MINUTES - Special Council - 19710329..
ON MONDAY, ~lARCH 29, 1971 AT 8'00 P.l-L
PRESENT: Mayor R. A. Illin;;l'orth, Councillors Davis, Harris, Henderson,
Miller. Ste~1art and Williamson.
1. York County Board of Education -1971 School Levies
Harris: ''Resolved that insofar as the Department of Education has
Henderson: instructed that all arbitrated surpluses are to be credited
in 1971 therefore this Council presumes that the credit due
to the Town of Aurora ~Till be deemed as an. advance payment
from January 1st, 1971 and that interest at the current rate
mll be allowed thereon."
2. Town of Richmond Hill -Resolution re 1971 School Levies
3. Town of Richmond Hill ,. Fire Coverage Agreement
"Resolved that the Town of Richmond Hill be advised tltat
the rate for :fire calls will be the same as for the
adjacent municipalities at $165.00 per call. for the
period from January lst. to March 31st, 197L.
4. 94th. Air Cadet Squadron -Request for Tag Day
Mi;tler: "Resolved that the request cf the 94th. Air Cadet Squadron
Williamson: be approved to hold a tag day hom April 22nd to 24th, 1971.
Mr. Jack Wood, representing the Aurora Agricultural Society presented the
Society's plans for their 1971 Horse Show and various items were discussed
which will be considered and referred to various committees prior to the
holding of the Horse Show.
By-law 1910-71 -Road Expenditures
lli lliamson:
'"rhat leave be given to introduce a By-law to provide for the
1971 expenditures on roads and streets and that the same be now
read a first time."
"That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time
and that the Council resolve itself into a Cormliittee of the Whole
:for that purpose."
Second reading of the by-law approved in open council.
"That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended for
that purpose."
Davis: "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read."
By-Law 1911-71 -Supple:oentary Road Expenditures
Davis: "That leave be given to introduce a By-law to provide for the 1971
Henderson: expenditures on roads or streets -Supplementary -and that the
same be now read a first time."
Harris: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and
Stewart: that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole
for that purpose."
Second reading of the By-law approved in Open Cotmcil.
Williamson: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time
Henderson: this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended for
that purpose."
Davis: "That the third reading of the By-law be taken as read."
By-Law 1913-71 To Amend By-law 1863
"That leave be given to introduce a By~law to amend By-law No.
1863 and that the same be now read a first time."
Harris: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time
Henderson: and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole
for that purpose."
Second Reading of the By-law approved in Open Council.
~ --------··-~-..
Harris: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time. this
Henderson: day and that Rule 22 of By-lal~ No. llf68 be suspended for th:>t
purposeo 11
Davis: "That the third reading of the By-law be taken as read."
By-law 19llf-71 -Official Plan Amendment No. 4
Harris: "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to c;uthorize 'm:ndment
Henderson: No. 4 to the Aurora Official Plan and that the same be now read
a first time."
Harris: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time and
Davis: that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for
that purpose."
Second reading of the By-law approved in Open Council.
Stewart: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time this
Henderson: day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended for that
Stewart: "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read."
By-law 1915-71 -Ratify and Confirm By-law 1992
"That leave be given to introduce a By-law to rdtify and confirm
By-law 1992, as amended, of the Corporation of the Township of
Hhitchurch and that the same be now read a first time."
"That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and
that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Hhole for
that purpose."
Second reading of the by-law approved in Open Council.
"That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time this
day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended for that
purpose." CARRIED
Stewart: "That the third reading of the By-law be taken as read."
By-la'r 1916-71 -To ratify and confirm By-law 2083
Williamson: "That leave be given to introduce a By-law to ratify and confirm
Henderson: by-law 2083 of the Corporation of the Township of Whitchurch and
that the same be now read a first time."
Miller: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time and
Henderson: that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Hhole for
that purpose."
Second reading of the By-law approved in Open Council.
"That the by-law now before the Council be. read a third time this
day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended for that
purposeo 11
Williamson: 11That the third reading cf the By-law be taken as read."
July 1st. Committee Report No. 28
Councillor Stewart presented a report of the July 1st. Com"Ji ttee in wi>ic·"
the Committee respectfully submitted the following:
The Committee at their meeting held on March 10, 1971 requented the Counoil
organize and operate a Citizen of the Year Award, again thio year. It ~~-.:s
the feeling of the members of the Co~ittee that present elected Officials
should not be nominated or chosen as a Citizen of the Year, but that the
Council name the Committee for the selection and the guide-lines similar to
last year. For the guidance of the Committee appointed, it might be desirable
that Council set down more definite guide-lines to be followed in their
It was the unanimous feeling of the Committee that the proclaiming of a
Citizen of the Year added much and would be a welcome contribution to the
July lst. celebrations this year.
At the Committee meeting of March 3, 1971 it was decided to re-endorse the
structure and operating procedures as they have existed for the past t.ro years
and the Committee passed a motion of thanks to the Council of the Tmn o:C Auror
for their continuing moral, physical and monetary support and to the ·.-::: zens
of the town for their expressed approval of this community project.
July 1st. Committee Report No. 28 Cont'd
Although it is the Committee's hope that the 1971 celebrations will be
operated on a break even basis, and although a small profit was realized which
was turned over to the Town funds in the 1970 operation we would appreciate
the continuing support of the Town Council in underwriting our expenses for
this endeavour.
Stewart: "Resolved that the report of the July let. Committee, No. 28,
Henderson: be accepted."
Councillor Stewart presented a report of the Parks & Recreation Committee
in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following:
A meeting of the Aurora Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the 23rd.
day of March, 1971.
Present were:
Blick, Nrs. M.
Councillor Stewart, Chairman; Councillor P. Miller, Mr. R.
Dawson, Mr. L. Keffer, Mr. N. Weller, Mr. B. Young and I~r. E.
1. Recreation Hockey -The Committee requests the approval of the payment of
the sum of $40.00 to be paid to the referees for their work in the Recreational
Hockey League during the 1970-1971 season.
2. Agricultural Society -Mr. E. Batson stated he had met with two
representatives of the Agricultural Society and they had presented two
proposals, namely:
1. That the Horse Show be allowed to charge parking in theCommunity Centre
Parking lot, during the Horse Show on June 12, 1971.
2. A request to the Aurora Parks & Recreation Committee that it jointly
sponsor a Carlton Band Show which has been contracted to appear at the Aurora
Community Centre on Friday, June 11, 1971.
The Committee recommends that:
1. Permission not be granted, but as in the past, the Agricultural Society
be allowed to charge for parking in the Horse Show area.
2. The Committee also recommends that the number two request for the Band
Show also not be granted.
3. Recreational Hockey Sweaters -The Committee requests that 550 sweaters
be sent to the Aurora Cleaners for cleaning and summer storage at a cost of
40¢ per sweater.
4. Aurora Track Club -The Committee recommends that the invoice for Pnrora
Track Club insurance in the amount of $30.70 be paid.
P~rks & Recreation Committee Report No. 33 Cont'd
5. Aurora Lacrosse Club -The Committee recommends that a half page adve:ctiroo····
ment costing $45.00 be taken in the Aurora Lacrosse Club program on behalf of
the Town of Aurora.
6. Roof -Aurora Community Centre -The roof at the Aurora Community Centre
has been inspected by J. D. Reid, Town Engineer, and repairs are recommended.
The Committee therefore recommend that Purchasing Agent be requested to call £c·
quotations for the repair of same.
Clauses 1 to 6 inclusive -Carried
"Resolved that the report of the Aurora Parks & Recreation Committee
#33 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended and the Seal
of the Corporation be attached hereto."
Planning & Development Committee Report No. 29
Councillor Harris presented a report of the Planning & Development Corrn1ittee
in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following:
A meeting of the Planning and Development Committee was held on Tuesday,
March 23, 1971 at 8:00 P.M.
Present were: Councillor Harris, Chairman; Councillor Henderson, Member and
c. H. Duncan, Deputy Clerk.
1. Welling_ton Heights
The Committee met with Mr. Ron Higgins of R. R. Higgins & Associates Ltd.
and Mr. Dennis Bowman, Architect, representing Old Park Holdings Limited. Mcc.
Higgins presented a revised plan of subdivision for the property on the south
eide of Wellington Street, west of Bayview. The revised plan provides for two
acre parcels of parkland toward the westerly part of the property along with the
creek lands shown on the original plan for a total of 7.7 acres of parklands.
The Committee has under consideration the proposal for town houses to act as a
buffer between the estate lots and the industrial area on Industry Street.
2. ~f~r Properties Ltd.
The Committee has not received a reply from the Developer on the Commi·~tee's
request in Report No. 17, for an agreement between the owner and Mr. l<icClcnny
for the diversion of the creek.
The Committee recommends that the revised drawing, dated February 5, 1971,
submitted by Mr. T. Won showing the retention of the existing watercourse on
Mr. McClenny's property be rejected as totally unacceptable because of the
possible danger of flooding to the home of Mr. McClenny.
3. l:!!::.P• Ieraci -Request for Rezoni!!lL
Mr. Ieraci was requested by Council to obtain permission from Mr. Rubin of
SPECIAL !<JEETING -7-!<lARCH 29 , 19 71.
Planning & Development Committee Report No. 29 Cont'd
3. P. Ieraci -Request for rezoning Cont'd
I.G.A. for fronting the building onto the existing parking lot. If permissio~
.is obtained the Committee will study and report on the request for rezoning of
Mr. Ieraci 1 s property on the east side of t1achell Avenue.
4. F. Orsi Subdivision
The Committee considered a preliminary revised plan of subdivision
by Mr. Orsi for this land on the east side of Yonge Street North.
plan is for single family lots plus two blocks of land fronting on
Street and sho~m as partment and/or multiple family residential.
The revised
The Committee recommends that Mr. Orsi be requested to submit a more detailed
draft plan of subdivision based on the revised plan dated February 9, 1971.
The Committee also recommends that the two blocks of land fronting on Yonge
Street be designated as development on the plan of subdivision at this time.
5. Cherry Subdivision
The Committee has scheduled a meeting with Cherry onstruction for Wednesday,
April 7, 1971 at 2:00 P.N. to discuss further the subdivision agreement.
Harris: "Resolved that the Planning andDevelopment Report No. 29 Le
Henderson: discussed item by item and accepted."
Public Safety Committee Report No. 30
Councillor Williamson presented a report of the Public Safety Committee in
which the.Committee respectfully submitted the following:
A joint meeting of the Public Safety Committee and members of King To,;nship
Council was held on Friday, February 10, 1971 at 9:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers to discuss a Fire Agreement bet~1een the two municipalities.
Present were: Mayor R. A. Illingworth, Councillors Williamson, Chai1~an;
R. Simmons, Vice Chairman and Fire Chief, G. Burling and Councillor P. Miller.
From King Township: Mayor MacTaggart, Councillors Rought and Murray Sheardown.
After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that an Agreement would be drawn up
setting the retainer fee at $500.00 and a charge per call of $165.00.
It was mutually agreed that Aurora would continue to supply protection while
avmiting signing of the Agreement.
It is recommended that the Clerk be instructed in conjunction with the Town
Solicitor to draw up said agreement covering a two (2) year period retro-
active to January 1st, 1971.
Williamson: "Resolved that the Report of the Public Safety Committee No. 30,
Miller: be accepted."
Publi~afety £ommittee Report No. 31
Councillor Williamson presented a report of the Public. Safety Committee in
which the Committee respectfully submitted the following:
The Public Safety Committee met at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 22, 1971 to discur
various items ..
All members were present as well as Councillor Harris.
1. It is recommended that a pedestrian control light be installed on 'the· north
east corner of Wellington Street and Yonge Street similar to the one on· the north
west corner ..
2. It is recommended that a delayed green light be installed on the north east
and south east corners of Wellington and Yonge Streets and also the necessary
pedestrian control lights.
3. It is recommended that the Traffic Safety Officer be requested to look into
the problem of parking in the following areas:
Trio Restaurant
Victoria and Wellington Streets
and submit his recommendations to this Committee.
4. It is recommended that Council advertise for applicants for the position of
By-law Enforcement Officer and the Town Clerk obtain information on the duties
of such an Officer from the City of Belleville, To~m of Dundas and To>mship of
Pickering ..
5. It is recommended that the Clerk contact the City of Barrie, the Town of
Richmond Hill and any other municipality from whom he wishes to obtain a copy
of their by-lm• regarding "littering".
6. There was lengthy discussion re the 1 hour parking restrictions on Yonge
Street with the thought in mind of permitting unlimited parking after 6:30
p.m. It >ras the decision of the majority of the Committee that no change should
be made to the existing by-law.
"Resolved that the Public Safety Committee Report ift31, re various
items be discussed item by item and approved,
Henderson: "Amendment: that Report No. 31 be tabled until the next meeting
Williamson: of Council. 11
Public Safety Committee Report No. 32
Councillor Williamson presented a report of the Public Safety Committee in
which the Committee respectfully submitted the following:
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Public Safety Committee Report No. 32 Cont'd
A joint meeting of the Public Safety Committee and members of Whitchurch-
Stouffville Council was held on Tuesday, March 23, 1971 at 8:00 porn. in
the Council Chambers, to discuss a fire agreement between the two municipal-
ities. The following were present -Aurora: Councillors Williamson, Chairman;
and Councillor Simmons Vice Chairman and Fire Chief, G. Burling.
Whitchurch-Stouffville: Councillors Ratcliffe, Simpson and Button.
After a lengthy discussion on the pros and cons between both parties it was
agreed that the Whitchurch-Stouffville members would submit the Aurora proposal
to their Council,and their Clerk would advise our Clerk of the decision
arrived at. It was further mutually agreed that Aurora would continue to
supply protection while awaiting signing a new agreement.
Williamson: "Resolved that the Report of the Public Safety Committee ~~32 be
Miller: accepted."
Horse Show Harris: "Resolved that the Aurora Agricultural Society be
Henderson: authorized to hold their annual Aurora & District
Horse Show in the Machell Memorial Park on Saturday,
June 12 and June 13th, (Sunday), 1971 and that they
have the use of the park the preceding Thursday and
Friday and that the Parks.& Recreation Committee be
advised accordingly."
Acting Building
Harris:11 Resolved that Mr. Marsh Miller be appointed Building
Davis: Inspector for the Town of Aurora for a temporary
period and that the Seal of the Corporation be attaches
here too"
Make Work Programme
Williamson: '~ereas the Province of Ontario has provided details cr the
Henderson: Employment Incentive Program 1971, and Whereas, the funds are
made payable to a Regional Council where applicable and Whereas,
provisions are available in the memorandum that the Regional
Municipality may redistribute;
Be it resolved that the Clerk make application to the Region of
York that the Town has a programme of dire need to:
1. Remove dead and diseased elm trees on road allowances in the
Town of Aurora;
2. to effect stream bank improvement and various park improve-
And therefore, that we request our pro-rata share of our allotment.
--~--,~·-~·-·-~.....,.~,~..,.-~ ... ~·~--~"="'''"'-~-~~-·~------~-~----~-~--~-·-·----·----·-·----··---·
Councillor Harris gave Notice of Motion on a letter of commendation to the
Province of British Columbia"
Childrens' Miller:
Safety Williamson:
"Resolved that a letter be sent to Chief Crawford
of the York Regional Police Force requesting that
the Childrens' Safety Program, as pre7iously
taught in the shcools in Aurora, be re-instated""
Staff Policy
Williamson: "Resolved that the staff policy re Jury Duty and
Henderson: Court Time be adopted, as amended, effective
Staff Policy
Williamson: "Resolved that the Staff Policy re: Safe Driver's
Miller: Award Banquet be adopted effective immediatelyo 11
Staff Policy Harris:
Noo 3 Henderson:
"Resolved that Staff Policy No" 3 re: further Educatir
of Staff be adopted, effective immediately""
Staff Policy Williamson: "Resolved that Staff Policy Noo 4 re Staff
Resignations be adopted effective immecciatelyo" Noo 4 Davis:
Noo 9
"Resolved that Staff Policy Noo 9 re: Use of Public
Motor Vehicles and Equipment be adopted effective
Staff Policy Williamson: "Resolved that Staff Policy No" 10 re Fire Department
Noo 10 Henderson: Strength be adopted effective imme-.Ciatelyo"
Staff Policy Miller: "Resolved that Staff Policy Noo re: Water Dictributic_
Noo Water Davis: System be adopted, effective immediately""
Staff Policy Williamson:
No" Pur-Henderson:
chasing &
"Resolved that Staff Policy Noo re Purchqsinp
and Tendering be adopted, effective immediatcc;:,"''
Staff Policy
Miller: "Resolved that Staff Policy Noo re: Correspondence
Stewart: be adopted, effective immediately""
~--·'~'--~,~~"""'-~~•<>~=·~,~~-·~-~-~--·-·---·~-~--··---~-·~~------~-~---------·-~ ---·
SPECIAL MEETING -ll• l1ARCH 29 , 19 71.
Staff Policy
Nco Snow
Staff Policy
Nco Public
Works Inspect-
Tenders -
Gasoline &
Diesel Fuel
Gasoline No. 1
''Resolved that Staff Policy Nco re: Snow
Removal be adopted, effective immediatelyo 11
Williamson: "Resolved that Staff Policy Nco re: Public
Miller: Works -Inspection be adopted, effective
Davis: '~ereas two tenders were received for the supply of
Henderson: approximately 30,000 gallons of Number 1 gasoline
and for the supply of approximately 7,000 gallons
of diesel fuel as follows:
Per Gal. Prov. Tax Total Per Gal.
Imperial Oil Limited 28.00~ 18.00~ 46.00~
Taylor's Fuels Aurora Ltd. 27.50~ 18.00~ 45.50~
Imperial Oil Ltd. 23o 2Qr;: 24o00r;: 4 7. 20~
Taylor's Fuels Aurora Ltd. 21.00~ 2l.•o OOc;: 45.00~
Therefore be it resolved that the tender of Taylor's Fuels Aurora Limited
for the supply of Number 1 Gasoline at the unit price of 27.50 cents per
gallon plus Provincial Tax applicable at time of delivery, for a total unit
price of t,5.50 cents per gallon, and for the supply of Diesel Fuel at the
unit price of 21.00 cents per gallon plus Provincial Tax applicable at time of
delivery, for a total unit price of 45.00 cents per gallon, be accepted for
the period from March 20th, 1971 to March 19th, 1972 and that the Seal of the
Corporation be attached hereto."
Miller: "Resolved that the meeting be adjournedo" (10: 55 P.No)
~· ·.~LoY: NAYOR. · . 1 c