MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1970 AT 8:00P.M.
Present: Mayor R. A. Illingworth, Reeve E. Buck, Deputy Reeve W. Trent,
Councillor Devis, Harris, Henderson, Miller, Simmons and Stewart.
Mayor Illingworth expressed the Council's regrets of the recent death of
Mr. Alex Bell, former Mayor of Aurora.
Mr. Bookman of Bancora Developments and his architect Mr. Bowman, presented
a proposal for the development .of the fifteen acres at the north west corner
of Yonge Street North and Orchard Heights Drive. The proposal includes some
commercial and low rise apartments at a density of thirty units per acre.
Stewart: "Resolved that the proposed development t, Bancora Developments be
Harris: referred to the Plimning Board."
Mr. Rohf of Consolidated Building Corporation appeated as a delegation to
request services for the proposed development by Baacora. He advised that the
purchase agreement for the lands by Bancora Develop~nt from his Company
included the servicing.
Buck: "Resolved that a copy of the Wimpey Subdtvision Agreement be
Henderson: forwarded to Mr. Rohf•"
Deputy Reeve Trent in the Chair.
Finance Committee Report No. 199
Mayor Illingworth presented a report of the Finance Committee in which the
Committee respectfully submitted the following:
The Finance Committee met at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 18, 1970 with Mayor
Illingworth and Reeve Buck present. The following items were 4iscussed.
1. Letter 12-48 from Parks and Recreation Committee requesting that the
Recreation Director's phone be connected to the main switchboard in the Town
Your Committee concurs with this request and recommends that Bell Telephone
be authorized to make the necessary installation changes.
2. Letter 11-33 from Parks and Recreation Committee requesting that the Town
become the Treasurer for the Committee as previously discussed, and that an
appointment be made to the Committee.
(a) Your Committee recommends that the Town Treasurer be responsible
immediately for the books of the Aurora Parks and Recreation Committee and
that a monthLy statement be prepared and forwarded to the Committeee in a
similar manner as presently in effect for the Community Centre.
Finance Committee Report ;No. 199 Cont•c!
(b) There was some disttission as to the advi~ability of making an appointment
to fill the vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Committee until a policy has
been set as to its future after Regional Government. However, as the
Committee will be required to operate for the balance of the year, in any
case, your Committee concurs is the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation
Committee and recommends the appointment of Mrs. Marjorie Dawson until
December 31, 1970.
3. Letter 12-37 from H. E. Hartley Consultant Ltd. enclosing an invoice for
$400.00 for consultant fees for planning and preparation of the report and
tender policies for the term insurance for Town employees.
Your committee recommends the payment of this account in the amount of $400.00
as previously approved, and that Mr. Hartley assume any expenses that may be
due Charles Kench and Associates, who were the original consultants.
4. Letter 9-10 from Tt;·•n Solicitor re Joseph Ierfino, 40 Yonge Street North,
regarding a claim for damages due to constructi·cn of Yonge Street.
Your Committee reviewed this letter in conjunction with previous correspondence
dating back to November 6, 1969. The solicitor advises that in his opinion
"the damages claimed ao:e to indirect to form the basis of a liability claim
for compec-,sation11 • You:: Committee concurs with the comments of the solicitor
and reco~~e~ds that no =~rther action be taken at this time and the solicitor
advised accordingly.
5. Letter 13-14 from the York CountybBoard of Education re their 1969 audited
Financial Statement.
Your Committee reviewed the statement and have no comments or recommendations
to submit.
6. Letter 9-12 from Dale and Company Ltd. enclosing the invoice for
$6,845.13 which is the annual invoice payment.
Your Committee recommends that payment be made as outlined.
7. Letter 9-8 from Reed, Shaw, Osler Ltd. enclosing an invoice for $2,075.00
for annual insurance coverage.
Your Committee recommends that payment be made as outlined.
8. Town of Aurora 1969 Financial Report. Your Committee reviewed the
Financial Report and is pleased to report that the Finances of the Town are
in a sound condition and that a surplus of $7,130.00 was realized on 1969
9. Treasurer's Financial Report for period ending May 31, 1970.
Your Committee reviewed the financial report for all departments for the
period ending May 31, 1970. In general, all departments are operating well
within their budget except for the items listed below:
Finance.Committee Report.No. 199 Cont 1 d
9. Cont'd
1. General Office 34-6 Subscriptions Budget $100. Spent $164.35
2. Fire Department 601-4 Dues Memberships $ 50. Spent $ 55.00
701-11 Cleaning Supplies $ 75. Spent $.15.12
3. Police Department 603 Police Govn. Authority $ 75. Spent $ 84.95
-25 Promotion Advertising $100. Spent $113.84
-33 Safety P-romotion -Lecture SpJ"nt $ 69.50
-34 Safety Promotion-Spent $ 8.55
4. Pollution Control 641-15 Chlorine $4,000. Spent $4,551.05
Your Committee recommends that the respective Department Head and the Purchasing
Agent be advised regarding the above and that no further purchases be made
.on the listed items without prior authorization of Council.
Your Committee also recowmends that the respective Department Head and the
Purchasing Agent be forwarded a copy of the monthly budget reports and that
care is to be taken that no item is to be overspent without prior-authorization
of Council.
Clause 1 -Carried
Clause 2 (a) -Carried
Clause 2 (b) -Carried
Clause 3 -Carried
Clause 4 -Carried
Clause 5 -Carried
Clause 6 -Carried
Clause 7 -Carried
Clause 8 -Carried
Clause 9 -Buck: "Amendment: that P.c.c. account for chlorine be deleted
Davis: fr01a the report. 11
Illingworth: "Resolved that the Finance Committee. Report ifol99, dated June 18,
Buck: 1970 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended 'and the
Seal of t>te Corporation be· attached hereto."
Council in Committee Report No. 198
Mayor Illing>1orth presented a report of the Council in Committee in which
the Committee respectfully submi ttec1. the following:
A meeting of the Council in Commi t.tc.e was held in the Council Chambers' on
Tuesday, June 16, 1970 at 8:00 P.!;,
All members of Council were present <?ith the exception of Deputy Reeve Trent,
who attended the H.V.C.A. meeting. Councillor Stewart and Councillor Harris
who attended the Planning Board meeting.
l. The Committee recom:nendthat Mr. :Cierb Rolling and Mr. C. Duncan be
authorized to attend the Metropolitan Toronto Region Conservation Authority
Grounds to inspect the used equipment which is for sale and to bring a report
back to Council, prior to the finali"ation of the sale dates.
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SPECIAL Mfi:ETING -4-JUNE 22, 1970.
Council. in Cornmi ttee Report No. F'l Cont' d
2. A letter from the Chief of Police regarding holidays and convention
The Committee recommends that Council concur with the contents of this letter
but that a precident not be set for allowing two senior staff members to be
absent at the same time.
3. Reference to the York County Board of Education letter regarding Capital
Lot Levies
The Committee recommends that Council go on record and advise the York
County Board of Education, the Minister of Education and Mr •. Wm. Hodgson, our
local representative that while the Council agrees that something must be done
aboutcapital costs we do not agree with the methods proposed by the York
County Board of.Education for the collection of capital levy. Now therefore
the Council of the Town of Aurora requests that a Joint Committee of Council
and School Board representatives be set up to study the problem of Capital.
Costs for Efucation purposes.
4. Reference Letter 12-18 -Queens Yo:~:k Rangers
The Committee recommends that we advise the Queen's York Rangers that the land
of the Town Park was donated for park use and because of the conditions under
which this parkland was deeded and because of possible danger to Children with
the compound the Council regrets that they cannot concur with the request.
5. David Merkur -Billings Well -Aurora Shopping Centre
The Committee recommends that. a meeting be arranged between Council in
Committee and Mr. D. Merkur and representatives at a mutually agreeable date
regarding the zoning of the Aurora Shopping Centre and the Billings Well
6. Meeting of Council in Committee with Del Zotto Enterprises
Representatives, Mr. Del Zotto and Mr. D. Seaward met with Council in
Committee to discuss the extension of McDonald Drive southerly, and further
details will be made at a later date.
The Committee recommends that the Town Engineer check as soon as possible;
(a) what grants would be available for any portion of the construction of
the McDonald Drive extension.
(b) What alternate routes would be available for sanitary sewer other than
within the road allm<ances of McDonald Drive extension.
The Committee further recommends that Mr. Reid be requested to attend a
meeting of Council in Committee on Monday, June 22nd, 1970 at approximately
9:00 P.M.
Clause 1 -Carried
Clause 2 -Carried
Clause 3 -Carried
Clause 4 -Carried
Clause 5 -Carried
.Clause 6 (a)-Carried
Clause 6 (b) -Carried
-~------'-~~~~-~'"~·--·-~· '-~~-·~-....c..-·~••"""-"'-··~-~j_"~~~===r...--"""'...,-"""'"''"""'"=~----'-~·~~----····~--·•·--·---·-·-·-·-··
SPECiAL MEETING -5-JmlE 2:l, 1970.
Council,in Committee Report No. 188 Cont'd
"Resolved that the report of the Council in Committee ffo198
re various items be discussed item by item and accepted."
Mayor Illingworth in the Chair.
Trent: "Resolved-that paymen't certificate ffo4 re Contract ffo74 Reconstruction
Davis: of Yonge Street Stage 11 to Dagmar Construction Ltd. in the amount
of $90,063.24 be paid, as recommended by the Town Engineer, and the
Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto."
Tren.t: "Resolved that the account of "Seymour's Budget Centre-Newmarket",
Davis: in the amount of $546.21 for the supplying of work clothing for
the ou:tside staf:f; b_e approved .and the _Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto."
Church Street
School Bldg.
Henderson: "Resolved that the request to erect two portable
Davis: buildings by the York County Board of Educa1;ion
at the Church Street Building be approved, provided
that the building; are constructed of firepr,oo_f
material so"
George St. Councillor Henderson withdrew from the Council table.
T-rent: "Resolved that the report of J. D. Reid and Associates be referred to
Davis: the Building and Development Committee for the preparation of a
Subdivision Agreement and that the Town Solicitor be requested to
adviBe what action should be taken on the doubtful ownership of the
lands referred to in Mro Reid's reporto 11
Deputy Reeve Trent gave Notice of Motion that an agreement be entered into with
the _Holland Valley Conservation Authority for the improvement of stream banks
in the ':!'own of Aurorao
:Simmona: "Resolved that _the meeting be adjoU'!med 11 o (9:45)
~~~ %6~/