MINUTES - Special Council - 19760503··,~ ;;:tf.;j ; I ·~"'" MINmES m' A SP!aAL Mm'l'ING m' CXXNCIL HEW IN '1m! CXXNCIL Of1IMBI!!l6 CN MH::lr« Mt\Y 3xd, 1976 AT 11:30 p.m. Pzesent wexe: Mayor Buck, Cb.lnc:illors Davis, Jacksa'l, Miller, lbth, Stewart, Tinpscn and Williallsm. Tinplal: Davis: Williansau Stanu:t: Williamsau "llesolved that the 72 hour notice be waived," CARRIED Kllesolved that any ltetbu of Clouncil wlx> wishes to attend the News Media and IDeal Govemment CCI'Iferenoe in 'lbratto, en May 12th, 13th, 1976, be authorized to do so and the necessary expenses be allowed." CARRIED "llesolved that the meet:inq be adjoumed ... CARRIED CJ 7· ~,!LJ_ CLERK