MINUTES - Special Council - 19701204MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, DECEMB~ 14, 1970, AT 8:00 P,M, PRESENT: Mil.:VOr R.A. Illingworth; Deputy Reeve W, Trent, Reeve E, Buck, CounciUors Harris, Henderson, Davis~, Miller and Stewart, CORRESPONDENCE ~25-1 Aurora. Parks & Recreation Comm, -Pe:rsoi!l).el Ha.rJ:.1:s1 -<'Tha. t the Council accept the :recommendatit'ln of the Henderson: Recreation Committee to appoint Mr, :S. Young, Recreati.o.n Di:rector, to permanent staff," CAPJliED 25-2 .J.D. Reid & Associates -Glass Drive Reconstruction (Referred to Works Comm,) · 25-3 J.D. Reid & Associates -Concrete a:p.ron end of Community Centre (Referred· to Community Centre Board) · 25-4 J ,D. Reid & Assoc.iates -Re Insurance CJ,aim (Information) 25-5 · J .• D. Reid & Associates -Easement -Bigwin Dr. 25-6 Buck; "Resolved that the Engineer's report be accel>ied"··i Davis: .. ·· CARRIED Copy of letter to White Strip re Agreement (Info:r1nation) ,. 25-7 J.D. Reid & Associates -Copy of letter to Ralston Purina re Sewage Facilitie~ 25-8 25-9 (Referred to Water Resources Committee) J,D. Reid & Associates-McDonald Drive Extension (Information) . J,D, Reid & Associates-Mill Street Road Improvements (Information) 25-10 J.D. Reid & Associates -Copy of letter to W~pey Homes Ltd, Underground S.ervices (Information) · 25-11 J,D, Reid & Associates -Scouring Conditions -Dunham and Huron crt, Easements (Referred to 1971 Works Comm,) 25-12 K,B, Rodger, Clerk -Memo to Wm, Johnson re outstanding accounts (Information) · 4 \_ SPECIAL MEETING -2-DECEMBER 14, 1970. I£0RRESPONDENCE CONTD. 25-13 Regional Municipality of York-Resolutions Henderson: "Resolved that the Region of York and Board of Police Trent: Commissioners be-·aqvised that when the Police Bldg. is no longttr· requireQ,,for· Police :Purlx>ses that it revert back to the Municipality". CARRIED 25-14 Regionai Municipality of York -Resolutions Trent: "Resolved that the Works Department be authorized to Hendbson: maintain the Bloomington Road (C,F,R.B. Sideroad) atld Bathurst Street, if necessary, and should the Region not assUme the roads, that the Aurora Council meet with the adjoining Council's to work out a financial agreement for maintenance", CARRIED ' 25-15 CoDIDiittee of Adjustment -Minutes of Hearing Brafam Ib.vestments Ltd, Trent: "Resolved that the report be received and no f\tr:tlber action Buck: required", CARRIED 25-16 CoDIDiittee of Adjustment -Minutes -Decision Wood -Severance, 25-17 25-18 Buck: "Resolved that the report be received and no action required" Trent: CARRIED Committee of Adjustment '-Co_11sent -Easement W,J. Langman (Information) C,C, Johnston, Solicitor -Kozik-Temperance Street (Information) .. 25·19 Fink~istein, Solicitor -Oversizing (lleferred to Engineer) 25-20 Vas:o•lilitchell -Solipitor ,.. ;J:nfo:rmat:I,on Requested (Info:rma{i1,on) . 25-21 Dept. of Municipal Affairs -Order in Council relating to L:l,b;r:ary , Boards (Information) 25•22 Holland Valley Conse;r:vation -He:t'skovits' Property (Information) 25-23 Engineering CoDIDiittee Regional -Copy of Minutes (Information) '''".-' c· ·,..,_,,/ SPECIAL MEETING CORRESPONDENCE CONT'D, -3-DECEMBER 14, 1970, 25-24 York County Board of Education -Agenda Meeting - (Information) 25-25 Wimpey Homes Ltd, -Paving of Lots 7-12 (Information) 25-26 Dept, of Highways -Summary of statement (Information) 25-21 Chief of.·Police Wm, Langman -Annual Leave (Referred to Police Committee) 25-28 Chief of Police Wm, Langman -Footwear (Referred to Police Committee) 25-29 Ontario Municipal Board -Acknowledgement re Yonge Street Construction (Information) 25-30 Ontario Municipal Board -Acknowledgement re Waterworks Improvement (Information) 25-31 25-32 25-33 25-34 25-35 Ontario Municipal Board -Acknowledgement re Reconstruction Kennedy St, (Information) Aurora Planning Board -Cherry Construction (Information) Derek lvilson Consulting Engineer -Services available (Information) . Canadian National Railways -Servo-Centre Program (Information) Aurora Safet¥ Council -Minutes of Meeting (Information) 25-36 Ontario Traffic Conference -Seminar (Information) 25-37 Ontario Good Roads Assoc, -77th Anniversary Convention (Information) 25-38 Dr. G. W. IVilliams School -Assistance at Commencement -Letter of Thanks (Information) 25-39 Holland Valley Conservation Authority -Herskovits' Property -Subway Sidepoad and Yonge Street Area., Buck: "Resoived that the letter be tabled until By•Laws" Henderson: CARRIED SPECIAL MEETING -4-DECEYffiER 14, 1970 Buck: Davis: "Resolved that the correspondence he received and actioned as reconnnended in the Clerk's Report." CARRIED REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Water Resources Committee Report No. 243 Councillor Davis presented a report of the Water Resources Connnittee in whicl1 the Committee respectfully submitted the following: A meeting of the Water Resources Committee was held on Wednesday, December 9, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. All members were present. Councillor Harris in attendance, Also present were Jack Reid and his associate and representatives from the O.W.R.C. and Mr. Don Orr of Sterling Drug Ltd. The following items were discussed: 1. Sodium ·Silicate Treatment Mr. Don Orr of Sterling Drug, questioned the Engineer and representatives of b.W.R.C. re method of use for the sodium silicate treatment and tha possi.ble effect it may have on their plant filtration system. It was recommended that the Engineer, O.W.R.C. and Mr. Orr meet to discuss this matter in greater detail and submit their findings to the 1971 Public Works Committee. 2. Letter 21-24 from O.W.R.C. re Sewage Treatment The Technical Advisory Board of the. o.w.R.C. made a recent study of the Aurora Sewage Treatment Plant and made reconnnendations to improve operational effi.ciency and the effluent quality. After considerable discussion it was agreed that the Engineer study and submit his recommendations to Council based on the following guidelines: (a) A minor modification which could be carried out without difficulty and at very little expense. (b) A more major·modification which >1111 require further study as to best. methods to 'implement. (c) Addition of another clarifier. As this is a major item, it will be necessary to submit recommendation to the Regional Council after further study. (d) Engineer to consider testing other types of diffusers and submit recommendationso Due to Holland Valley Report which limits the volume of BOD to 300 pounds per day, the Engineer is to include in his report, various alternate methods to achieve this figure. SPECIAL MEETING -5-DECEMBER 14, l.97L>c Water Resources Committee Report No. 243 Co~ The Engineer is also requested to study and report on methods to provide a greater source of air supply to the c'.'.gester to prevent recent odours. 3. Letter 21-23 Oily Taste in Water As no further complaints have been received, it is believed that this matter.· has been cleared and no further action required at this time. 4. .!:.etter 21-22 Water Works The report of the O.W.R.C. re water works is in the process of implementation and no further action required at this time. 5. Letter 19-lO.and 19-25 Re new equipment for Water Works. A further report will be submitted by the Engineer. 6. k.tter 12-16 Report 215 It is recommended that the meeting with Officials of St. Andrew's Collego b~ convened by the Public Works Committee as early as possible in 1971. 7. Letter 13-36 Water & Sew.er Conne_ctions It is recommended that this matter be referred to the 1971 public works co$nittec for study and report. 8. Visit to Acton Plant It is recommended that the 1971 Public Works Committee consider a visit t.o the Acton P.C.C. to observe the polishing and filtering operation. 9. Safety Eguipment It is recommended that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase safety equipment of an urgent nature and the remainder be considered by the Publi.c Works Committee for inclusion in the 1971 Budget. Clause 1 -Carried· Clause 2 -Trent: Miller: "Amendment: and that the Ontario Water Resources Cormrtisdcn be requested to study and assist the Town Engineer in th:e preparation of the Repo::t." · CARRIED Clause 3 to 8 Inclusive (Carried) Davis: "Resolved that the Water Resources Report No. 243, dated Dc<::cn::.e:r Henderson: 9, 1970, re several items be discussed item by item and ac<oc:ptu:I, as amended." CARRIED '' SPECIAL P.EETING -6-DECEMBER 14, 1970 Reeve Buck in the Chair. Finance Corrunittee Report No. 245 Mayor Illingworth presented a report of the Finance Committee in whi¢h the Committee respectfully submitted the following: A meeting of the Finance Committee was held on 'I'JOnday, December 7 • 1970 at 7:00 P.M. 1. Letter 9-10 This matter was cleared by Report No. 199. 2. ~-10-37 Committee recommends that this account for Miller-Vowles be paid and that all the insurance losses have been completed and the file is closed. The amount of the invoice being $335.75. 3. Letter 16-p The Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Special Committee of 1971 Council on buses. b,. Lett<:>£ 17-51 The Committee recommends that a policy be developed that would grant no loss of salary to an employee who is serving in the Court as a witness, but if personally involved in the court action then deduction for time missed would be taken from sick leave credits. 5. Letter 21-6 The Committee recommends that the mortgage discharge release be authorized and that the ~~yor and Clerk sign same and further would recommend that no extension be given on the mortgage which is now due. 6. Letter 21-41, The Committee recommends that Mr. Jack Chapman be advanced in classification in accordance >lith the policy and as recommended by the Works Superintendent. 7. Letter 22-26 The Committee reviewed the insurance coverage submitted by Dale & Company Limited and would recommend that these values be accepted. 8. Letter 22·-·8 The Committee recommends that Mr. s. Wilson be advancedin classification as recommended by the Works Superintendent in accordance with established procedureo SPECIAL JViEETING M 7-DECEMBER 14, 1970. Finance Conunittee Report No. 2l:.S. Cont'd 9. Letter 24-26 The Committee recommends that the Treasurer be authorized to study types of accounting machines which are available to facilitate tax billing and accounti~g procedures so that early consideration can be given by the 1971 Council. 10. Letter 19-26 fhe Committee recommends that a pension be approved, payable to Mr. Harrt S,quibb, to provide a pension of $49.41 per month, which in addition to the q~iERS benefits will equal a total pension per month of $85.00. The Committee further recommends that a By-Law be prepared in accotdance with the Municipal Act. i' 11. Letter from Mr. Wm. Coulter and Cleon Bunn re Water Damage Claim -,;¥onge S~reet North at Irwin. /'T The Committee recommends that these matters be referred to the Solititor for further advice. 12. Letter 24-77-Re Gulf Service Station Claim --- The Committee recommends that the account for the cable damage be referred to Dagmar Construction and that the solicitor be authorized to deny liability for any other claim in this regerd. 13. ~tter 19-87 John Graves Simcoe Memorial Foundation The Committee recommends that a Resolution be considered by Council naming the first No:>day-in August of each year as Simcoe Day in honour of Lieutenant John Graves Simcoe. Clause 1 - 3 Carried Clause l, -Illingworth: Trent: Clause 5 -12 Carried "Amendment: that Clause 4 be tabled and referred to the 1971 Finance Committee for consideration." CARRIED Clause 13 -Trent: "Amendment: that Clause 13 be deleted from the report." Illingworth: CARRIED Illingworth: "Resolved that the Report of the Finance Committee, No. 245, Trent: dated December 7, 1970, re various matters be discussed item by item and accepted and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, as amended." CARRIED Deputy Reeve Trent in, the Chair. SPECIAL MEETING --8-DECEMBER 14, 1970. Council in C~ttee Report No.~ Mayor Illingworth presented a report of the Council in Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the follo.nng: A meeting of the Council in Committee was held on Tuesday, December 8, 1970 at 8:00P.M. Present were: ~~yor R. A. Illingworth, Councillor Harris, Miller, Simmons and Stm-rart and Councillor-Elect J. Williamson. 1. .Q.a,FJ?.§ts;e Con~ The Conm:1ittee recorrnnends that a ne'i:-r agreement be prepared i:ri.th York Sanitation Company Limited for twice weekly garbage collection at a per capita rate of 05.93 effective January 1, 1971. The Committee also reconrraendv that the Treasurer be autl1orized to prepare a report on the best way of billing t.'le residents of bot.'< the ne'r areas and the present urban area, either ,,rith the hydro bills or on the taxes. 2. .CJ.!ltario Good R~Associali_op._.S>]l_Y.~. The Commi tt<Oe recommends that the expenses of members of Council and staff >lhc may attend the Good Roads Convention be treated under the normal convention policyo Tne Committee recommends that members of Council who are interested in attending the Councillor Seminar of the Ontario Good Roads Convention on Feb. 27, 1971 be authorized to do so. lesolution to be considered by the Ontario Good Roads Association must be 'bmitted c: January 15, 1971, and therefore the Committee recommends that •'esolutions to be considered by the Council for submission to the Associatio~. be submitted to the Clerk by January 11, 1971. 3. Committees and Boards The Committee recommends that lettero be sent to the Chairman of the Planning Board, Community Centre Board and Parks & Recreation Committee advising that the Boards and Committees are to be disbanded as of December 31, 1970 and that Committees of Council are to be formed and that the Minister of Municipal Affah be advised t:1at the Board and Committees are to be replaced by Committees of Council. The Committee recommends that the members of the Parks & Recreation Committee presently involved in the Winter Carnival be requested to carry on .. Illing>Torth: "Resolved that Council in Committee Report No. 2l,l,, dated Henderson: December 8, 1970, re Various ~~tters, be discussed item by i tern and accepted." CARRIED -~-·--·~,.---•~~.-.--~~'--'-'-~'----•·-·-"-'--•-•·-~·-·~· ~·~·~--..>..c.-.=..-~~-~-··~-=~~=_,""""""'~"''=='"=r~~~•=•-·'•"~'"=•~~·~-"'~~•~. -· ~~--~---~--·--••-~---~--····---•-"•-••-••··-••-----•----~---~ SPECIAL MEETING -9-DECEMBER 14, 1970. Steering Committee Report No. 2l>6 ~myor Illingworth presented a report of the Steering Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following: A meeting of the Steering Committee was held on Monday, December 14, 1970 a·t 7:30 P.N. to discuss the 1971 Committees, Committee Structure, and suggested members. Present were: Mayor R. A. Illingworth, Councillor Trent, Davis, Harris, Henderson, Ste~1art, and Councillor-Elect Williamson. The following Committees and members are recommended: 1. Public Works Connnitte~ W. Davis -Chairman E. Henderson -Vice-Chairman R. Simmons -l1ember 2. Publis.J!_a,.l_ety. Commi.ttee J. Williamson -Chairman R. Sinlffions -Vice•Chairman P. ~liller -Member 3. P].anning & Developme.!!!...£ommittee I. Harris -·Chairman W. Trent -Vice-Chairman E. Henderson -Member b,.. Parks & Recreation Committ~ N. Stewart ~ Chairman P. Niller -Vfce Chairman .w., Trent -Member 5. Finance Committee R. Illingworth -Chairman W. Davis J. Williameon I. Har~is N. Stewart The Committee recommends that in the absence of a Committee Chairman, the Vice- Chairman of that Committee shall serve on the Finance Committee. The Collllllitl:ee further recommends that the Procedural By-Law be amended. Illing~Jort)1: Davis: · "Resolved that the report; of the Steering Committee, dated December 14, 1970, re: Suggested Committee Structure and He;.;.:·-~ be accepted. 11 CMRIED w·· SPECIAL MEETING -10-DEC~ffiER 14, 197C_ Parks £~ttee Report Noo 241 lYiayor Illingworth presented Clause 5 of Parks Committee Report Noo 241 that ~ras tabled from a previous meeting. 5., ,!'nrks Fo~an Overti~e Tne Committee recommends that the Parks Foreman be paid i."t,·o ueeks pay in lieu of overtime for 1970o Illing>mrth: "Amendment: that no action be taken at this timeo 11 Davis: CARRIED l'layor Illingworth in the Chair. J3..Y-LAWS By-La~r Trent: 1892-70 Henderson: "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a thir<! time this day." CARRIED The Third Reading of the By-Law was approvedo By-Law Trent: 189l:-70 Henderson: "That the By-Law nm·r before the Council be read a thirc~. time this day." CARRIED l'liller: "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as printedo 11 Henderson: By-La" 1895-70 Stewart: Henderson: CARRIED "That the By-La>J now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for that purpose." CARRIED The Second Reading of the By-Lau "as approved in Open Council. Trent: "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time this c!ayo 11 Davis: CARRIED Harris: "That the third reading of the By-Law be taken as reado 11 Henderson: Trent: lYiiller: CARRIED "Resolved that the Council adjourn into Committee of the Whole to consider the letter 25-1 from the Aurora Parks & Recreation Committe CARRIED (9:20P.M.) Council Re-convened (9:30 P.M.) SPECIAL MEETING -11-DECEMBER 14, t970. Harris: "Resolved that the recommendation of the Parks & Recreation Henderson: Committee be accepted and that !Ylr. Barry Young he confirmed as e. member of the permanent staff. 11 CARRIED Henderson: "Resolved that the Aurora Fire Department be authorized to ans~rer Harris: fire calls outside the Aurora Fire Area for an interim period after January 1, 1971.11 CARRIED Trent: "Resolved that the account of J. D. Reid & Associates Limited in the Davis: Blilount of $6,21}8.,27 foi.~ professional pre .. desien and design services for the Kennedy Street West Reconstruction be approved and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto .. 11 CARRIED Trent: "Resolved that Payment Certificate No. 1 in the amount of $5,143.83, Davis: which constitutes full payment for the Machell Street Storm Sewer be approved and that payment be made to Dagmar Construction Limited and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. 1 1 CARRIED Trent: "Resolved that Payment Certificate No. 3 in the amount of $35,261.92. Davis: for the Connecting Link Reconstruction Stage II be approved and that payment be made to Dagmar Construction Limited and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." CARRIED Davis: "Resolved that the Ontario Department of Highways be requested to Trent: inspect and submit a report on the design of the drive'"ay entrances on Yonge Street in the reconstructed areas." CARRIED Miller: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned. 11 ( 10:05 PM) Henderson: CARRIED >~YOR~