MINUTES - Special Council - 19681010,<' MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD. IN THE COWCIL CHAMBERS ON TllURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1968 at 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor C. F. Davis, Deputy Reeve J. Wi1iia.tilson, Councillors Buck, Davis , Illingworth and ~ller. Mayo;r Davis stated that the meeting was called to colttplete unfinished business and by-laws. Davis W: Illingworth: "Resolved that the delegation be beard and that the 12 hoti:t notice be waived." CARRIED DELEGATION Mr. Dave Hill, Chairman. of the Planning Board, presented a brief on beha;I.f of ihe members of the Board. ·The members of the Botird. felt that there were many frustrations and duplications in hav.ing both a Planning Committee and a Planning Board. Illingworth: Miller: "Resolved that our procedural by-law Be amended in such a 'li18.Y that our Planning Committee would no iongil:lj deal with planning matterliJ, but .would . be renamed and deal only with buiiding permits and related matter:jl; and that the procedure by-law be changed so that plans for development would be :f"orwarded to the Planning Board l:lY the Clerk wj. th an accompanying letter and that a copy of the .. Clerk 1 a letter. and developer's letter would be presented to Counc.il for ,information." ··· · Mayor Davis requested a recorded vote~ NAY .--~ 0 ==== MOTION CARRIED Mayor Davis requested the Planning Board to submit a report on their recommendation on the procedure to be followed in the type of plans to be forwarded directly to the ·Planning Board. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Williamson: Illingworth: "Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the release and discharge with regards 'to Blocks A, B, C, D and E, according to Plan 514." ,. •· . CARRIED , .. . , l'~· . : ., '•,',<.o.<~•"•'~O>>.• " ' ••-• ---""-"'~·-~~~,.,.--~.....,'>'~r.C:.·.='"""'·.-,-,-.-,-,-,----~,-._-c7""07''~--.--.---,--,·,o •~--.-,.,._-,,.,.,"".--c·~e . .--.-·o·<-•-·· ----·----·····--··-··--·---- I I ! ~--··-~ SPECIAL MEETING -2-· OCTOBER 10,·1968. UNFINISHEb BUSINESS CONT'D Davis W: "Resolved that up to $1,500.00 be allowed to the Minor Hockey Williamson: Association :for a banquet for the Little N .H.L. and the Seal of Davis W: Illingworth: BY-LAWS the Corporation be attached hereto, and this amount provided in the 1969 Budget • " CARRIED "Resolved that application be made to the Department of Highways requesting that the construction item of ~lass Drive from Murray Drive to Seaton Drive in the amount of $12,658.98 be transferred from construction to maintena.lice." CARRIED By-Law #1817-68 Miller: "That leave be given to introduce a By=Law to a.niend By-law Numbers 1496 and 1616 being By~Laws to fix tlie dates of nomination and electioh in the Town of Aurora and that the same be now read a first time." Buck: Davis W: Illingworth: Williamson: Illingworth: CARRiED "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole :for that purpose." CARRIED "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose." CARRIED Davis W: "That the third reading of the By ·-Law be taken as Illingworth: read." CARRIED By-Law #1818-68 Miller: "That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to amend By-Law Buck: No. 1562 and that the same be now read a first time." CARRIED Illingworth: "That the By--Law now before the Council be read a Williamson: second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for that purpose." Miller: Illingworth: CARRIED "That the third reading of the By-Law be held over until the next meeting of Council." CARRIED ' ·- !,_ .. ..: 'i"" SPECIAL MEETING -3-OCTOBER 10, 1968. BY-LAWS CONT'D By-Law #1816-68 Miller: "That leave be given to introduce a By .. ,Law to amend terms NEW BUSINESS Buck: of By-Laws 1521-1694 and that same be now read a first time •. , Illingworth: Williamson: Williamson: Davis W: CARRIED "That the By-Law,now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for that purpose." CARRIED "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 2~ of By-Law No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose." CAERIED Davis W: "That the third reading of the By-Law be taken as read." Miller: CARRIED PetlovruQy Property Councillor Illingworth presented a draft plan of development for the property on the West Side of Industry Street North for Council's consideration. Illingworth: Williamson: "Resolved that the draft plan be tabled and referred to the Town Engineer for his recommendations on size of services required and an estimated cost. 11 CARRIED Deputy Reeve Williamson gave Notice of Motion re: Industrial Committee. Councillor Davis "reported that the trailer business at the corner of Yonge Street and Aurora Heights Drive is carrying on business into the wee hours of the morning and residents are complaining about the noise. Illingworth: Davis W: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the owner informing him that complaints have been received on noise and safety and requesting that he meet with the Council. 11 CARRIED Councillor Illingworth requested that the Police Chief and Fire Chief be present at the meeting. · Davis W: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." (9:15P.M.) CARRIED "" '-£ d1l ''" MAYOi~ ~~ £j'~ CLERK v . ·'''·" ........