MINUTES - Special Council - 19681111MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1968 AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: M~or C. F. Davis, Deputy Reeve J, Williamson, Councillors Buck, Corbett, Davis, Illingworth, Miller and Trent. MayOr Davis stated that the meeting was called to pass the accounts and other business since the regular meeting of Council will not be held on Monday, November 18th. due to the nominations. ACCOUNTS All accounts were approved as printed and circulated. CORRESPONDENCE Sunnybrook Subdivision Phase 2 A letter from J, D. Reid recommending a reduction in the Performance Bond required for White Strip Construction Co. Ltd. Illingworth: Trent: New Secondary School Illingworth: Williamson: ·---·--~"·•· · ,., .. ~-~-·ee..,-,.,.,..,....~,,.,.,, "Resolved that the Per:t'ormance Bond for the above ground services for Phase 2 of Sunnybrook Subdivision to be reduced to $20,000.00 and that the Works Department be authorized to snow plow the streets in the above subdivision." CARRIED A letter from the Aurora and District High School Board requesting that the necessary steps be initiated to raise the sum of $2,950,000.00 for a new secondary school on Wellington Street West. "Whereas Aurora and District High School Board has applied to the Councils of the Town of Aurora, the Township of King and the Township of Whitchurch having jurisdiction in Aurora High School District to raise the sum of $2,950,000.00 by the issue of Debentures, for the purpose of paying for the Construction and Equipping of a New High School to be located on part of lot 80, according to registered plan 102, in the said high school district. Be It Therefore Resolved by the douncil of the Town of Aurora 1. That the s~id application to raise the sum of $2,950,000.00 is hereby approved. · 2. That this Council does hereby request the Council of the County of York to raise the stimof $2,950,000.00 being the entire sum required for the said purpose by the issue of its debentures. 3. That the Town of Aurora shall be responsible for its share of the said debentures as provided by the Secondary School and Boards of Education Act. CARRIED . ~~---·· '"".- 1-. SPECIAL MEETING -2-NOVEMBER 11, 1968. CORRESPONDENCE CONT'D Community Centre Recreation Director A letter from the Aurora Community Centre Board requesting the separation of the jobs of Centre Manager and Recreation Director. Buck: Corbett: "Resolved that the letter be tabled for next year's Council for their consideration." DEFEATED Illingworth: "Resolved that the letter be tabled until the letter from the · Trent: Recreation Committee is considered." Zoning By-Law Williamson: Trent: CARRIED "Resolved that the restricted area zoning by-l:aw be presented to the Municipal Council tonight, and accepted on the recommendations of the Planning Board and that the By-Law be·given the three readings." Mr. Conroy Dowson explained to the Council the four main objectives or policies that the zoning by-law attempted to cover. The points were: 1) to protect the post-war residential areas; 2) to attract redevelopment to the core area of Town; 3) to develop unserviced lands in the town; and, 4) to establish a street setback program. · .Williamson: Illingworth: BY-LAWS "Amendment: that the by-law be given two readings tonight and that the Council meet in Committee on Thursday, November 14th, at 8:30 P.M. to discuss the by-law further and be prepared to go into a special meeting of Council for the· third reading of the by-law." · CARRIED By-law #1822 Miller: "That leave be given to introduce a By-Law being a Trent: restricted area By-Law to implement the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora and that the· same be now read a first time." CARRIED Buck: "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second Corbett: time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for that purpose;" CARRIED --~-~---~-~------·-·- I l __ - CORRESPONDENCE CONT'D -3-NOVEMBER 11, 1968. Assistant Recreation A letter from the Aurora Parks and Recreation Committee Director recommending the hiring of Mr. R. Wilson as Assistant Recreation Director. Illingworth: "Resolved that the Council accept the recommendation of the Aurora Williamson: Parks and Recreation Committee re the appointment of Mr. R. Wilson as Assistant Recreation Director and that ajoint meeting be convened with the Co~unity Centre Board, the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Council to work out the details." Trent: "Amendment: that the decision be held in abeyance until after a joint Miller: meeting can be held with the Community Centre Board; the Parks & Recreation Committee and the Council. CARRIED Buck: Corbett: "Resolved that all financial data on the Recreation Committee and the Community Centre be made available for the meeting. 11 DEFEATED Sauro Subdivision A letter from J. D. Reid re Sauro Subdivision Agreement and items not completed in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement. Illingworth: Miller: "Resolved that. the Town Solicitor and Engineer be authorized to negotiate with Mr • .Sauro and that a report be submitted to Council within 21 .days and that copies of the Engineer's findings be sent" to the residents involved." CARRIED Flooding Claims A letter from Mr. C. E. Miller of Miller-Vowles Ltd. re claims of Mr. J. A. Bull and Mr. E. G. Moreau. Illingworth: ·Miller: Illingworth: Corbett: "Resolved that a Town cheque be issued to Mr. J. A. Bull in the amount of $667.00 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. " CARRIED "Resolved that the Council accept Mr. C. E. Miller's recommendation that no additional c1aims be paid to Mr. Moreau." CARRIED Crosswalk Wellington & Haida A letter from Toronto and York Roads Commission re Pedestrian Crossover on Wellington Street at Haida Drive and suggesting a meeting. Mayor Davis stated that the Council in Committee, the Police Chief and Engineer are to meet with Mr. Rettie at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 14th, 1968. ------,~·~•z~-~-----••'>• """<.O-<n-~-------~-~~·•~•••-•-~c~--~;---• ----.. ---.-. -.-.. -. -.-. -.-.-. -. ·-·--~,~7-~,-·-'=--~··~.~~7~-~=-~·-·--------~"'-"-"""""-"' _____ , ___ , __ ••••~~~-- ·; ______ . CORRESPONDENCE CONT'D -4-NOVEMBER 11, 1968. Servicing Proposal: A letter from Mr. R. S. Back, Solicitor for Mrs. Herskovits, advising that Mrs. Herskovits has proposed to be responsible for 50% of a watermain on Yonge Street South from Murray Drive to Regency Drive. Yonge St. South Illingworth: "Resolved that the letter be referred to the Town Engineer for Williamson: study and a report back to Council at his earliest convenience." CARRIED. Tractor Tender A letter from the Aurora Parks .& Recreation Committee enclosing copies of tenders received for the supply of a tractor complete with snow plow and weather break and recommending the acceptance of the tender submitted by International Harvester. Illingworth: Trent: "Resolved that the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Committee be accepted and that the tender of International Harvester in the amount of $3,111.75 be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." CARRIED Parks & Recreation Committee A letter from the Aurora Parks & Recreation Committee requesting the rates for rental of equipment from the Works Department for 1969 Budget purposes. Illingworth: Trent: Community Centre Board Member Illingworth: Williamson: COMMITTEE REPORTS "Resolved that the letter be referred to the Works Committee and the Town Superintendent for a report."· CARRIED A letter from Mrs. Joan O'Neill advising Council that Mr. O'Neill wishes to continue as a member of the Aurora Community Centre Board. "Resolved that a copy of the letter be forwarded to the Community Centre Board." CARRIED Deputy Reeve Williamson in the Chair. Council in Committee Mayor Davis presented a report of the Council in Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following: A council in Committee meeting was held at 8:00P.M. on Tuesday, November 5, 1968. Present: Mayor C. F. Davis, Deputy Reeve Williamson, Councillors Buck, Davis, Trent, Illingworth; Engineer J. D. Reid; Building Inspector A. Jubb and Clerk K. B. Rodger. · The meeting was called to discuss the possibility of acquiring the Old Post Office and the jurisdiction and use of the Church Street School. ----··················--~--~-...... --····--·-·- /<, _____ ...._ CORRESPONDENCE CONT'D -5~· NOVEMBER 11, 1968. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONT'D Old Post Office & Church Street School Cont'd The Committee recommend that the Engineer be authorized to ehgage an architect and that a Committee be formed of the Engineer, the Building Inspector and the Architect to study and report on the structural aspects of the-Old Post Office and the Church Street School, and if possible, a functional report on same at a cost not to exceed $500.00. Davis C: Illingworth: "Resolvecl that the report of the Council in Committee re Old Post Office and Church Street School be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." CARRIED Malfor Davis in the Chair. Polling Places Williamson: (See Below) Davis W: "Re_o;;olved that the Polling Places be fixed for the Municipal Election, Decem,ber 2nd, 1968, if required as follows: Poll 1 Poll 2 Poll 3 Poll 4 Aurora Heights Public School Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk Mrs. M. MacGregor Mrs. J. Wood Mrs. L. Whiteman Mrs. P. Hodgkinson Mrs. B. Young Mrs. J. Smith Our Lady of Grace Church Hall Mrs. S. King Mrs. M. Hodgkinson Mrs. A. Cotey George Street Public School Mrs. V. McDonald Mr. Morris Mrs. J, Williams Mr. Beaumont Wells Street Public School Mrs. L. Butler Mrs. S. Spence Mrs. J. Spence Mrs • I. Offord Mrs. L_. Scott Mrs. D. Johncox -· -·----------------·~----__ ,_ ' Mrs. Chowson Mrs. A. Marshall Mrs. CutP,bert Mrs. Magee Mrs • Fawcett Mrs. 0. Christensen Mrs. R. Fierheller Mrs. Van Der Matten Mrs. A. Preece Mrs. Peterson Mrs. Wray Mrs. L. Brown Mrs. Harman Mrs. M. Anderson Mrs. D. Southwood Mrs. J. Watts Mrs. D. Griffith Mrs. V. Heaney Mrs. J. Giles ·.-7'"'-"'''"-"'"'-"''"'='"~~~--------~-=--=•r.-"-"'""•-•"'''="'·="'•"~•~ • •• ••-•-•• '" _.,_._..,~-~·~ COMMITTEE REPORTS CONT'D -6-NOVEMBER 11, 1968 POLLING PLACES CONT'D Poll 5 Regency Acres Public School Deputy Returning officer Poll Clerk Mrs. R. Dunn Mrs. Rockwell Mrs. L. McCullough Mrs • D. Coleman Mrs. K. Holmes Mrs. McDonald Mrs • Franklin Mrs. Remian Mrs. Earlam Mrs • Rockvrell Mrs. Thompson Mrs • Copeland Mrs. Beeney Mrs. Collins Advance Poll -Victoria Hall -Mosley St •••. Monday, November 25, 1968. Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk Mrs. C. Fowler Mrs. E. Foote CARRIED Williamson: "Resolved that there shall be no meetings of Council between the dates of November 18th. and December 2nd, 1968 unless called by the Mayor. " Davis W: CARRIED Councillor Trent stated that he is officially announcing his candidacy for the position of Deputy Reeve. Trent: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." (ll:57 P.M.) CARRIED p~ MAYOR CLERK f ) ' " ldnll • 1 10AA __.-j> tg __ MOVED BY ./;/' J/ ~ SECONDED BY ... ~~ That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CAPITAL ACCOUNT YONGE STREET RECONSTRUCTION Armitage Construction Canadian Brass Ltd. J. D. Reid & Assoc. . ; . .•,, ·-·.i· ·, NOVEMBER 1968 Sewer Pipe & Couplings, Bends Service Box,curb stop & rods On Site Supervision ~-''-:-·· ·-·:-: -, ": . ' ~ •-:--- :\· CARRIED 765.91 237.91 6,704.14 $7,707.96 ========= '( ._-... ' .. .. 'i'· MAYOR ~- 7 J MOVED BY/~~~ NOV 11 1968 SECONDED BY "£i1]'~- That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. POLLUTION CONTROL CENTRE ACCOUNTS Aurora Automotive Aurora Hydro-Electric Bell Telephone Canada Valve Ltd. Dorr-Oliver-Long Herb Gray Moore Truck Parts North York Plunbing Safety Supply Co. Wilson Hardware ... u r· .,..~ .. -. ,_.·. ··< ' ')· i. ( ~~'. ··,,, ;--, 1.' .. ").__:''' ,., \· : NOVEMBER 1968 Allen Wrench Set Service Oct. 474.60 Nov. 731.13 Service Valve Plugs, Yard Hydrant Pocket Sheaves for Clarifier Petty Cash Repair Springs -Tank Truck GateValve, Nipples, Brushings, Cap Cast Nozzles Putty Knives, Steel Rule, Sash Putty, Bulbs, Sprayer, Battery, Bit, Drills, Glass, Brushes, Paint, Pails, Clock, Hose, Crowbar, Chisels, Keys, Clamps 87.08 7.50 1,205.7~ 36.16 12.95 130.00 7.28 188.21 8.01 20.75 209'-1" Hose & Couplings .185.85 __IT2..:..2l._ $1,889.52 ========= ··~·! ~_:v·~, :.~·::. .. -.. ·.~ '':" I • ,. ,'.-1• :·~·;. '( __ _, _____ _ " ~.;' ., ' . ~-· . :.·:~/, ·r: 'i.? .; .. :~~ i':· . ·:·_;_; (;' -. ::·:. ::. <.: ;~ ,.,,., . -~, ~-c• ;: \ . ·:.~·_; _;. ';.' :-~ -· -: ' :__. ' r,--. ::···.··~·-· ;---;: : __ "------~ •. • .. • :" ' --_;_~ '.--'·_ '. -· _._.. :· '! ~--.·· .. ····.'·-~ .I,•' ~·.v . '-! -'c.: _ _-1 .. t-· · MAYOR -,,.·!-·.···· CARRIED _., __ , '!. I I '· MOVED BY~) . . N01§l "- SECONDED BY '---f;,= J ~ That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERWORKS ACCOUNTS Armitage Construcp~on Attridge Lumber · Aurora Hydro D.L. Bassett Ltd. Bell Telephone Brian Engineering Canadian Tire Corp. Canron Ltd. Commercial Alcohols Consolidated S & G Emco. Limited Harry Graham Griimell Sales Northern Well Digging North York Heating Wilson Hardware :-o" ::~ ~ ,, . ,-_ -·_; 1. ;_~" -; . ,, .. ;· ' . ··---~-·<-· ·-_, ' -~ .. '!:l.'r " .· ;·- NOVEMBER 1968 Sand Fill Cedar Sel Service 680.96 Billing 513.60 Copper Tube, couplings Pipe Dope & 6 lb. packing Service Altitude Gauge Sandpaper, air pump & valve stem Cement Lined Pipe Methanol Crushed Stone Caps. Couplings, Valve Box Plugs Delivery to OWRC Quick tap service connection Installation of Turbine Pump Pipe, couplings, elbows, adapters & tees Plugs "!_ ·-··"··· -·;;t:·-. ~'•.• ... ·. . . ... ' ~~R~~~'r)· . ---.'(:::_· ' . ~-. " . -' . ' . ·.'.1.\\: 31.75 .59 1,194.56 48.93 40.05 14.53 3.66 183.60 125.26 16.91 542.22 6.00 17.01 1,200.00 37.46 .79 $3,463.32 =========== ., ~· {~·.):;__-) _MAYOR ''· __ _._.N~OV--'-1_:_1 1:::.:.968::.___,9 _ MOVED SY t'G~ T ~ SECONDED BY ~~~~~tk-A. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. POLICE ACCOUNTS Aurora Automotive Ltd. Aurora Banner Publishing Aurora Hydro-Electric Baldwin's Pharmacy Banner Printing Co. Bell Telephone Binions Motors Canada Customs Canada Law Book Canadian General -Tower Ltd. Canadian National Railways Canadian National Telecommunications Canadian Tire Corp. Carswell Co. Ltd. Central Office Supplies George w. Scully Co. Hall Photographic Supply Mainprize Drug Store MacNeil's Esso Service Ontario Motor League Robert Hale Hall, J.P, · -, -·-.--,.:·.·:::··r-_;"_: Select Carbon & Ribbon s:rsman Sn6e'cli; • ·' TaylOr's · Fuels TM Era: . The 'Telegram WHson &·cousins co. Wilson Hardware Petty ·Cash • · · ~.._·,· ' .. ,·; 'y . .. Flashlights Ad = Police Cadet Service Films NOVEMBER 1968 Envelopes, Form 39 -Summons Application Staff Phones 47.81 Service (727-9401) 76.76 Service (727-4211) 41.37 Cruiser #848 65.82 Cruiser #856 48.29 Customs Duty-Binders Criminal Code -1968 Raincoats -· Crossing Guards Express Charges Telex Laritern Snow's Criminal Code Mimeo Paper, Stencils, correction fluid, calendar pads, pends, tape,. file folders, call pads Sergeant stripes, hat bands Film First Aid'Supplies Car Washes Orange Belts, "Dayglo" Sept. & Oct. Charges ~Town By -Laws ::·;;·•:,_,.,. · Telex Rolls :P6:H6e Boots :Fuel oti · :Por±decadet Ad Mnstable Ad :F":tremet1 •·so Aie&s' ·· -< 5o "'MeasJi'ing Tape May-'Jurie: · . . 4o 36 . Oct.~Sepi\. · 'liB 91 · Of:f'i cers 1· Eip·s ; · 5i 5.2: _ ' ·,-: ·6.46 3.35 49.615 18.41\ 1oo .is 165.94 114.11 5.29 6.50 46.52 3.00 45.00 5.67 7.50 69.93 9.46 14.70 27.16 3.25 18.12 16.20 95 .. 1+9 115;1.8 15•99 ''T ;63 39;90 11.03 . 5 ,f8 1:4'0 .. 19 ····.·.·_· .. ·.c ...• c~ .·.· •• .. ·.·-.. ~_· .. · ··. ·• • ; j $l,lb7···5···li ~.-.·.···. ~ _:.-·_;.-_.~---·:·.~, __ ··.:. · .--_;;_._.· .-:: C:\_ ~YOR . . . ··L· CARRi·Eo · · ~ " NOV 19_ I 0 IO#VY ~ "') MOVED SY 4/ -1/dez-..! " That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on 'fhe Treasurer for SECONDED SY :;>~~ the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WORKS ACCOUNTS Amac Equip. Ltd. Armitage Const. Attridge' Lumber Aurora Automotive Aurora Hydro-Electric Bell Telephone Brad Wa},~el;' Motors Canadian .Bitumus Francia Hankin & co. CanadiM'Tire Corp. IndustJ;'{I\1 Cast Stone Miller,;:t#il,ving Milton Quarries Owl·-L;l, te Equip. Ltd. Richmond,H:itll Tree Service Slesscr"'Mot0rs M. L. Sntde~ & Son Taylor's Fuels Ted's Texaco J. A. Watt & Co. J., i '' .Willis ·· · Wilson Hardware .i ~ NOVEMBER 1968 Sewer Cables, Sewer Gloves Sewer Rod Reel, Saw Tooth Cutter, Sewer Rods Sand Fill, Asbestos,Pipes, Bends, Wye Lumber Fuses Service 13.48 Street Sewers 41.28 Traffic Signals 8.75 Service (727 4611) 38.31 II (727-5515) 4.62 Service Call, Check br~ RS2 Prime Pipe Plugs Forks, Rakes, Key Holder Precast Curbs Cold Mix Asphalt Stone Case of Batteries Tmm Tree Report Truck Repairs & Servicing Neoprene Jackets & Pants, Rubber Boots Fuel Gasoline Tire Repairs 58.52 497-90 School Crossing Signs First Aid Supplies · · T.urpentine, Cr.,osote '·.Trowel '.· . -. '.! -·-~r, ) -· -~~~~--~. l. ., i::':J·!l . -._,.: 375-38 172.87 13.23 .99 63.51 42.93 15.50 94.31 66.36 13-71 80.64 54.29 76.86 31.50 60.00 107.72 25.01 556.42 3.50 ' 179.14 ,:. ' 1.03 9.12 $2,044.02 ===='~-==~~= ·; "( ~.:: ... ';,~ . ~f · <' .: .. I~< ' '·;.,,?t1:)''·;··· '• ·.·· '• :; ;' '(_p," ~'~ ~ :-~~--------. --------~-~O(OR C~RR,ED i,., .. ,:~r .-· :/" ~-;' ·- MOVEDBY ~ I NOV t1196S e·z£z~--SECONDED BY That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. PARKS ACCOUNTS Annable Wholesale Nursery Attridge Lumber Aurora Power Equipment Bradford Fertilizer Co. Canadian Tire Corp. Industrial Cast Stone Wilson Hardware A:~-t"l,; I '·~. ,. : (;~~ .l•:.· ·-..,: .. 1 ' :\.T--~r.·· .. L'' ·;lL n.l:J:~-.r~-i ?~l',.V\:·1:· tq1,i.~.r;n;J'r'-. '' -~-! : .• ;·· ~:-Y,' .. I .!.'i:!oc:.r· Go. C' ·v·;_·:.dj_;:;,,'). -l'.L\'3: Gc·t:;:,, -.r--::t;::.q ·.::·L:~~ CcJ.st {.~tc<Y:\c~ .:: 1 ;c;(· H::L':"d:";-n.:t~c 100 Norway Maples Plywood Post-Hole Digger, Augers & Extensions 1 ton fertilizer Bulbs, Antifreeze, paint Concrete precast curbs Keys, hose, nuts & bolts, 236.25 24.19 197.19 85.00 10.01 33.60 brush, chain saw files, handles, rake, 3/8 electric drill, wire (:(~ (.] .::_:~ .. \...' cL-;· I'l!.:::."f_i_l( -;: 'F}~,r,r(;•G~i F'o-.:-.1_-.-·:;_ -.:,--: ·rc::,'<_;-.. :-.:r:, :1 .<.-\l". _, 1 ~n~ To~·{:~li~er U~.~-l_bS J /.nt:i ~'1:"Cl~--;:,;:: + l.>.:·n(~rut.:: r·"'~'~c~-:-~~-!~. ~.'u.r!:,;;·. h.Ot)<:;< r~nr.;: b<Jl i:.s} 47.36 $633.60 ========= 2 _,._,,2;_:: ::~ ;_) . ):) (: "{ • :ti.J ,,, ~,; .. c.: ,. ' f''•'' 'b:r"\.1.Sh ~ ,:-; (, :1.i.:! ;::: ~:t.\V f':: . .i~c.·. ::.:. ) b;::.::Hi1 r:: S ~ :c :;..~<: •;"':; ~ \,rJ::. '· ~- CARRIED -, ,: ~--, ·:· .. · .. ;,_) . .__-._, ~AYOR the Seal o£ the Corporation be attached hereto. CAPITAL ACCOUNT WORKS James Alton Equipment H. Jones Binions Motors COMMUNITY CENTRE PARKING LOT Armitage Construction Consolidated S & G !. t ·-·- :.;·· ·:.; ·.,. ··.· NOV 11 1968 '9- ~d/-~~ orders on the Treasurer for the same and NOVEMBER 1968 Frink Snow Install~d Fire Extinguisher 1969 Chev. 1/2 ton truck Drainage pipe with couplings 7/8 Crushed Stone ·-:~: 1,498.00 95.00 2,228.10 181.75 18.43 $4,021.28 =========== >xr~--., __ >·'. . " •• ' -• • l ,, K. :> ~ .. MAYOR CARRIED :-u-''·-- / ,; . ,-, ·.-··· .. ,_ . : c>:-;; .. ! .. -------·--·--··- > ·-"'-.. -' NOV 111968 ________________ ,g __ SECONOEO BY ,/~~ d~ That the fpllowing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. GENERAL ACCOUNTS Associated Leasing Service Aurora Banner Publishing Aurora Catering Aurora Committee of Adjustment Aurora Hydro-Electric Aurora Radio Hospital Avon Sportswear Banner Printing Bell Telephone · Central Office Supplies D.A. Dunlop J. B. Johnson McPherson & Bj.nnington McAinish & Co. Municipal Finance Officers Assoc. National Horse Journal Parkes, McVittie & Shaw J. D. Reid & Assoc. R~~baiad:-k.h:i.egion ·.~··. ··) .. -.. _·_ :.u.:.", ._-. r··ri . ._..,,. ~;;_,\· ' .. L' .. ~, _,-_ ..... ,., .. _ ;_:r. ··;:; r~.~ ··":'-r-...-~----- -··t; , .. -, ·-. ···· .. ,..;··' .: c·c ·_.-:.L '-,: ·,~;: -~'-,. i:.:)::~.y_: t-~.;,, _ ... :r~ ---,,,~-: --~--- 1 -~·:r)u.-.'~ -:,.,,, .. n' ,, ,, . :}~;, J()'•' ,., i":.·L:t:;;;_:; . i' ;_ :·· · ;;. .,, .. -,,·; 11':•! .,'' •. \"i!:'l: .. NOVEMBER 1968 Rental Savin Copier Ad -Carbage Collection, Maps Luncheon Bl4 , Bl5 , Bl2 • Bll, Bl3 Street Lighting Rental Loudspeaker "Field Day" Crests -"Field Day" 32.35 47.83 27.00 109.85 1,655.88 30.00 21.00 Envelopes-Comm. of Adj. 13.82 Letterhead-Clerk's Off. 15.94-29.76 Service -Office 141.36 Bldg. Insp. 17.01 Engineer _!9.79 178.16 Pens, Adder rolls & ribbon Savin Paper, staples, column sheets, service of adder, triplicate forms, correcting fluid, carbon paper E.D.P. September Band Master's Fees Register By-Law 1815 Dorland's Pocket Dictionary Membership Fees 431.47 107.08 160.00 Ads -Canadian Equestrian Team Insurance -Comprehensive, 11.00 5.63 40.00 100.00 Bodily Injury & property liability; comprehensive, dishonesty, disappearance & destruction Retainer Remembrance Day Wreath ··--:!. T ; •• ~ • -,_ • :;~. i ••,'f: :··-- 4,550.44 360.30 .::. Lj_~"J50 $ 7,914.;?5 ,.-.. ,,,.-, ·--: . ·' ' ~; :. :--';~ :·.: ========~=d:; : ,;'n-·· . ('!(: ., ~j '.: :··r·· ,-.~~' . ~. / ' . ,., L~'-· L-::1· .. ,, ... ,~-~'-'';':). ,-~ ... -(''·-'-··· ·· . .,.,. ;-' !'; c: :·· '! ,--. :·-· .. :. •' l.:' • • ·~··.-, ! '.~, '! .._"; • •• \" ·~; '.:• .i; ,., . ..... .,,_,:··· ,.., ..... '-~ ·r ,__. ·i. L~i'! c;id( ~~·s:~~~, ' ·-·~-;~-·; . . .. ·:· ~ ' -~ ' -' . CARRIE:"o' : i -~' :"· ' . •;, .. ·'" i:·''i': ·i·. ·-: ... --·' . . . . ,.. ~.l'.,..--~j-_. _ . ._,, --:: ~--"'' .. \i' · ..• j ': ;_·· . :L .. (·· :c ¥ NOV t\1968 ,_ MOVED BY ~ -------= SECONDED BY ¥' ~ ;:,~ \. / .. _...------ That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and PAY.RQL'SeACSOII1ll'n:::orporation be attached hereto. J.. _,_-,~-f~/::-bw J. ·~~~ M. i!PiJ.lii~inson M. Macl(lfegor G •. t'ttetiilirt S • ;~~i'li.de 11 ~:~!~~f'' G. A tldrison E. Dra~er H. Egan S. En~sig L ~ •• :f.oster A.LGodacll.alk w. ifiurii:lton A. Riggins c; Holmatt L. Johnston R. Preston H. Rolling T. Snowdon '·h Week Ending ................ . Total .. ~ •• _ ..... ., ........ ., •••••••••••••••• o ft'P.:~·h, $,\iM?fNt-!67 Oct. 181!1 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 92.25 120.05 134.75 110.86 97.53 101.68 98.00 101.68 82.00 138.73 110.86 90.00 108.38 211.00 * 94.00 1,791.77 * 1 k .Mol' " t~,.. < •• ,,, _ • ., ,~.. ~-'1 ;.f,.i;., wee vacat..;:,...oD.( )_,_, ,r;~.,.,_ -~b c ,_, _., ,_, ,, ",", •• ~ " " -"·c-._., ... · h- Ft:"l"TO\'; tJ l':L;,,_::r; ··~sc:r: '-}.f;.~_ c (~ r e g;;.•.c D.s>_:r·:-_·'o ;}c J..1 ?~:.::::.1nc:;:.:l;y- F·;:.~-,~-~::.•x· r;oc!r eh.e,·:~.-.k H~>.m.:i.1t o:r:.:.. n:.~-:1-~iir'Ji ~T ~) h_n_ .. ; -t: ,_~ 't• ):'X'-~1' . .:,-~-, .. 00 ;.,<:.;,oc ;:;: ,. cc 2_~)' (\') ~"!?. J.?C ~~ "If'. ..;._,_,,_.,, f-)"/. ::i .. :fe" ?j 11 C' ,O.r-:. CARRl'Eb "'. _ _. -. 9C'.<,.CO . ;~~1}.,CC: * Oct. 251!1 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 92.25 127.40 112.70 98.00 104.00 114.58 101.68 110.86 101.68 82d00 114.54 218.86 * 82.13 90.00 121.63 1,772.31 (),:·:t ·> ?~~,oo ?~~,.on .,OC:· 2'5~00 92~ " "1.1 ;· ··.·n ,. c~n ,.(\) 111·! ,;y.• 21P: :· 3t:) ~-~ c',i.') .. co Nov. 1 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 92.25 127.40 116.38 218.68 * 141.30 94.00 98.00 245.81 * 112.70 82.00 137.81 90.00 91.69 112.70 108.10 1,968.82 Nov, J_ ;:~-; ,_(·0 r-c-. ,_,_.,, r.,t"'\ ,..l,-\_, .. oo ·1 ~-·-:·: _,l.i·C :::JB :l -~; ~~ 91.~ '"OC l ~':7" f)J_ .,·'::0 9 J ,, ~::;;;' ::~]_~) "70 • Nov. 81!1 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 92.25 142.10 lO;t..68 104.00 94,80 109~ .!+ 98.00' 82.00 135.56 98.00 · :ltJO,.OD .:',::J:~~ro ·;19:8'100 ).06.34 1,551.77 .0/ov, 2~i,.CC ,()('; "'(Xi ?_1j".OC . c ;·. '" ~!.1-:-2 ,_. ::_(.') }{;]. ,...., .. . __ .,_ .. '){I-~ OG ~ .. :J~J <> [)h .~::-; r:n ~2~~:-(~-, ~5C 9?..~00 100"00 ::;o ~-OJ ,.CC .,._, MOVED BY/#~ .......... ,e':$~~ That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. PROPERTY UP-KEEP ACCOUNTS Aurora HYdro-Electric Bell Telephone Canadian Dust Control Office Specialty Ltd. Ta;ylor's Fuels Upper Canada Glass Wilson Hardware SUMMARY POLLUTION CONTROL CENTRE ACCOUNTS PROPERTY UP-KEEP ACCOUNTS ·-T~.: '-'~ :.. '-'···· ·---~~--~-_ ............. »•¥•-~--·-' ·-~------·~·-·-·· I 'C! '-;' . i.'C :' ···.",t•. !' . .'. ·;·: ('·_ . ~ I .":. . -'~ -.- ,._. 1 -~-, :.;·: r: --.:; ··-·-. .. ) . ' '! \ <:~ .. :--~ ;·.~ NOVEMBER 1968 Service Service -727-8401 Mats -Town Office Desk & Chairs Fuel Oil -Victoria Hall Window -Library Rags, Steel Wool, Pinofec, Keys, Bulbs, Handle, Mop Head, -~:,_ c\:-:~. '0 , .. , ... __ . , .. : . $1,889.52 440.97' $2 .. 330.49 =========== --~.-~.r:< ,_._ -,:: l'' !'' . ;~ :· -~ '• 55.69 9.56 12.10 231.00 9.15 87.61 35.86 $440.97 ========= ,-,.·· ~ . ·· ... ,.. ~iJ_ C~(.2 MAYOR CARR! ED NOV 11 1968 '"- MOVED BY < \..) »•-·~·'"~ u~ SECONDED BY /{_ 9;2:€ A 5f . L That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal ol the Corporation be attached hereto. FIRE ACCOUNTS Aurora Banner Publishing Aurora Hydro Electric Bell Telephone Brad Walker Motors Canadian Dust Control Canadian National Railw~s Canadian Tire Corp. Fire Engineering Lawton Bros. Safety Supply Co. Sainthill-Levine & Co. Southwood's B/A Service Taylor' s Fuels Wilson Hardware "'' j ;, '• • ~v • ~ :. ·'-,:~.~~->. ~· '··:...u . .-........ :-.-'.~\,o ,"'· . ' -... i c) ~. <-: !:', ~..-~I '"'"" ' .. ,., 1 ;: : .:-r. :·:-,:,r;_-;_. -~~---· -_,, . ·}:::. " . ~::. ::. ·.:·. . -, J ~~ ... . .. :·i~r\. ~ •-::. "l. ((" ···.-:1'.;/ '·' ~i ;;:·i· ,;. \' i ~~ -~. i .:. :. • ·,, _! •• :>.: ... ,; . ':~ ,.-.:-: ·:-::.~ .. / .. ;_ .. , .. , __ ... '1.:. . -:·~-' :~ NOVEMBER 1968 Ad -Fire Prevention Service Service (727-5432) 31.69 II (727 4211) 16.36 II (727-4744) 3.62 Adjust brakes, lights-;----- brake lined -67 Ford Cleaning Supplies Express Charges Rope, Tarps Handbook Service Van Rescue Saw Kit Fire Extinguisher, First Aid Kit, Blankets Gasoline Fuel Oil Fuses, Keys :; . ·.-,' r-,-.,_- .,_,_ .C:·: . .-, -~·.' ~-·'' .'; /,·3 .· 1.-t~;·; ~ ·i 502.45 105.20 <·.;:_;\T:~>/>,_:-,- ·. .·· --·-·-~-~-~ .. :\.· .• , ',· ,·, ·: ........... ,o, ::;-.;::.:··· I· .. , -~ ·:~--. ·.-. .• 1" _'!,j"" 44.55 22.43 '5a.67 43.65 4.80 4.00 19.95 12.10 9.08 607.65 8.49 45.20 34.19 7.98 $915.74 ========= ;_f :~ : .. (.' :.i,l__, )·,· ,·.; .~Y 1 '/".• -~:. --:-.' -r ~ _·-·.. J~~'-' --,-,. ···'·'".L':o:::C. ) .. :. ~x·\~·-··-~ .!-\!." l;'_L>"--.....J I v ~ MAYOR -~-! r:r ,_ ·'··· " .. ·-:' C,!\R-RIE·J? .. ..; . ·)-'; ') r·.· . -1~z MOVED SY (, • I ~ 1/ /, ~ NOV 11 1968 ________________ ,. __ SECONDED SY t ~ ~". :R J.A-v& That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayqr issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be allached hereto. WELFARE ACCOUNTS TOTAL WELFARE ISSUED FOR OCTOBER Recoverable from Province of Ontario Recoverable from other Municipalites TOTAL COST TO AURORA -·;,, ··. ,;· ,_.,_, ·:';· .,,,. )';i '• __ ,.· , ~ ,.' OCTOBER 1968 $2,462.63 5 .38_ $3,041.25 $2,468.01 $ 573.24 ============= '-e-diJ~~ MAYOR CARRIED