning ~ no objection. Ministry of Transportation and Communications ~ no objection. York Region Board of Education ~ no objection. One letter of objection has been received from a neighbouring resident. Pastor Low representing Christ Lutheran Church appeared in support of this Application. Concerns of Residents: ~ type of fencing to be used as berm for property ~ sidewalk location ~availability of sewer connection of properties~ South side of Wellington Street West ~ steps to be taken to control dust created during construction ~ sideyards West: E. Stewart: Ostick: West: Resolved that the necessary By~Law be prepared for Council's consideration. CARRIED Resolved that the matter of sidewalks, sewer connections and dust control be referred to the Public Works Committee for study and report back to Council. CARRIED SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1984 ~ 4 ~ 'Mayor Illingworth requested the Planner to outline Application Z~14~84 (St. Andrew's Square). Proposal (St. Andrew's Square) The subject property is located at the north~west corner of Yonge Street and Orchard Heights Boulevard. The applicants have made two (2) proposals. 1. To use the basement unit 13 of St. Andrew's Square to establish a banquet room which is intended to be complementary to the main floor use which is an Irish style pub and stand up bar. The banquet facility would accommodate approximately 30 persons. 2. To rezone the upper floors of units 12 and 15 from "residential" to "commercial". Current Zoning The property is currently zoned by a by~law which specifically restricts the uses of the basements to storage accessory to the permitted uses. All ground floor uses were zoned for commercial uses. In addition the upper floors of four (4) units were set aside for commercial uses. The upper floors of the remaining units are zoned for residential uses. Minimum parking requirements for the development were originally established at 240 spaces. This was based on 44,000 square feet of commercial floor area (gross) and 36 apartment units. The proposals currently before Council would increase the commercial floor area (gross) to approximately 46,500 square feet and 34 apartment units. The present parking standards would require the following: Residential * Commercial * By~Law Number 2646~84 under circulation. Comment 51 spaces 194 spaces 245 spaces Under the recent amendment to the commercial parking standards the proposed amendments 'under consideration would result in the need for five (5) additional parking spaces based on the gross floor area. The major difficulty with making this a requirement is that there is no area which could be used for this expansion. Because the development has very few commercial occupants it is difficult to determine if a parking problem will exist as a result of the requested zoning by~law exemption. Because the success of the development will at least in part be dependent upon an adequate and convenient parking supply being available it is in the applicant's interest to ensure a good parking supply. It will therefore be contingent upon the condominium corporation to ensure that this takes place. Should a future deficiency in parking be apparent, it should be resolved with the condominium corporation. Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation and Communications ~ no objection. South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority ~ no objection. York Region Board of Education ~ no objection. Region of York ~ Planning ~ no objection. r~-.. ·-.-~·"' \-.~··' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1984 - 5 - Concerns of Resident: -parking problems -increase of traffic through subdivision E. Stewart: Jones: ADJOURNMENT West: Mayor Resolved that the necessary By-Law be prepared and the required 245 parking spaces be provided. CARRIED Resolved that this meeting be adjourned at 8:50 p.m. CARRIED Clerk