MINUTES - Special Council - 19701123·-'""~-. 11INUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HE'LD IN THE COUNCIL CHA11BERS ON l10NDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1970 AT 8:00P.M. PRESENT: l'iayor R, A, Illin~rorth, Councillors Davis, Harris, Henderson, Simmons and Ste,•rart. Henderson: "Resolved that a letter of condolences be cent to l'lr, William Fry Harris: on the loss of his ~:ife." CARRIED .:£~!'~.Motor Grader Class 6 Hayer Illing,<orth presented a verbal report. A meeting was held on Friday, November 20, 19 70 to open the tenders for the Motor Grader Claos 6 and the Industrial Tractor ,.,ith loader. Present "ere Hayer R. A. Illing,·Jorth, Deputy Reeve Trent, K, B. Rodger, Clerk, E. A. McGregor, Totm Superintendent and c. H. Duncan, Deputy Clerk. 1. c.-~~ Three tenders ~Jere received for the supply of a Notor Grader Class 6 as follo~rs: Dominion Road Machinery Co. Ltd. Wabco Equipment Canada Ltd. Crothers Ltd. 2. Jlndustrial Tractor and Loader $26,722.50 $30,660.00 $38,951.85 Seven Tenders Here received for the supply of an Industrial Tractor and Loader. Rumble Tractor & Equipment Art's Garage Queensville Ltd. International Harvester Co. Ltd. International Harvester Co. Ltd. Schomberg Ford Equipment Sales Ltd. Diesel & Electric Maintenance Supply Ltd. Condis Equipment Ltd. $6,876.85 $7,271.25 $7' 290.85 $7,792.95 $7,867,85 $7,887. 2l:. $8 ,0£,.3.00 / .._ Davis: Ste1•1art: "Resolved that the Tender quotation of Dominion Road Hachinery Company Limited, dated November 18, 1970, in the amount of $26,722.50 for the supply of a 160 h.p. Hotor Grader Class 6, be accepted and that ... ~he "- Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." ~ CARRIED D2.vie: "Resolved that the Tender for the supply of an Industrial Tractor anc: Stewart: loader be tabled until further info:rmation is received from the Treasurer. 11 CARRIED ------ ~~-"'"" SPECIAL !1EETING -2-NOVEMBER 23, 1970" Henderson: "Resolved that the Clerk be authorized to write to the Ontario Simmons: l!'iunicipal Board to seek approval for an increase in the 1970 Capital quota and for the undertaking of the construction of the '•rater reservoir and the reconstruction of Kennedy Street Vlest and for the isoue of up to tlrenty year debentures in the appro::dmate amount of $165,000.00 for the water reservoir and for the iscue of ten year debentures for the Kennedy Street West reconstruction." CAIUUED Stmtart: "Resolved that the meeting be e.djourned. 11 (3: 20 P ol•lo) Davis: CARRIED MAYOR ~A~-r-A CLERK \