BYLAW - Remuneration Committee of Adjustment Members - 20110607 - 531811By-law Number 5318-11 BEING A BY-LAW to provide remuneration for the members and the chair of the Committee of Adjustment: WHEREAS subsection 44(1) of the Planning Act,, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended (the "Acf), states that if a municipality has passed a by-law under section 34 or a predecessor of such section, the council of the municipality may by by-law constitute and appoint a committee of adjustment for the municipality composed of such persons, not.fewer than three, as the council considers advisable.; AND WHEREAS subsection 44(9) of the Actstates that the members of the committee shall be paid such compensation as the council may provide; AND WHEREAS on March 8, 2011, the Council, of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacted By-law Number 5312-11 to provide for the establishment of the Committee of Adjustment and the appointment of members to the Committee of Adjustment; AND WHEREAS section 4 of the Terms of Reference for the Committee of Adjustment provides remuneration for the Chair and Members of the Committee in accordance with By-law Number 2998-88; AND WHEREAS the, Council of The Corporationofthe Town of Aurora deems it necessary and expedient to enact a By-lawto provide remuneration for the members of the Committee' of Adjustment; NOW THEREFORE .THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE, TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: r 1.' ' THAT each member of the Committee of Adjustment, save and except for the member who chairs a meeting, shall be paid an honorarium of One -Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each sitting of the Committee for which that member is in attendance for the entire meeting; 2. THAT the member who chairs a Committee of Adjustment meeting. (the "chairpers'on")shall be paid an honorarium of One Hundred and Fifteen Dollars ($115.0,0) for each meeting for which the chairperson is in attendance for the entire meeting and for which the chairperson actually chairs that meeting;. 3. THAT, beginning on January 1, 2012 and annually on January 1 thereafter, for each new calendar year of the term of the Committee of Adjustment, the honorarium amount each member of the Committee of Adjustment specified in section 1 of this By-law shall be further adjusted using the published 12 month Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate, and as computed by the Town's Treasurer. 4. THAT, beginning on January 1, 2012 and annually on January 1 thereafter, for each new calendar year of the term of the Committee of Adjustment, the honorarium amount for the.chairperson of the Committee of Adjustment specified in section 2 of.this By-law shall be further adjusted using the published.12 month Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate; and as computed by the Town's Treasurer. 5. THAT the Terms of Reference for the Committee of Adjustment be revised to reflect the contents of this By-law. 6. THAT By-law Number 2998-88 be and is hereby repealed. By -Law Number 5318.11 Page 2 of 2 7. THAT this By-law shall come into full force and effect on the date of final passage hereof,,with the honorarium amounts specified in sections 1 and 2 of this By-law.to be retroactive to April 14, 2011. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 71h DAY OF JUNE, 2011. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF JUNE, 2011. \ GE FFRE D , AYOR JOHN ACH, TOWN CLERK APPMWd" Yom 2,4&_ MM 7c 7 2ot1 J