MINUTES - Special Council - 19760915cY~·o., ("''', t ""''-~~.-· /' MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON WEDNESDAY, SEP.I!EMBER 15th. 1976 AT 10:30 p.m. PRESENT WERE: Mayor E. Buck, Councillors: Davis, Jackson, Miller, Simmons, Stewart, Roth, Timpson and Willinmoon. Davis: "Resolved that the 48 hours. notice of meeting be 1rtaivep.." Miller: Timpson: Simmons: CARRIED "ResOlved that the Council of the Town of Aurora appeal the decision of the distribution of trustees to be elected to the York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board.". CARRIED Miller: "Resolved that the Tender of Court Contractors, dated Williamson: July 14th. 1976 for the construction of two tennis courts in Confederation Park, in the Total Amount of $15,115.00 be acc(:lpted, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, and a purchase order be issued for the above and McMahon Park resurfacing previously approved." Davis: CARRI.ED "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." (10:45 p.m.) CARRIED ~R0ct.~ CLERK -----------------'"" ····~--,-.