MINUTES - Special Council - 19691015' c,_, MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON OCI.OBER 15,1969 All present with the exception of Councillor Miller The Mayor read a letter received from Mr. James Johnston, President and Publisher of the Northumberland Publishers Ltd. Coburg. TRENT: SIMMONS "Resolved that the Cub and Scout Groups of the Town of Aurora are hereby authorized to hold "Apple Day" on Saturday, the 18th day of October 1969 in the Town of Aurora." Carried. A letter was read from J.D.Reid and Associates regarding the Sanitary Sewer Force main to be installed on Orchard Heights Blvd. in the total estimated cost of $5,080.00, The following resolution was presented: Tr,nt: Jmck\' "lilesolved that the sewer force main, as per specifications attached in the amount of $5,080,00 be approved and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, "and that the funds be withdrawn from the Wimpey Subr,- ivision Capital Rerserve ::!'1::::1, Carried. Committee of Adjustment Submissions - A 22 - A 23, Plan M 1310. The following resolution was presented: SJMMor· ~: "Resolved that the lot lines of lot 246 and 249 be re-arranged on a D.:ci'IS: straight line basis to compJ;v, with all regulations and to provided the required variance for the side yards of the homes in question." AMENDMENT HENDERSON: "Resolved that the previous motion be amended to allow the lot line STEWART : variation as recommended by the Committee of Adjustment and as to the survey attached hereto and that !legal survey bars be located at 1he points of the angies and that a letter be obtained from the future purchasers of these. lots by l.Jimpey Homes Ltd. and delivered to the Town to absolve the Town of any responsibility for the description of the lot line variance as shown. 11 Carried. Council directs that Norm Weller, Parks Superintendent , work along with Mr. Bansen Engineer, of Wimpeys regarding the park lands which were ded~ ""tod l.n tholr Sul!idildon. I Special Council - 2 - October 15,1969 MAYOR 1 S REPORT RE ARJBlTRATI ON The Arbitration Hearing between the Town of Aurora and the Aurora Police Assoc. was held before Judge W.J.Reynolds on 9 October, 1969 , at the Holiday Inn,Etobmcoke. The following awards and/or Agreements were made: 1. S.\LARIES -Effective _.[anuarx 1. ~ Sergeant Pai!;t'ol Serg. lat. Class Constable 2nd. Class Constable 3rd. Class Constable Probationary Cadet $8,600. $8,300. $8,000. $7 '700. $7,400. $6,600. $5,260. The right to bargain for wages and working conditions for any new rank created; 2. PLAIN CLarHEs ALLOWANCE $1.00 per day of authorized wear plus repairs or replacement of damaged item when destroyed or damaged in thep3rformance of duty. 3. ANNUAL VACATION 2 weeks after 1 year 3 weeks after 5 years 4 weeks after 15 years. In event of resignation, member to receive vacation before leaving; In event of death, estate to receive cash if vacation not taken by member, 4. HOURS OF \fORK 8 hour day, 40 hour week and up to 8 consecutive days without day off. The Chief of Police to ensure that at least 2 members of the Department are on duty and both immediatelY available for patrol. 5. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT: All members are to be covered by Workmen's Compensation arid are to tecmive full pay if injured on duty for a maximum of 1 year or until the Compensation Board has made its award. If a member is killed on duty, his estate is to receive 1 years salary. 6. SICK LEAVE CREDITS On retirement or on resignation after 5 years of continuance service, a member may take 5Cffo of his credits up to a maximum of 180 days. Time off due to injury, or disease, etc. while on duty and approved by the Workmen's Compensation Board, will not be deducted from Sick Leave Creits. ·! I i I I I I ' I I -3 - SPECIAL COL.'NCIL October 15,1969 MAYOR's REPORT RE ARBITRATI.Q!L 7. COURT Tll1E - A legal definition of terms to be included in ~greement. Off duty compensation to be $10.60 for each of morning, afternaon, or evening court or 4 hours in lieu thereof at member's option and subject to the exigencies of th~ service. Members to receive 3 days extra leave if he attends County Court or above while on vacation, and travelling expenses to be borne by the Town. Members to receive 1dtness fees. 8. sERVICE P!\X. After 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years $ 50.00 per year 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ll+. $100.00 II II $150,00 -,IT IT $200,00 II II $250,00 II II $300, 00 II II WITHDRAv-'N. CALL BAC~S -Eor any period of less than 3 hours, ] hours straight time ~o ' allo-wed. STA'(:UTORY HOLIDAYS Increased to ll days. Council to set 11th day. UFE IN_SURA!'fCE --Town to pay for 2/3 of $10,000. policy effective January l,l9?~ JI()E_OF PRIVATE {1-UTQ-14 cents a mile and maximum raised to ~f2.50 per day. CIEANii\'G ALLOVIANCE -Town to arrange for a contract with a local cleaner to clean and invoice Town on a as required basis 1;hen authOl- ized by the Chief. 15. lUNCH H~ -One hourper meal and to be taken at Police Station and subject to immediate recall. $2.50 for each out of to>m meal. $2.00 meal allowance if on duty in excess of 10 hours continuous duty. 16. UNIFORMS --Administrative. 17. IN SERVICE TRAINI~p-$25.00 per 1mek for out of pocket expenses at Police Coll€:::" 18. ASSOCIATION ACTIVIT:£ - A maximum of two acredited delegates may attend Annual meeting with up to 4 days pay. 19. CHANGE OF JURISDICATION -NO AUTHORITY. 20. ES'l'J\BL,TS:ffiiENT_OF liEj,J RANKS -See 1 B 21 -25 ADMINISTRATIVE. -4- SPECIAL COUNCIL October 15,1969 MAYORS REPORT RE ARBITRATION 26. SHIFI' BONUS NO CIVILIAN MEMBERS l. DISPATCHER l. $5,000.00 2. $4,750.00 3. Time and one half for any time worked in excess of 40 hours per week, compiled in conjuction with item 4. OTHER • • ITEMS 1. TElEPHONES 2. OVERTIME Town to pay 2~effective 15 October, 1969. Time and one half for any time worked in excess o8 40 hoUrs per week compiled in conjuction with Item 4. 1. It is recommended that a meeting be arranged with the Aurora Police Assoc. and the Liaison COillllllttee as soon as possible to work out implementation of some of the items e.g. overtime. Carried. 2. It is recommended that the Liaison Committee meet with Aurora Police Assoc. at least once eadl quarter or more often if required. Carried. 3. It is recommended that a letter of thanks be forwarded to our Solicitor for the excellent preparation of the Town brief and the presentation. Carried. 4. It is recommended that a letter be sent to the Attorney General regarding the biased and opinionated manner in which Judge Reynolds conducted the hearing. Henderson: ~solved that a letter be prepared for Council's consideration for submission to the Attorney General as recommended b.1 this clause." Stewart: Carried. SUPPU OF FUEL OIL Davis: Stewart: ''Resolved That the Tender of Taylor 1 s Fuels Ltd. for the supply . and delivery of Fuel oil for the period of November lst.l969 to October 3lst.l970 at 16.4 cents per gallon, package unit,"be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried. I ,( -5 - SPEC!.~ COLTNCIL October 15,1969 STEWART: "Resolved that. a ietter be :. sent to the Minister of Communications HENDERSON: and to J, Roberts p:t'testing the lack of mail delivery to new areas and that immediate consideration be given to the institution of mail delivery service to Phase 2 of the Golf Glen Subdivision and to Wimpey Subdivision as soon as the homes are occupied and practical for mail delivery, and further tha-b a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all adjacent munieipali-bies requesting their support and urging them to contact the Minister of Communic:a.tions regarding the curtailment of mail delivery in new areas of expansion." Carried. TRENT: '~solved that·a letter be sent to the Town Weed Inspector complimenting HENDERSON him for a job well done in the 1969 season." Carried, .The Town Engineer was requested to prepare a report on the Yonge St. N. retaining wells and bring this forth to council. SIMMONS: "Resolved that we endorse the Twp. of. King resolution with regards HENDERSON: to Regional Government, a copy of which is attached hereto." Carried. · / · The meeting adjourned at 10.50 P,M. ·'·-_