MINUTES - Special Council - 19700331MWtrrES OF A .SPECIAL MEETlNG OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1970 AT 8:10P.M. PRESENT: Mayor R. A: IllingWorth, Reeve E. Buck, Councillors Davis, Harris, Henderson; Miller, Simmons & Stewart • . -' '. . . -... _ ~ --? DElEGAT-IONS: cheaerboEirdF>lrlnsX:td• Mr. E. D~herty, Mr. C. Bmdth, Mr. G. Morris, and Mr. H. Brumwell appeared as ~ d~!e$ation ~9 s~bmit their preliminary plans for an extended seriation treatment plant. Mr~, ~ohehr reqli~s~e<l that considerati':m be given to the method of disposing of the .. sludge, ~ither they dispose of it and the sewage rates be lowered, or the Town j:ruckpick it up at. their plant,:, or the sludg~ be permitted to flow throtigh the se~efs and be colie~ted at the Town's sewage plant. Mr. A1lstin Reid of J. D. Reid & Assod.>ltes :is to stibmit a report and reco~endations on the sludge tem6val altetrtatives and the financial costs. S~ons: Buck! "Resolved that the plan be recei~ed from Checkerboard Farms Ltd. and be referred to Mr. Austin.Reid for study in conjunction with the Ontario Water Resources srtd that a report be submitted to Coiincil." CARRIED Ardent Properties Mr. George Feher, architect, l\ppellred as adelegatiol,ito (!iscu.ss the propo~ed fifteen suite apartin~nt building on.Reuben Street •. Mayor Illingworth stated that it.ha!3 been Coun~il' s. policy t() require orie hundred fe~tminimtun frontage for apartments and that· the same requirement applies to the proposed site. Aurorit Rent-All ·§te~art: "Resolved that the J2 hour not:l.~e be waived and that Miss Hobson Harris: be heafd as a delegation~" CARRIED Miss Hobson exJ,lllined their problems in finding alterliative :residential accoimnodation Bttd:requested that considerationbe giVeh to their remaining.at their present location • .. ' ~ CORRESPONDENCE 1:.:.1 thec.kerbpar<l Farlns Ltd., Sewage Treat:Dlent Platit (Iriforlnation) 2. Geprge ~-P.~he:t' Reqtiest to appear before Cound.i (Information) 3. Mr_.,& Mrs. W. Dittmar:.:. Tree planting (Information) ~-·-------·-----------~--~-----·~----·-------·-·--···-·-·-·---- SPECIAL MEETING -2- 7-4. Borough of North York -Proposed traffic stu~y (Information) 5. Wm. Johnson, Treasurer -Progress Report -E. D. P. (Referred to Finance Comm.) 6. Wm. Johnson, Treasurer -Proposed 5 year forecast (Referred to Finance Committee) 7. C. C. Johnston -Solicitor -Bodfish Estate Levies (Information) 8. C. C. Johnston -Solicitor -Evermore Investments (Information) 9. Health Unit -Inspection of Snack Bar (Information) 10. Mrs. I. Cox, Sewers backing up (Referred to Works Comm.) 11. E. A. McGregor -Sewer back-up, Property of Mrs. Cox. (Referred Works Comm.) 12. W. Case -Invoice (Referred to ~gineer) 13. Miller-Vowles, Ltd. -Releases re Mrs. D. Miller (Information) 14. Ontario Housing Corp., Aurora O.H. 1 & 2 (Information) 15. York County Board of Education -Arbitration Award (Infor mation) 16. Mrs. M. Powell, Complaint re dogs (Information) MARCH 31, 1970. 16A. Oshawa Area Planning & Development Study -Information Bulletin (Information) 17. Committee of Adjustment, Submission #24 -Wellington St. East (Information) 18. Aurora Planning Board -Notice of Meeti~g, March 24, 1970 (Information) 19. Aurora Planning Board -Planning Meeting questionnaire (Information) 20. General Accident Group -Inspection of Fire Hall (Referred to Fire Comm.) 21. General Accident Group -Inspection Sewage Plant, Community Centre Board (Information) .'----· "--~·-·~.--~-..:..~.._~..... ·---~~~...... ---- SPECIAL MEETING -3-MARCH 31, 1970. 22. Holland Valley Conservation, Pleasantville Dam Site Stewart: "Resolved that the letter be acknowledged and that the Holland Harris: Valley Conservation A~thority be advised that Aurora is interested in their proposal and for them to advise of developments." CARRIED 23. County of York -Social & Family Service -List of Field Workers (Information) 24. County of York -R. Vernon -Bill 240 (Information) 25. City of Sault Ste. ~mrie -Re By-Law for controlling disposing of garbage, etco (Information) 26. W. Coulter, Re No Parking Ban Sinnnons: Harris: "Resolved that the Works Dept. be authorized to have the no parking signs taken dmm or covered but that the poots be left in place." CARRIED Miller: "Resolved that the Works Department be instructed that no Henderson: traffic regulatory signs are to be erected unless specifically authorized by Council." CARRIED 27. Assoc. of Clerks & Treasurers, Notice of Meeting (Information) 28. County of York Planning Office, York County Waste Study (Information) 29. Parks & Recreation Comm., Minutes of meeting (Information) 30. Parks & Recreation Connn. -Tree to be repaired Henderson: "Resolved that the tree in Aurora Heights Park be included in Harris: the list of trees to be repaired this year." / / CARRIED Henderson: "Resolved that contractor working on Tree Contract be under Davis: the supervision of the Parks Foreman." CARRIED 31. Parks & Recreation Connn. -Use of Park by Queen's York Rangers (Information) ---·-··-~-'"~··~.-.~-'"'~~~, .. _.._.:_ __ ·~ ..... ·-·~-····-.. -----------~- SPECIAL MEETING -4-MARCH 31, 1970. 32. Parks & Recreation Comm. -Clarification of position (Information) 33. Office of the Minister of Transport -Closing of C.N.R. Station (Information) 34. Dept. of Municipal Affairs -Employment of Casual Staff (Information) 35. ~tarib'Humane Society-January Statement (Information) ·--; 36. Ontario Humane Society -February statement (Information) 37. Assoc. of Mayors & Reeves -Arbitration a\<ard -Y.C.B.O.E. Buck: "Resolved that the Clerk prepare a general resolution and submit Davis: to the Mayor's & Reeve's Association." CA..Tffi.IED 38. L. W. Sf>ence.J:, Solicitor -Dorbank Investments Harris: "Resolved that copies of all revelent correspondence, on whether Davis: nursing homes should be.classed as institutional and if institutional use would be permitted in residential areas without rezoning, be forwarded to the County Planning Office for otu¢y and that we request their advice as to By-Law amendments as it would affect Nursing Homes." CARRIED 39. To\<U of Dundas -By-Law enforcement officer (Information) 40. Ontario Water Resources -Industrial Waste Conference (Referred to Water Resources Comm.) 41. Ontario Water Resources -Report re Mr. G. Longhurst (Referred to Water Re·sources Comm.) 42. Mrs. J. Anderson, Complaint re parking -Church Street Simmons: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the York County Board of Henderson: Education requesting them to meet with the Council to discuss the enlarging of the parking lot behind the Church Street School and that a study and estimate of cost be obtained in Buck: Davis: the meanwhile. 11 · "Amendment: that a member of the Town staff and the Chairman of the Services Committee meet with a member of the School Board's administrative staff to discuss the possibility of enlarging the parking area behind the Church Street School and report." CARRIED ~----~-~--······--• .. ,«..:'~-·~--'--'-·-·---'----~·-·~.:..-c,~-~~"· -----··---··· SPECIAL MEETING -5-MARCH 31, 197p. 43. Town of Richmond Hili, Arbitration Award -Y.C.B.O.E. Davis: "Resolved that the resolution of the Town of Richmond Hill Stewart: be endorsed and further that they be notified of the action previously takeh by this Counci 1.11 CARRIED 44. Seneca College-Communication before Board (Information) 45. Wm. Hodgson, M.P.P. -Resolution (Information) 46. Ontario Good Roads Assoc. -Directory of Members (Information) 47. Aurora Police Dept. -Duty Roster (Information) 48. J. D. Reid & Assoc. -Wimpey Sub. Eas.;ments (Information) 49. G. M. Sernas, Engineer -Copy of letter to J. D. Reid re Evermore Invest- ments (Referred to Engineer & Bldg. & Dev. Comm.) 50. J. D. Reid & Assoc. -Se~ago Pumping Station (Referredto Water Resources Comm.) 51. J. D. Reid & Assoc. -Copy Of letter to Jackson, Ypes & Assoc. re addition to St. Joseph's School (Information) 52. J. D. Reid & Assoc. -Copy of letter to GoodmanLtd. re 12 Banff Dr. (Information) 53. J. D. Reid & Assoc. -Copy letter Morris & MacKenzie Ltd re Golf Glen Terraces (Information) 54. Aurora Police Dept. -Equipping of cruisers with Port-o-Matic Portable Oxygen Unit (Referred to Police Comm.) 55. J. D. Reid & Assoc. -Vertical Turbine Pump Tenders (Referred to Water Resources Cornm.) 56. County of York -Stag for B. Vernon (Information) 57. Municipal Office Smith Falls -Request for copy of By-Law (Information) 58. A Merkur & Sons Ltd. -Aurora Shopping Centre (Referred to Council in Committee) ... ~. SPECIAL MEETING -6-MARCH 31, 1970o 59o Depto of Municipal Affairs -Approval of Amendment Noo 1 to Official Plan (Information) 60o York County Planning -Municipal Costs York County - (Information) Buck: "Resolved that the correspondence be accepted and actioned as Ste1~art: recommended in the Clerk's reporto" CARRIED ~ORTS OF COMMITTEES Police Committee Report Noo 164 Councillor Miller presented a report of the Police Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following: A meeting of the Police Committee was held on Wednesday, March 18th, 1970 at 4:00 PoMo Present: Councillor Miller, Chairman; Councillor Stewart, Vice Chairman; Member Reeve Buck and Councillor Harriso Also present: Chief of Police Wmo Langman, and Constable Dwayne Lougheedo lo Replacement for lsto Class Constable The Committee reviewed the applications received for the position of First Class Constable, as directed by Council, and recommend that l1ro John Mitchell be hired as a First Class Constable effective April 1, 1970 for a probationary period of one yearo 2o Hiri~g of Additional Cadet The Police Committee studied the procedure re council's instructions regarding one constable for 850 of population, bearing in mind a new constable should be hired on June 1, 1970 to keep this ratioo The Committee recommends that instead of hiring a 3rdo class constable a new cadet be hi·ed and that the Chief of Police could rotate a cadet to be supervised by himself or by other supervisory personnel, for general police duties, (eogo 3 month's general ·duty-3 month's dispatching)o This procedure would provide cadets with basic experience to give a broader backgroundw a prospective officer prior to further Ontario Police College trainingo 3o 1970 Police Budget The Committee received the 1970 Police Budget and are pleased to advise it is now ready for the perusal of the Finance Committeeo Clause 1 -Carried Clause 2 -Carried Clause 3 -Carried Miller: "Resolved that the report of the Police Committee dated March 17, Stewart: be discussed item by item and acceptedo 11 CARRIED .··, -----·'·----•·•->,v<·ooh<~·~~"'~'-•--·--.------ SPECIAL MEETING -7-MARCH 31, 1970, Works Committee Report No, 165 Councillor Davis presented a report of the Works Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the follo>~ing: A meeting was held with H, Rolling, Due to a letter received from Mr, E, McGregor, Town Superintendent, recommending Mr, H, Rolling for Foreman which had been referred to the Works Committee and due to a request for an interview from Mr, Rolling, a meeting of the Wprks Committee was held at the Council Chambers, March 19,1970 at 8:00 P,M, Present: Chairman W, Trent, Vice Chairman W, Davis, Member N, Stewart and Mr, H, Rolling, 1, Mr, Rolling wishes to be paid on an hourly basis with overtime benefits, 2, It is recommended that there >~auld be a probationary period of 6 months, 3, Mr, Rolling \muld like to be able to return as a worker if his roll as Works Foreman does not vrork out, 4, Mr, Rolling would like a policy to be 'instituted setting out his working conditions, Therefore, the Committee would recommend to Council that we hire Mr, Rolling as Works Foreman, effective April 1, 1970 at $3,60 per hour for· 40 hour week, and meet all above conditions, Clause 1 -Carried Clause 2 -Carried Clause 3 -Carried Clause 4 -Carried ----·------~·· Davis: Stewart: "Resolved that the report of the Works Committee, re meeting with Mr, H, Rolling, dated March 19, 1970 be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto," CARRIED Works Committee Report No, 166 Councillor Davis presented a report of the Works Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following: After perusing some of the vehicle's expenses shown onfue account statements for the last few months, the Committee would recommend that the position of mechanic become full time, The Committee would recommend that a policy of working conditions for the mechanic be prepared with a salary schedule, Davis: Stewart: "Resolved that the Works Committee report, dated March 19, 1970, re full time mechanic be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto," Henderson: "Amendment: that the report be tabled and be referred to Council Buck: in Committee and that more information as to practicability, equipment and financial, be obtained," CARRIED _ _.,.~ o•·~~··~--»»-.-•··~-·•'-•..W..,•J.'.;.,,_ __ ,~c~.<~~·~.......:..~~-~~~~~"------ SPECIAL MEETING -8-MARCH 31, 1970, Works Committee Report No, 167 Councillor Davis presented a report of the Works Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following: A meeting we.s held with Mr, Wm. Johnson; Treasurer, to go over proposed work's budget for 1970 at 9:00 P,M,, March 19th, 1970. All members were present~ The Committee went over the Budget, item by item and intend to meet again to review some of the recommended changes, This is a progress report only, Davis: "Resolved that the report be accepted as a progress report," Stewart: CARRIED Reeve Buck in the Chair, Council in Committee Report No, 169 Mayor Illingworth presented a report of the Council in Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following: A meeting of the Council in Committee was held on Wednesday, March 25, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. Present were: Mayor R. Illingworth, Reeve Buck, Town Engineer J, D, Reid, Councillors Davis, Harris, Henderson & Simmonsa l, MEETING WITH YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION The Committee met with representatives of York County Board of Education to discuss the dedication of lands for the extension of McDonald Drive south from Wellington Street West; Present from the Board of Education were: Mr. K, Nisbet, Mr, ·Hunter, Mr. Starr and Mr, S. Chapman, Director of Education, Mr. Baker and Mr, G. Ford, (a) The Committee recommends that the school board be required to deed and dedicate 53 feet of property, along the easterly boundary of their property, for a road allowance and the Committee further recommends that the Town consider some means of compensation for a 20 foot of extra road allowance width required in the case of this proposed street. (b) The Committee recommends that the Town Engineer prepare rough estimates and schematic drawings by May, 1970, 2, RALSTON PURINA -SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Mr, Reid advised the Committee that Ralston Purina Ltd, will attend before Council on March 31, 1970 to submit revised plans for a sewage disposal plant, ····---~---·-·--.-~ •• .c.· =~~~~~~-----------· . -~/ ''1:·· ,,·-, _, .. : SPEciAL MEETING ' '-9-MARCH 31, 1970o Counc'i) ::1.-ri'•Committeed;l.eport No. 169 Cont' d 3 0 _ MA11.K STREET'lZ''I-IATERMAIN Mro, Re_id a<;Jvise<i _that .restoration of the roadway will· be undertaken by the con ti:a-CiO:r--".:as----soort --as--weather permits o 4o BROKEN WATERMAIN AT YONCE STo t.ND I,RWIN AVE::_ The Ctmuhi\:"tee · rec6iillllend's that· the T0 wn En.gineer be au'thoriziad to con'tac::t Dagmar Construction Ltdo ·and to .idvine diem that the ToWr1holds them ,·. . . i:E>sponsihle for the breal '~n the watermain '·;hich resulted in prophty de.mag0' hhd repair >10rko . . . .· . .. . . . .. . So EbWARJlLSTiEE! AND.GLASS DRTV~ RECONS'l'RUC'l't:Q£l ±he Cbinmi. ttee rel:oiliirierids that. the h<;>ld back 6n_ final pEryine!itt to the cbntractor for the·• recohstruction of Glass Drive ttnd Edward Street be· retained until furthel" illformation. is available and that the Town Engineer be authorized to condutit •such.·--te'sts -as may be required in order to determine the cause of the failure of the road base on both streetso 6~ NEW WELL Mro ·Reid advis~d ~hat the 'd:i:illing of th" well.is ~eal"ing cmnpletion ~nd _that air' inilicati6i:ts: arii that thi; n~'' well i~ proceeding ih .a satisf;,ctory inannero • :, i • • • , , -I • •-• I ,. ' ,-: -: ,, .. ,• • n · NEW WATER RESERVOIR Mro Reid advise<! that he and the To-.m Solicitor hadcontacted Mro So Kelner, 6Wr1er of the iand~ west of the Orchard'Heights Subdivision, to enquire on the p¢ssibility of acquiring a site for a new reservo~r ,\,tid that Mro Kelner has r~quested. that' it firm. offer of purchase be made. by the 'Town for the siteo The· c·omitli ft(\e 'retommettds that the report of the Engineer be accepted and t.hat tw6 ·1and' appraisals and the 1970 assessment figures be obtained on the landso 8o KENNEDY STREET WEST RECONSTRUCTION The Committee recowmends·that the plans for the reconstruction of Kennedy Street West be consid.,red in Council in Committee when availableo 9o REGIONAL GOVERNMENT The Committee considered the boundaries required in order for Aurora to be ''· viable_ region under Regional Governmento The Committee recommends that the northerly boundary should be half ~<ay between the Sto Johns and the Mulock Sideroads; that the easterly boundary should bethe proposed Highway 404, that the westerly boundary should be between the third and fourth concession of King; and that the southerly boundary, although preferable along the water- shed, may be more practical to use the Gormley Sideroad being the present northerly .limits of Markham and Vaughan Townshipso Clause 1 -Carried Clause 6 -Carried Clause 2 -Carried Clause 7 -Carried Clause 3 -Carried Clause 8 -Carried Clause 4 -Carried Clause 5 -.. Carried _[ ,. ~~ " , .. , ------~-~-·-·----------·--··--·---,\;: SPECIAL MEETING -10-MARCH 31, 1970. Council in Committee Report No. 169 Cont'd Clause 9.-Illingworth: "and. that a copy of our suggested boundaries and a map Henderson: be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. 11 CARRIED Illingworth: "Resolved that the Repqrt cf Council in Committee, dated March Davis: 25, 1970 re various matters be read and discussed item by i tern and accepted, as amended. 11 CARRIED '' Mayor Illingworth in the Chair. NEW BUS!~ Davis: "Resolved that the Department of Highways of Ontario be requested Stewart: to approve the following transfers within the approved limits of 1969 normal By-Law #1837-69; $231.81 from bridge and culvert construction to bridge & culvert maintenance, $20,945.96 from road construction to road maintenance. 11 CARRIED Councillor Simmons gave Notice of Motion re Change in Zoning in Area of Industry Street from Wellington Street to Mary Street. Miller: "Whereas it is desirable to honour a Citizen of the Year in the Simmons: Town of Aurora: BY-LAWS Therefore, be it resolved that a Committee be formed to include the following: Mayor, Reeve, Mr. R. Buchanan, Aurora Banner, Mr. D. Bell, Prinicipal Regency Acres School; Mr. L. Tadman, Principal St. Joseph's Separate School; Be it further resolved that all groups and organizations and all citizens be requested to submit suggested names and background material to Committee by end of May of each year and the Committee to decide by majority not later than June 20th. and the official announcement to be made during the July 1st. Celebrations. 11 CARRIED By-Law 1879-70 Davis: "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time this day." Buck: CARRIED Buck: "That the third reading of the By-Law be taken as read." Stewart: CARRIED Simmons: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." (11:04 P.M;) Miller: CARRIED /tt:kv MAYOR CLERK --·-v '·