MINUTES - Special Council - 19700608MINUTES OF A Sl>ECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 Ar 8:00 P.M. Preeenti Mayor R. A. Illingworth, Reeve E. Buck, Deputy Reeve W. Trent, Councillor Davis, Harris, Henderson, Miller, Simmons and Stewart. DEBENrtnm TENDERS Tenders were received for the issue of $255,185.02 in ten year debentures with 97. coupqns, as follows! Burgess Grahaln Securities Ltd. 96.427 cents per dollar Bell & Guinlock Co. Ltd. 96.500 cents per dollar Bankers Secur:l.ties of Canada Ltd. 96.055 cents per dollar Miller: "Resolved that the Tender quotation of Bell Guinlock and Company Stewart: Ltd~ for the one to ten year, 97. debenture for the amount of $255,185.02 at the rate of $96.50 per $100.00 be accepted and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." CARRIED DELEGATIONS Mr. ·Howard and kr. MeKeghan of Go-Transit and l'lr. D. Anton of Grey Coach Lines . attended as a delegation to present the proposed plans for Go-Transit from ·Newmarket to ·Toronto. Go-Transit will be entering an agreement with Grey Coach litnes to provide the collll!Utor service. The date for COillllencing the service is September 8, 1970. Henderson: "Resolved that the proposal for Go-Transit as outlined by Mr. Buck: Howard be endorsed." CARRIED OFFICE RENOVATIONS TENDER Miller: "Resolved that the Tender of Model Builders (Aurol:'a) Limited in Simmons: the amount of $2,050.00 for the Muni~pal Office renovations be accepted and that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to arrange the most suitable ·atarttftg date for the contract and that the Seal of the Corpi::li:'at:l:on be attached hereto." WRIED eA'l'CH BASIN . CLEANING TENDER The following te~~ers were received for the cleaning of catch basins: Royel Paving Sanitank Inc• Miller Paving $2.85 per C.B. $2.60 per C.{!. $2.95 per C. B. Total Tot1;1l Total $1,396.50 $1,274.00 $1,445.50 TRENT: DAVIS: ·"Resolved that the Tender of Sanitank Inc. in the amount of $1,27!l~p()'for the cleaning of catchbasins be accepted, and the Sea~ of the Corporation be attached hereto." CARRIED :\. . SPECIAL MEETING -2-JUNE 8,1970 Trent: "Resolved. that the subdividers for Goif Gla.1;1 Phase 2 and Aurora. Davis: Orchards be advised of the eatch basin eleaning service a1;1d that they be reiiuesJ:ed. to bike advlih.l:age of it." c.ARJiiED DELEGATION Mr. Barry Youl;l8, Recreation Director, presented the proposal for the Youth Drop-In Centre at the Dr. G. W. Williams liigh School. Trent: Miller: "That the Town of Aurora underwrite the cost of caretaking from June 26, 1970 to August 29, 1970 at Dr. G. W. Williams Secondary School for the . summer youth centre and that it. is. hoped to _realize the recovery of some of these monies·from the y6uth that use these facilities and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Not to exceed $1800.00.11 CARRIED CO~ITTEE REPORTS Reeve Buck in the Chair. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 191 Mayor Illingworth pre.sented <I report of the Financial COillllittee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following: The Finance Committee met on Thursday, May 21, 1970 and in addition to items submitted to Council on May 25, ·submit the foliowiJ;l8 personnel items for consideration of Council:in Committee prior to presentil;l8 to Council. 1. Pension -Jaines Goulding Reference is made to Finance Report 1fl76 dated Apri1-20, 1970, as presente,d to Council in Committeeand iri_cluded in Report /!185 dated May 4, 1970 and ~\. •letter 9-45. Your_ Cc;>nnnittee recommends that the monthly pension of $55.00 and monthly telephone account be irtcreased t:o $85.00 mo1;1thly, which is to include the cost of the ta.lephorte effective June 1, 1970-. 2. _;Probation ,.. .J .• Harris Reference is .made to letter 11-21 from Town Superintendertt ·re extension of probatiortary period for J. liarris, for an additional three mortths_. Mr. liarris was elllployed irt November 1969 and normal probatiortary period expires May 1970. Your Committee recommends that the probatiortary period be extended until- August S1, 1970 and that a report be prepared by the Works Foreman and comments added by the Town Superintendent and submitted to Liaison Committee prior to August 15, 1970. Clauses l a.nd _2 cnrried Illingworth: Buck: "Resolved that the report of the Finance Committee, date!! May 21, 1970 re various items, be discussed item by item and accepted." CARRIED .-.,. 'i '.., ____ / J -~· !'" 'c1'· ., ·, .,, i. SPECIAL MEETING ~3io. JtiNit 8; .1910 · .. ,-,,:·:· '.:·' :_--_- . COUNCIL IN COMMIT!l'EE ·REPORT. NO. 195 A meeting of the Coufidl irt Comn\:i.i:i:~e w!l!i heid bri Wedhesday, .June 3., l970. Au.ifiembers. of Cbu~cii >te:;;-e present \•lfth the excepf:l~n of Reeve Butk, · riepili:y Re.,ve'Trent{-~Councillor Rar:d.s <111d Cotihcili& Milier. · .·· ·· · · · :·.<·: ' . .. --' t· l~ Council in Committee recommend that tjle tilingof Wimpey Park proceed witllout giants, tota~ cost not to exceed $4,000. and tl\at the money be taken ft;om t~e Capi ta1 Reserve Fubd. · ·· . · · · 2. 'The Coundl in Committee recommends that Mr. Wm. Girr be hired as a j>ark~ employee effective JunelS, 1970 at the rate quoted in Policy1A7, and further that Clause 8 of Committee Repe>rt iffl94 be approved wi~h '¥ViSed hOur~Y rate. · · · · · · · · · · · · · --.... " . '.:: 3" · ·p:i.scussi6ns wer~ ·h~ld with Council in Committee and representatives of the York C::ountY Jloard of Edu(:ati()n regarding. agreemen~ fe>r development and serVicit\.g' for the extension of McDonald Prive. A further report on this matter will' be subm£tted. . . ' -. Cla1.ise 1, 2 and 3 -Carried Illingworth: "Resolvec;l that the Council in Committee Report 1tl95 dated J'une 4, 1970 be> discussec! item by item and accepted and tlje s.,al of the C rJDratioCJ. bu attached hereto~ll Hend·erson:: CARRIED Bi-Laws By,-,Law Bucl<! 1886-70 Trent: "That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to levy an interim rate upon the taxable prpperty of the To~ ci£ Aurora for 'the taJ:atioh year 1910, and that the·· same be now read a first time~" Davis: Simmons: .,.,. ' ··cARRIED IIThat the By-J.aw now .b.efore the Council be read a seccmd. time and that the Council 'resbl've its<=lf into a Committee of the 'Whole for that p\.n;pose.". · ' ' _ . .-. . .C~IED · _-n·f Seccind reading of the By-Law approved in Open Council. Miller: Simmons: Trent: Henderson: "Resolved that the third reading of the By,-,Law be .presented for· consideratio:::-t," · -· ' -, CARRIED "That the By,-,Law now before the Coun<7il be read a third time tb,i~ day and ·that Rule 22 of By-Law No. l46il be suspenc)ed for that puipos.,." CARRiED SPECIAL NEETING -4-JUNE 8, l970 By-Law 188€1• 70 Trent: "That lhe third reading of the By-Law be taken as reado" Simmons! By-Law Niller: 1885~70 Stewart: UNFINISHED BUSINESS CARRIED •'•That the By-La>·J now before the Ciounc;:i.l be read a third time this . day o 11 CARRIED Regional Council Buc)t: .•"That a letter be sent to the Minister of Nun:l.cipal Affairs, Davis: .. requesting that the original proposal of 16 members, pius ~ .. . Standpipe. Davis: Repairs· Simmons: chairman for the new York Regional Council be adhered to and that the reasons be filly explainedo" CARRIED "Resolved that the Town Engineer be inst.ructed to have immediate repairs m.:ide to the water stqrage standpipe at a cost not to exceed $500o00 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached heretoo 11 CARRIED Firemen'·a Stipend:s ·Henderson: "Resolved that the Firemen's stipends from November 30, 1969 to Msy 31, 1970, in the amount of $:j.4,0,61o50 be paid and the Seal of the Corporation b.e attached hereto .. " Simmons: CARRIED Pa!!!!ing ;of Swimming Pool Tenders The following tenders were received· by the Recreation Committee for the painting of the swimming pool and building: Ron Tullock Painting and Decorating Kenneth Ro Jones $865o00 $1100o00 Niller: "Resolved that the tender of Mro Ron Tulloch in the amount of Simmons: $865o00 for the painting of the S>~imming Po.ol be accepted and that the mo:1ies be talwrr from the Capital Reserve and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached heretoo 11 Safety Patrol Miller: Banquet Stewart: CARRIED "Resolved that a banquet be held for all the children partic::pating in the School Safety Patrols at a tota:. cost not to exceed $275o00 and the Seal of the CorpoJ·ation be attached heretoo 11 Cili'1.RII:J {r,.!",''~- /: \ . ........,.- ;-0~, SPECIAL MEETING -5-JUNE 8; 1970 UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONT'D Yonge Street South Parking Signs Miller: "Resolved that parking ancl regulatory signs be placed on Yonge Stewart: Street South of Wellington Stre<>t as established by By-Law No. 1867 and that the purchase of the necessary s.igns be authorized and that the Seal of the Corporation be atti}Che:9-hereto." CARRIED Councillor Simmons requested that the :fi:ont of the Municipal Building be decorated for July lat. Councillor Henderson requested that the direction sign for Wellington Street be replaced at the intersection of Aurora Heights Drive and Haida Drive. Davis.: "Resolved that the Town Engineer be directed to have Dagmar Cons·tructio::. Trent: repair Mark Street and Yonge Street at r·rwtn Street immediately." Orchard Manor Apartments Miller: Simmons: HAYOR CARRIED Henderson: "Resolved that the Plattning Board be directed to prepare Harris: the necessary amendulent.s to the Official Plan and the Zoning By-Law to permit an apartment building at the south west corner of Yonge Street North and Orchard Heights Blvd.," CARRIED "Resolved· that the meeting beadjourned." (10:40 P.M.) CARRIED S/£4v CLERK ----1(