AUGUST 31, 1970 AT 8:00 P.M.
PRESENT: Nayor R. A. Illinguorth, Reeve E. Buck, Councillor Davis, Harris,
Henderson, Miller and Stewart.
Mr. C. Chisamore and Mr. J. Eastwood of the Air Management Branch of the
Ontario Department of Energy and Resources Management.
Mr. Chisamore presented an outline of the organization of the Department and,
in particular, the Abatement Section. York and Ontario Counties are one district
uith a district engineer and one inspector in each county. Nr. Chisamore
explained that they deal primarily with industrial emissions that do not meet
the regulations' air quality criteria. The burning of leaves comes under Section
11 of the Regulations of the Air Pollution Control Act, and burning leaves have
more a nuisance effect rather than a pollutant although some plants and leaves
do release pollutants when burned. Mr. Chisamore also advised that his
department, as a policy, co-operates in the burning of diseased elms.
Mr. Harriet of Kinney Shoes and Mr. T. McPherson appeared as a delegation and
Mayor Illingworth presented the requirements that the Town desires for the
severance of the property and the extension of Murray Drive. Mr. McPherson
advised that the parties involved agreed with the conditions.
"Resolved that the Tmm Solicitor be instructed to contact Mr.
McPherson and prepare the agreement. II
"Resoived that the 72 hour notice be waived and that the
representative of the Aurora Jaycees be heard."
Mr. Bob Stewart of the Aurora Jaycees stated that, although the Jaycees are
sponsored by one of the industries in Aurora, they felt that it was more
appropriate if the Town sponsored the cost of new jackets because of the
promotion of Aurora c.s Canada 1 s Birthday Town and he requested that the Finance
Committee give consideration to this aspect of their request.
Reeve Buck in the Chair.
Mayor Illing>TOrth presented a report of the Council in Committee in which the
Committee respectfully submitted the following:
Council in Committee met in the Council Chambers on Thursday, August 27, 1970
at 8:00 p.m.
l'lembers of Council present were: Mayor Illingworth, Reeve Buck, Councillors
Davis, Henderson and Simmons.
1. Consideration was given by those members present of all licence applications
turned into this date and consideration was also given to the lower fares referred
to by the Operators in the southern part of the County.
On checking it was realized that although the basic charge is 5 cents lower than
the present Aurora charge, in effect, the charges are actually higher than those
charged by the Aurora rates.
The Committee therefore recommends that the present rate structure in effect be
confirmed that no change be made at this time.
2. The Committee discussed Clause 32 of By-law 1397 which requires the wearing
of hats at all times. The Committee ~rould recommend that this clause be
repealed and that a Clause be inserted in an amending By-law to #1397 which
would require an identification picture, badge and the name of the driver to be
posted and visible to any passenger within the cab.
3. The Committee further recommends that the following conditions apply to any
Operator licenced in Aurora for Taxi Cabs:
1. That a dispatching office approved by the Town must be ma~ntained >~ithin the
Town of Aurora.
2. That a local phone number must be available.
3. That the Operator must provide 24 hour service, 7 days a week.
4. That a minimum of two cars be available, although not necessarily two cars
between the hours of midnight and morning.
'•· The Committee further recommends that application be .considered at the
Council meeting of August 31st. and those Operators who fulfilled these require-
ments in accordance with By-Law 1397 be approved at that time for licencing.
5. Kinney Sh~
The Committee considered a report of the Consulting Engineer and of the Solicitor
with regards to tentative Agreement with Kinney Shoes and recommends that these
items be discussed at the next meeting of Council on August 31, 1970.
Clause 1 and 2 -Carried
Clause 3 -Henderson: "Amendment: and that a dispatching office be provided
Ste>7Brt: •rithin 30 days of the granting of a licence or that
the card licence be revoked."
Niller: "Amendment: that the >lords 'approved by the Town' be added
Davis: after dispatching office in subsection 1 of Clause 3."
Clause 4 and 5 Carried.
"Resol;y<?d that Council in Conunittee report dated August 27, 1970
Henderson: ' No. 2t6, be discussed item by item and accepted, as amended."
·, ·-
Illingworth: "Resolved that taxi operator's licences be granted to Mr. Harold
Henderson: Hutchinson of Newmarket,-Miss Marilyn Hebb of Oak Ridges and Hr.
Gordon Beauchamp of Thornhill."
Mayor Illingworth in the Chair.
By-Law No. Hiller:
1889-70 Stewart:
"That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to amend By-Law
iffl397 which regulates and provides licencing of Taxi Cabs
in the Town of Aurora end that the same be now read a
first time."
Buck: "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second time lltld that
Davis: the Council resolve itself into·a Committee of the Whole for that
Second rading of the By-Law approved in Open Council.
Davis: "Resolved that the third reading be presented for consideration this
Buck: day."
Davis: "That the By-La'~ now before the Council be read a third time this
Henderson: day and that Rule 22 of By-Law No. 1468 be suspended for that
Davis: "That the third reading of the By-Law be taken as Jead."
Water Resources Committee ReEort No. ~
'Councillor Davis presented a report of the Water Resources Committee in which
the Committee respectfully submitted the follo>Jing:
The Water Resources Committee met at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 26, 1970 with
all members present. Mr. Jack Reid and Mr. Austin Reid were in attendance. TI--
follm<ing items •mre discussed:
1. Progress Report -Ralston Purina Pollution Control Plant -It is noted that
excavation has commenced but that the final plans have not been submitted for
approval. The Engineer ic to contact the company regarding final plans
including details of landscaping and tree planting. A further report will be
• .....
Water Resources Report No. 215 Cont'd
2. Sewage Waste Disposal -King Township (Letter 15-31 and 17-57) The Engineer
advised that the same procedure is being carried out as for several years
previous, when there were no complaints, and that this method of waste
disposal is acceptable to the OWRC providing certain proyisione are carried out.
TheEngineer will contact the OWRC re the King resolution and request that they
check and report to King To~mship and Aurora Council.
It is recommended that the Town Superintendent maintain close liaison with L~e
farmers to ensure that the sewage waste is covered within 48 hours in accordance
with the Department of Health's instructions.
3. Se~rage Pumping Station -Yonge Street (Progress Report). The engineer
advises that the pumping station should be available in early September and he
will obtain prices for digging the hole and making arrangements with Aurora
Hydro for pm•rer supply. A further report will be submitted.
4. Pump House -Well Pump (Letter 14-5). The new pumps to replace the present
pumps will be installed during the latter part of September after the peak water
period is over. It is recommended that the Engineer investigate a submersible
pump for the new well. If suitable and accepted by Council, the use of a
submersible pump will eliminate the need for a pump house.
5. Water & Sewage Improvements (Letter 10-23). The OWRC have noted that at
times the air supply·to the digester is reduced due to the plugging of the
diffusers. They recommend that a procedure be adopted that the diffusers are
cleaned on a regular basis and your committee concurs in this recommendation.
This policy is presently being carried out.
Your Committee also recommends that when the new pumps are installed, as out-
lined in paragraph 4 above, that arrangements be made to include a silica
treatment as developed by OWRC to assist in the removal of the iron content.
It is also recommended that the swabbing program be carried out on a regular
basis until the silica treatment has been fully developed.
6. Water Reservoir-(Letter 10-12). Soil tests for the selected site for the
water reservoir are reported as satisfactory. Due to the change in ownership
in the land, it is recommended that the Water Committee and the Engineer meet
with Wimpey Ltd. as soon as possible regarding the proposed site.
7. Mark Street -Swabbingof Main. In view of the recent complaints and the
results of the swabbing of the 12" main on Mark Street, it is recommended that
in future, the Water Department be authorized to flush and disinfect all new
water mains prior to acceptance by the Town.
It is also recommended that a Portable Chlorinator be purchased at an
approximate cost of $500.00 for disinfecting water mains.
8. Take-Over of Facilities by Regional Government. Due to the need to
determine the exact area of land on ;1hich the pollution control centre and uater
pump houses, etc. are located, it in recommended that an Ontario Land Surveyor
be employed to determine the meets and bounds of these areas.
Water Resources Report No. 215 Cont'd
9. Water Complaints -Apartments (Letter 17-22). Th~ Water Department have
investigated these complaints in conjunction ~~th the OWRC, but as yet have not
been able to trace the source of the complaint. The analysis of the water
samples have not been sufficient to obtain firm information. As a result,
arrangements have been made to install a charcoal filter for a short period of
time so that a greater sample of the sediment will be possible. A further
report will be submitted when this information is received.
10. Water and Sewage Capacity (Letter 12-4). The Engineer reports that in
general, the Town has good facilities for both water and sewer services.
In view of the forthcoming take-over of these services by the Regional Govern-
ment, it is recommended that we carry on with our present plans for improvements
to the water supply but that no new plans be considered until more information
is available as to the effect of Regional Government.
11. St. Andre~IS College (Letter 12-16). As St. Andrews College will be part of
the Town of Aurora fter Janua~; 1, 1971, it is recommended that the Water
Committee and the Engineer meet with officials of the College to discuss ways
and means as to how water and sewage may be improved.
12. Request for Service -R. Melbourne (letter 15-23). As Mr. Melbourne's
new residence will be ~Tithin the Totrn of Aurora after January 1, 1971, that he
be permitted to connect to the Town sanitary sewer and water services and
that the costs involved be the responsibility of Mr. Helbourne.
13. Wate~1orks Truck (Letter 5-6a). It is recommended that specifications
be prepared for a 3 ton chassis, so that a suitable body may be prepared best
suited for the needs of the Water Department.
14. Portable -Welding Unit. It is understood that a portable compressor and
welding unit, previously operated by Chapman Welding is available. "It is
recommended that this equipment be purchased and the cost shared between the
Water and ~rks Departments.
15. Water and Sewage Connection Rates (Letter 13-36). It is recommended that
matter be deferred until next year and until more knowledge re Regional
Government is available.
Clauses 1 to 15 inclusive (Carried)
11 Resolved that the Water Resources Report No. 215, dated August 28,
1970 be discussed item by item and accepted, and that the Seal oi
Corporation be attached hereto."
Reeve Buck in the Chair.
Mayor Illingworth presented a report of the Finance Committee in which the
Committee respectfully submitted the follo>1ing:
The Finance Committee met on Saturday, August 22, and interviewed 6 of the 7
applicants for the Municipal Caretaker's position.
1. The Committee wish to advise that Mr. Frank
effective August 31st, 1970 in this position at
Report 185, which was approved on May 4, 1970.
period to apply.
Thivierge be employed,
the wage scale provided for in
The usual 6 month. probationary
2. The Municipal Caretaker will be responsible for the cleaning of Victoria
Hall in addition to the Ymnicipal Building.
The Council therefore recommends that the Contract with Mr. D. Glass be
terminated upon his being given the proper notice.
Illingworth: "Resolved that the Report of the Finance Committ<;le ifF:217, dated
August 22, 1970, re MuniCipal Caretaker, be accepted." Henderson:
Mayor Illingworth in the Chair.
~apital Expenditure Eguipmen.!O
"Resolved that approval be requested of the Department of Munici·.•al
Affairs for the purchase of the following equipment from the Sui:.divisior
Capital Contribution Reserve Fund set up under Section 299 of , ... 2 Mun-
icipal Act, R.s.o. 1960:
Works Department:
Five Ton Dump Truck
One Ton Truck
Half Ton Truck
Two Ploughs & Harnesses
$8' 200.00
3,800.00 $ 17,700.00
Parks Department:
One Ton Truck $3,100.00 $ ....l.,19.!hQQ
$ 20,800.00
Due to the fact that these monies are not required or likely to be requi.red
for their original purpose."
Armx; Cadet Week
"Reoolved that the Mayor be authorized to proclaim the Week of ':to' ··
3rd. to lOth. Army Cadet Week in the Town of Aurora, and that ·::":10
Corps be allowed to hold a tag day on October 10, 1970."
G. Longhurst Davis:
OWRC Course Hendersont
Ont. Building Buck:
Officials Assoc. Harris:
Labour Day
-7-AUGUST Ji, 1970.
"Resolved that Glen Longhurst, Water Foreman, be
authorized to attend the OWRC Intennediate Course fc:o
water operators at the OWRC Laboratories from Octc ~· ,.
19 to 23, 1970 and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto."
"Resolved that A. E. Jubb, Building Inspector, be
authorized to attend the Ontario Building Officials
Association Conference in Hamilton from October 13 to
16, 1970 and the normal expenses be allowed and the
Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto."
"Resolved that the previous motion passed by the Nuni-
cipal Council on August 24, 1970 be recinded and th<J.·c
the Parks and Recreation Committee be granted the $30o.c·
to carry out the Annual Labour Day Celebrations,"
Buck: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." (10:25 P.M.)
MAYOR ,P&<v?;>"CLERK /