MINUTES - Special Council - 19770124A SPECIAL MEETING OF OOUNOIL HELD lN TEE eQUNCIL CHAMBERS QN MONDAY JANUARY 24th. 4977 AT 10:50 P.M.' . PRESENT WERE: Mayor George Timpson, Councillors Isaacson, Ostick, Simmons, E. Stewart.and Norm Stewart N. Stewart "Resolved that the 72 hour notice be waived." Ostick: OFFICIAL PLAN E. Stewart: Simmons: N. Stewart: Isaacson: CABRIED "Resolved that the attached modifications and re\"lOrdings dated January 24th. 1977 be accepted and the Ministry of Housing be so notified." CABRIED "RE'Jllolved that the rules of procedure be waived so the following resolution can be considered." CARRIED Repairs Fire Department Ladder Truck N. Stewart: E. Stewart: N. Stewart: "Resolved that up to $ 15,000.00 be approved and allocated from the 1977 current budget for the purpose of carrying out immediate repairs to the Fire Ladder Truck and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." CABRIED "Resolved that the meetir,g be adjourned." (11:00 p.m.) CABRIED ~0~ c~------~------- -~~~-~--~"~=·--... "' ··~·-·····~-"-~~"'"~~'~-"""~'""'''-<.<>Z~--~-~-~-~--·-------~-,.·.