MINUTES - Special Council - 19830808MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MONDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1983 at 10:45 P.M. Present Were: Mayor Richard Illingworth and Councillors Richard Barker, Evelyn Buck, Tim Jones, Len Ostick, Martin Paivio, Earl Stewart, Norm Stewart and John West. Mayor Illingworth advised Council members that the Aurora Baha'i Community would be holding a Memorial Service on August 18, 1983 at 8:00 p.m. at the Aurora Public Library in memory of members recently killed in Iran. RESOLUTIONS 1. Mayor ana C1erk Autnorizatiori to Sign an Agreement {Lawton) E. Stewart: Buck: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement between Eric T. Lawton and Bruce T. Lawton and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 2. Mayor and.C1erk Autn6rization.to.Sign an.Agreement {Aurora Quarrying Limited) E. Stewart: West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement between Aurora Quarrying Limited and the Town of Aurora. • CARRIED 3. Mayor arid C1erk.Authorization-to Sign an Agreement {Young) E. Stewart: West: Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an Agreement between John G. Young and the Town of Aurora. CARRIED 4. Region of York ~ Bathurst street Ostick: Jones: Resolved that the Regional Municipality of York be advised that the Town of Aurora agrees to pay $81,500.00 {1983 dollars) for traffic control signals and illumination and for paving of left turn lane, placing granular base for right turn lane and paving of right turn lane, and grade adjustments to the intersection of Bathurst Street (Y.R. 38) and Orchard Heights Drive. Said work to be carried out by the Region of York. CARRIED 5. Sidewa1ks -Golf Links Drive E. Stewart: Jones: BY~LAWS West: E. Stewart: Resolved that permission be granted Granada Limited to place asphalt to the curb line in front of the eight {8) lots on the south side of Golf Links Drive not yet built on, as a temporary measure. Sidewalks to be laid when houses have been built on the eight {8) lots. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2597-83-Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2213-78 being a Zoning By-Law Bill Number 2598-83-Being a By-Law to Close a Portion of Engelhard Drive ••• be read a First Time. CARRIED SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ••• MONDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1983 -2,- BY-LAWS (continued) West: Osti ck: West: Buck: ADJOURNMENT West: Be It Hereby Resolved That: Bill Number 2598-83 -Being a By-Law to Close a Portion of Engelhard Drive ••• be read a Second Time. CARRIED Be It Hereby Resolved that Section 21 of By-Law Number 2270 be suspended and Bill Number 2598-83, now before the Council, be read a Third Time and Enacted and the Third Reading be taken as read. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 10:55 p.m. CARRIED Mayor R-Y~·~zdl~ Clock