MINUTES - Special Council - 19770713) MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 13th. 1977 AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT WERE: Mayor G. Timpson, Councillors: Ferguson, Isaacson, Miller, Ostick, Simmons, E. Stewart, Tonner. ·-· i c . .. C .N .R. ross~ng ( I I . i \ ) ,..,,4_ Ostick: E. Stewart: Aurora Scale Property E. Stewart: Ferguson: "WHEREAS the Town of Aurora has authorized an application to the Railway Transport Committee for the construction of a crossing at M29.17 Ne~market Subdivision C.N. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. THAT, the Clerk-Administrator be authorized to sign.the application forms and all related documents; 2. THAT, the Council of the Town of Aurora does hereby agree that the Town of Aurora will be responsible for the assumption of costs for construction and maintenance of the crossing in accordance with Part III, Section 13 (1) of General Order No. E-4; 3. AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CARRIED "Resolved that the Building Inspector be authorized to issue an excavator permit for the Aurora Scale property Edward Street, pending finalization of the letter of credit in the amount of $ 33,000.00, provided that a certified cheque (or acceptable alternative) in the amount of$ 1,000.00 is delivered to the office of the Clerk-Administrator to be held temporarily, until replaced by the proper letter of credit in accordance with the site plan agreement." CARRIED _,_-_. __ ·-~-------- SPECIAL MEETING BY-LAWS BY-LAW #2'147-77 Isaacson: Ostick: Tonner: Ferguson: Isaacson: Miller: Simmons: Miller: - 2 -JULY 13th. '1977 "BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT - Bill No. 2'147-77 Being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement on behalf of the Town of Aurora between the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Eric Sheppey, 53 Knowles Crescent, Aurora, Ontario. Be introduced and read a First time." CARRIED "Resolved that the Bill before Council. be read a second time." CARRIED "Resolved that Section 2'1 of By-law No. 2054-75 be suspended and that By-law No. 2'147-77 before Council be read a third time and enacted and that third reading be taken as read." CARRIED "Resolved that the Clerk-Administrator be authorized to advertise the position of a Clerk II and to hire same to work for the Clerk's Office and \-lorks Department." CARRIED Miller: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." CARRIED ~0,·~ .1'1AY01f7' F CLERK